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0-Death training


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
How should i go about learning 0-Death grabs?
i know ur supposed to practice on every character but i just cant seem to do it on anyone light like olimar or GaW.

How would i train? in slo-mo or in fast mode in training mode?

Also, i just did my first 0-Death CG on bowser today :D yay for me


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
I would start on either G&W or Marth and learn the throws one at a time. Heavier characters are a bit harder to learn because you have to delay your button inputs.

The popo back throw > nana grab is easiest on G&W and Marth. Just press back then immediately press Z. Don't delay at all; you need to press Z quickly after you press back.

The next easiest one to learn is the nana down throw > popo dash grab. After you learn how to consistently do the back throw, try this one out.

Do the back throw to get nana to grab, then press down to throw, dash forwards, and grab. Once again, there is very little delay. The dash makes it easier for Popo to regrab after nana down throws.

The next hardest one is the forward throw. Don't dash for this one; just walk. Tilt forwards to throw with Popo and walk forwards with Nana. Then press Z to have Nana regrab. There is a slight delay on this one which makes it harder than the other two.

It might help to watch a video or two of people chain grabbing, but mostly it just takes practice.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
Just learn them 1 at a time. Mess around with em, and master whichever YOU think is eaiser. Once uve found a CG u like, master that 1 1st. Meaning, dont even look at the others till u can 0death, (Or nearly) every character in the game with that specific Cg. Seriously, theirs nothing 2 it but 2 do it. Pratice at normal game speed, mayb 2/3 at lowest.

Lightweights - Do the steps as fast as possible.
Middle - Little more delay.
Heavy - Slow.

Try CGin these 3.

LightWeight - Meta. Nice and light. U have 2 master this char 1st I believe, considering hes ICs worst match up, u rly have 2 make those CGs count.

Middle - Marth. Marth isint too easy either, and Id say hes a midweight.

Heavy - Ike. Ike is pretty much over played, may as well learn his. And hes definatly 1 of the heavier chars. Heavier than u think mayb.

Overall dude, jus pratice. 15min a day at minimum. Jus dun overdo it. Good Lux.


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Thx, i never really considered the heavies that hard so i guess il master them first :p
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