Welcome to Smash @ High Tide Games. We have been holding weekly Tuesday tournaments since April 2015.
We mix things up here by going for a rotation of smash formats. Our cycle (week to week) is 1. Singles Customs Off, 2. Doubles Customs Off, 3. Singles Customs Off, 4. Player's Choice, and then the cycle repeats. For Player’s Choice, the participants vote on Facebook in advance for what type of tournament they want: past Choices have included Singles with Customs, Doubles, Random Character Tourney, etc.!
Upcoming tourneys:
12/15 Player's Choice - Stamina Mode
12/22 Singles
12/29 Winter Break - Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4 Tourney
1/5/16 Doubles
1/12 Singles
1/19 Player's Choice - Sword Fight (sword characters only)
1/26 Singles
2/2 Doubles
2/9 Singles
2/16/ Player's Choice - Teams 3v3
2/23 Singles
3/1 Doubles
3/8 Singles
3/15 Player's Choice - TBD
3/22 Singles
3/29 Doubles
4/5 Singles
Casuals start at 5:00pm. Tournament starts at 6:00pm, usually ends by 9:00pm.
Cost - Tournament Fee: $5.00
- No Venue Fee!
Prizes: Top 8 or top 4 depending on attendance. 100% of tourney fees returned in store credit (this is a gaming store with Magic, Pokemon cards, board games, table-top games, sleeves/binders, etc.) or 60% given back in cash.
Singles: 2 stocks, 6 minutes, best of 3 matches, double elimination, no items, Customs OFF.
Doubles: 3 stocks, 8 minutes, best of 3 matches, double elimination, no items, Customs OFF.
Paragon stage selection, as listed below:
Final Destination
Town & City
Lylat Cruise
Duck Hunt
Omega Forms (If FD is banned, all Omegas are too)
*Gentleman’s Clause: Any stage can be chosen as long as all players agree to it.
Miscellaneous info: Smash at High Tides is hosted at a local community board game/card shop. Typical attendance has varied from 12-40 people with a range of casual to serious players. We have even been visited by big MD/VA names such as Boss, Mik!, and Oco Le Troof. Also High Tide Games is in a shopping plaza, so you are surrounded by good food (Mission BBQ, Flex Island Jamaican Grill, Teariffic to name a few).
Please bring a set-up if you can! There’s no discount for bringing a set-up but think of the $$$ you save without that venue fee! Besides, more set-ups = more games = more fun. If you have any questions please ask away or leave a comment on the Facebook page (link below). See you all there!
High Tide Games
San Souci Plaza Shopping Center
22599 MacArthur Blvd, California, MD 20619
Facebook link to the Smash at High Tide Games group: