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2 questions here


Smash Rookie
Apr 17, 2008
Laurel MD (near Baltimore)
1. How many frames do I have to cancel Wolf's illusion. It seems like it's actually harder in Brawl than it was in Melee to cancel illusions, but Melee was 30 fps and Brawl is 60. Do the spacies just move faster when doing the illusion now?

2. Does anybody have any particularly good approach strategies they use against Olimer. He's the only one still giving me a LOT of trouble on the approach. Once I'm within his smash range, I'm alright, but he's one of the few characters that plays well against Wolf using his ranged attacks. Also, I have to take time to get those pikmin off!


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
melee was 60 fps

wolf's blaster bayonet can hit away pikmin if timed right, and i believe his nair knocks them off too (and of course shine is great for that)

typical bair stuff for "approaching" should be fine against olimar; just try to stay at an angle for him (not directly above him but not directly in front of him either) and you'll be in a dead spot where he can't really reach quickly with his more effective moves (in this case usmash and grab/fsmash) - his range at that angle is actually quite poor (limited to SH nair/fair or even up-b) so your bair should be very safe so long as you act immediately after hitting the ground instead of lingering (which will most likely get you grabbed)


Smash Rookie
Apr 17, 2008
Laurel MD (near Baltimore)
I haven't tried the approach facing backwards. I'll do that. I don't know if staying at an angle above him is a good idea though. If he busts out a yellow, blue, or white pickmin, I'll be ok, but those reds and purples can kill with his fair. I'll have to see if Wolf's bair has higher priority.

And was melee really 60? It would make sense I guess, because it doesn't seem any easier to cancel the illusions or DI out of a lot of stuff in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
if you get him with your bair, he has a decent chance of block>grabbing you.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
You have 3 frames to get the illusion cancel, so it's hard to get right and fairly pointless at that. As there is no real use for it. Also once the pikmen are on you using the blaster knocks them off and far away.
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