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A dedede n00b lookig for advice [tilts]

King GeGeGe

Smash Rookie
Apr 20, 2008
england jeh
As I play Dedede i find the most effective style of play at my level is tilt spammin to just poke them away until i can get a smash in. Can someone give and idea what i should do to improve upon this?


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
Don't neglect DDD's grabs. He's got one of the longest reaches in the game. A combo I like to use is Grab -> Down Throw -> Forward Tilt -> Side B. This can facilitate a kill if a gordo comes out and they are at 70% +.

DDD's jab routine is also a good spacing technique and it can interrupt your opponents momentum. If they don't see it coming, the third hit of the jab can rack up a lot of damage if they are DI-ing the wrong way when it starts. I've gotten as much as 50% on Pikachu due to poor DI.

Here's a video demonstrating the combo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETgAdNLaSxM

Here's a video demonstrating good and bad DI vs DDD's jab: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xUUIZi0wBc

Bad DI: 00:08

Good DI: 00:39
Good DI: 2:10
Good DI: 2:27


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
I'd also like to ppoint out, that sometimes when you f-tilt spam your opponent will roll near you to counter. Here you have a few options. You can grab them, d-tilt, or d-smash. I happen to use d-tilt to stop people from rolling into me, I can't seem to time the d-smash right.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006
Brawltimoremd, MD
grabs are good. but shield grab is even better. you can shield grab through almost anything with good timing. and if your shield is getting low, you can roll, you can spot dodge, grab, or jump + x(being anything good after a jump)

but agreeing with previous posts use dtilt and ftilt for damage, and dodge utilt or nair utilt for some easy kills.

seriously though learn about his back roll and spot dodge it'll help you alot. luck


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
No offense but you should look at other threads (even though these guys have good info) you will get more info that way because many people before you have posted many similiar threads. Just saying after reading these if you still want more info check the rest of the threads.
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