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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Deleted member

Here we go again with the real life problem :rolleyes:, who cares if he's based on specifically a real person, it's his uniqueness that gives him a shot to be in the main roster.
He has a chance, but he's not likely to show up.

Deleted member

Jumpman Leak
View attachment 9085
Jumpman IS Mario... right?
I don't even have an icon separate from Mario named Jumpman.
This roster was difficult to make work... I had to add random spots.
Er... only one left. The NotSakurai Leak is next.
Jumpman in that leak is referring to a separate entity from Mario. Essentially Mario before he was Mario.

You would have to make the icon on your own and put it with the DK guys.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Jumpman Leak
View attachment 9085
Jumpman IS Mario... right?
I don't even have an icon separate from Mario named Jumpman.
This roster was difficult to make work... I had to add random spots.
Er... only one left. The NotSakurai Leak is next.
NotSakurai Leak
NotSakurai Leak Roster.png

Had to put Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Shulk in weird places to avoid adding a row of random slots...
This and Betternet are the best... but neither are actually great.

Jumpman as in:

Not the same Mario you know.
Oh dear. Popeye Mario...
I'll have to look through the Roster Maker thread for this one...
Jumpman in that leak is referring to a separate entity from Mario. Essentially Mario before he was Mario.

You would have to make the icon on your own and put it with the DK guys.
Ok, I'll be re-doing that roster...
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Dillon, Sukapon, Geno, an unexpected Pokemon rep, Cranky as playable over Dixie and K. Rool, anyone from the Mario RPGs basically, any second rep for Megaman/Sonic/Metal Gear...

Hell considering he's still an assist trophy in most leaks Waluigi making playable status would destroy a good chunk of leaks.

I'd love for some **** like this to happen just for the sheer amount of chaos and fecal matter that would be thrown around.
I vote for geno! Make it happen sakurai!


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I've seen a lot of talk that the Betternet roster is believable, or the likeliest or whatever. Here's why I disagree:

--It's an updated version of a pre-existing roster that was proven false with the inclusions of Toon Link, then Rosalina. That earlier roster did not feature either of those two, but did feature Lucas as not cut and Ridley, as well as not Takamaru (IIRC). @Wariofan1 made a mockup of this roster earlier in the thread, though I'm not going to dig it up just now.
--The guy's accompanying information is highly suspect. He's able to name off all of the newcomers and their attacks and Final Smashes, and yet claims that Pokemon Trainer was revamped with all new Pokemon, thus making the old three cuts, without naming any of the three new Pokemon. That's the equivalent of the Translator Guy talking about every other character but 'Zelda Newcomer' in detail for no good reason.

Not going to rule it out just yet, since disappointing rosters often come true when Smash is involved, but I don't think that's the disappointing roster we're going to get.

Also, I'm going to say it again, and I'm serious this time: Stop posting "X character's not in the leak, fake!" You will be warned if you do so, regardless of whether or not you're "joking."
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I'm mainly interested on how Sakurai could make Jumpman completely different from Mario, I bet he would be whole load of fun!

--The guy's accompanying information is highly suspect. He's able to name off all of the newcomers and their attacks and Final Smashes, and yet claims that Pokemon Trainer was revamped with all new Pokemon, thus making the old three cuts, without naming any of the three new Pokemon. That's the equivalent of the Translator Guy talking about every other character but 'Zelda Newcomer' in detail for no good reason.
Must be the Eevee Trainer again.
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Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2014
If E.Gadd were to be added, that would be a perfect situation for Sakurai.

He can regard Luigi as his own series along with E.Gadd. Meaning, Mario would have 4 characters (Maybe leave a spot open for the Toad/Bowser Jr fans).


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2013
If E.Gadd were to be added, that would be a perfect situation for Sakurai.

He can regard Luigi as his own series along with E.Gadd. Meaning, Mario would have 4 characters (Maybe leave a spot open for the Toad/Bowser Jr fans).
Luigi is already listed on the website as part of the Mario series and I don't think that will change.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2014
Luigi is already listed on the website as part of the Mario series and I don't think that will change.
This is in regards to future developments in the Smash Bros series. It's like how Mario and Donkey Kong were both together originally and were then split off.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2014
I have played a beta version of Super Smash Bros. 4 and have worked on the promotional trailers, posters, and upcoming advertisements. I have a little bit of info, the most on the newcomers (promotional posters and trailers). It appears that there are only five newcomers left to reveal. Isaac, the hero of the first two Golden Sun games, has been upgraded from Assist Trophy to a playable character. He looks great in HD, I have to say. There are two Kid Icarus characters: Hades and Palutena. Hades is a blast to play, I must say. He looks a little strange at a smaller scale, though. Ghirahim is also a newcomer, and he is fabulous! The final newcomer is Takamaru. I think he looks ugly. As for veterans, I only know that Yoshi and C. Falcon are back for sure. The "new" veterans are Roy and Mewtwo. They get promotional posters like they are newcomers even though they appeared in Melee. In my short time playing, I found Kamek, Duck Hunter, Prince Sable, Eggplant Wizard, and King Hippo to be new assist trophies. The only new stage that I can remember well is a Donkey Kong Country stage. I think there was an Underworld stage too.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
Here we go again with the real life problem :rolleyes:, who cares if he's based on specifically a real person, it's his uniqueness that's probably going have him in the main roster.

Some stages don't automatically hint characters obviously. :9
I guess we should add Hitler from Wolfenstein as third party rep


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
No thank you, that's very nice. I'll get the waiter. Oh, I love the radio. I had a girlfriend once who used to sing on the radio. Every time she walked under the bridge you couldn't hear her sing. Oh she was a beautiful girl, very beautiful. When I first met her she'd just been to a psychoanalyst.

It didn't do her any good, she said. I asked her why. She said I'm a nymphomaniac, you see, and I only get turned on by Jewish Cowboys. I'm so sorry I said, let me introduce myself, my name is Bucky Goldstein
From right below above post.

Also, I'm not buying it. Two Kid Icarus likely isn't getting three characters.
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wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
-Duck Hunter? You mean the character who is literally not seen at all? I think they meant Duck Hunt Dog.
-Two KE Newcomers? Sakurai has enough modesty left to not pull that card.
-Calling Stages is a tad risky. Makes this seem a tad wanting to be exacting.
-Beta Testers and developers I believe are under strict guidelines to not do this kind of stuff. This kind of stuff would cost them their job without any doubt in my mind. I don't think they'd have a closed beta at this point in the development when it's clear there's still some things to do and they need to work as fast as possible.

Seems rather fishy to me. Not believing it.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
That leak is OK, but the choices are once again are way too colorful for Sakurai to consider.

I guess we should add Hitler from Wolfenstein as third party rep
The bodiless version of Kawashima is completely different from real-life Kawashima you know, the polygonal head version is owned by Nintendo.
You're looking at it wrong. ;) Let's not deal with this matter again. :hulk:


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Plus this guy announced his job... kinda painting a target on the back of his head, isn't he??
I believe companies often have very strict guidelines, including Nintendo about keeping what they work on under wraps to generate hype and keep players interested. Testers have often the MOST strict guidelines because they are the ones who get to play it the most pre-release. Let's give an example:
Say I was hired to be a tester for Smash Bros at Nintendo:
-I'd likely not be told everything about the game, just to play this certain character or mode as much as possible, test combinations with what was finished, look for bugs, etc.
-If I was to give any sort of information that was currently under wraps that was indeed true, I'd likely lose my job because I'd break my contracts in which disclosed info would be released to the public at an unintended time because of my actions.

That leak is OK, but the choices are once again are way too colorful for Sakurai to consider.

The bodiless version of Kawashima is completely different from real-life Kawashima you know, the polygonal head version is owned by Nintendo.
You're looking at it wrong. ;) Let's not deal with this matter again. :hulk:
-It's the likeness of Kawashima. They use his name, a face similar to him and the like, it still requires contracts or alteration of the character.
-Mecha-Hitler is really touchy. It's a fictional version of a dead dictator that nearly everyone hated. I don't think people are going to really care if the Third Reich is portrayed in a manner that 90% of the world agrees with.
-That's like saying the Mike Tyson in Punch Out wasn't Mike Tyson because it didn't look 100% like him due to system limitations.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
Super Smash Bros. 4 "Demo" leaks

Known Beta Testers -
"Eren Jaeger"
"Eren Jaeger"'s
"Severed Light" (4chan)

- Testers were not allowed to take photos or videos.
- Testers were picked randomly at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, during the Donkey Kong event.

- Yoshi and Captain Falcon will return as playable characters.
- Roy and Mewtwo will return as playable characters.
- Isaac from Golden Sun will appear as a playable character.
- Takamaru will appear as a playable character.
- Ghirahim will appear as a playable character.
- Palutena and Hades will appear as a playable character.

- Megaman's Final Smash is the Rush Armor upgrade.
- Villager's Final Smash is using "Bees". Leaker was broad about this.

- Assist Trophies will not have outlines.
- Palutena will appear as an assist trophy. - Conflicting sources between Severed Light and Eren Jaeger.
- The Eggplant Wizard will appear as an assist trophy.
- King Hippo will appear as an assist trophy.
- Prince Sable will appear as an assist trophy.
- The Duck Hunter will appear as an assist trophy.
- Kamek will appear as an assist trophy.
- Waluigi will remain a assist trophy.
- Skull Kid will bring down the moon, similar to Snorlax.

- There will be a new Donkey Kong Country stage, as well as the Underworld from Kid Icarus.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I'm extremely skeptical of any rumor that replaces Pokemon Trainer with a later gen. The original starters are incredibly iconic and easily the most popular generation of starters.
True enough, I suppose, but still. Nintendo/GameFreak would obviously want their later gens promoted.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
That leak is OK, but the choices are once again are way too colorful for Sakurai to consider.

The bodiless version of Kawashima is completely different from real-life Kawashima you know, the polygonal head version is owned by Nintendo.
You're looking at it wrong. ;) Let's not deal with this matter again. :hulk:
Whoops. Sorry. I meant "Staatmeister"


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Super Smash Bros. 4 "Demo" leaks

Known Beta Testers -
"Eren Jaeger"
"Eren Jaeger"'s
"Severed Light" (4chan)

- Testers were not allowed to take photos or videos.
- Testers were picked randomly at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, during the Donkey Kong event.

- Yoshi and Captain Falcon will return as playable characters.
- Roy and Mewtwo will return as playable characters.
- Isaac from Golden Sun will appear as a playable character.
- Takamaru will appear as a playable character.
- Ghirahim will appear as a playable character.
- Palutena and Hades will appear as a playable character.

- Megaman's Final Smash is the Rush Armor upgrade.
- Villager's Final Smash is using "Bees". Leaker was broad about this.

- Assist Trophies will not have outlines.
- Palutena will appear as an assist trophy. - Conflicting sources between Severed Light and Eren Jaeger.
- The Eggplant Wizard will appear as an assist trophy.
- King Hippo will appear as an assist trophy.
- Prince Sable will appear as an assist trophy.
- The Duck Hunter will appear as an assist trophy.
- Kamek will appear as an assist trophy.
- Waluigi will remain a assist trophy.
- Skull Kid will bring down the moon, similar to Snorlax.

- There will be a new Donkey Kong Country stage, as well as the Underworld from Kid Icarus.
Thanks for culling up the info.
The conflicting sources on the Tuna kind of ruins this whole leak and makes neither one valid. If their stories were similar, then it would make sense.
Then again, it could be the same person messing up information... which is even more sketchy.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
Thanks for culling up the info.
The conflicting sources kind of ruins this whole leak and makes neither one valid. If their stories were similar, then it would make sense.
Then again, it could be the same person messing up information... which is even more sketchy.
I do see one thing that could save this though; remember, Eren never actually SAW palutena, he heard it from others. I think it's fake, though.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Not to "give away" too much, but remember what happened the last time someone posted a "leak" featuring Hades?

*cough* Ceres alt. *cough*
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2014
So, no more comments from this
@ErenJager, I understand that you might not remember everything from the demo if you have actually played it, but I have a few questions that are fairly simple even for a casual gamer like you.

1. Where specifically did you go when someone told you there was going to be a Smash demo? What building was it in, and did you see any employee of some sort from Nintendo?

2. What stage(s) did you battle on the Smash 3DS?

3. How long did you play for with your brother?

4. How many people were told about the Smash 3DS demo?

5. Do you have pictures of the Donkey Kong event at Science World to make your information credible?

6. And would you give us, the Smash community, a description of the weather conditions at the event if you remember?

Any answers from him already?
I believe these are some good questions someone with a true story could answer quickly.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2014
Err Not sure if this is a leak or not but, just so that we have some record. http://boards.4chan.org/v/res/232971761#p232973049

Smash Bros. 4 newcomers 02/23/14(Sun)14:36 UTC-5 No.>>232972840 >>232973379 >>232973424 >>232973980 >>232974327
Villager (Animal Crossing)
WFT (Wii Fit)
Megaman (Megaman)
Rosalina (Mario Bros.)
Little Mac (Punch Out!!)
Toad (Mario Bros./Mario Kart)
Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda)
Mewtwo (Pokemon) - Revamped
Ridley (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Chrom (Fire Emblem)
Yoshi & Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island) - Revamped
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) -
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Andy (Advance Wars)
Mii (Nintendo)
Hanafuda (Nintendo)

Edit: Anon: "That list isn't real, but I guess that much is obvious just looking at the Toad part. Is that a wish list or something?

Well...I just want to say that at the next Direct is going to be a character that can prepare to cook up a storm, is bigger than life but can also be down to earth. In the meantime, expect some veterans. But I don't know who they are (expect Yoshi, though)."
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Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Err Not sure if this is a leak or not but, just so that we have some record. http://boards.4chan.org/v/res/232971761#p232973049

Smash Bros. 4 newcomers 02/23/14(Sun)14:36 UTC-5 No.>>232972840 >>232973379 >>232973424 >>232973980 >>232974327
Villager (Animal Crossing)
WFT (Wii Fit)
Megaman (Megaman)
Rosalina (Mario Bros.)
Little Mac (Punch Out!!)
Toad (Mario Bros./Mario Kart)
Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda)
Mewtwo (Pokemon) - Revamped
Ridley (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Chrom (Fire Emblem)
Yoshi & Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island) - Revamped
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) -
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Andy (Advance Wars)
Mii (Nintendo)
Hanafuda (Nintendo)
Didn't somebody from Smashboards a good while back bring up a "Mr Hanafuda"? I thought that leak was proven fake?


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Oooh, a second leak with Hanafuda. O.o
It only makes me think that it's someone from Smashboards if we see stuff like that a lot often. Daitoryo/Master Hanafuda is only really getting support from here.

Err Not sure if this is a leak or not but, just so that we have some record. http://boards.4chan.org/v/res/232971761#p232973049

Smash Bros. 4 newcomers 02/23/14(Sun)14:36 UTC-5 No.>>232972840 >>232973379 >>232973424 >>232973980 >>232974327
Villager (Animal Crossing)
WFT (Wii Fit)
Megaman (Megaman)
Rosalina (Mario Bros.)
Little Mac (Punch Out!!)
Toad (Mario Bros./Mario Kart)
Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda)
Mewtwo (Pokemon) - Revamped
Ridley (Metroid)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Chrom (Fire Emblem)
Yoshi & Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island) - Revamped
Kamek (Yoshi's Island) -
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Andy (Advance Wars)
Mii (Nintendo)
Hanafuda (Nintendo)

Edit: Anon: "That list isn't real, but I guess that much is obvious just looking at the Toad part. Is that a wish list or something?

Well...I just want to say that at the next Direct is going to be a character that can prepare to cook up a storm, is bigger than life but can also be down to earth. In the meantime, expect some veterans. But I don't know who they are (expect Yoshi, though)."
-I don't have to look at this twice to say a few things or call it a wishlist leak.
-It's likely someone from Smashboards from what I see here. Hanafuda and Yoshi revamps are only popular here from what I see. Same with Andy. I have a hunch to who made this but I won't say whom.
-19 Newcomers? Like hell!
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Edit: Anon: "That list isn't real, but I guess that much is obvious just looking at the Toad part. Is that a wish list or something?

Well...I just want to say that at the next Direct is going to be a character that can prepare to cook up a storm, is bigger than life but can also be down to earth. In the meantime, expect some veterans. But I don't know who they are (expect Yoshi, though)."
Ooh a controversial character, I love those kinds. :troll:


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Aint been here since Mac got revealed is thre anything i missed?
Or just the same Palutena is on her Leaky 3.

You really haven't missed much of anything. Just more dudes cropping up claiming to have played demos in Canada at Donkey Kong events and a couple other leaks that smell very Smashboardian. And of course more bickering over Palutena and the E3 leaks and how people must be delusional for discussing them and so on and so forth.... Business as Usual.
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