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Recent content by Kilagria

  1. K

    Little brother

    Thanks guys, he knows what buttons do what so hes pretty good with that its just that whenever hes about to fall off he freaks out and forgets how to jump or barely makes it when he does XD I've let him play with MK but all of MK's attacks leave him helpless so its a pretty bad character for...
  2. K

    Little brother

    Hey guys I was wondering what would be the best character for my little brother (6yr old) he plays with us but he sucks with the characters he thinks "look cool"
  3. K

    Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)

    Thanks FD! Oh and thanks Cherry for telling me how to make it so people can see my main!!
  4. K

    Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)

    See I told you this is hard to explain!! Lets say Link is below me (on the Final Destination ledge) and I want to Dair him, when I let go to dair him either I will kill him or I will miss and I will keep on falling because I dont have time to jump. (I might die if I hit him too, never tried it)...
  5. K

    Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)

    well first off you cant double jump from a ledge and second off I cant recover fast enough to jump after using dair (sorry if I sounded rude, I didnt mean to!) anyways it's too hard to explain, could someone try it just so they know what I'm talking about? What I do is grab onto the ledge (FD...
  6. K

    Manliness Discussion #36! Captain Falcon

    Marth gave birth to god, CF's car runs on the best fuel in the world, fear. I think CF's FS is manly because he scares his enemy so bad that they cant even move, kinda like this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpzWlHb1BFc&NR=1 plus he's so fast that he switched into the taxi before the guy...
  7. K

    Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)

    Hey I'm not sure if this was answered already so please dont get mad at me! Whenever I'm on the ledge and I want to do a Dair from the ledge I never have enough time to jump back to the ledge (or at all) why is that? Also I never use my Bneutral, should I use it or only for people who are...
  8. K

    who finds taunting offensive?

    Taunting is supposed to be offensive duh haha, I love taunting my little brother because its fun to do. I would even stoop so low as to say that taunting is a good strategy; a lot of people get very mad when taunted at and will lose focus and their fighting will become very sloppy, leaving many...
  9. K

    Wanna fight?

    I'm pretty bored and I dont play online very much, does anyone want to fight? I just wanna practice with my mains (got 4) and yeah!
  10. K

    Need Mentor

    when you say online mentoring do you mean this website or playing brawl online together?
  11. K

    Need Mentor

    Hey everyone I am a very non-professional gamer but I would like to go pro. I was wondering if someone could go online and sorta train me or something!:bee: My mains are lucas/ness and MK, And I would like to add Marth to that list!
  12. K


    Thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate it! One last question, whats that shield A smash thing? Does anyone have a link to the v ideo of it?
  13. K


    Yeah but everytime I get the chance to grab him and then I throw him I can never grab him fast enough, and do I HAVE to do the dash shield cancle grab? Oh and he doesnt even attack me he just runs away (most of the time) thanks for the help guys!
  14. K


    Hey everyone my little brother likes to turtle a lot with sheik and link and I'm no good at constantly chasing him plus it's just no fun! It's easy to chase him when I'm MK (one of my best characters) but I suck at chasing with Marth (my new character that I'm doing pretty good with)...
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