Smash Cadet
The summer is quickly drawing to an end and school is back in session! Join us on August 13th to school your opponents in Super Smash Bros for the WiiU! Now that school has returned, Elemental Games will be having Super Smash Tournaments again every other Sunday beginning this Sunday. Come on in and get a schedule of our events!
August 13th
12:00PM Registration
Tournament begins at 2:00PM
The rules will be: WiiU & 3DS VERSIONS(which can be used as controllers as well), Bring your own controllers.
Swiss Format: 3 Rounds + TOP 8 FINALS
$10.00 Entry Fee per person
Omega Stages only, chosen at random
3 stock, 8 minutes
You can switch characters between rounds
No items
No custom characters (Default Mii Fighters are acceptable)
Nothing may be loaded on the consoles
Custom names are acceptable to see your fighter
Free-for-all / 1-1-1-1
Prize support and if second and third place gets anything, varies depending on how many people attend. It will be a cash prize but if you choose credit, the payout will be higher.
Elemental Games
780 Paulding Plaza #340
Dallas, GA 30132
(678) 217-5728
August 13th
12:00PM Registration
Tournament begins at 2:00PM
The rules will be: WiiU & 3DS VERSIONS(which can be used as controllers as well), Bring your own controllers.
Swiss Format: 3 Rounds + TOP 8 FINALS
$10.00 Entry Fee per person
Omega Stages only, chosen at random
3 stock, 8 minutes
You can switch characters between rounds
No items
No custom characters (Default Mii Fighters are acceptable)
Nothing may be loaded on the consoles
Custom names are acceptable to see your fighter
Free-for-all / 1-1-1-1
Prize support and if second and third place gets anything, varies depending on how many people attend. It will be a cash prize but if you choose credit, the payout will be higher.
Elemental Games
780 Paulding Plaza #340
Dallas, GA 30132
(678) 217-5728