Smash Journeyman
Scans have recently surfaced on the Brawl Central website www.brawlcentral.com showing a Brawl guide. This guide has the most complete information to date regarding characters and their attacks. Not to mention percentages that clarify how characters differ in weight and attack power.
This guide lists all the characters shown on the Dojo site except for Sonic and Snake. Thus I have concluded that we have our starting roster, and this is a guide that covers those characters.
Sakurai has already mentioned that Snake and Sonic are unlockable. Thus we are left with 21 characters. That would give us a nice rectangle on the character select screen when we start the game. 3 rows of 7. Or perhaps rows of 9, 7 and 5. And the random select would be like in Melee, outside the characters block.
It makes perfect sense. Sakurai always intended to reveal the entire starting roster before Brawl was originally scheduled for release. Olimar was the final piece. This would explain that lame stretch where we got no new characters. It was just filler after the first American delay was announced. Otherwise the character updates would have been consistent through Dec. 3rd.
Sakurai knew what he was doing all along. He only added in Sonic and Snake for publicity reasons. I dont see why else he would want to reveal unlockables.
I dont care what the prophets say. Ill go with what is shown in a published guide. At the same time it does not explicitly state anywhere in the scans that the 21 characters are the starting roster. But I just dont see how it could be otherwise.
Its been so obvious. And Im sure many people have already suspected it. Now this guide all but confirms it.
This guide lists all the characters shown on the Dojo site except for Sonic and Snake. Thus I have concluded that we have our starting roster, and this is a guide that covers those characters.
Sakurai has already mentioned that Snake and Sonic are unlockable. Thus we are left with 21 characters. That would give us a nice rectangle on the character select screen when we start the game. 3 rows of 7. Or perhaps rows of 9, 7 and 5. And the random select would be like in Melee, outside the characters block.
It makes perfect sense. Sakurai always intended to reveal the entire starting roster before Brawl was originally scheduled for release. Olimar was the final piece. This would explain that lame stretch where we got no new characters. It was just filler after the first American delay was announced. Otherwise the character updates would have been consistent through Dec. 3rd.
Sakurai knew what he was doing all along. He only added in Sonic and Snake for publicity reasons. I dont see why else he would want to reveal unlockables.
I dont care what the prophets say. Ill go with what is shown in a published guide. At the same time it does not explicitly state anywhere in the scans that the 21 characters are the starting roster. But I just dont see how it could be otherwise.
Its been so obvious. And Im sure many people have already suspected it. Now this guide all but confirms it.