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Pacific West Sacramento Sunday Smash #1

Sacramento Sunday Smash #1
Posted by Lispy
Gamerz Phunk Lab / 4730 Natomas Blvd #130, Sacramento, CA 95835
Sunday, January 31, 2016 - 01:00 PM
Until: Sunday, January 31, 2016 - 05:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/Los_Angeles)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/Los_Angeles

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Smash Rookie
Jan 20, 2016
Fairfield, California

Welcome to the First Sacramento Sunday Smash Tournament!

We welcome everyone to come to enjoy Free Pizza and Melee for our First tournament. This will start out as a Biweekly tournament but if it gains enough popularity it will be a Weekly.

Please be respectful of the venue and clean up after yourselves!

Venue Fee: $5
Tournament Fee: $5

1st: 65%
2nd: 25%

First 3 people to bring full setups gets their Venue fee waived
1. Marques Mcfall
2. Wilson Reeves
3. Johnny B

Please invite anyone you'd like!

Melee Singles Ruleset:
Game Settings: 4 Stocks, 8 Minute Time Limit
Items are disabled.
Stalling with moves such as Jigglypuff's Rising Pound or Peach's Wall Bomber is banned
Glitches such as Ice Climbers’s Freeze Glitch and Mewtwo’s Soul Stunner are banned.
Pause option is disabled in the game menu. If left on, accidental pausing mid match forfeits a stock.
You may not choose any stage you have won on during a set, unless agreed by both players.
A tie is determined by most stocks, and then if still tied, by percentage. If percentage is tied, the match is fully replayed.
Playing as Master Hand is banned

Stage List:
Neutral Stages-
Final Destination
Yoshi’s Story
Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams

Counter-Pick Stages-
Pokemon Stadium

Match Procedure

Game 1:
Players select their characters. Either player may choose to Blind Pick. In this case, each player secretly tells a third player their character before picking with the third player verifying their selections.
Players play Rock-Paper-Scissors. Winner Strikes removes 1 stage from the list, the second player removes 2 and the first player then chooses from the remaining 2 stages.
The players play the first match of the set
Winning player of the preceding match bans a stage from the full list of stages, both Neutral and Counter-Pick. Does not apply to Best of 5 sets.

Game 2-3:
The Losing player of the preceding match picks a stage for the next match. Cannot choose the stage banned in the previous step, nor a stage they've already won on during this set, unless agreed.
The winning player of the preceding match may choose to change characters.
The losing player of the preceding match may choose to change characters.
The losing player of the preceding match may change their controller port.
The next match is played

Head TO: Eric Allen (Lispy)

Other TO: Tom Grey
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