Smash Rookie
Worlds collide as we enter our third installment of Smashville!
Time now to rise up and make a stand at Smashville 3: RAGNAROK!
We are hoping to have a good number of people so invite all of your friends! Our venue has internet so this event will be STREAMED and we will have a live Challonge bracket.
Pot Fee Singles: $10
Pot Fee Doubles (EACH): $4
Venue Fee: $6
Pot split: 45%/30%/15%/10%
**100% of the Pot Fee goes to the Prizes**
Spectators will be required to pay the venue fee.
12:30PM: Doors Open
1:15PM: Doubles Check-In ends
1:30PM: Doubles Bracket Begins
4:00PM: Singles Check-In ends
4:30PM: Singles Bracket Begins
Stream Link: