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Your Opinion on Kill Throws

What do you think about kill throws?

  • I think all characters should have kill throws.

    Votes: 30 19.9%
  • I think no characters should have kill throws.

    Votes: 18 11.9%
  • I think things should stay the way they are.

    Votes: 103 68.2%

  • Total voters


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2016
West Monroe
I'm also pretty sure that kill throw moves can be come stale if you use grab a lot, which tends to happen to me with the blue pikmin grab
I wouldn't mind if Olimar's blue pikmin was as strong as Ness's bthrow because it depends on

a. the pikmin
b. the grab

but when characters have killing power but have a kill throw as well it's the worst. Ness is the best example in my opinion because moves like Fsmash, Bair, Uair, Nair, or even fair gimps can kill. Ness gets tons of damage off of a simple Dthrow but it's kinda dumb when he has another godlike throw that kills really early.

I don't think Ness is OP, broken, or anything such as that but I would approve of a character who dishes out tons of damage to work for their kill.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
For me, it depends on when and where the kill grab takes place. If its at the edge of a stage (illegal stages), I deem it really as a cheap tactic to gain a KO point (although you have to be somewhat gullible if its apparent your opponent is doing that for their gain), but a legit one if I am at a higher percentage when the kill throw (most particularly, a back throw) is performed.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Well, considering one of my mains is Mewtwo...
Yeah, kill throws are alright.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 26, 2015
Baltimore, MD
I don't mind kill throws if said throw needs a reasonably high percent to work. A good example is Mewtwo's up throw. Generally, I find I need to get my opponent around 150% for it to work, when Mewtwo can normally score a kill in the 90%-100% range with F or U smash. Ness' backthrow kills too early in my opinion.

To answer the question in the OP, no I don't think all or no characters should have them. Some characters just have better throws than others and that's that.

Chief Hotsuin

Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2015
Newark, California
l think whether or not someone gets a kill throw depends on how easily they can get that grab at different levels of skill and what other options a character has to pressure or beat shields, along with the idea mindsets the characters already maintain.

For example, Sheik getting one really isn't necessary. She's already incredibly safe on shield and can pressure it with much ease with both grounded and aerial attacks. It's also a staple weakness for Sheik in this game to struggle at getting onstage kills. Giving her a somewhat potent kill throw (150%-ish) brings tomahawks into play for the shielder. Since you know they'll be shielding a lot, the shiek can just fair on-shield, grab, use the theoretical kill throw, dead.

Probably could have explained that better.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
I feel they should stay the same, because I just think it would be ****ing stupid if every character had a kill throw. I think if every character had a kill throw everyone would be going for kills with those throws 80% of the time (just look at FG Mario and Ness players). The only kill throws I really have a problem with are Mario's back throw, Ness' back throw, and all of Lucas' throws. I usually hate dying to these throws because you just get grabbed and while they throw animation is happening you are just "aaaaaand I'm dead". I love killing with DK's back throw though, it looks funny to me for some reason.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2015
I think kill throws are best suited for characters who don't have very reliable kill options. So they aren't biting the dust of other characters who have multiple ways of KOing characters.

I see :4ness: back throw brought up a number of times, and this may just be a bit of bias coming from me considering I'm a Ness main, but I think it's justifiable. Considering some of Ness's other kill moves aren't moves you can just throw out and expect to get the hit. Side-Smash, Neutral-B, Down-Smash, U-Air, B-air, D-air these are moves that require the proper set up to make them kill and sometimes it's not always easy, expecially if the opponent already can see it coming, so it's good to have that kill throw as another option.

Pk Thunder while it's a very powerful and tricky move is also Ness's riskiest maneuver because it can backfire easily. Either you miss your target and get end lag, your opponent shields and you suffer end lag, you go too far and SD, and counters.

Now, I normally don't have issues getting the proper set ups with his other moves but most times I'm forced to use the back-throw just because my other options just aren't working either they don't hit or the opponent anticipates it.

That being said I think there are characters that fall under Ness's category and DO need a more reliable kill option and a kill throw can be just the thing they need. I won't say characters like :4cloud: or :4littlemac: need kill throws just because they have so many reliable ways of getting KOs so a kill throw for them isn't really necessary, but it's a good keep away option for some characters who already have reliable ways to KO.

O Rai

Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2014
Sounds like this discussion is aimed at the new higher tiered ness... is it a cheap win? heck no, chars like ness have weakness that people don't feel like exploiting (recovery) (seriously just learn to needle off stage with sheik or use turnips as peach etc, also toads tooling does wonders... yes if g3 taught you anything this weekend it should be that sm4sh off stage battles and tech skill (for stage spikes) is a massive decider for who could win... Is Ness's kill throw broken? not entirely since he's not exactly the fastest character or the biggest limbed character (in comparison to say the range of Donkey Kongs tilts) and if you practice the dang matchup you can learn to stop the kill throw before it has a chance to happen.


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Kill throws, huh?

I think they can be pretty useful. Does every character need to have one? No, I don't think so. I think it should all stay just the way it is.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2014
Ontario, Canada

They are what they are. I don't think every character should have them (or at the very least they shouldn't be as strong as Ness, Mewtwo, Toon Link etc.) I think generally homogenizing characters is a bad idea. I don't really think they need to go either, just need to play a bit more carefully against the characters that do have them.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 3, 2015
Dublin, CA 94568, bowing down before the Jlfksjlfl
Love hate relationship.

When I'm facing any character that can kill throw easy ... :4ness: ... I always get a into a mini panic attack as I'm trying not to get grabbed.

But if I have a teammate that can kill throw, I'm good. Like :4mewtwo:up-throw @ high percents.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 19, 2014
Kill throws are fine. Not having kill throws is also fine.

It all comes down to what tools your character has and how their kit all comes together. OP poses a simple question, but kill throws are typically balanced in consideration of a characters entire kit, there are tons of balance implications.

I think it's fine the way it is. Take Cloud for example, no kill throws. Not even combo throws, but do we want Cloud to have kill options out of grab? He already has crazy limit shananigans, it may cause some balance issues if he had a kill confirm out of grab.

And so it varies on a character by character basis and I like it that way. The exclusivity of kill throws and throw combo's on different characters helps individualize the roster and makes match-ups more diverse.


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2015
Panama City, FL
I'll admit it's really annoying to lose a match where I came back from being a stock down, currently at high damage, because of a simple throw. Whereas Fox would never kill the opponent with a throw.


Smash Cadet
Mar 4, 2015
New York
I hate the idea of kill throws in Smash. Are you telling me that for your capitalization on my one small mistake that I lose a stock, but when you do the same, I only get a measly 8% damage because my character has no kill throws?

No. Every character in the game should have a guaranteed combo throw, but no kill throw.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
I hate the idea of kill throws in Smash. Are you telling me that for your capitalization on my one small mistake that I lose a stock, but when you do the same, I only get a measly 8% damage because my character has no kill throws?

No. Every character in the game should have a guaranteed combo throw, but no kill throw.
where do these demands to make ever character the same come form? they make no sense. the character with kill throws are all belo average in speed. it was obviously a desgin choice ( especially looking at nerfs and buffs) to give only certain characters this option. giving everycharacter a combo throw while nice in priciple isnt a good idea. people would then complain about how some characters get more damage off thier throw combos. fighting games aren't made to have evey character have the same tools. leave these trows as they are nothing is wrong wityh them.


Smash Cadet
Mar 4, 2015
New York
where do these demands to make ever character the same come form? they make no sense. the character with kill throws are all belo average in speed. it was obviously a desgin choice ( especially looking at nerfs and buffs) to give only certain characters this option. giving everycharacter a combo throw while nice in priciple isnt a good idea. people would then complain about how some characters get more damage off thier throw combos. fighting games aren't made to have evey character have the same tools. leave these trows as they are nothing is wrong wityh them.
The characters with kill throws are all below average in speed? Alright. Maybe to you these characters are below average in speed, but most of these characters are some hardcore zoning characters that force you into your shield on a constant basis. In addition to the projectile shield-pressure, there doesn't need to be a kill throw. Just a regular throw that combos into a weak projectile for stage control would work well for most of these characters. And some of the characters you're talking about aren't even below average in speed.
Characters you've included by category: :4bowser::4falcon::4charizard::4darkpit::4kirby::4link::4lucina::4mario::4marth::4mewtwo::4ness::4pit::4rob::4robinf::4villagerf:
All of these characters have kill throws. Just in case you are questioning it, both Pits have Fthrow, Falcon has Bthrow, Mario has Bthrow, Bowser has Bthrow and Fthrow, and Robin has Bthrow. Falcon, Pit, and Dark Pit aren't slow characters and can advance the stage with moderate amounts of effort. They don't need kill throws. Lucina and Marth would have done better with their Melee Combo Throw as opposed to their Kill Throw, which is useless at low percentages. Mewtwo doesn't need to throw you to kill you at all as he has more than enough tools and setups for that option. Those are just some examples of characters that would do much better with combo throws as opposed to kill throws.

Combo throws are a good alternative. Whereas a kill throw is a guaranteed death, a combo throw allows for DI and trajectory change, which could allow you to survive. A lot of things in this game are worse with guarantee of death than they are with a chance to survive. Take ZSS's Up B. You may not know it, but you can DI out of this move and survive it if you know how to. Imagine if you couldn't do that. If everytime ZSS hit you with an Up B, you were screwed? Not very fun is it? Compare this to the throws in the game and you may come to see why I'm opposed to kill throws. Throws should bring stage control or combos. Not kills.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
The characters with kill throws are all below average in speed? Alright. Maybe to you these characters are below average in speed, but most of these characters are some hardcore zoning characters that force you into your shield on a constant basis. In addition to the projectile shield-pressure, there doesn't need to be a kill throw. Just a regular throw that combos into a weak projectile for stage control would work well for most of these characters. And some of the characters you're talking about aren't even below average in speed.
Characters you've included by category: :4falcon::4charizard::4darkpit::4kirby::4link::4lucina::4mario::4marth::4mewtwo::4ness::4pit::4rob::4robinf::4villagerf::4bowser:
All of these characters have kill throws. Just in case you are questioning it, both Pits have Fthrow, Falcon has Bthrow, Mario has Bthrow, Bowser has Bthrow and Fthrow, and Robin has Bthrow. Falcon, Pit, and Dark Pit aren't slow characters and can advance the stage with moderate amounts of effort. They don't need kill throws. Lucina and Marth would have done better with their Melee Combo Throw as opposed to their Kill Throw, which is useless at low percentages. Mewtwo doesn't need to throw you to kill you at all as he has more than enough tools and setups for that option. Those are just some examples of characters that would do much better with combo throws as opposed to kill throws.

Combo throws are a good alternative. Whereas a kill throw is a guaranteed death, a combo throw allows for DI and trajectory change, which could allow you to survive. A lot of things in this game are worse with guarantee of death than they are with a chance to survive. Take ZSS's Up B. You may not know it, but you can DI out of this move and survive it if you know how to. Imagine if you couldn't do that. If everytime ZSS hit you with an Up B, you were screwed? Not very fun is it? Compare this to the throws in the game and you may come to see why I'm opposed to kill throws. Throws should bring stage control or combos. Not kills.
I'm very well aware what characters i've included in my statment. kill throws have been in smash since the begining. and the correleation between good character and ill throw wasn't even a thing until tis game. I meant (although may not have types) average to below average speed. there are 0 characters that are considered fast with kill throws. I don't count throws that start killing at 150 percent. the only character that breaks that mold is mewtwo. but he has more than enough weaknesses to compensate.
and this thread isn't about which is better this is about kill throws themselves. don't change subjects.


Smash Cadet
Mar 4, 2015
New York
I'm very well aware what characters i've included in my statment. kill throws have been in smash since the begining. and the correleation between good character and ill throw wasn't even a thing until tis game. I meant (although may not have types) average to below average speed. there are 0 characters that are considered fast with kill throws. I don't count throws that start killing at 150 percent. the only character that breaks that mold is mewtwo. but he has more than enough weaknesses to compensate.
and this thread isn't about which is better this is about kill throws themselves. don't change subjects.
No one opted to change the subject. You stated that every character will kill throws is slow which compensates for their throws, and I invalidated it by proving that there are characters that are fast despite kill throws. Also couldn't care less about your threshold for kill throws. To me, kill throws is any throw that doesn't have a set knockback and kill at any percent. Basically, throws that aren't Palutena's Down Throw or similar are kill throws. Of course to stay relevant to the people on this thread, I've only chosen characters with throws that kill below 200.

Now, back to kill throws. Sure, if someone makes a mistake or misinput, then it is justified for them to lose their stock. However, for a person to lose their stock for relying on a defensive maneuver in this game that counters many approaches is just flat out wrong. Are you to tell me that this other guy is launching 20+ projectiles per minute and because I decided to shield at the wrong frame, he takes my stock at 90%? Of course, I may sound like a casual making this complaint. I go to tournaments and I know very well how to deal with the opponent's ability to grab me. This still doesn't justify having the opponent be able to kill me from a helpless position. The thing about kill throws in opposition to the rest of the killing options in this game is that once the opponent is grabbed, the opponent is unable to do anything besides mash buttons to break out. Smash attacks can be blocked and edgeguards can be maneuvered around. Kill throws are damn near impossible to break out of at high percentages.


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Pit definitely needs his Fthrow to kill. It's basically his one consistent kill option, never mind the fact that it's fairly weak and requires a good position. Pit's supposed to be the anti-camp character, and I guess Dark Pit's about ledge pressure. Either way, don't be an idiot and stand on the ledge against either character. Won't get you anywhere anyway.

Characters with killing back throws use them as a defense mechanism mostly. For the most part you won't see them outside of bad mistakes...

Uthrows (and some Bthrows) are to make a character threatening all-around. Mewtwo and Ness wouldn't be half the characters they are without their kill throws... And kill combos out of throws aren't much better. You either have the ones that are easily disarmed and irrelevant like Roy's, or the mostly unescapable ones like MK and ZSS's. Basically the same thing really.


Smash Rookie
Apr 16, 2015
There's nothing wrong with them, and it's good not everyone has them, since it'd be a total grab fest at higher %
it's more of who you're playing that makes it annoying and boring with them constantly trying to kill you with one
There was a Ness on 1v1 who fought normally and got me up enough % and suddenly went from being aggressive to rolling to the edges of the stage, running out to grab, and roll back when he missed
...and i was stupid enough to get grabbed :upsidedown:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
for those complaining about ness's back throw please get good at the game. ness has no tools nor the mobility to make you shield. if u get grabbed by ness, 9 times outta 10, it is your own fault; you probably got read or punished. He has bad approach options. No good zoning tools to force the opponent to shield. PK fire doesn't guarantee anything. Very slow ground speed and even slower air speed (this makes tomahawking much less useful for ness). He has little range compared to most. His combos off down grab end at around 35%-45% depending on the character. Getting a grab with ness doesn't just...happen

whereas characters like sonic, robin, and ROB all had their kill throws nerfed.
Why, you might ask? all three of these characters can grab you with little effort.

ROB's projectiles create a ton of shield pressure and he has decent speed. With proper zoning landing a grab isn't hard, especially with ROB's zoning tools being so good.

Robin also has good zoning tools. They dont force you to shield as much as someone like ROB but they're still pretty good. On the other hand if you get hit with lvl2 thunder or arc fire and robin is near by you are sure to get grabbed. Even if you shield these moves there is still a good chance of robin grabbing you, especially by the edge of the stage as there is nowhere to roll to; chances are even higher now since dodge rolls were nerfed.

Sonics speed and spin dash mechanics also force you to shield. He's so fast he can easily punish some of the safest moves in the game if they whiff. Spin dash shield cancel makes you hesitate to drop your shield since you dont know what he's going to do. This is very effective at medium ranges (about a dodge rolls length) since he can effortlessly punish rolls because of his speed. Spot dodging isn't a good answer either because of pivot grabs and cross-ups. All of these things makes it relatively easy to land a grab.

at the end of the day some characters need these things and some dont


Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
ness has no tools nor the mobility to make you shield. He has bad approach options. No good zoning tools to force the opponent to shield. PK fire doesn't guarantee anything. Very slow ground speed and even slower air speed (this makes tomahawking much less useful for ness). He has little range compared to most. His combos off down grab end at around 35%-45% depending on the character. Getting a grab with ness doesn't just...happen
It's almost as if you don't play the character.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
It's unnecessary for every character to have a kill throw as it would cause balance issues so it's fine the way it is.

Killing people with back throw at high percentage as Rosalina and Mega Man does feel good though.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2015
I'm not bothered by them, and I don't main anybody who has a decent kill throw(Falco b throw kills really late, and shulk'a back throw is only a guaranteed kill in smash art)
I think kill throws and variety and good punishing tools for bad players. I don't get salty when ness kills my shulk with bthrow, I know that I should have switched to sheild art. However constantly having to depend upon them is a bit irritating


Smash Lord
Sep 29, 2014
None of your beeswax!
Switch FC
Kill throws are fine.
People also exaggerate how powerful Ness' bThrow is.
Maybe you should consider playing a character who has some actual weight to them.


Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
based off of your response to my post i could say the same to you
Damn this dk main sure did tell me how my own character works. :^)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
Damn this dk main sure did tell me how my own character works. :^)
ive been playing ness since before the first DLC's came. Sooo yeah...i did tell ya

if you disagree with my description of ness's capabilities i would like to hear your take on it


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
Throws are fine as they are. Some characters just don't need them, nor do they need them taken away.

Da Man

Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2006
Canterburt, Kent, England
I agree with most that throws are fine as they are.

And are you people forgetting that Ness always had the most powerful and infamous throw in every game overall? Its like you don't play the previous 3 games and only complaining about his back throw in smash 4. The boy's fine the way he is anyway.


Smash Lord
Sep 29, 2014
None of your beeswax!
Switch FC
I agree with most that throws are fine as they are.

And are you people forgetting that Ness always had the most powerful and infamous throw in every game overall? Its like you don't play the previous 3 games and only complaining about his back throw in smash 4. The boy's fine the way he is anyway.
The only reason people are complaining now is because Ness finally got the means to become a highly competent fighter.
Meaning more people started playing him, so more people noticed how powerful his bThrow is.

Judging by the patch history, the dev team is making no attempt to nerf this. Guess they really liked the decision of making the bThrow this powerful way back in the late nineties.


Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
ive been playing ness since before the first DLC's came. Sooo yeah...i did tell ya

if you disagree with my description of ness's capabilities i would like to hear your take on it
Well you've certainly not played the character long enough to truly grasp his abilities if you believe robin to be a character to actively land more grabs than him. Playing him pre-dlc isn't an accomplishment. But I'll go ahead and rebut your claims:

ness has no tools nor the mobility to make you shield. He has bad approach options. No good zoning tools to force the opponent to shield. PK fire doesn't guarantee anything.
Crossup nair/fair, falling / frame canceled uair, empty hop > auto-canceled dair, fh pk fire, magnet stalling, dtilt. Ness's aerial presence is enough to bait a shield.
Mobility-wise, he has zap jumping if you desperately need a method of closing space and mixing up with a projectile.
Pk fire also guarantees two things: your opponent is trapped in flame depending on where it combusts, or that your opponent shields/DI'd and evades in one possible direction.

Very slow ground speed and even slower air speed (this makes tomahawking much less useful for ness).
His air speed is faster than his ground speed. Shows how much you honestly know of the character.

He has little range compared to most. His combos off down grab end at around 35%-45% depending on the character. Getting a grab with ness doesn't just...happen
Little range compared to who? The sword users? 3 of his aerials disjoint.
It's amazing that he has much more combos than just dthrow, right? Even then, ness isn't a character that relies heavily on combos to begin with.
Though I agree with your sentiment that people who are overtly getting grabbed by ness are more often than not bad, he does get grabs in the same vein that the characters you listed do as well.

Pale Tuna

Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2014
Riverview, Florida
I am sure many have said the same but I am fine with kill throws since some characters need it. I wish a few more characters had kill throws such as Samus. While she does have her CS, Bair, and powerful U/FSmashes, I do think she should have a kill throw. It's already hard enough to kill with her. She doesn't have much of an approach game as other characters, yet characters like Pit and Shulk have pretty nice kill throws. There are a few characters out there that are deserving for a kill throw, hope to see the new patch fix things up a bit.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
Crossup nair/fair, falling / frame canceled uair, empty hop > auto-canceled dair, fh pk fire, magnet stalling, dtilt. Ness's aerial presence is enough to bait a shield.
Mobility-wise, he has zap jumping if you desperately need a method of closing space and mixing up with a projectile.
Pk fire also guarantees two things: your opponent is trapped in flame depending on where it combusts, or that your opponent shields/DI'd and evades in one possible direction.
first off, the opponent, assuming they know what they're doing, isn't just going to let you run up and do any of this stuff. They're going to be trying to space/poke in neutral just like you are. If you have a good understanding of neutral game you will realize why I said what i said.

crossup nair is a bad approach option because of ness's fall speed and it is not disjointed. It will likely get you punished by opponents with good OoS options, especially if they power shield.

Crossup fair will likely result in a loss or reset of neutral because of the end lag on his fair and his fall speed.

Upair has to be well spaced, usually tip range for ness to be completely safe on shield unless its a crossup and not a perfect shield. Unfortunately the hit lag on shield and the lack of shield stun on perfect shields makes it to where he's never really at frame advantage when doing any variation of falling Upair.

Auto-canceled dair is pretty much his only viable tool to force shields in neutral and even that is not very intimidating because of his fall speed.

Full-hop pk fire is also not really a good option because of the angle of the fire and the tremendous end lag on the move. If it misses or is shielded you are almost certainly be punished.

Magnet stalling is also not very intimidating because of his fall speed. IMO magnet stalling is only really useful when trying not to get while landing or in the air.

Zap jumping is extremely risky and should only be used for hard reads or punishes(very situational)

As for PK fire, you can attack while in it with a fast enough move (luigi nair, falcon jab, etc.). you can spot dodge, you can dodge roll, you can jump/walk out (if you're not in the center). It can be reflected even on hit. And NEVER USE THIS MOVE AGAINST GAME & WATCH. He can bucket the fires and get oil panic off of one pk fire. If anything, follow ups are only guaranteed on a select few and only if they're in the center of the fire

His air speed is faster than his ground speed. Shows how much you honestly know of the character.
you are correct but that wasn't the point i was trying to make. his lack of speed(mobility) hinders his ability to pressure shields.

Little range compared to who? The sword users? 3 of his aerials disjoint.
It's amazing that he has much more combos than just dthrow, right? Even then, ness isn't a character that relies heavily on combos to begin with.
Though I agree with your sentiment that people who are overtly getting grabbed by ness are more often than not bad, he does get grabs in the same vein that the characters you listed do as well.
Among his airs the only disjoint worthy of mention is Fair. His bair, although dijointed, the disjoint is underwhelming. Combine this with ness's very small frame and you are much more likely to trade compared to moves like Fair or other moves that have a lot of disjoint.

the same applies to Dair on top of the move being kinda trash offensively.

and for the record, I know ness quite well. Me being a DK main proves nothing.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2014
It's true that not all characters should have kill throws. But the characters that do have them shouldn't lose them. If you think kill throws, as well as combo throws for that matter, are overpowered, you're doing something wrong. If a character has a kill or combo throw, you play carefully. Don't shield too much, spend a little more time in the air, learn to read grabs, and get punishes when possible. Throws are not unavoidable. And if you do get thrown, DI the right way, or if you get killed, you got killed, and that's that. Figure out what you did wrong in the moment and be more careful next time.

And things like "kill throws aren't a hype way to win" or "kill throws are lazy, they take no effort" are terrible excuses. When you're in a fight, the priority isn't hype or super advanced tricks to get a kill, the priority is to get the kill. If a throw gets the job done, then that's what woks. And especially in high level play, throws can often be harder to get, because once you learn to avoid grabs better, kill and combo throws are much less of a problem.
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