Last seen: June 2019
I'm a confused guy who likes Smash Bros. but never really used forums before coming here.
I've gotten more experienced with competitive Smash thanks to the community here, but I plan on staying casual, while dabbling in a bit of competitive play when I can put in the time.
You can expect to find me mostly in the Smash Bros. Ultimate forums on Smashboards.
A summary of my opinions on the Smash games so far:
64: Part of my childhood, so I enjoy it a lot. I admit it is pretty basic in terms of content, but the core gameplay is still always enjoyable to me. I probably won't play it anymore, but anytime I do I'll probably enjoy it.
)] (Mains are ordered by how frequently I use them)
Melee: The Smash game I have the least amount of personal attachment to. It's only because I somehow just couldn't get into this iteration. The one thing I loved most about Melee, though, was its "wow" factor, being a huge step up from 64. I like Melee well enough, but I probably prefer any other Smash game to it.

Brawl: Pretty fun; lacking a kind of attachment that I had with 64, but it was there more than with Melee or 4. I respect the opinion of anyone who prefers Melee or another game to this one, but I personally found Brawl to be a solid Smash experience.

Project M: After trying it once, I will say that playing Project M (3.5) felt very, weird, with its differences. Not bad, but weird. Since it was with 3 other people, it was fun, and I enjoyed the fanservice in the alternate costumes and stage redesigns. With that said, I'll continue to stick with the official titles, personally.
[Mains: (none)]
Other Smash mods/fan-games: I have not played any Smash mod or fan-game other than Project M, and while I think it's cool people like to make these things, I'm personally just not really that interested in them.
3DS: Since this is so far the first/only portable Smash, I've found myself playing this even without Smash Wii U around. Which is okay with me, because I think this game is pretty nice for a portable Smash game.

(same as Wii U version)]
Wii U: While I generally really like this iteration, I do feel a bit disappointed by some things, such as some single-player modes being dropped. I still enjoy the content this game has overall, I really think it's solid.
The first two of my mains here (on the left) are the first ones I've ever tried seriously using to a competitive capacity.

(same as 3DS version)]
Ultimate: I might get flack for this, but upon release, Ultimate disappointed me a bit. World of Light was a series of usually-annoying event matches, and the single-player content outside that was sparse. Most newcomers didn't even hype me up at all (until the DLC kicked in). The game did have a lot of great quality-of-life changes, and it's gotten a lot better since launch, but as of writing this, there's still content left to be added, so I plan on enjoying this game at my own pace.

Notable stuff that I did/happened on Smashboards while I was here:
- (9-30-14): Joined Smashboards.
- (?-?-14): Had my first thread locked, and the moderator thanked me for understanding.
- (4-1-15): Got "Shaqified," giving me an actual avatar for the first time.
- (4-10-15): Got a real avatar for the first time.
- (5-5-18): Got a better avatar.
- (6-11-19): Banjo-Kazooie, my most-wanted fighter, got confirmed for Smash Ultimate!
- (6-18-19): Made an even better avatar.