Smash Rookie
Prize: A One Month Subscription for Anther's Ladder/ Smash Ladder. - For First Place.
CHECK IN 1:45 - 2:45 PM
1st join https://discord.gg/Pk8anFV (for the chat and it is needed)
Game Settings:
2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Custom Moves Off, Items Off, Equipment Off, Handicap Off.
Games will be played as followed:
Every match up until Winner's Finals, Grand Finals, and Loser's Finals. Will be a set of 2/3 games. Winner's FInals, Grand Finals, and Loser's FInals will be a set of 3/5 games.
Stage List:
Starters: Battlefield, Final Destination, Dream Land, SmashVille, and Town & City.
Counter Picks: Lylat Cruise and Duck Hunt.
Between the two Opponents decide on a starter, if you can't take it up with the TO he will decide for you.
After the first match: Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then winner. (1-2-2-1).
Rule Miis to be Guest w/ 1111 Only
If a player is not responding take it up with the TO. I will give them a count down before they are Kicked out of the tournament.
CHECK IN 1:45 - 2:45 PM
1st join https://discord.gg/Pk8anFV (for the chat and it is needed)
Game Settings:
2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Custom Moves Off, Items Off, Equipment Off, Handicap Off.
Games will be played as followed:
Every match up until Winner's Finals, Grand Finals, and Loser's Finals. Will be a set of 2/3 games. Winner's FInals, Grand Finals, and Loser's FInals will be a set of 3/5 games.
Stage List:
Starters: Battlefield, Final Destination, Dream Land, SmashVille, and Town & City.
Counter Picks: Lylat Cruise and Duck Hunt.
Between the two Opponents decide on a starter, if you can't take it up with the TO he will decide for you.
After the first match: Winner strikes, then loser strikes twice, then winner. (1-2-2-1).
Rule Miis to be Guest w/ 1111 Only
If a player is not responding take it up with the TO. I will give them a count down before they are Kicked out of the tournament.