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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Maybe if that bandana goomba was the 4th playable character in all the console New Super Mario Bros. games, was playable in a spin-off as well as having cameos in Mario Galaxy 2 as well as Odyssey, then MAYBE I could see people supporting it.

even then, Mario has Waluigi and Toad. Kirby doesn't really have another character.

A BETTER example would be if they stuck a bandana on one of the Space Pirates from Super Metroid, who then betrayed Ridley to help Samus or something. People would support the crap out of that, I know I would.
So, do you think the game will have DLC after release?

Poor Sakurai haha.

RIP Sakurai's life (hopefully not literally)


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I doubt any of the clones is going anywhere unless development time is really tight. If we managed to get 3 new ones last game, it should be easy to let them stay in.
Though I should probably remind ya'll that the priority of them is Dr. Mario>Dark Pit>Lucina

Isn't he a Samurai though? Not that I'm a stranger to calling samurai Assassins tho.

Also, real talk, I really want Takamaru, but o ly because I want a damn samurai in Smash, I ****ing love their fighting style

I read this in Mom Voice™
While I wasn't "trolling" because I think the moveset would work, I am a little disappointed nobody got the reference I was making with his moveset. It's copy/pasted from another popular Japanese character in another video game.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I would like for Dark Pit to stay in Smash. However, he needs a revamp. The team should make him use the staff more.
I'm on board with this, but only if it's handled like the Smash 4 Roy scenario. If Sakurai is going to completely "start over" with Dark Pit and completely redesign his moveset, then he might as well spend that time on a different character. Aside from already having a model of Dark Pit, it would take just as much time to make a newcomer anyway.

Though I should probably remind ya'll that the priority of them is Dr. Mario>Dark Pit>Lucina
Don't agree with that order, but I'll give you credit for having the guts to make Lucina the lowest priority. I never saw someone do that before.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2018
Switch FC
So, do you think the game will have DLC after release?

Poor Sakurai haha.
I imagine so. The 3DS / Wii U DLC seemed to do well enough, I only imagine the Switch DLC would do much better.

They'll probably do it a bit differently, I imagine they'll keep in mind what characters did better and choose more popular ones.


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2006
I don't care if the game is new or a port. I don't care what characters are added or removed. The one and only thing I desperately want more than any other single feature is a tried and true ranked matchmaking mode. I want HAL to talk to and learn from the Splatoon 2 devs. I want them to just copy paste that ranked system straight into Smash. Give me tiers from C to S+. Give me an ever growing/decreasing power rating and pair me against other players of similar skill. Give me a 2v2 ranked mode as well!

Bonus points for also tracking per fighter skill rating so I can climb the ranks with my main, my secondary, my third, ect.

More bonus points for tracking the win/loss ratio for every match up. If I win a fight against a character that has a 70% win rate against mine, give me more points. If I lose that battle, take less away. If I win as the favored give me less, if I lose as the favored take away more.

Cash in on the online competitive gaming that has taken the world by storm with Overwatch, Fortnite/PUBG, Rocket League. (In other words, don't let Sakurai anywhere near the game).


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
I'm on board with this, but only if it's handled like the Smash 4 Roy scenario. If Sakurai is going to completely "start over" with Dark Pit and completely redesign his moveset, then he might as well spend that time on a different character. Aside from already having a model of Dark Pit, it would take just as much time to make a newcomer anyway.

Don't agree with that order, but I'll give you credit for having the guts to make Lucina the lowest priority. I never saw someone do that before.
Really?? Lucina is like a clone of a clone in a heavily-represented franchise. I like her, but I always assumed she'd be the first to go.

Deleted member

Now, we've been talking about our favorites and who may be joining the game and all of that but.. what about quantity? How MANY newcomers do you think we're getting, considering we're not even 100% sure if this is a brand new game or an expanded port and considering the development time and release date.
I'm saying around 10.
I think 10 too. Smash 4 had 13 in the base game iirc(not counting clones) so it's not that farfetched
Clones are hydras confirmed. Someone call Hercules.
Hercules can't come now but I got this instead

Should probably suffice
While I wasn't "trolling" because I think the moveset would work, I am a little disappointed nobody got the reference I was making with his moveset. It's copy/pasted from another popular Japanese character in another video game.
I'm scared to ask what character it is
Don't agree with that order, but I'll give you credit for having the guts to make Lucina the lowest priority. I never saw someone do that before
You don't have to agree with it, those are just the facts. Sakurai outright stated that Doc was turned into a separate character first, then Pittoo and the Lucina.
If it was up to me it'd be the reverse

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Well that's incredibly depressing. Even Melee added more than that, including the DLC, lol.

With DLC it doesn't add up to even half of Smash 4's vanilla newcomers.
True, but Melee went from 12 characters to 26 or so. Now we're at the point where the roster is on par with Marvel vs Capcom 2. When you have more than 50 fighters very little additions make sense. If this game borrows heavily from Smash 4, then it might be easier to bring in a ton of characters, but we don't know if this is the case for this game, but it seems like it might be.

Or alternatively, you cut the characters down, and replace some of the "redundant" fighters with newer characters to bring fresh air to the franchise. All while keeping as many mainstays and popular fighters as you can. Barring 3rd parties who likely bring in their own audience(s) and add "hype" to the game. On top of that, revamping some fighters heavily can act as a means of meeting people half way. Even Spider-Man and Venom in Marvel Infinite managed to both get new Specials and new level 3s, for example.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2018
Switch FC
You know what feature from specifically the 3DS version I want to return? Skin saving. I really enjoyed how on the 3DS version, when I went into Smash it automatically saved my last used skin.

It's a really tiny feature, but one I enjoy. It'd be great for handheld/lan mode.

I think 10 too. Smash 4 had 13 in the base game iirc(not counting clones) so it's not that farfetched
21 new ones in the base vanilla game, counting clones.

Probably about 19 without clones.

True, but Melee went from 12 characters to 26 or so. Now we're at the point where the roster is on par with Marvel vs Capcom 2. When you have more than 50 fighters very little additions make sense. If this game borrows heavily from Smash 4, then it might be easier to bring in a ton of characters, but we don't know if this is the case for this game, but it seems like it might be.

Or alternatively, you cut the characters down, and replace some of the "redundant" fighters with newer characters to bring fresh air to the franchise. All while keeping as many mainstays and popular fighters as you can. Barring 3rd parties who likely bring in their own audience(s) and add "hype" to the game. On top of that, revamping some fighters heavily can act as a means of meeting people half way. Even Spider-Man and Venom in Marvel Infinite managed to both get new Specials and new level 3s, for example.
You are correct, however every Smash game so far has added more newcomers than the previous one. About 4 or 5 more each time.

Melee added 13, Brawl added 15, and Smash 4 added 21 (25 if you include DLC.)
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013

I trust Sakurai to give it his all. I don't know what he'll add, but I trust it'll be a satisfying amount.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Don't agree with that order, but I'll give you credit for having the guts to make Lucina the lowest priority. I never saw someone do that before.
I agree with Lucina being the lowest priority on account of:
1. She's a clone of a character who was already cloned
2. (Based on what I've heard) Sakurai has already voiced he thinks Fire Emblem may have a little too many characters (to which I say, ADD LYN!)
3. He'd have to ask others about Lucina ideas. Dark Pit is his very own character.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I imagine so. The 3DS / Wii U DLC seemed to do well enough, I only imagine the Switch DLC would do much better.

They'll probably do it a bit differently, I imagine they'll keep in mind what characters did better and choose more popular ones.
Since DLC is usually more likely to be bought by hardcore fans, I'd say most of the "high demand" characters will be made as DLC.

I suppose upcoming games could be the big focus of the DLC, but they should really limit that to prevent massive backlash.

Really?? Lucina is like a clone of a clone in a heavily-represented franchise. I like her, but I always assumed she'd be the first to go.
And I agree, but every time I suggest Lucina possibly being low priority, a few people freak out and tell me all the reasons why she'll never get cut. There's even a handful of people here who would rather lose Robin than Lucina, despite the latter being nearly identical to Marth.

It's easier for me to just avoid the topic and focus on the Doc and Dark Pit instead.
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"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
So, do you think the game will have DLC after release?

Poor Sakurai haha.
It's more a question of 'when' than 'will it happen', imo. It's a safe to assume that Smash 4 DLC sold gangbusters for the platform it was on, so I think Nintendo would see the potential in having Smash Bros. DLC on a platform that has a larger consumer base than the Wii U, especially if they have Cloud Strife level of unexpected characters as DLC.
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Dark Pit is actually a pretty major character in Uprising. I want him to stay. A refreshed moveset would be nice though, kinda like how he has the Electroshock Arm. That game had so many weapons, it should not be too hard to give him new ones in a similar manor. Different Orbitars. The Silver Bow functioning slightly differently. Make him punch and kick more in his Smashes.

Boom. I'm a dev now bois.
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Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
And I agree, but every time I suggest Lucina possibly being low priority, a few people freak out. There are a handful of people here who would rather lose Robin than Lucina, despite the latter nearly identical to Marth.
Yikes. I get loving your character, but man... Robin is SO unique and represents so much about Fire Emblem... Lucina is Marth but the tip of her sword is less sharp and the rest of her sword is actually functional...

Deleted member

Character Moveset changes? I've vouched for Mario to get Cappy or his hammer in his Moveset for a while if it dosen't happen I'm down. I will still main him as I have every smash game regardless!

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I do wonder how Spring Man will play if he is playable. On paper, I see him as a kind of Dhalsim type of character, with his crazy limbs and all. Though the different ARMS you can equip should fill out whatever special moves he would need.

Assuming that Spring Man even gets in, that is, I don't see anyone from arms being in before him since he's the games Shoto/Poster boy.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
If Lucina gets cut I guarantee there will be a bunch of people asking for her back lol.

She's already popular AF in her series and being one of the new faces of the series.

And here I am being a broken record about Lucina again.



Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Maybe I'm crazy, but with Sakurai being the director, I expect Dark Pit to be the most likely clone to stay and get a full blown rework. I think Doc has the better veteran status, but I don't see Doc getting a moveset rework. I honestly think Dark Pit has a better chance of a significant rework than even Ganon, who people have been clamoring for since Melee.
What's sad is that I can easily see Sakurai doing that and people defending him for it.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
For DLC, I'd vouch for putting new Nintendo characters on the roster, then adding cut vets and 3rd party as DLC.

That way the main roster can feel a little more fresh with new blood, but fans of people like Wolf, Doc Mario, etc could rest assured that their favorites will be back in the future.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
If Lucina gets cut I guarantee there will be a bunch of people asking for her back lol.

She's already popular AF in her series and being one of the new faces of the series.

And here I am being a broken record about Lucina again.

I ain't payin' no $4.99 plus tax for Lucina. I'll tell ya that right now.


Smash Cadet
Jan 28, 2018
I think the Fire emblem characters that should come back are Marth, Ike, and Robin.
Sakurai pretty much knows the series is over represented, but im sure he would like to add some more.
So if he wanted to add more, i think some cuts have to be made

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
If Lucina gets cut I guarantee there will be a bunch of people asking for her back lol.

She's already popular AF in her series and being one of the new faces of the series.

And here I am being a broken record about Lucina again.

Even as a clone I think she's pretty safe. Once again, I wouldn't mind some kind of differences between her and Marth aside from the sword. I know she's based off him, but just make her a little quicker but a little weaker. Something like that really goes a long way.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I ain't payin' no $4.99 plus tax for Lucina. I'll tell ya that right now.
Well you can bet I will, lol.
Even as a clone I think she's pretty safe. Once again, I wouldn't mind some kind of differences between her and Marth aside from the sword. I know she's based off him, but just make her a little quicker but a little weaker. Something like that really goes a long way.
I imagine, just like Roy, She will get a few moves to help differentiate her from her great great great great great. . .ancestor.
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Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
What's sad is that I can easily see Sakurai doing that and people defending him for it.
I mean I'd defend him for it... I certainly wasn't implying that keeping Dark Pit and changing him was a bad thing, just that it seems most likely among the clones available. Dark Pit is a great character in KI:U and has plenty of moveset potential based on his role in that game.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Every character has fans, it's obvious that if they cut even the most unpopular, undeserving or bad one, some people will want it back.

That's why cuts are disliked.

I don't even know why clones are disliked, sure they are lazy and generally worse than its counterpart, but they take like minimum effort haha. "Characters slots" don't exist, people.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Over rep'd or not, Fire Emblem has a huge following. I don't see any characters getting cut from that franchise.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Prediction: Mario will have an outfit referencing Cappy, but his moveset will be unchanged.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Sakurai pretty much knows the series is over represented, but im sure he would like to add some more.
What? He doesn't think that at all.

Fire Emblem is a huge series. It has like 15 games - that's more than a lot of Nintendo franchises would even dream of.

Plus, since Awakening (which sold over 2 million copies), it's been in such a huge and constant revival phase.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
As has come up many times in this thread, I would imagine that by the end of the DLC cycle for this game, there will be no "cuts" from this game. Considering they only make one Smash game per generation, and the Switch, which has been extremely successful, is only going to be a year and a half old by the time this comes out, the DLC support for this incredibly popular game will be long, and I believe they'll try to make this game a "definitive edition" where all veterans return.

EDIT: If Sakurai ever wants to retire from making Smash games, I wouldn't be shocked to see him make one final game with all his characters. And what better place to do it than what could become Nintendo's most successful console ever?
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Over rep'd or not, Fire Emblem has a huge following. I don't see any characters getting cut from that franchise.
If all the FE characters are safe, then practically everyone on the roster would be safe.

The franchise is popular (or at least tied with Kirby in terms of recent sales), and that's one of the reasons why I think it's in danger of losing someone. Out with the old and in with the new.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
If Lucina gets cut I guarantee there will be a bunch of people asking for her back lol.

She's already popular AF in her series and being one of the new faces of the series.

And here I am being a broken record about Lucina again.

I don't doubt that in the slightest. But if we HAD to cut characters, she'd be one of the first I feel. She's basically just Marth without the tipper mechanic.

Not that I WANT anyone cut, but **** happens. I mean, I main a 3rd Party character with Mega Man, so even if he's likely, he's not a lock by any means I feel, I'm slightly more worried about Ryu for the same reasons.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
If all the FE characters are safe, then practically everyone on the roster would be safe.

The franchise is popular, and that's one of the reasons why I think it's in danger of losing someone. Out with the old and in with the new.
There isnt anyone new to come in though since FE Switch is so far out we haven't even seen it.

Unless they do Alm or Celica but they aren't exactly new

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Is FE really that over-represented? Since Awakening it's been one of Nintendo's most successful series, and Heroes has pretty much cemented it as one of Nintendo's biggest moneymakers. Plus it has a MASSIVE cast of characters to draw from.

Much as some people might wish otherwise, I doubt we'll be seeing any significant reduction in the number of FE characters in Smash soon.

i'm guessing we'll at least see Marth, Ike, and Robin return, plus probably one of Lucina, Lyn, or a main character from whatever FE16 turns out to be. Or maybe even Heroes. who knows.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I said I like Dark Pit's character. In Uprising he is very different from Pit and has his own weapons, in smash the differences are very minimal. If he's going to be so similar that a Pit main can switch to Dark Pit and not really feel any noticeable differences then why not just have him as an alt in the form of alph and olimar?
I literally just told you. The director of the game told you years ago. There's literally a quote out there from like 2014 where he explains not wanting to give Dark Pit the same Final Smash or Victory theme or taunts. The characters are separate because it's necessary for them to be recorded as such.

What is this "Why not make him a costume?" crap? What does that solve?

Does it give us time to replace him with someone else? No. Does it make his fans happy? No. All making him a costume would do is piss people off.

I'm so tired of this. I'm just gonna start ignoring people who bring up this "Make them a costume!" BS. It's actually offensive. I'm so glad Sakurai doesn't listen to "fans" who complain about free characters.
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