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A beginners guide on taunting respectfully

A beginners guide on taunting respectfully

Honestly, l think this can ACTUALLY be beneficial for some players *cough* half of For Glory *cough* some Anther's players l've met *cough* But you haven't mentioned the tactic of taunting to aggravate your foe into making poor decisions, which actually works for me sometimes without reason. l hate taunts with a passion, so seeing this made my day. Thank you for existing.
10/10 best guide ever
Almost perfect but i'd like to make one correction: All Falcon players are jerks because they all taunt.
My opponent didnt punch me in face this time 5/5
i taunt randomly in the match when im little mac and the opponent is shielding at the ledge like im going to dash attack, and when i taunt its me telling them that wont work on me
Well, in that case, it isn't so random. Is it now?
lol, this is absolutely necessary! Please expand ;)
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