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"Witness My True Power!" - Melia Antiqua for SSB4 DLC (NOOOO XCX SPOILERS PLEASE!)

Do you want Melia to be a playable DLC character?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 50 74.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 17 25.4%

  • Total voters


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Melia: Leader of the High Entia

Melia is one of the seven playable characters in the critically acclaimed JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles. She is a member and the princess of the High Entia who joined Shulk in his quest to restore peace within Bionis and Mechonis With the new Xenoblade Chronicles (new) 3DS port, she has the chance of being promoted to playable status in Smash Bros. now that Xenoblade has proved to be worthy of character representation.

What notable points does she have in her favor exactly?

    • She is able to use ether arts to summon elemental spirits and powerful magic in her disposal, which has a unique gimmick different from other characters.
    • Out of all the main characters in the game, she is by far the most popular within the Xenoblade community.
    • Like said before, she also has the Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS coming out soon to help promote the game.
    • With the (new) 3DS port coming out, she is currently a relevant character, giving her a chance to be considered, as said in Sakurai's criteria.
With all three of these factors combined, it gives her a bit of a good chance of being DLC.
Potential Moveset:
In Xenoblade Chronicles, Melia uses her ether arts, she gradually fills up her talent gauge to eventually gain an special attack called Elemental Discharge (icon shown below):

This allows her to use even more powerful magic with twice the damage. In Smash Bros., her potential playstyle would rely on filling up her gauge in battle while also avoiding opponents to cast them out of the battlefield with her summons, although her weaknesses would probably be being relatively slow and has a shorter agility and jump than most other characters. Unlike Shulk, Melia has more flexible control with switching out modes and she is able to carry out multiple effects, but she only has three modes and has less melee range, slower , and shorter mode time than Shulk.

[collapse= Moveset]


Neutral-B: Elemental Discharge: Melia uses her summon for a powerful ranged attack/ recovery. This is basically the core in using Melia properly, this must be used to activate all three of her special moves.

Side-B: Summon Flare:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small blast of fire to the ground. Similar to Robin's Fire Tome, except it lasts x1.5 longer than Robin's, but it's easily escapable. You can also change the distance the longer you charge.
Summoned: Melia fires a fast fireball to the ground. It goes farther and also causes a small explosion that's useful to KO opponents. In addition to the big blast, Melia's physical attacks increase by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Up-B: Summon Wind:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small burst of wind downward to propel her to recovery. Low recovery ability.
Summoned: Melia fires a giant burst of air downward to give her a huge vertical recovery boost. In addition to the recovery, she also has her agility increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Down-B: Summon Bolt:
Unsummoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her, fires an instant thin lightning strike diagonally downward direction. Does low multi-hit damage, but its start-up is instant and can go through walls and through the ground.
Summoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her and fires an instant thicker lightning bolt diagonally downward that has good KO potential. In addition to the lightning strike, her special moves' power is increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.


Jab: Melia horizontally swings her staff twice and finishes with a good-ranged upward swing.

Side-Tilt: Melia steps forward and swings her staff to do moderately good side knockback on the opponent. A good move to get away from the opponent.

A-Dash: Melia swings her staff quickly at a diagonal-downward angle. Has less knockback than A-Side, but knocks the opponent upwards, allowing a combo for U-Tilt.

U-Tilt: Melia raises and twirls her staff vertically, a multihitting attack that has good melee range from above to cover from the opponent.

D-Tilt: Melia swipes her staff to the ground. Not a really good attack for anything other than using it for mix-ups.


Neutral-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff forward. A good very close-ranged attack to quickly combo the opponent and provide good knock back for spacing.

Forward-Air: Melia slams her staff in a downward diagonal direction. Has start-up lag, but has much more range, damage, and knock back than N-Air.

Back-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff from the back. A close-ranged attack similar to Ike's Back-Air.

Down-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff downward. Unlike other air-attacks, it has a wide, curved hitbox that only hit when you hit the opponent on the left to earn a meteor smash.

Up-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff upward. Like D-Air, it has a wide, curved hitbox on the right of Melia, but only hits the hardest during the end of the attack.


Pummel: Melia kicks with her knee on the opponent while trapping the opponent with her staff. Slow-paced grabs, 2% per pummel.

D-Throw: Melia quickly lies the opponent down and casts Shadow Stitch to prevent the opponent from moving.
*Opponents can easily escape Melia D-Throw at low percentages before she casts her ether art.

B-Throw: Melia quickly tosses the opponent from the back while chanting "Stitch!". Very little throwback.

F-Throw: Melia quickly raises her leg and kicks the opponent while chanting "Kick!". Has ok throwback.

U-Throw: Melia quickly tosses the opponent to the air. If you're quick enough, you may able to land a combo with an air attack.

Smash Attacks:

F-Smash: Melia (one-hand) holds her staff diagonally downward and then charges her ether staff to summon slashing wave that covers her in the front. Has relatively long ending lag.

D-Smash: Melia (two-hands) slightly raises her staff and charges, then slams her staff to the ground and summons wind from the ground that covers her bottom half from behind and front. A good move to use if you are trapped by two opponents. Knocks the opponent upward.

U-Smash: Melia (one-hand) wields her staff up and charges it to summon a slightly tilted upward, long-ranged, thin burst wave. A multi hitting, powerful attack with great range.


U-Taunt: Melia chants out "Manifest yourself!" while raise her staff up and slightly-forward.

S-Taunt: Melia chants out "You cannot be reckless!" while spinning her staff in a stylish fashion.

D-Taunt: Melia wields her staff downward chants out "Is that what you're capable of?"

Final Smash:

Chain Attack: Melia summons her Chain Attack, attacking the opponent constantly along Sharla and Reyn, finishing with Mind Blast. If you're curious, these are the attacks they use during the Final Smash:
(in order)

1. Spear Break
2. Summon Ice
3. Mind Blast

1. Rage
2. Bone Upper
3. Wild Down

1. Thunder Bullet
2. Head Shot
3. Metal Blast


kenniky's Moveset:
Leader of the High Entia, master of ether. Melia's playstyle revolves entirely around her elemental system, in which she can summon elementals to give herself buffs and discharge them to inflict damage and debuffs.

Melia is a fragile character without her elementals, so proper management is crucial to playing Melia well.

Jumps: normal amount (one midair jump)
Walking speed: slow (on par with Zelda)
Running speed: slow (on par with Link)
Jump height: lacking (on par with Robin)
Air speed: mediocre (on par with Ness)
Fall/fast fall speed: screw this gonna make it exactly Shulk's
Weight: semi-light (on par with Palutena)

Neutral Special: Summon Elemental - this is Melia's signature move and basically makes her as a character. There are eight summons: Wind, Ice, Flare, Earth, Aqua, Bolt, Copy, and Reflect.

Pressing B once will bring up four elementals around Melia, pressing a direction will choose one.
Pressing B a second time will bring up the other four elementals, again, pressing a direction will choose one of them.
Pressing B a third time will get rid of these and allow Melia to move again.


So for example if I press B then Up I summon Wind elemental
if I press B-B-Forward I summon Earth elemental

Melia will not be able to move, but pressing shield will also cancel summon selection.

Upon summon, Melia will say "Summon ___" and make a pose that can be canceled into other things similarly to Shulk's Monado Arts. Additionally, a colored orb will appear around Melia's head to indicate the summons she currently has equipped.

You can have 3 summons at a time. First summon will appear above Melia, second summon in front, third summon behind.

Summons have a cooldown before they can be summoned again. Copy will summon the last elemental you summoned regardless of cooldown, but Copy also has a cooldown.

Each summon has special effects but I'll go over those later.

Side Special: Spear Break - Melia pokes forward with her staff, pressing B again will cause her to do a dropkick. The dropkick knocks opponents away from her at a very low angle, potentially causing tripping. Moderately high endlag on the dropkick and very punishable on whiff, but successful connect puts Melia in an advantageous position.

First hit: Spear poke. 4%, high hitstun but low knockback, moderate shield damage.
Second hit: dropkick. 7%, semi-spike angle OR trip.

Up Special: Burst End - Melia raises her staff in the air and releases a yellow ether field around her that lifts her up slightly. Does not put Melia into helpless mode. On the ground, Melia does not rise. slowish startup

Initial hit: 6%
subsequent hits: 2%. trapping though

Down Special: Elemental Discharge - Melia discharges her most recently summoned elemental.

Each summon has a special effect that I'll go over later.

Neutral A: Melia swings forward with her staff twice, then does a quick stab. Pretty standard

First hit: 3%
second hit: 4%
last hit: 4%

Ftilt: Melia does a swipe with her staff. slightly disjointed


Utilt: Melia does an overhead sweep with her staff. slightly disjointed. Hitboxes both in front and behind, may not catch low crouches (Kirby, WFT, Jigglypuff, G&W, etc)


Dtilt: Melia does a quick poke with her staff on the ground. slightly disjointed.


Dash attack: Starlight Kick - Melia does a dropkick similarly to her Side-B, however it knocks opponents up and has less lag


Fsmash: Melia stabs forward with her staff, any summoned elementals swirl around the tip to do extra damage.

15% (staff hit)
lingering elemental damages afterwards (discussed below)

Usmash: Melia raises her staff upward, summoned elementals pop up briefly.

13% (staff hit), very low knockback but decent hitstun
elemental pop up beyond the staff afterwards, discussed below

Dsmash: Melia bombards her feet with three blasts of ether. Similar to Lucas's. Elementals affect damage.

first hit: 5% base, varies based on third elemental.
second hit: 6% base, varies based on second elemental.
third hit: 10% base, varies based on first elemental.

Nair: Melia swings her staff in front and behind her. similar to Toon Link

front hit: 6%
back hit: 6%
landing lag: 14 frames

Fair: Melia does a large swipe in front of her with the staff. similar to Robin's

landing lag: 23 frames

Bair: Melia swings her staff behind her and summons ether from the tip of it. Multihit

3%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 5% (last hit launches)
landing lag: 21 frames

Dair: Melia swings her staff downwards. Basically Palutena's

landing lag: 24 frames

Uair: Melia extends her staff upwards, any summoned elementals swirl around the tip of it.

3% on staff hit, little knockback
elemental damages: discussed below
landing lag: 13 frames

Grabs & Throws
Grab: fairly fast. Melia reaches out with her hand and grabs the opponent.

Pummel: slow pummel, she drives the staff into the enemy. summoned elementals each do damage as well


Fthrow: Melia bats the opponent away with her staff.


Bthrow: Melia tosses the opponent backwards, similarly to Marth's


Uthrow: Melia tosses the opponent upwards and sends three ether orbs after them (think Falco's or Fox's)

initial throw 5%
Ether orb 1: 1%, depends on first elemental
Ether orb 2: 1%, depends on second elemental
Ether orb 3: 2%, depends on third elemental.

Dthrow: Melia slams the opponent to the ground and unleashes ether on them. dependent on summoned elementals

base damage: 5%

Elemental Effects
Each elemental has several effects in moves and on Melia. Each elemental also has a way they act when used in Melia's smashes, Uair, uthrow, and dthrow

Wind: increases Melia's speed. puts her on par with Charizard's run speed and adjusts air speed and walk speed similarly
General attributes: a weak elemental, but fast and has slight windboxes
Discharge: she sends it down, making a weak explosion at her feet with 1-2% but propels her upwards. Includes slight windbox on sides and bottom and large windbox above.
Fsmash: 1% damage
Usmash: 2% damage
Dsmash: 4%/4%/7% damage
Uair: 3% damage
Pummel: +0.5%
Uthrow: 0.5%/1%/1%
Dthrow: +1%

Flare: increases the strength of Melia's ground attacks (not including grab/throw), with a 10% multiplier
General attributes: medium speed with good damage and high launching power
Discharge: medium speed projectile with explosion. 11% damage and good launching power
(note: these percentages do not reflect the strength increase)
Fsmash: 3% damage
Usmash: 4% damage
Dsmash: 7%/7%/12%
Uair: 6% damage
Pummel: +2%
Uthrow: 2%/2.5%/3%
Dthrow: +3%

Bolt: increases the strength of Melia's aerials and her throws with a 10% multiplier
General attributes: fast, good damage and moderate kill power
Discharge: fast projectile, approximately the speed of Robin's Thunder. does 9% on impact
(note: these percentages do not reflect the strength increase)
Fsmash: 3% damage
Usmash: 4.5% damage
Dsmash: 6.5%/7%/12%
Uair: 5% damage
Pummel: +2%
Uthrow: 2%/2%/3%
Dthrow: +3%

Aqua: Melia heals 1% every 2 seconds.
General attributes: slow, weak, lacks kill power but heals Melia
Discharge: pretty slow projectile (speed of Lloid Rocket) that has high-ish hitstun. 4%, heals Melia for 3%
Fsmash: 1% damage, heals Melia by 1%
Usmash: 1% damage, heals Melia by 1%
Dsmash: 3%/4%/6% damage, heals Melia by 2%/2%/4%
Uair: 2%, heals Melia for 1%
Pummel: +0.5%, heals Melia for 1%
Uthrow: 0.5%/1%/1%, heals Melia for 0%/1%/1%
Dthrow: +0.5%, heals Melia for 2%

Earth: Melia is heavier (on par with Lucario)
General attributes: slow, lacking kill power, but does lots of damage
Discharge: slow projectile that does 13%
Fsmash: 4%
Usmash: 5%
Dsmash: 7%/8%/13%
Uair: 7%
Pummel: +3%
Uthrow: 3%/3%/4%
Dthrow: +3.5%

Ice: Melia takes less damage by 10% (this makes her artificially heavier)
General attributes: medium speed, average damage, freezes on impact (similarly to Judge 8)
Discharge: medium speed projectile, does 7%. Freezes for a somewhat short amount of time
Fsmash: 2%
Usmash: 2%
Dsmash: 5%/6%/9%
Uair: 4%
Pummel: +1%
Uthrow: 1%/1.5%/2%
Dthrow: +2.5%

Copy: copies the previous elemental.

Reflect: basically Reflection. Melia has a reflect status on her (similarly to a Franklin badge) that cause projectiles to be reflected at a 45 degree angle with 1.2x multiplier
General attributes: average in everything, but turns opponents around instead of dealing knockback and reflects projectiles (1.0x multiplier in attacks)
Discharge: medium slow, large projectile that reflects other projectiles with 1.4x multiplier directly back. deals 6% damage and has a Cape effect. reflecting a projectile will not make it disappear
Fsmash: 2.5%
Usmash: 2%
Dsmash: 5%/5%/9%
Uair: 3.5%
Pummel: +1%
Uthrow: 1%/2%/2%
Dthrow: +2.5%

Interesting things
Melia's pummel can do 10% damage with 3 Earth elementals, or 7.7% with 2 Earth and 1 Bolt...
Similarly Melia's Dsmash can do 28% with 3 Earth elementals, or 30.8%/29.7% with 2 Earth and 1 Flare...

balanced out of course by lackluster attributes

[collapse= Members of the High Entia]
1. BluePikmin11
2. AncientBaby
3. ercio9001
4. foolssigma
5. Rie Sonomura
6. El Fonz0
7. smashingDoug
8. RawstyleEevee
9. RegiGiygas117
10. berserker01
11. jaeohjae
12. Cliffjumper
13. oni333
14. S.F.L.R_9
15. Nammy12
16. swordsman09
17. Diamond DHD
18. FreedomTP
19. Tails2Link
20. KingBro1
21. kenniky
22. Burruni
23. samuroleon


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You must find your own path to the future.
Jul 13, 2014
I would love to see Melia in the game.

I was thinking about trying a Melia moveset once I got done with my Shulk PSA brawl mod. I think the idea fits here. Here's what I said:

Melia would operate similarly to how she does in the game. She is able to summon three elementals, each which would have different effects on her as they are summoned and as they are being cast.

The psa would operate through a complex series of "if bit variable is set" operations.

Side B, Down B, and some of the fighter stances would summon the elementals while the Neutral B would fire them. Up B is reserved for something to help melia recover. Maybe she could quickly summon wind and use it to launch her up.

The elementals I have in mind are:

--Aqua. While active it heals Melia 1 HP every x seconds. I've been thinking like maybe once every 3 seconds for one elemental summoned, once every 2.25 secs for 2, and once every 1.5 seconds for 3 water elementals. When fired, the elemental does only like 5 damage but heals Melia that amount. Would be coded like "If hitbox connects, add 5 damage"

--Bolt. In-game it increases Melia's ether while active, so I figure it should increase the damage of elementals being fired. Since there can be 0-3 of these active at once, I would pretty much have to have four different versions of the b attack made by the bit variables. When cast, has an electric flag and noise but no other special effects. Is the most powerful of the B attacks.

--Flare. Powers up her physical attacks a bit. When cast, it has a larger hitbox than the electric and uses a fire flag. Damage is moderately high. Don't think I can replicate the burn over time damage.

--Earth. Gives her slight damage resistance. I think this can be done through the super armor operation?? When fired it does an area effect that gives opponents flowers to represent poison.

--I could have it so that Melia's up B activates a recovery move under certain conditions and summons an elemental under other conditions, probably when on ground vs in air. The elemental would boost her speed and maybe jump ability (would need help for this if I were to do it).

A attacks would be hits with staff, kicks, maybe a slap. Smash attacks could possibly be based on starlight kick and spear break.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2014
DFW Texas
Melia best Xenoblade character. Even though I don't think more DLC is likely yet, Melia would be my most wanted. Add me to the ranks of the High Entia!


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
So Summon Wind would be her recovery?
That's a good idea, it should give her a giant recovery boost in my opinion if required summoning the art then discharging it.

We should definitely figure out what the Side-B and Down-B would be.
How about Starlight Kick for Melia's Side-B and Mind Blast as a Wario-Waft like attack for Down-B?
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah, she'd be pretty cool to have. I'm more a Fiora supporter myself (being the owner of her thread and all ;) ) but I did make a potential moveset for Melia back in the day, on the old Shulk thread (it's suuuuper old though and I'll have to dig for it) and of the remaining Xenoblade characters that weren't already playable (Shulk) or deconfirmed (Dunban and Riki), Melia is I'd say next in line after Fiora for being a potential candidate better than Reyn and Sharla at least. :troll:

And of course I'm counting Xenoblade X characters like Elma, Cross, Rin etc. separately since their game hasn't come out yet, but an XCX rep would be neat too.

El Fonz0

Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2013
After Fiora, I'd want Melia as the third Xenoblade rep, assuming a Xenoblade X character doesn't prove more interesting.

Personally, I felt that Melia's gimmick would be a mix of Olimar's and Shulk's. Down-B would summon an elemental in a set order, buffing her in a certain manner. The Ether related elementals would have their effects be knockback based, but other than that it's pretty much the same as in Xenoblade.
The elementals Melia has in play would be displayed left to right above her character icon, with the leftmost one being the first one. The passive effects of the elementals stack when there are more than one. Neutral B would launch the newest elemental, with the effect being related to the elemental itself.

Passive Effects:
Flare grants a damage buff.
Bolt grants a knockback increase.
Ice grants knockback resistance.
Wind increases jump height and speed.
Aqua applies a healing over time effect.
Earth provides armor for attacks(1 is light armor, 2 is medium armor, 3 is heavy armor).

Attack Effects:
Flare has most damage(or PK Fire/Arcfire like effect).
Bolt has most knockback.
Ice freezes.
Wind has a blast radius.
Aqua heals Melia.
Earth buries.
So there's the stat changing of Shulk and the resource management and multiple projectile effects of Olimar.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Out of curiosity, if we were to get a new Xenoblade character, why would it be Melia and not someone like Fiora or a main character from the new game? Surely the more important characters would take priority?


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2013
Out of curiosity, if we were to get a new Xenoblade character, why would it be Melia and not someone like Juju or a main character from the new game? Surely the more important characters would take priority?
Fixed that for you :troll:


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
Would I like her playable? Hell yeah. I'd love any Xenoblade character to be playable.
Realistically she doesn't stand a chance, but she could do some interesting stuff with her elementals, somewhat like Shulk's Arts.
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Is she really the most popular in the Xenoblade Community? Shulk, Fiora, Riki, Dunban and Reyn all seem more popular to me.

Granted I think all of the Xenoblade party members are well loved but still.

As much as I like Melia, I can't quite get on board since I'd prefer Fiora or a Nopon from X.
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Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2014
Out of curiosity, if we were to get a new Xenoblade character, why would it be Melia and not someone like Fiora or a main character from the new game? Surely the more important characters would take priority?
Melia is one of the most liked Xenoblade characters though among the Xenoblade fanbase :) also sign me up


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I'm all for any Xenoblade character and wouldn't mind if any were playable (except Sharla and Juju).
I will join the Bird People.
Jun 8, 2009
Meliaaaaaaa. I was rooting for her since pre-Smash 4 release so I guess it makes sense to add me on that list

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Melia is one of the most liked Xenoblade characters though among the Xenoblade fanbase :) also sign me up
So much so that she'd actually be added before more notable ones?

It seems like most of the Xenoblade cast is pretty popular overall. Unless Melia has some sort of absurd amount of popularity in comparison to the other characters (and even then), she doesn't really stand out as a noteworthy DLC candidate.

Not to mention that the value of "popularity" is heavily debated by some.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
So much so that she'd actually be added before more notable ones?

It seems like most of the Xenoblade cast is pretty popular overall. Unless Melia has some sort of absurd amount of popularity in comparison to the other characters (and even then), she doesn't really stand out as a noteworthy DLC candidate.

Not to mention that the value of "popularity" is heavily debated by some.
Is she really the most popular in the Xenoblade Community? Shulk, Fiora, Riki, Dunban and Reyn all seem more popular to me.

Granted I think all of the Xenoblade party members are well loved but still.

As much as I like Melia, I can't quite get on board since I'd prefer Fiora or a Nopon from X.
A lot of her popularity comes form the fact that she is probably the most broken character in the game as far as damage dealing goes. This is not to say that her character isn't awesome (it is), but people love her for her usefulness in game.

I would probably put her on the same level of popularity as Reyn (globally), which is just below Dunban/Riki/Fiora but way above Sharla. Seriously, who's favorite character is Sharla?

El Fonz0

Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2013
So does anyone know what her Final smash or alternate colors would be? I feel like her costumes should reference notable NPCs like Dickson and Alvis, just like Shulk references the other party member and Fiora could reference the Face Mechon.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Speaking of Melia costumes, do you want her to have a swimsuit costume too?

Melia would probably have Chain Attack again, except with Reyn and Sharla, not Fiora though (because spoilers). Her alternate colors will probably be random and not based on something, as there is no notable color basis Melia could take on. Fiora already has a good color basis with the boss Mechon like you said, but not Melia.
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El Fonz0

Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2013
I still think some of the colors should at least be based off of the members of the Allied Forces, like Kalian, Chief Dunga, Otharon, etc.

Regarding the swimsuit, that would be a humorous tradition to have in place for Xenoblade characters. :D

Other than something involving the Telethia (that's not a spoiler by itself, right?), Chain Attack seems to be the only other option.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013

Her turning into a Telethia would be awesome, hahaha!

I still think some of the colors should at least be based off of the members of the Allied Forces, like Kalian, Chief Dunga, Otharon, etc.
It doesn't have to based on anything really.
Maybe the colors could based on the gear Melia wears in Xenoblade Chronicles:

It is just based on the colors on the clothes, I expect Melia to have a similar pallete swap with Shulk with one additional alt. costume.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I think that Side Special ought to be a combo of Spear Break then Starlight Kick.
Spear Break offers a weak but quick attack with a quick recovery whilst Starlight Kick should you decide to follow up with it has a terrible recovery seeing as it involves her doing a Bowser drop kick (but not as strong obviously).

Can't think of much for her Up Special which would probably have to be made up considering her available arts don't have much in the way of verticality unless she uses her staff to pole vault.

Then customs are a thing so her Down b can involve Mind Blast and Burst End with something created for Smash to act specifically as an inbetween or offer something entirely different.
Everything else would be the usual "has this effect buffed at the expense of this effect and vice versa"

Final Smash -
What Sorean (her Father) did on Prison Island to Metal Face?
Chain attack with Reyn and Sharla (as has been mentioned)?
She isn't capable of becoming a Telethia because she's Half-High Entia, Half Homs but involving a Telethia somehow would be neat. Even then Smash doesn't stay true to canon (As much as Sakurai says otherwise and yes I have beef with him over that) so transforming isn't entirely out of the question.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Those Down-B moves are good ideas for customs, Burst End being a move that decreases the opponents weight by x1.5.
Mind Blast being the most offensive option out of the 3 customs. Both would take a long time to charge.

We could also have a third custom that has a shorter charge time, but with the cost of less power.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
Who wants to start the Reyn and Sharla threads? Isn't this a little bit too much?

Actually though, sign me up, more Xenoblade is always good :D

Couple complaints though:
    • Out of all the main characters in the game, she is by far the most popular within the Xenoblade community.
Have you seen the Xenoblade subreddit? Everyone there has either Dunban, Riki, or Shulk flair. Melia is definitely more popular than Sharla and probably edges out Fiora as well, but other than that I'm not too sure; Shulk is the protagonist, Reyn is the Fountain of Memes, Dunban is just awesome, and Riki is the cute-comic-relief-but-still-somehow-useful-nonhuman.

Also what would her moves be? Here's an Art List:
  • Elemental Discharge [Talent Art] (attack with a summoned elemental)
  • Summon Bolt (grants Ether Up | causes electric damage)
  • Summon Flare (grants Strength Up | causes blaze damage to all enemies around the target)
  • Summon Ice (reduces Ether damage | causes chill damage to all enemies around Melia)
  • Hypnotise (puts an enemy to sleep)
  • Spear Break (throws back and slows an enemy, close range)
  • Shadow Stitch (Binds enemies in a circle around Melia)
  • Summon Copy (resummon the last summoned elemental)
  • Reflection (reflects enemy attacks except Talent Arts)
  • Summon Wind (grants Agility Up | inflicts area damage around the target)
  • Summon Earth (reduces physical damage | inflicts poison)
  • Summon Aqua (grants Regenerate | drains HP from one enemy)
  • Healing Gift (sacrifices HP to heal a party member)
  • Starlight Kick (forces Topple when used after Spear Break)
  • Power Effect [Aura] (doubles range of elemental auras)
  • Burst End (reduces physical and Ether defence of enemies in range, only available during Element Burst)
  • Mind Blast (removes enemy auras and inflicts Art Seal, only available during Element Burst)
I think:

Neutral B: Elemental Discharge: Similarly to Shulk, she cycles through her Summons, choosing one will create an orb of that type near her head and also put a little thing near her damage display (similarly to Monado Arts). However, unlike in Xenoblade, where she can have 3 Elements, Melia can only hold one, which can then either be released by using B once again or can be kept for the buff until it wears out.
Side B: Spear Break: She quickly jabs forward with her staff (why is it called Spear Break). Pressing B again will make her lunge forward in a kick that launches enemies far (or trips them to replicate Topple)
Up B: lolidk this I think is the real problem. Burst End?
Down B: Reflection, self-explanatory. I'm pretty sure people forgot about this Art because it's completely useless (if Melia's getting attacked, she's dead anyway so why bother)
Final Smash: Mind Blast. Functions similarly to Zero Laser.

I think the big thing holding her back is lack of a recovery move.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I completely forgot about the Reflection art, that's a better and likelier special move to happen than Mind Blast and Burst End.
Switching the topic for a bit, when I think about Spear Break for a while, wouldn't she already be use her spear for most of her normal attacks? I think Starlight Kick might be the better option.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I completely forgot about the Reflection art, that's a better and likelier special move to happen than Mind Blast and Burst End.
Switching the topic for a bit, when I think about Spear Break for a while, wouldn't she already be use her spear for most of her normal attacks? I think Starlight Kick might be the better option.
Wouldn't Starlight Kick also work as a standard attack? It is a kick, after all. It could easily work along the lines of Zelda or Palutena's F-Air.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
They both work for standard attacks, Starlight Kick could be at the end of a jab combo. But that would look a little silly.
Would Shadow Stitch work? It would be a very useful move making it up for her slow speed that stops the opponent nearby, they can still dash, jump, walk, and attack. But they are unable to escape Melia's attacks.
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
Switching the topic for a bit, when I think about Spear Break for a while, wouldn't she already be use her spear for most of her normal attacks? I think Starlight Kick might be the better option.
I was thinking Spear Break -> Starlight Kick if you press the B button, and about the normal attacks, any weapon user tends to use their weapons in their standard and special attacks. Spear Break could transition directly into Starlight Kick which would make it special.

Alternatively Starlight Kick could be the dash attack. Neutral B could be summon and side B as discharge and we still need to figure out an Up B.

Melia's grab could resemble Shadow Stitch.


You're outta luck, buddy
Jul 17, 2014
Third favorite character after Shulk and Fiora, I actually wanted her as DLC since I think it would be neat to have a 'pure' mage in Smash, plus she's pretty amazing anyways so Smash could use someone like her. :-)

Sign me up


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Oh yeah, That could potentially be a grab, but I think it would work better as a special, with all the power she would have on her specials, I think it would be better to give a little bit of a weakness if she just grabbed with her hands.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I made a short special move set, in addition to updating the playstyle:

In Smash Bros., her potential playstyle would rely on filling up her gauge in battle while also avoiding opponents to cast them out of the battlefield with her summons, although her weaknesses would probably be being relatively slow and has a shorter agility and jump than most other characters. Unlike Shulk, Melia has more flexible control with switching out modes and she is able to carry out multiple effects, but she only has three modes and has less melee range, slower , and shorter mode time than Shulk.

Neutral-B: Elemental Discharge: Melia uses her summon for a powerful ranged attack/ recovery. This is basically the core in using Melia properly, this must be used to activate all three of her special moves.

Side-B: Summon Flare:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small blast of fire to the ground. Similar to Robin's Fire Tome, except it lasts x1.5 longer than Robin's, but it's easily escapable. You can also change the distance the longer you charge.
Summoned: Melia fires a fast fireball to the ground. It goes farther and also causes a small explosion that's useful to KO opponents. In addition to the big blast, Melia's physical attacks increase by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Up-B: Summon Wind:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small burst of wind downward to propel her to recovery. Low recovery ability.
Summoned: Melia fires a giant burst of air downward to give her a huge vertical recovery boost. In addition to the recovery, she also has her agility increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Down-B: Summon Bolt:
Unsummoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her, fires an instant thin lightning strike diagonally downward direction. Does low multi-hit damage, but its start-up is instant and can go through walls and through the ground.
Summoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her and fires an instant thicker lightning bolt diagonally downward that has good KO potential. In addition to the lightning strike, her special moves' power is increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Do you think its good, I'm starting to think it's somewhat overpowered.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Out of curiosity, if we were to get a new Xenoblade character, why would it be Melia and not someone like Fiora or a main character from the new game? Surely the more important characters would take priority?
The answer is that it wouldn't. Wouldn't be Fiora either.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
The answer is that it wouldn't. Wouldn't be Fiora either.
My dream of playing as Metal Face will someday be realised.

Agreed, it'll most likely be somebody from Xenoblade Chronicles X. But isn't that the beauty of speculation and support? Putting aside likelihood and rationality and just having fun and just imagining playing around with our favourite characters.

I can't say I actively support Melia, since I have yet to play Xenoblade Chronicles, but I think more mage-type fighters is a good idea and am not at all opposed to Melia being playable. I think it's a cool idea and can definitely get behind it.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
OH MY GOD THIS IS A THREAD would have made my own but didnt want to spam

I need this and she is easily my most wanted Xeno character (over shulk even because I have bias) even though she has no chance
I do have a very bare moveset though

neutral b- summon, summons an elemental similar to how shulk in order. one click is bolt 2 is flare in order of bolt-> flare->wind->ice->earth. you can have up to 3 and they do have a cooldown. it DOES NOT cycle back (1 click is always bolt) at 5 clicks it automatically does earth and does not cycle anymore
each gives a buff but they do not stack if you have more than one active

bolt- increases specials (b) damage
flare- increases standard(a) attack damage
wind-increases speed and jump
ice-decreases damage from specials taken and probably items to keep it useful
earth- decreases standard damage taken

weaker than shulks arts but you can have 3 and they dont run out

side b- elemental discharge
basically how it works in game.
uses most recent elemental to deal damage
all are projecties except ice
bolt does the most
flare does aoe and small dot
wind aoe
ice aoe around you that applies a dot
earth dot

down b power effect (this seems like a good idea for a custom actually other moves include reflector)
doubles buffs from elementals. simple

up b * mind blast shoots straight down to launch herself up
has a very large aoe in a cone. at the edges it does not apply hit stun but in the center it is great and spikes near her

Final smash burst end* huge aoe attack with hit stun in the center that sucks enemies in before launching. does not have hit stun near the edge but still does damage

two of her auto attacks (diagonal downward and the poke) into an attack that i can't descrbe but the movement is kind of like thta one move zangief does to block projectiles but with a spear ( so a turn back spear?)

ftilt -->ftilt
spear break (high hitstun) into "starlight kick" except no falling down. can trip enemies in some cases don't actually know how the tripping mechanic works in this game.)

* I would like mind blast to be the FS so it can disable specials but it makes more sense as the up b

I would make her up air like link's but then it's really similar to shulk's
would totally replace sora (who is a joke anyway) for a melia sig
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
[collapse= Moveset]


Neutral-B: Elemental Discharge: Melia uses her summon for a powerful ranged attack/ recovery. This is basically the core in using Melia properly, this must be used to activate all three of her special moves.

Side-B: Summon Flare:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small blast of fire to the ground. Similar to Robin's Fire Tome, except it lasts x1.5 longer than Robin's, but it's easily escapable. You can also change the distance the longer you charge.
Summoned: Melia fires a fast fireball to the ground. It goes farther and also causes a small explosion that's useful to KO opponents. In addition to the big blast, Melia's physical attacks increase by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Up-B: Summon Wind:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small burst of wind downward to propel her to recovery. Low recovery ability.
Summoned: Melia fires a giant burst of air downward to give her a huge vertical recovery boost. In addition to the recovery, she also has her agility increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Down-B: Summon Bolt:
Unsummoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her, fires an instant thin lightning strike diagonally downward direction. Does low multi-hit damage, but its start-up is instant and can go through walls and through the ground.
Summoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her and fires an instant thicker lightning bolt diagonally downward that has good KO potential. In addition to the lightning strike, her special moves' power is increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.


Jab: Melia horizontally swings her staff twice and finishes with a good-ranged upward swing.

Side-Tilt: Melia steps forward and swings her staff to do moderately good side knockback on the opponent. A good move to get away from the opponent.

A-Dash: Melia swings her staff quickly at a diagonal-downward angle. Has less knockback than A-Side, but knocks the opponent upwards, allowing a combo for U-Tilt.

U-Tilt: Melia raises and twirls her staff vertically, a multihitting attack that has good melee range from above to cover from the opponent.

D-Tilt: Melia swipes her staff to the ground. Not a really good attack for anything other than using it for mix-ups.


Neutral-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff forward. A good very close-ranged attack to quickly combo the opponent and provide good knock back for spacing.

Forward-Air: Melia slams her staff in a downward diagonal direction. Has start-up lag, but has much more range, damage, and knock back than N-Air.

Back-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff from the back. A close-ranged attack similar to Ike's Back-Air.

Down-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff downward. Unlike other air-attacks, it has a wide, curved hitbox that only hit when you hit the opponent on the left to earn a meteor smash.

Up-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff upward. Like D-Air, it has a wide, curved hitbox on the right of Melia, but only hits the hardest during the end of the attack.


Pummel: Melia kicks with her knee on the opponent while trapping the opponent with her staff. Slow-paced grabs, 2% per pummel.

D-Throw: Melia quickly lies the opponent down and casts Shadow Stitch to prevent the opponent from moving.
*Opponents can easily escape Melia D-Throw at low percentages before she casts her ether art.

B-Throw: Melia quickly tosses the opponent from the back while chanting "Stitch!". Very little throwback.

F-Throw: Melia quickly raises her leg and kicks the opponent while chanting "Kick!". Has ok throwback.

U-Throw: Melia quickly tosses the opponent to the air. If you're quick enough, you may able to land a combo with an air attack.

Smash Attacks:

F-Smash: Melia (one-hand) holds her staff diagonally downward and then charges her ether staff to summon slashing wave that covers her in the front. Has relatively long ending lag.

D-Smash: Melia (two-hands) slightly raises her staff and charges, then slams her staff to the ground and summons wind from the ground that covers her bottom half from behind and front. A good move to use if you are trapped by two opponents. Knocks the opponent upward.

U-Smash: Melia (one-hand) wields her staff up and charges it to summon a slightly tilted upward, long-ranged, thin burst wave. A multi hitting, powerful attack with great range.


U-Taunt: Melia chants out "Manifest yourself!" while raise her staff up and slightly-forward.

S-Taunt: Melia chants out "You cannot be reckless!" while spinning her staff in a stylish fashion.

D-Taunt: Melia wields her staff downward chants out "Is that what you're capable of?"

Final Smash:

Chain Attack: Melia summons her Chain Attack, attacking the opponent constantly along Sharla and Reyn, finishing with Mind Blast. If you're curious, these are the attacks they use during the Final Smash:
(in order)

1. Spear Break
2. Summon Ice
3. Mind Blast

1. Rage
2. Bone Upper
3. Wild Down

1. Thunder Bullet
2. Head Shot
3. Metal Blast

I finished the entire move set, if you have some suggestions feel free to ask me. I worked pretty hard on it.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
[collapse= Moveset]


Neutral-B: Elemental Discharge: Melia uses her summon for a powerful ranged attack/ recovery. This is basically the core in using Melia properly, this must be used to activate all three of her special moves.

Side-B: Summon Flare:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small blast of fire to the ground. Similar to Robin's Fire Tome, except it lasts x1.5 longer than Robin's, but it's easily escapable. You can also change the distance the longer you charge.
Summoned: Melia fires a fast fireball to the ground. It goes farther and also causes a small explosion that's useful to KO opponents. In addition to the big blast, Melia's physical attacks increase by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Up-B: Summon Wind:
Unsummoned: Melia fires a small burst of wind downward to propel her to recovery. Low recovery ability.
Summoned: Melia fires a giant burst of air downward to give her a huge vertical recovery boost. In addition to the recovery, she also has her agility increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.

Down-B: Summon Bolt:
Unsummoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her, fires an instant thin lightning strike diagonally downward direction. Does low multi-hit damage, but its start-up is instant and can go through walls and through the ground.
Summoned: Melia quickly summons an orb above her and fires an instant thicker lightning bolt diagonally downward that has good KO potential. In addition to the lightning strike, her special moves' power is increased by x1.2 for 11 seconds.


Jab: Melia horizontally swings her staff twice and finishes with a good-ranged upward swing.

Side-Tilt: Melia steps forward and swings her staff to do moderately good side knockback on the opponent. A good move to get away from the opponent.

A-Dash: Melia swings her staff quickly at a diagonal-downward angle. Has less knockback than A-Side, but knocks the opponent upwards, allowing a combo for U-Tilt.

U-Tilt: Melia raises and twirls her staff vertically, a multihitting attack that has good melee range from above to cover from the opponent.

D-Tilt: Melia swipes her staff to the ground. Not a really good attack for anything other than using it for mix-ups.


Neutral-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff forward. A good very close-ranged attack to quickly combo the opponent and provide good knock back for spacing.

Forward-Air: Melia slams her staff in a downward diagonal direction. Has start-up lag, but has much more range, damage, and knock back than N-Air.

Back-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff from the back. A close-ranged attack similar to Ike's Back-Air.

Down-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff downward. Unlike other air-attacks, it has a wide, curved hitbox that only hit when you hit the opponent on the left to earn a meteor smash.

Up-Air: Melia quickly swings her staff upward. Like D-Air, it has a wide, curved hitbox on the right of Melia, but only hits the hardest during the end of the attack.


Pummel: Melia kicks with her knee on the opponent while trapping the opponent with her staff. Slow-paced grabs, 2% per pummel.

D-Throw: Melia quickly lies the opponent down and casts Shadow Stitch to prevent the opponent from moving.
*Opponents can easily escape Melia D-Throw at low percentages before she casts her ether art.

B-Throw: Melia quickly tosses the opponent from the back while chanting "Stitch!". Very little throwback.

F-Throw: Melia quickly raises her leg and kicks the opponent while chanting "Kick!". Has ok throwback.

U-Throw: Melia quickly tosses the opponent to the air. If you're quick enough, you may able to land a combo with an air attack.

Smash Attacks:

F-Smash: Melia (one-hand) holds her staff diagonally downward and then charges her ether staff to summon slashing wave that covers her in the front. Has relatively long ending lag.

D-Smash: Melia (two-hands) slightly raises her staff and charges, then slams her staff to the ground and summons wind from the ground that covers her bottom half from behind and front. A good move to use if you are trapped by two opponents. Knocks the opponent upward.

U-Smash: Melia (one-hand) wields her staff up and charges it to summon a slightly tilted upward, long-ranged, thin burst wave. A multi hitting, powerful attack with great range.


U-Taunt: Melia chants out "Manifest yourself!" while raise her staff up and slightly-forward.

S-Taunt: Melia chants out "You cannot be reckless!" while spinning her staff in a stylish fashion.

D-Taunt: Melia wields her staff downward chants out "Is that what you're capable of?"

Final Smash:

Chain Attack: Melia summons her Chain Attack, attacking the opponent constantly along Sharla and Reyn, finishing with Mind Blast. If you're curious, these are the attacks they use during the Final Smash:
(in order)

1. Spear Break
2. Summon Ice
3. Mind Blast

1. Rage
2. Bone Upper
3. Wild Down

1. Thunder Bullet
2. Head Shot
3. Metal Blast

I finished the entire move set, if you have some suggestions feel free to ask me. I worked pretty hard on it.
I'm actually a little confused.

you said neutral b fires the move. So does using a non-neutral special do an attack AND summon it or am I reading it wrong.

And I find it really disappointing that Melia can't/doesn't have riki in the chain attack because of Shulk. trading best friends like that (altough the reyn/sharla team up is nice)

and no sword drive for reyn aka the damage move? and rage is an aura that doesn't make a lot of sense here :p

everything else is great


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I'm actually a little confused.

you said neutral b fires the move. So does using a non-neutral special do an attack AND summon it or am I reading it wrong.

And I find it really disappointing that Melia can't/doesn't have riki in the chain attack because of Shulk. trading best friends like that (altough the reyn/sharla team up is nice)

and no sword drive for reyn aka the damage move? and rage is an aura that doesn't make a lot of sense here :p

everything else is great
No it doesn't summon, you have to summon first before using the powerful version of the special, basically the reverse function for what Melia does in Xenoblade.
I did try my best to pull out the best memorable moves, and somehow Sword Drive slipped my mind. @-@
Rage is there just for the quote itself.
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