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MIUS: Curtain Call
Curtain Call is the last stop of the MIUS before the Finale. This will be the second stop in West Michigan and will be hosted by Reach Gaming. With singles, doubles and crews, this event will be one of the biggest in West Michigan history! We will be meeting in the Banquet hall on the south side of the bowling alley. Take a right after entering the building and go down the hallway past the pool tables.
Full venue fee refund to the first 32 full setups. Monitor preferred over televisions, and Nintendo adapters preferred over off-brand. There is a carpool incentive for out of region drivers, 3 person will be venue refund for the driver, and 4+ will be free singles and free venue for the driver.
---SCHEDULE--- (Subject to Change)
10am: Doors open
11am: Doubles begins
1pm: Lunch Break
2pm: Crews Begin
3pm: Wave A Pools
5pm: Wave B Pools
7pm: Top 32/64 begins
11pm: Venue closed
Venue Fee - $10
Smash 4 Singles - $10
Smash 4 Doubles - $10 ($5 per teammate)
We will be running the current recommended ruleset used by all major tournaments.
Coaching is allowed, but limited to 30 seconds once per set. Coaching mid-set will not be allowed. Any player may coach or be coached following these guidelines.
Outside food is NOT allowed at the venue. The venue has agreed to post an extra employee at the concessions to try to accommodate the large number of people. They have good concession food and we would urge you to support the venue! If not, there are fast food options down the road that you can visit on the lunch break.
Alcohol is served for those who are of age, and is allowed in our tournament area. We just ask you to be responsible and clean!