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04/25 SSB Melee & Brawl Tournament


Smash Cadet
Apr 19, 2008
Augusta, GA
This is in Augusta, GA
The Tournament Center

Each tournament will be $15.00 each

Time: 2pm - til over
Entry Fee: $15.00 ($10.00 to the pot & $5.00 to the house)
Price: 1st - 70% of the pot
2nd - 20% of the pot
3rd - 10% of the pot
Third: 10%

SSB Melee
House rules are as followed:
1. No horseplaying,or cursing while In Tournament Play.
2.Tournament Center will not be liable for anything left at TC after the tournament
anything stolen or broken.
(Also please note no modded controllers of any sort Staff will inspect any controllers when they think it may be a possibly Mod,
no programmable controllers are permitted. Any painted controllers will be allowed.)
3.Semifinals and Finals will be recorded and posted on our forums (at http://tcofaugusta.net/phpBB2/index.php) and others under The ATC tag.
4.Food will be on sell: soda's and other food which can be ordered by us if the money if given to order it.
5. If you are bringing a bag we must check it at the door and it will be kept in the Office. Have any questions about this Please Ask Me or call the store.

Tournament Rules:
1. 4 Stock 8 mins matches best out of 3. Except for Finals which are best out of 5. (Finals is 5 Stock 8 Mins)
2. Double Elimination Tournament style. If you lose you fall to the Loser Bracket. If you lose in the Loser Bracket your Off the Tournament list ^^;;
3. Ties broken by % and stocks left at the end of the match, Sudden death if Stock and % is the same.
4. The 1st round stage will be chosen by Random, or a stage both players agree on. Maps can be played more than twice if the players agree on it.
5. Winner stays character loser may change. loser will select new stage.
6. Damage ratio 1.0% and Self-destruct is -1
7. And of course no items.

1. Singles random select stages: Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Dreamland 64 & Pokemon Stadium
2. Stages not listed on the random select list that are not banned are open for counter picks by the losing player.
3. Stages banned for Singles Only: Great Bay and Mushroom Kingdom 2

6. Stages banned: Yoshi’s Island (Pipes), Fourside, Hyrule Temple, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Mushroom Kingdom 1, Venom, Yoshi's Island 64, Peach’s Castle,
and Kongo Jungle, Onett.

Other Rules:
1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch),
or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it unable to be finished are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match,
such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic, a judge
may force you to stop and lose a life and continue the match short a stock.
4. Players/teams may designate a coach when they register for a competition, however, this coach may not be registered as a player for either a Singles or Doubles competition. Coaches may not instruct
players during games, but may consult with players for a maximum of 1 minute between games. Once the stage for the next game has been selected, players may not talk to their coach.
Also referee's will be watching the matches for any violation the match will be forfeited.

SSB Brawl

Time: 2pm - til over
Entry Fee: $15.00 ($10.00 to the pot & $5.00 to the house)
Price: 1st - 70% of the pot
2nd - 20% of the pot
3rd - 10% of the pot
-- Best 2/3 (Finals 3/5)
-- 3 stock
-- 7:00 Time Limit
-- Ties broken by lives, then percentage.
-- Double Elimination (Unless entrants exceed 64, in which we WILL do pools to bracket)
-- First Stage is either agreed upon or random (Neutrals) after the initial selection of characters.
-- Stage Strike: Each person strikes one stage for the entire set. This stage must be selected at the beginning of the match, after initial characters have been chosen.
-- Dave's Stupid Rule: No stage may be picked twice if the choosing player has already won on that stage.
-- Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random.
-- Items OFF
-- Final Smashes OFF
-- 5 Neutrals: Battlefield, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Yoshi's Story
--14 Counterpick stages: Battleship Halberd, Brinstar, Castle Siege, Delfino Plaza, Electroplankton, Frigate Orpheon, Green Greens, Jungle Japes, Luigi's Mansion, Norfair, Pirate Ship, Pokemon Stadium 1, Pokemon Stadium 2, Rainbow Cruise
-- NO Refunds

BYOC: Bring Your Own Controller; TC will Not Provide many....So Please bring your own controller, Also No Modded controllers and No Macro button controllers...

Each tournament is $15.00 each
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