Gaming Gives
Smash Rookie
Registration at
Event Mission:
Gaming Gives Super Smash Bros. 4 will be our 3rd Sm4sh event and will be our biggest and best yet. This event will help showcase what skill Peoria, and central Illinois, players have in Sm4sh. Players will be able to play on stage and under the lights during this event. Gaming Gives will live stream the event and have a commentating staff to give players a professional-like experience. As always Gaming Gives strives to bring the professional experience to underrated players.
H. Dean Briggs Performing Arts Center
4201 South Airport Road
Bartonville, Illinois 61607
Located just outside of Peoria, Illinois. H. Dean Briggs Performing Arts Center provides the perfect place for Gaming Gives Events. With a stage, state of the art sound system, lights, and seating for 900 we have plenty of room and the perfect venue to give our players the professional experience.
The event will be held on May 27th, 2017. 2v2 will start at 11 am and 1v1 will start at 3 PM.
**Times are subject to change based on attendance.**
Players register themselvesfor themselves, both teammates must register for the 2v2 unless they are registering and paying online. If you are playing 2v2 and 1v1 then you need to register and pay for each tournament separately. 2v2 teams may register together online. More details are available on the registration pages.
Pricing is as follows:
1v1 Tournament: $10.00/player .... $8 if you register and pay online.
2v2 Tournament: $10.00/player .... $8/player or $16/team if you register and pay online.
(These online registration prices will also have processing fees from Eventbrite)
1v1 Rules:
Event Mission:
Gaming Gives Super Smash Bros. 4 will be our 3rd Sm4sh event and will be our biggest and best yet. This event will help showcase what skill Peoria, and central Illinois, players have in Sm4sh. Players will be able to play on stage and under the lights during this event. Gaming Gives will live stream the event and have a commentating staff to give players a professional-like experience. As always Gaming Gives strives to bring the professional experience to underrated players.
H. Dean Briggs Performing Arts Center
4201 South Airport Road
Bartonville, Illinois 61607
Located just outside of Peoria, Illinois. H. Dean Briggs Performing Arts Center provides the perfect place for Gaming Gives Events. With a stage, state of the art sound system, lights, and seating for 900 we have plenty of room and the perfect venue to give our players the professional experience.
The event will be held on May 27th, 2017. 2v2 will start at 11 am and 1v1 will start at 3 PM.
**Times are subject to change based on attendance.**
Players register themselvesfor themselves, both teammates must register for the 2v2 unless they are registering and paying online. If you are playing 2v2 and 1v1 then you need to register and pay for each tournament separately. 2v2 teams may register together online. More details are available on the registration pages.
Pricing is as follows:
1v1 Tournament: $10.00/player .... $8 if you register and pay online.
2v2 Tournament: $10.00/player .... $8/player or $16/team if you register and pay online.
(These online registration prices will also have processing fees from Eventbrite)
- Discount will be offered if you pay online (Refunds offered until May 21st)
1v1 Rules:
- Game version: US Nintendo WiiU
- Game Settings: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Custom Moves Off, Items Off, Equipment Off, Handicap Off, Damage Ratio 100%, 2/3 Games. Semi-Finals and Finals 3/5.
- Mii Fighters On (1-1-1-1 Default Miis)
- Amiibo’s are banned.
- Starter Stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Town & City
- Counterpick Stages: Dream Land 64
- All Omega stages are treated the same as Final Destination, and may only be played if a both players agree to play there instead of FD.
- First stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors) best of 1. Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then winner. (1-2-2-1) While banning if you ban one tri plat (dream land or battlefield) you ban both.
- Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
- Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
- You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
- You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification.
- Stage picking will go first before character picking after any game.
- Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any player violating this rule will be issued a loss.
- In the event of a timeout the player with less percentage or with a stock lead will win the game. Not the player with less damage taken, the player with less damage on the last stock.
- Sudden Death with a tied percentage/stock count will NOT determine the outcome of a tied game. A playoff match with 1 stock/2 minutes will determine the winner.
- There will be no loading anything on to the tournament consoles.
- Pausing during the game will result in a loss for the player that paused.
- Game version: US Nintendo WiiU
- Game Settings: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Custom Moves Off, Items Off, Equipment Off, Handicap Off, Damage Ratio 100%, 2/3 Games. Semi-Finals and Finals 3/5.
- Mii Fighters On (1-1-1-1 Default Miis)
- Amiibo’s are banned.
- Starter Stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Town & City, Lylat Cruise
- Counterpick Stages: Dream Land 64,
- All Omega stages are treated the same as Final Destination, and may only be played if a both players agree to play there instead of FD.
- First stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors) best of 1. Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then winner. (1-2-2-1) While banning if you ban one tri plat (dream land or battlefield) you ban both.
- Following stages decided by winning team banning one stage from all stages and then losing team choosing.
- Winning team are not locked into the same characters for the next match, but have to pick before losing side selects character.
- You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
- You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification.
- Stage picking will go first before character picking after any game.
- Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any team violating this rule will be issued a loss.
- In the event of a timeout the team with less added percentage or with a stock lead will win the game.If stocks are tied percents will be added, stocks that haven't been used yet will be issued 0% accordingly.
- Sudden Death with a tied percentage/stock count will NOT determine the outcome of a tied game. A playoff match with 1 stock/3 minutes will determine the winner.
- There will be no loading anything on to the tournament consoles.
- Pausing during the game will result in a loss for the player that paused.