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Q&A The Official Technical Issues Q&A thread (TV's, Controllers, gamecubes, etc)


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
white controllers have higher quality sticks. they have different internal structures as well. plus longer cord. just more durable.

im a pimp tho so I rock purple on top black on bottom with insides from a silver controller lol.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2012
Liberty Township, Ohio
Im tired of being forced to play brawl because melee isnt online! Even worse, my new wii doesnt take gamecube controllers...but i cant travel very far if i wanted to play with someone...what do i do?


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
white controller are overrated. i got one myself

get the silver. if you really want the longer cord, buy an extension for like 4 dollars
Overrated? Does it function alright? That's all I really care about, I have a perfectly fine controller but I was thinking of getting a white one but I'd hate for it to be different in any way other than cord length.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Probably the analog sticks (directional+c-stick) feel different because nintendo uses a new model now made entirely of plastic and assembled differently.

Newer post 2008 silver controllers are the same as the white without the long cord I believe.

Depending on how you wavedash, it may be harder than the older controllers. For some people it doesn't seem to affect their performance either way. May as well get one and see for yourself.


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
well for me the white controller's control stick was really weird. that was like this empty space in the center of the stick that affected my fastfall, short hop laser, double laser onto stage from ledge and a few other things (I main falco). I ended up taking out the control stick box and changing it with one from a silver. idk maybe its just me


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
So newer analog sticks have a bigger deadzone. That's interesting to know really.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
If they changed the stick in the slightest I think I'd rather get a use done, the problem with that is if they're messed up. :( I've never broken a controller before, I wonder how long I can keep this up.


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2011

Right now I'm just overwhelmed by the amount of information and guides on this page, there is literally so much to read through and most of it doesn't make sense to me.

So in general; Play Melee on a Wii or a Gamecube? Is a LCD Screen okay or should I set my old TV back up, also does it make any difference if you use a SCART Plug or plug the three component connectors in without using one.

I guess that is it for the Moment, I know that I probably could have found something about that within minutes of searching, but right now I'm tired and as I said just overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you guys offer.
Svvagcube is online now Edit/Delete Message


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2011
My controller has an issue where tapping down on the control stick will cause it to function as if I had tapped up. (Like double jumping at times where I want to fast fall.)

Doesn't happen all the time but it infuriates me. This controller is purple, official Nintendo brand. Was thinking of buying a new controller unless there is an easy fix.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2011
Gensokyan Embassy, Munich, Germany
@Svvagcube: Whether you play Melee on wii / gc ultimately doesn't matter (the wii emulates the gamecube by simply slowing down the processor :) ). If you oppose hacking your Wii, I suggest to use the gamecube in order to bypass having to navigate to the gamecube window with the stupid wii mote (those things never have charged batteries in them arghagrhagrahg) ;)
SCART or the three component cables doesn't really matter. Only thing you can get is slightly better picture quality (I think I heard SCART usually is the better option, but don't quote me on it), so if in doubt: Just try both and decide which image looks better to you (I personally use SCART anyways, because I often move my cube in order to play somewhere else, so SCART is just one cable I have to plug :D)
There are lcd screens which are somewhat fine, but many are utter trash, because they have lag. They have to process the image (and many run some image optimization stuff), and therefore there often is a noticeable delay between button inputs and the action happening on screen. For watching TV this delay between receiving a image and displaying it doesn't matter at all (even if it was delayed by a full second, what bad would that be?), but this is really bad for melee (teching windows, etcpp). Look for some "game mode" option on your LCD, if it has one, it could work out decently enough.
Old CRT TVs are analog, and doing no image processing at all, and therefore have no lag whatsoever. If it is somewhat practical I suggest you set up your old TV someplace, but if the free space in your apartment / room or sth doesn't really permit it, your LCD (if it has low enough lag) might be a decent alternative.

@SSBM_or_GTFO: Have you ruled out human error? Like you move your thumb above the control stick in order to push it down and while doing so you accidentally push it up? Sorry, no offense meant, just making sure you try to fix the actual problem :)

If you are sure it's controller issue, I suggest you get a tri-wing screwdriver (they are kinda hard to come by at local stores, but amazon for example has them. Cost like 5$, or less if you get a used one) and disassemble the controller, and have a look at the control stick. Clean the spring, and the other stuff around it and put it together again. (I think somebody posted a guide about disassembling ones controller, which you should check out. Images explain far better what you want to do exactly then what my words can possibly convey :) )

In case there is no guide, just some quick words about it:
1) unscrew every screw you find. You should be able to take the chassis apart now.
2) The controlstick is on some rectangular thingy, which is usually white. On newer controllers you can separate that from the "mainboard" of the controller. On older ones you can't.
3) take everything of the mainboard which you want to clean (while you are at it anyways, I suggest you give your controller a complete cleansing :) ) and clean it using simple water and a handkerchief or sth. Make sure no water drops on the mainboard (which is the only electronic thing in your controller, so it's the only thing you could break :) ).
4) Let everything dry thoroughly (this usually takes multiple hours).
5) put everything back together.


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2011
Old CRT TVs are analog, and doing no image processing at all, and therefore have no lag whatsoever. If it is somewhat practical I suggest you set up your old TV someplace, but if the free space in your apartment / room or sth doesn't really permit it, your LCD (if it has low enough lag) might be a decent alternative.
I have my old tv laying around somewhere, does it matter if it is 50/60hz? Or does anything about it matter at all?


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I've heard that back in the older days (like SNES, but even a few GC games too), PAL ports actually wouldn't compensate for the difference -not dropping frames or anything- and run ~17% slower. But as far as I know, the speed of different forms of Melee is the same, and without dropping frames; it's just the timing of the frames that differs (which wouldn't actually be a practical difference for playing). So [considering interlaced display mode on a CRT] while NTSC displays a still image for ~16.7 ms (1second/60), PAL instead displays one for 20 ms. I imagine this would have to be a different set of images. In other words, I think this means the frames are actually rendered at a different interval and therefore are slightly different individually, but any attack or move would take the same total amount of time.

I have my old tv laying around somewhere, does it matter if it is 50/60hz? Or does anything about it matter at all?
I don't think a 60 hz tv will even work on a country's power supply that's 50 hz (or vice versa). So if you know you can use the tv at all wherever you are, that's probably your answer for that. As for compatibility between the tv and console: I assume you already know that if they're the same region (which you should be able to see on the thing itself) it's fine. If they're different or don't say, well some TVs will accept both kinds of signals. Probably will just have to test it. PAL Gamecubes are able to change between 50/60 hz display modes (by holding 'B' at start-up with some games), but I'm not sure if Wiis do that sort of thing.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I've got a dlp tv which is supposed to be terrible for melee, however I have the option to play in progressive or interlaced with a very noticeable difference. If I play in interlaced would that not be standard definition and therefore no frame drop or is there still some drop regardless?



Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2006
Århus, Denmark
Pretty much all PAL TVs can display both 50hz and 60hz. Melee gameplay is the same speed in 50hz, but it is still very noticeable and annoying.

The thing about some games simply slowing down is true though. Like in mariokart double dash, they didn't just make the game slower in 50hz, but also made the timer slower (lol) so the mariokart community has made seperate time trial charts since 50hz gives a decent advantage over 60. In mk64 on the other hand, the timer is the same in both games, but gameplay is slowed down in PAL (50hz), making it impossible to compete with the times set in NTSC (60hz).


Smash Champion
Aug 21, 2008
Aarhus, Denmark, Europe
I don't think a 60 hz tv will even work on a country's power supply that's 50 hz (or vice versa).
Ask yourself how you could possibly use a 100hz screen anywhere in the world. It's true that currents in European power grids alternate at 50hz, but this means nothing for TV sets, since they're not lightbulbs ;)
I don't remember playing 50hz Melee at a European tournament.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
I got a brand new controller recently and I've been trying to start using it since the bumpers on my favorite controller are worse than this one and the rubber on the control stick is falling off of my favorite controller. I'm having a problem though doing turnaround aerial specials (namely reverse short hop blasters) and just sometimes having general technical errors involving fast direction changes that I normally don't have. Are some controllers just more responsive than others? Will breaking in the controller help to make the control stick more responsive after awhile?


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
yeah all new controller are "stiff" like that and playing for a while should bring it back to what it used to feel like
Ok good, I was getting worried that I just got a controller with a bad control stick and I was going to have to stick with my old one until its bumpers fell off lol. Thank you.


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Ask yourself how you could possibly use a 100hz screen anywhere in the world. It's true that currents in European power grids alternate at 50hz, but this means nothing for TV sets, since they're not lightbulbs ;)
I don't remember playing 50hz Melee at a European tournament.
You mean like higher refresh-rate LCD/LEDs? That's close enough to asking how anything can run frequencies higher/different than that of its power source, lol. I know they're not necessarily linked, but I think older TVs with older power supplies have noise/ripple that can actually affect the video. And going back even further, I think old CRTs (and other devices, like some clocks) actually used timing/frequency derived from the power lines.

But I don't know for how long they did that stuff for. That technology is probably too old for us to worry about. Though even excluding that you'd still need an adapter (since the plugs are physically different) and a transformer (since US is ~110v and Europe is like 220-240v). But again, some new TVs even have the voltage issue covered and can take either one.

So yeah, frequency probably doesn't usually matter anymore like voltage to just operate (i.e. ignoring trying to tune in broadcasting). But as for lightbulbs: what, like incandescents? Why would they care? lol


Smash Champion
Aug 21, 2008
Aarhus, Denmark, Europe
As for the lightbulbs, they don't "care," they just flicker at different speeds depending on where you plug it in :awesome:

And yeah, it probably mattered for old TV's (like, probably TV's from before I was born). I have a TV from '96 that plays PAL60 just fine, although it does turn black and white when I attempt to run an NTSC signal on it.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2008
(Decatur) Atlanta, GA
I have a silver or (grey?) gc controller and it's in perfect condition except for this torn part in the wire. When it bends at that torn part, it'll cut the gc or wii off. I was wondering if there is something I can do to get this fixed or something before it collects too much dust xD


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
electric tape.

Edit: it doesn't work if you bend it a certain way? ****, that happens to all my head phones, I'd say try soldering it and then taping it to keep it in place. If that doesn't work your screwed since that wire doesn't just come out to put in a replacement. Unless your godly at soldering and wiring type stuff and can actually put a replacement...that would be awesome.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2008
(Decatur) Atlanta, GA
Yeah it works but when I move, everything messes up :'(

I have another gc controller that hasn't been used for some years and it looks like the analog doesn't work. Everything else on it works fine I think though.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
I have a silver or (grey?) gc controller and it's in perfect condition except for this torn part in the wire. When it bends at that torn part, it'll cut the gc or wii off. I was wondering if there is something I can do to get this fixed or something before it collects too much dust xD
My friend has a controller that if you even plug it in it turns the wii off and even turns the light on the power button off and you have to unplug the controller and then unplug everything from the wii and plug it back in to turn the wii back on again. Its weird.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2008
(Decatur) Atlanta, GA
Yeah it works but when I move, everything messes up :'(

I have another gc controller that hasn't been used for some years and it looks like the analog doesn't work. Everything else on it works fine I think though.

My friend has a controller that if you even plug it in it turns the wii off and even turns the light on the power button off and you have to unplug the controller and then unplug everything from the wii and plug it back in to turn the wii back on again. Its weird.
I hated that :/


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
When you say everything messes up does it turn off your wii for real? I thought it just stopped the controller from working.

Best bet, take out the analog from your broken wire controller, see if you can put it in your broken analog controller and make one that works. Or buy a new one, other than breaking in a new controller and paying money it's the better best option.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
I have a silver or (grey?) gc controller and it's in perfect condition except for this torn part in the wire. When it bends at that torn part, it'll cut the gc or wii off. I was wondering if there is something I can do to get this fixed or something before it collects too much dust xD
If you have any spare dead Gamecube controllers, you can desolder their [presumably] good cord and use it as a replacement for the old cord which is causing the console to short out.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2008
(Decatur) Atlanta, GA
When you say everything messes up does it turn off your wii for real? I thought it just stopped the controller from working.

Best bet, take out the analog from your broken wire controller, see if you can put it in your broken analog controller and make one that works. Or buy a new one, other than breaking in a new controller and paying money it's the better best option.
Yeah it turns the wii off and I have to plug everything back up again. It shuts the gamecube off somehow but I can still hear it until I turn it off and back on again

Oh god, I just bought a new none nintendo gamecube controller for $20and its garbage.
LOL I felt the same way after my 99 cent controller arrived last year. I thought it was nintendo brand :(


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2007
Playing Melee on a HD LCD T.V.

Playing Melee on a HD LCD T.V.


Is there any way on making that possible? o have a sony 3LCD HD TV 1080i and wanted to know if theres anyway in playing melee with NO lag so that i can get rid of my little CTR (tube)

let me know please
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