Smash Rookie
Hello, everybody. My name's Kooramja and I'm here looking to improve my Smash 4 game.
Currently, I play 7 characters (mainly Ness) and I would say I'm pretty good except I lack the skill to tech, short hop, and perform the other fundamentals that make up the competitive foundation of Smash 4. I have been practicing these skills recently since I want to attend a local tournament this Saturday, but I still need a lot of training if I want to do my best.
Otherwise, I'm just here to make new friends, have fun, and learn as much as I can to become better. With the help of the Smash community, I think I will be able to get where I want to be.
I thank you all for your time and I look forward to being a part of the community here. If any of you need me, I'll be in my shell.
Currently, I play 7 characters (mainly Ness) and I would say I'm pretty good except I lack the skill to tech, short hop, and perform the other fundamentals that make up the competitive foundation of Smash 4. I have been practicing these skills recently since I want to attend a local tournament this Saturday, but I still need a lot of training if I want to do my best.
Otherwise, I'm just here to make new friends, have fun, and learn as much as I can to become better. With the help of the Smash community, I think I will be able to get where I want to be.
I thank you all for your time and I look forward to being a part of the community here. If any of you need me, I'll be in my shell.