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A beginners guide on taunting respectfully

A beginners guide on taunting respectfully


We all know that guy. The guy who taunts after every kill. The guy who taunts in the middle of the match randomly. The guy who only taunts throughout the whole match. We all know that guy, and we DESPISE HIM. Some people don't even realize that they're being that guy. So this guide is for those who want to taunt, but in a respectful way. :D

Beginning of Game (Before Contact)
In the beginning of the game, there are certain requirements that have to be filled to warrant a taunt. These requirements are
  1. A Ditto (ex: Fox vs Fox)
That's it. This type of taunt is only allowed within the first 5 seconds of the game starting, and no one has done anything yet. Certain characters HAVE to do certain taunts, to assure that both players do the same taunt.
Examples of this are:
Captain Falcon: Down Taunt
Marth: Down Taunt
Shulk: Side Taunt
ZSS: Up Taunt

After a Kill
A Taunt after a kill can only be warranted if a stylish kill was obtained. For instance, if a Marth gets a Ken Combo on Jigglypuff, Marth is allowed one taunt of his choice.
Stylish kills include hard to land kills, like spikes or Falcon Knees (show me your moves!), One hit Kills (like Lil'Mac's KO punch), hard to land combos (like Ken combo), and unconventional kills (IE: Luigi down taunt kill)

Self Destructing
In events where players are force to SD (like in a Crew Battle), the person who is SD~ing is allowed one taunt before they do so. If they do taunt, their opponent is obligated to taunt in reply.

End of Game
The winner is allowed one taunt in the few seconds before the game ends. However if the stock is not confirmed, they must suffer the consequences of being punished.

Respectful and Disrespectful Taunts
There are different taunts that can draw different reactions out of people when used. In order to not draw negative reaction out of your opponents, try to use only respectful taunts.
Respectful taunts mostly have these sorts of properties.
  • Short (usually lasts 1.5 seconds or lower)
  • No words (the character doesn't say anything)
  • Not Flashy (No special particle effects or anything)
By this logic the Disrespectful taunts would be the complete opposite
  • Long animations
  • The character says something
  • Super Flashy
Also by this logic, all of Captain Falcon's taunts are Disrespectful, which further proves my theory that Falcon players who taunt are jerks.

Misc Rules:
  1. When someone is taunting, they are not allowed to be attacked
  2. In a tournament scene, taunting is NOT ALLOWED due to the Taunt to get bodied combo.
  3. If playing casually, taunting rules don't apply.
  4. If playing with friends online, taunting can be used as a form of communication.
  5. Captain Falcon players are not allowed to taunt. See "Respectful and Disrespectful Taunts" for more details.

Please wait, more information might be added in the future.
Applicable Games
Smash 64, Melee, Brawl, Project M, Smash 3DS, Smash Wii U
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4.57 star(s) 7 ratings

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Honestly, l think this can ACTUALLY be beneficial for some players *cough* half of For Glory *cough* some Anther's players l've met *cough* But you haven't mentioned the tactic of taunting to aggravate your foe into making poor decisions, which actually works for me sometimes without reason. l hate taunts with a passion, so seeing this made my day. Thank you for existing.
10/10 best guide ever
Almost perfect but i'd like to make one correction: All Falcon players are jerks because they all taunt.
My opponent didnt punch me in face this time 5/5
i taunt randomly in the match when im little mac and the opponent is shielding at the ledge like im going to dash attack, and when i taunt its me telling them that wont work on me
Well, in that case, it isn't so random. Is it now?
lol, this is absolutely necessary! Please expand ;)
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