Meta Knight in Brawl Minus is a force to be reckoned with. He is extremely powerful and is currently ranked 4th on the tier list. (
He is even better than he was in Brawl, so here I am breaking him down for you. :D
Why should I play Meta Knight: There are many reasons Meta Knight is good to play, as a main or a secondary, he is a very good character to have on your lineup. Some of these reasons are:
-Little or no lag on his attacks: Almost ALL of Meta Knight's attacks have VERY little lag, so that gives Meta Knight more flexibility, and let's him mix up his gameplay easier, and that means Meta Knight has A LOT of approach options.
-He has a lot of moves he can space with: His spacing game is very good, and he can bait opponents with his fast attacks.
Why shouldn't I play Meta Knight: Players also may want to stay away from Meta Knight, because maybe he is not the character for you. Some of these reasons are:
-Meta Knight is based around MINDGAMES: Meta Knight is mostly mindgames, predicting opponents, thinking hard and seeing what you should approach with, thinking 3 steps ahead of the game, FOCUSING! You might not like this, but Meta Knight requires a lot of precision, so you always have to be ahead of the game, you can't just throw out moves and see what works, you got to predict and THINK! If you don't like the sound of this, I would stay away from him, but in the end, no matter what character you play, mindgames will come into play.
Moves Breakdown:
Jab: 6 damage. Kills @ 325%. His jab was very bad in Brawl, but in Brawl Minus, its very O.P.
His jab is a very quick slash that slides him backwards, almost like wavedashing in Melee. It is a very safe move as you can slide across the whole stage in about 5 jabs, and its sliding backwards with a hitbox in front of you. This move has incredible range, as you can hit them without the actual sword hitting your opponent. Good for spacing, but don't get TOO predictable with the slide, as the opponent can read it and go in the back of you and punish. You could reverse it, however. If you activate his jab by the edge, the slide will cancel and only the jab will come out.
Up Tilt: 7 damage. Kills @ 164%. Up Tilt combos into itself twice at low percents, then can be followed up with up air. (depending on opponents DI) If you read opponents DI correctly, you can get a few up air strings to rack up easy percent. Up Tilt is VERY QUICK and is good for mix ups.
Down Tilt: 3 damage. DOES NOT KILL! Down Tilt is a very quick sword poke that is very good for spacing. Meta Knight sneaks forward a little bit when using this attack. Down Tilt pokes players up and true combos (opponent can DI) into almost all his aerials. Down Tilt does not kill because it does the same amount of knockback no matter what percent. Get creative with these combos and mix things up.
Forward Tilt: 10 damage. Kills @ 330%. Forward Tilt is a three hit combo that is pretty slow and it doesn't have any use, unless you want 10 damage. It requires executing forward tilt 3 individual times for the combo, which doesn't feel right. I don't recommend using this unless you want to mix things up.
He is even better than he was in Brawl, so here I am breaking him down for you. :D
Why should I play Meta Knight: There are many reasons Meta Knight is good to play, as a main or a secondary, he is a very good character to have on your lineup. Some of these reasons are:
-Little or no lag on his attacks: Almost ALL of Meta Knight's attacks have VERY little lag, so that gives Meta Knight more flexibility, and let's him mix up his gameplay easier, and that means Meta Knight has A LOT of approach options.
-He has a lot of moves he can space with: His spacing game is very good, and he can bait opponents with his fast attacks.
Why shouldn't I play Meta Knight: Players also may want to stay away from Meta Knight, because maybe he is not the character for you. Some of these reasons are:
-Meta Knight is based around MINDGAMES: Meta Knight is mostly mindgames, predicting opponents, thinking hard and seeing what you should approach with, thinking 3 steps ahead of the game, FOCUSING! You might not like this, but Meta Knight requires a lot of precision, so you always have to be ahead of the game, you can't just throw out moves and see what works, you got to predict and THINK! If you don't like the sound of this, I would stay away from him, but in the end, no matter what character you play, mindgames will come into play.
Moves Breakdown:
Jab: 6 damage. Kills @ 325%. His jab was very bad in Brawl, but in Brawl Minus, its very O.P.
His jab is a very quick slash that slides him backwards, almost like wavedashing in Melee. It is a very safe move as you can slide across the whole stage in about 5 jabs, and its sliding backwards with a hitbox in front of you. This move has incredible range, as you can hit them without the actual sword hitting your opponent. Good for spacing, but don't get TOO predictable with the slide, as the opponent can read it and go in the back of you and punish. You could reverse it, however. If you activate his jab by the edge, the slide will cancel and only the jab will come out.
Up Tilt: 7 damage. Kills @ 164%. Up Tilt combos into itself twice at low percents, then can be followed up with up air. (depending on opponents DI) If you read opponents DI correctly, you can get a few up air strings to rack up easy percent. Up Tilt is VERY QUICK and is good for mix ups.
Down Tilt: 3 damage. DOES NOT KILL! Down Tilt is a very quick sword poke that is very good for spacing. Meta Knight sneaks forward a little bit when using this attack. Down Tilt pokes players up and true combos (opponent can DI) into almost all his aerials. Down Tilt does not kill because it does the same amount of knockback no matter what percent. Get creative with these combos and mix things up.
Forward Tilt: 10 damage. Kills @ 330%. Forward Tilt is a three hit combo that is pretty slow and it doesn't have any use, unless you want 10 damage. It requires executing forward tilt 3 individual times for the combo, which doesn't feel right. I don't recommend using this unless you want to mix things up.