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Here is exactly what I posted on allisbrawl.com. This sounds all little funny but I like looking at what I thought sometime ago. I will probably make an updated bio ,more constructed and realistic backstory just because I have different views now and hopefully there is no character limit like allisbrawl. However, look a this one for your amusement in the mean time.

"Backstory : I never knew about Smash Bros ever since Brawl. I began playing brawl nonstop because I was so interested in its gameplay and how it flows. It was a completely new and different fighting game for me. I enjoyed Tekken and Street Fighter somewhat because I like fighting in general but Smash Brothers felt awesome. I can remember the time I discovered the forward smash. Those days I played with items. But I don't anymore unless I want an unorthodox challenge. Well... after beginning to play level nine computers, my skill increased further. I saw that my reflexes were getting faster and that I was netting more ko's and I won with more stocks ( played out 10 lives ). Back then I would use characters like Ike, Toon Link, Zelda, and Lucario at casual to low low scrub level, I thought CPU's were challenging. After learning about the competitive smash scene thats when I felt determined to do well with Sonic, I played everyday nonstop with Sonic. It got to the point were games, cpus's, items, everything slowed down and I could move through out the stage fluently. I could predict moves before they could happen, manipulate games in my favor using the stage or abusing or killing off CPUs whenever I wanted, and every match felt like a combo video. I started going matches with one to two deaths out of five and I was starting to kill all the CPUs in a free for all. So I would have games like 30+ kills if played with 10 lives if I was not auto pilot playing. I became so developed in the game, I started to think of game theories or new mechanics. Such as this, I thought that the game was like chess. One person attacks then the other in a time based way. So I thought that if I could break away from the time then I could manipulate ambiguity the other player has by making them choose bad options. After a long time of doing this I became bored and I burned out on the game. So that's when I would do anything to refresh the game. I would choose other characters to main 4 a few weeks here and there but I was Sonic at heart.

Continuation of Backstory - Any who's... I'll just continue here because about me section is being cheap on space. After becoming completely burnt out on the game I went to CoD. Don't go to CoD. There is a lot of rage.... Now I want to get involve with the community and get back to my former beast mode status because now level nine computer are actually a somewhat challenge now. I feel that my CPUs are so good because I pushed them so hard in the glory days so now I feel like sometimes I'm fighting level 10 CPUs. But now I want to go pro and if anyone who wants to join me or come along for the ride the can too. Also if you want to teach me something, I'm up for that too. I'm still in school so I might not be on too much during the week but definitely during the weekends. If you just want to be my friend and join me on my journey please send me a friend request because I don't know how. Cya online ~ Computer Ai toots that troll in order: Pikachu, Wolf,"

I end quote there. I think its funny now that I look back at it but I will definitely be making a revamped bio soon. Just to let you know, the those free for all things I did are true. I wish I could have recorded those but oh well.

Stay tuned. I fight for my friends!

Jun 20, 1997 (Age: 27)
Brawl Main




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