TGT | Ghosty
Jace Boster
The Boostman's final CoMoMo before he leaves to SoCal! A Super Smash Bros Tournament featuring Melee, Smash for Wii U, Smash 64, Project M 3.6, Street Fighter V, and Pokken
DAY EVENTS - Players may enter up to 4 DAY EVENTS total with only 1 doubles event
Melee Singles ($10)
Melee Doubles ($10 per team)
Wii U Singles ($10)
Wii U Doubles ($10 per team)
Project M Singles ($10)
N64 Singles ($10) - $25 Pot Bonus
N64 Doubles ($10 per team)
NIGHT EVENTS - None of these events count towards the 4 event or the 1 doubles event restrictions for DAY EVENTS (Eg. you may enter Melee/WiiU/ or N64 doubles and PM Doubles)
Project M Doubles ($10 per team)
Street Fighter V ($5)
Pokken ($10)
VENUE FEE $10 (Max Discount $5)
- $2 for pre-registration
- $1 for a console
- $1 for a CRT / lagless monitor
- $3 for a full setup (Max discount from bringing setups)
12:00 - N64 Singles | Wii U Doubles
1:00 - Melee Doubles
2:00 - N64 Doubles | Wii U Singles
3:00 - Melee Singles
4:30 - Project M Singles
6:30 - Street Fighter V | PM Doubles
8:00 - Pokken
TOs and Staff
Jace Boostman - Head TO/Pokken
Josh Schnurbusch - Co-Head TO/Melee
Andrew Wallace - N64 and Project M TO
Austin Kent - Melee TO
Chris Winn - Wii U TO
Dominic Badalamenti - Wii U TO
Kevin Darnold - SoCo Streams
George Chiang - SFV TO
Wii U Singles will have pools. As for every other event, If there are <30 entrants or <6 setups for any singles event, that will proceed as a double elimination bracket with no pools. Otherwise, expect to compete in round robin pools where the top X amount of players will proceed to a double elimination bracket.
On-site registration/check-in will close 30 minutes before each event begins. Ex. Melee Singles begins at 3:00pm, so you must register no later than 2:30pm.
if <12 - 60/40
if <24 - 55/35/10
if <36 - 50/25/15/10
if >=36 - 40/25/15/10/5/5
The 'Friday the 13th' franchise is property of Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros
The image of Jason in the banner is taken from the character ending in Mortal Kombat X. The image is the property of Neatherrealm Studios and Warner Bros Interactive.
DAY EVENTS - Players may enter up to 4 DAY EVENTS total with only 1 doubles event
Melee Singles ($10)
Melee Doubles ($10 per team)
Wii U Singles ($10)
Wii U Doubles ($10 per team)
Project M Singles ($10)
N64 Singles ($10) - $25 Pot Bonus
N64 Doubles ($10 per team)
NIGHT EVENTS - None of these events count towards the 4 event or the 1 doubles event restrictions for DAY EVENTS (Eg. you may enter Melee/WiiU/ or N64 doubles and PM Doubles)
Project M Doubles ($10 per team)
Street Fighter V ($5)
Pokken ($10)
VENUE FEE $10 (Max Discount $5)
- $2 for pre-registration
- $1 for a console
- $1 for a CRT / lagless monitor
- $3 for a full setup (Max discount from bringing setups)
12:00 - N64 Singles | Wii U Doubles
1:00 - Melee Doubles
2:00 - N64 Doubles | Wii U Singles
3:00 - Melee Singles
4:30 - Project M Singles
6:30 - Street Fighter V | PM Doubles
8:00 - Pokken
TOs and Staff
Jace Boostman - Head TO/Pokken
Josh Schnurbusch - Co-Head TO/Melee
Andrew Wallace - N64 and Project M TO
Austin Kent - Melee TO
Chris Winn - Wii U TO
Dominic Badalamenti - Wii U TO
Kevin Darnold - SoCo Streams
George Chiang - SFV TO
Wii U Singles will have pools. As for every other event, If there are <30 entrants or <6 setups for any singles event, that will proceed as a double elimination bracket with no pools. Otherwise, expect to compete in round robin pools where the top X amount of players will proceed to a double elimination bracket.
On-site registration/check-in will close 30 minutes before each event begins. Ex. Melee Singles begins at 3:00pm, so you must register no later than 2:30pm.
if <12 - 60/40
if <24 - 55/35/10
if <36 - 50/25/15/10
if >=36 - 40/25/15/10/5/5
The 'Friday the 13th' franchise is property of Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros
The image of Jason in the banner is taken from the character ending in Mortal Kombat X. The image is the property of Neatherrealm Studios and Warner Bros Interactive.