Alright, just watched the vod Saj v Dolo. It showed the right way to play against Luigi, space and low commit. It really works and is very efficient. The method really exemplifies the mobility issue Luigi has.
Now to the stream people and the effect of this match.
Streams are notorious with having long pauses between matches and this make people anxious and angsty for the next match. I imagine going to the movies and watching previews that last for 25 mins to only then watch a film that lasts for 4 hours that had a plot line paper thin and had mediocre characters. In other words, I see where there anger stems from, but they need to calm down and think first before going ballistic. Vods are different because you can FF and RW all you want, but stream has to take it and like it.
At the tournament I was in last night (I promise it relates), I was helping TO and run brackets (BTW, I run a mean bracket). We were heavily debating to bump up to three stocks or not. While running brackets, I knew we didn't have optimal amount of setups, let alone the setups are of any quality. That meant that not every body in the same round could play. This means we had awkward waiting sessions to wait for setups to open up. If we had this type of match going on, we'd have to do nothing and bide time as someone is holding bracket as hostage.
From this point on, I will be talking about "radical" things:
That would ruin any sort of notion of fast game or three stock is cool.
While 2 stocks ain't bad characters like Lucario and Wario benefit the most cuz Wario can wait out and get an early detrimental kill and lucario aura is nuff said. Then there's people's propensity to SD just cuz. While SD do happen in other formats, it hurts the most in 2 stock. I find it weird that both PM and Melee have their fair share of slow matches, the game is generally regarded as fast. Yet Smash 4 has had few slow matches, but are too slow. If people want to find smash 4 and people tell them that it's too slow, people would have confirmation bias and look for Static Manny V True Blue, Dabuz v Abadango, and this match. While the MU is being played right and everything, it just doesn't bode well if the strat is taken on a larger scale. I am using my ethos, logos, and very little pathos.