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2012 London Olympic Games


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
I don't understand the thought process here.

Sure I'll make a thread showing scantily clad women under the guise of an Olympics thread.

How does this make sense?

If you want actually want to talk about the Olympics you are more than welcome to.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Rofl @ getting infracted for posting pics/gifs of the Olympics that has no age level rating. I mean toddlers watch this **** with their parents. I don't understand YOUR thought process. Sorry that they're athletes and not chicks like ScarJo dressed as wonderwoman or some **** that all the anime fapping nerds on this forum drool over.

Thanks I guess for showing me that there's a mod gayer than Dr. Peepee.

"Dear Dorsey,

You have received a 1 point infraction at Smash World Forums for Minor Inappropriate Content. If you have six or more infraction points, you will no longer be able to post at Smash World Forums until some of your points expire."

"3. No Explicit Profanity or Inappropriate Material
Smash Boards strives to maintain a family-friendly site. Content that may be considered offensive is not allowed, at the discretion of the staff. Smash Boards employs an automatic censor to remove some vulgar language; do not attempt to bypass the censor. Do not post content that is excessively vulgar, profane, graphic, or violent in nature. Pornography and other sexually explicit material is strictly prohibited. Nudity of all forms is also strictly prohibited. Additionally, discussion about engaging in drug and/or alcohol use is not allowed, regardless of a user's age or laws in his/her jurisdiction.

If in doubt about whether some content is permissible under this rule, ask a moderator before posting it; posting something that you think is borderline or pushing the limits could result in your ban, so please do ask first if an image is treading a fine line.

Censor Dodging - 1 point, 7 days
Inappropriate Content, mild - 1 point, 7 days
Inappropriate Content, major - 3 points, 21 days
Pornography/Nudity/explicit Images - Indefinite ban, subject to administrator's discretion"

the Rated-G Olympics on a social-based forum section isn't treading on a fine line. You're the one who broke the rules. If you truly cared about making it perhaps more "Family friendly" then all you had to do was add a little note in the title.

So I guess you either hate attractive, successful, athletic women or you slipped this time with your moderating. Take your pick.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Ok, I know he'll probably be infracted for that too (even though he's posting in something called a Gentleman's Club, you'd think the rules wouldn't be so strict. I mean, we're posting in a strip club, a ***** club, for reals), but he has a point. You say scantily clad women, but the REST OF THE WORLD understands that those are strong, athletic, world-class athletes in the official attire of the pro circuit. For example, did you know that they actually had to make an exception in the rules to allow for the beach volleyball players to wear long sleeves this year because it's not as hot in London? In fact, the official dress used to be either a one-piece or a top with shorts, and the women fought for the usual bikini top and bottomm because to them it made more sense to play in that. Their usual, rule-enforced attire is what you would consider scantily-clad. Tomato, tomahto? I suppose there just weren't enough Matt Grever pics.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
If you believe you have received an infraction in error, you may take it up in forum disputes, or you may discuss it with the moderator over PM's.

Otherwise, let's talk Olympics.
I haven't gotten to watch any because I don't have cable. :mad:
Women's Gymnastics did well though...
Phelps is lolold and can hardly compete apparently.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
You're missing all the boxing controversy. Two refs so far have either taken bribes or ruined someone's Olympic dream by DQ. I'm loving the drama.
Lolo didn't run yet so I'm not too excited.

Also, since this thread was originally intended for a different subject than just the Olympics, I'll give an update on that as well. The women's beach volleyball teams switched back to the bikini tops and bottoms since the weather cleared up. I think it was Ross from America that brought up her excitement that they got to switch back to the right uniforms.
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