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A Bad Day On For Glory


Smash Rookie
Aug 30, 2015
I'm never one to get upset over a For Glory match. If I get rekt drastically, and the guy I'm facing against changes his tag to "U SUCK", or something like that, I couldn't care less. But today I got rather salty because of just how many players I came across who were just plain... mean.

For some reason today there were SO MANY players I came across that were jerks. I talking every 2 to 5 players were cocky. This one guy would taunt in the middle of battle for seemingly no reason, then teabag, and then after the battle was over he changed his tag to "WAS E Z" (was easy). Which I'm guessing means that I was an easy opponent :/. Though I must admit, I was off my game today.

But, their were also people I won against, who were still jerks. I beat this guy who played Ryu using my Mewtwo, and he changed his tag to "FU-BISH". And then, THE VERY NEXT BATTLE (against a different player), I won a battle against someone's Charizard (I was also playing Charizard, what a coincidence), and he changed his tags to "LUCKY" and "URNOTGUD" over and over again. This player also taunted when he managed to get a kill, even though he was at 120% on his last stock. I disconnected immediately, even though I new I would be able to beat him again. (It's kind of funny to get people on For Glory angry like that, though.)

Stuff like this kept happening over and over again. It was getting kind of annoying.

Now stuff like this RARELY happens to me. I'm not a player that rolls a lot, spams projectile, or uses Sonic. I'm not an annoying player to fight against (or at least I don't think I am). I never taunt or teabag, either. I never do anything to try to get on people's nerves. Every once in a blue moon I'll come across a player who changes their tag in a way to tell me how bad I am. In fact, I get quite a few "GG"'s and "GOODGAMES"'s. But today I didn't get any "GG"'s or "GOODGAMES"'s, only "UR BAD", "URNOTGUD", other various mean tags, and taunting and teabagging. I've never come across so many butthurt or cocky players.

Is it just a coincidence that I came across so many people like this today? Eh, most likely, but it's still annoying.

Yeah I do suck at this game (my win rate is 50%), but why point it out? I'm trying to git gud. And if you lose against someone like me, then maybe you need to git gud instead of telling me that I got lucky. And if you win against me, then maybe you should calm down instead of getting the biggest adrenaline rush of your life.

If you read this whole thing, thank you for your time. And sorry for wasting your time.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2015
California, Bay Area
It's like any other game when you play online that has any sort of message system. There will always be those people who just honk their horn and even rub it in in a crude way when they win

But hey, I'd like to see those guys play actual games in person with someone next to them. The fact that they are alone without other people watching them play is what allows them to talk crap. Maybe they are actually somewhat decent but I'm like 99% sure that no players that play regularly offline will be so disrespectful online. You go to a tournament and everyone is respectful. Heck, my first tournament had plenty of unskilled players but we still respected each other and had fun.

Back on topic, those guys blowing their horn? Don't take it seriously because honestly it's not worth it. Just leave as soon as you start seeing those BM tags otherwise your only annoying yourself by staying to send a tag back or trying to win against them.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I think I am the only one who never pays attention to other players' tags in Smash.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Don't stoop to there level no matter how tempting it is. Just keep practicing and beat the shiz out of them once you perfected your craft.

I usually have the "PLAYAGAIN" tag if they start taunting nonsense if they manage to beat a character I'm trying out. Ha ha! Then if they take the bait, I'll bring out my
Donkey Kong "GRODD" or Captain Falcon "JADE.EAGLE" or my Link "STALLION." I usually 2 stock them and knock them off there pathetic pedestal.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
But, their were also people I won against, who were still jerks. I beat this guy who played Ryu using my Mewtwo, and he changed his tag to "FU-BISH". And then, THE VERY NEXT BATTLE (against a different player), I won a battle against someone's Charizard (I was also playing Charizard, what a coincidence), and he changed his tags to "LUCKY" and "URNOTGUD" over and over again. This player also taunted when he managed to get a kill, even though he was at 120% on his last stock. I disconnected immediately, even though I new I would be able to beat him again.
I do not get why this is annoying. Personally when I play a game where you can chat and win and my opponent gets angry then I enjoy it. If he gets angry then he is a jerk and it also means that I got him salty so I got a jerk salty. Jerks kind of deserve that anyway so why would I care? In fact I even enjoy it sometimes.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 25, 2015
Somewhere in the year 200X
I do not get why this is annoying. Personally when I play a game where you can chat and win and my opponent gets angry then I enjoy it. If he gets angry then he is a jerk and it also means that I got him salty so I got a jerk salty. Jerks kind of deserve that anyway so why would I care? In fact I even enjoy it sometimes.
Honestly it all differs based on personality an opinions but right down to it it's understandable that someone could get upset over this type of thing considering the situation, however I personally think they should just not be on For Glory to begin with.

KevN くコ:彡

Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I've pretty much stopped playing FG. I may play a few games, but I won't stay for more than 10 or so minutes. And this is one of the reasons why. I know I shouldn't care what they do, but it does upset me. Like Chalice said, go to a tourney, everyone respects one another. Even anther's ladder has a friendly atmosphere. For Glory, however, you can't go a few games without a kid or, pathetically, a grown adult hurling insults and just being toxic in general.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Grand Blanc, Mi
I stopped playing DH if i play FG. I could use 1 can, not hit anything and still be called a spammer.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2015
This is one of these times were I actually feel good about a feature being left out on the 3DS version.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2010
Can't change tags on 3DS For Glory, so I'm just over here in my little world where everyone's nice and taunting at the end of a match is just friendly ribbing and not symptomatic of toxicity at all! Is that worth putting up with the bad controls? Interesting question. The answer is no. No it is not.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2015
New York
I'm sorry for what happend, dude. Just report the salty players you see and move on.
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