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"Revival of DGames" Mafia

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The entire Spak push is very weak in why he's scum and you just sort of popped up and threw a vote on him while repeating information Laundry said almost verbatim. Ryu took it up and is pushing it now but I still find it a weird thing to do, gut instinct is scum intent behind it to keep the Spak push going. He's taking it more seriously then I feel Alex (do I get to call him that?) or anyone else that was questioning him was, Laundry I easily see the town intent behind, Ryu not so much
Why it is weird of me to openly admit I find him slightly suspicious but then say I am trying to feel him out and get an idea where I can put him. I don't want to blindly throw him in one read or another when I don't know him in a mafia setting.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Except I never voted him, I haven't voted anybody. I pushed him to get a read, and I pushed him since he was at the spotlight atm.

That's a good point, but I think that's just how Ryu's meta goes, I replaced him once him one game and every one thought he was scum due to his weak pushes.

Can you elaborate more on how you see Ryu's and Laundry's pushes?
There were other factors into that game as well.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
That's fine, but its still a bad excuse and bad play overall, you gotta get reads on everyone, trying to go for the one person you played won't really do you much, specially if you played them once.
Yeah, I realize that now. Thanks for the advice for next game.
Can you elaborate on Wott, as to your rational?
Wots and Laundry wouldn't stop asking questions though, and Wots' laying off and moving onto another topic gave him a town lean read for me (because if he was Mafia he would want to put constant pressure on me and know I'm not his partner).
Not saying he's town for sure, but his willingness to move onto another topic was either that (it would be dumb of him to move onto a different topic when he has such an easy target to push if he were scum) or he realized that I just screwed up.
Why did you want to get people to stop thinking about you?

And why did you feel like you needed a read?

I wanted people to stop thinking about me so that we could move on without me getting lynched and so that I could sit back and try to get some reads on people since I've been frantically scrambling to get my act together since my first vote. I felt like I needed a read on someone so that I would be able to narrow down the number of people who would be possible scum. Focusing on getting a read on one person was effective in my first game which was a mini mafia because if we lynched and were attacked D1, that would narrow the game down to 5 people, one of which was me (and I knew I was a townie) and the one person I got a good read on would be another. That would make for only 3 unknowns D2.

So basically getting a read on one person in particular works better in Mini Mafia than it does in a full game of Mafia. Or at least I think it does (I was the doc and we had no town deaths).

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Rake what the **** are you talking about. What part of Dietz first time mobile posting is hard to understand. I'm not sure why you think pushing J is automatically a part of the Dietz agenda unless you're pulling up running jokes from 2 years ago, but when I skimmed it was not at all on my mind. So why are you coming to me about it? If you want content from J that's great, but it's not my problem D1, I have Laundry and Spak drunk Orbo fallout to concern myself with.
I'm really voting you because of how you've been acting so far. I only provided the quip I did to see how you reacted.

Why is laundry even a concern to you ?

And if spak is one of your focuses why are you barely pushing him or interacting with him now ? And least that's hiw it looks to me



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
With 13 players in all, it takes 7 to lynch!

Vote Count 1.2

1. Wots All This Then? (2): Rake, Laundry
2. Gheb_01 (0) :
3. Maven89 (0) :
4. Kantrip (2) : Gheb. Ryker
5. Spak (1) : Rosalina
6. RosalinaSGS (0) :
7. FandangoX (0) :
8. Red Ryu (0) :
9. #HBC | Dancer (0) :
10. #HBC | Ryker (0) :
11. Rake the Macaroni Jabroni (1) : Modvote
12. Laundry (2) : J, Dancer
13. #HBC | J (1) : Fandango

Not Voting: Kantrip, Spak, Maven, Red Ryu, Wots

@ Kantrip Kantrip has been prodded!​


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I have re-read and this is where I am at the moment.
Wots All This Then?
Red Ryu
#HBC | Dancer
#HBC | Ryker
Rake the Macaroni JabronLaundry
#HBC | J

Town Lean
Scum Lean

Spak is null right now, because his answers seem honest, but his not so random vote on Maven is contradictory on his rasoning, and him trying to divert attention from him to Maven after he got pressured are the main issues with my read on him.

After re-reading I can get Maven's issues with Ryu, but I don't think its a scum-tell for Ryu, it just seems like a weak push to me on Ryu's part.

Rake is leaning town in my eyes, his posts have scumhinting intent behind them, he's been following up his questions, and is pushing the game forward. Also upon re-reading I don't like how WATT's pressure on Spak was about what at that point seemed like an obvious joke post, specially after he said it was (but before he gave his more complex response) Rake may be onto something as the only other person that pointed out that vote was Laundry, but Laundry pressured further after Spak elaborated on his vote, while WATT baked down, I still don't think WATT and Laundry's interactions are forced, but they were the only two to call attention to Spak's vote before Spak contradicted himself with his explanations.

J has been posting a lot of nothing after game got out of RVP, on his #126 he asks Rosalina a question, but doesn't follow up on it after Rosa answers.

On his #179 he asks Ryu a question about his Laundry read. Ryu answers in his #185, but J once again ignores it and doesn't reply.

His #233 question to Maven seems kind of pointless and just trying to generate content.

He proceeds to Prod Kantrip after that.

On his #155 He admits to Ryker he doesn't get active unless he gets asked questions, but the fact that all of his post-RVS posts are questions that he never followed up, prodding, and a pointless question makes me have a scum lean read on J.

Also @#HBC | Laundry please elaborate on you previous reads.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Also, Kantrip's title (Smash Lord, Smash Champion, Shaq, etc.) right now is Kantplay, so I'm thinking he isn't gonna show. I was gonna avoid voting Kantrip until about half to 3/4 of the way through the day, but his title suggests it's no use waiting.

Vote: Kantrip

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I have re-read and this is where I am at the moment.
Wots All This Then?
Red Ryu
#HBC | Dancer
#HBC | Ryker
Rake the Macaroni JabronLaundry
#HBC | J

Town Lean
Scum Lean

Spak is null right now, because his answers seem honest, but his not so random vote on Maven is contradictory on his rasoning, and him trying to divert attention from him to Maven after he got pressured are the main issues with my read on him.

After re-reading I can get Maven's issues with Ryu, but I don't think its a scum-tell for Ryu, it just seems like a weak push to me on Ryu's part.

Rake is leaning town in my eyes, his posts have scumhinting intent behind them, he's been following up his questions, and is pushing the game forward. Also upon re-reading I don't like how WATT's pressure on Spak was about what at that point seemed like an obvious joke post, specially after he said it was (but before he gave his more complex response) Rake may be onto something as the only other person that pointed out that vote was Laundry, but Laundry pressured further after Spak elaborated on his vote, while WATT baked down, I still don't think WATT and Laundry's interactions are forced, but they were the only two to call attention to Spak's vote before Spak contradicted himself with his explanations.

J has been posting a lot of nothing after game got out of RVP, on his #126 he asks Rosalina a question, but doesn't follow up on it after Rosa answers.

On his #179 he asks Ryu a question about his Laundry read. Ryu answers in his #185, but J once again ignores it and doesn't reply.

His #233 question to Maven seems kind of pointless and just trying to generate content.

He proceeds to Prod Kantrip after that.

On his #155 He admits to Ryker he doesn't get active unless he gets asked questions, but the fact that all of his post-RVS posts are questions that he never followed up, prodding, and a pointless question makes me have a scum lean read on J.

Also @#HBC | Laundry please elaborate on you previous reads.
I go by Rake ~Desu now, because I'm so kawaii.

Secondarily, do you think that WoTT"s actions are specifically scummy.

I.E do you think he pressured Spak because he could get away with it, and if so, why ?


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also, Kantrip's title (Smash Lord, Smash Champion, Shaq, etc.) right now is Kantplay, so I'm thinking he isn't gonna show. I was gonna avoid voting Kantrip until about half to 3/4 of the way through the day, but his title suggests it's no use waiting.

Vote: Kantrip
It's an old Dgames running joke that Kantrip was so bad that he simply "Kantplay" his title was like that before I took hiatus. It's nothing to read into and I think he's better served being replaced than lynched. It's far too easy for scum to latch onto a slot like kantrip especially D1 and especially when I'm the a part of a select group going out of my way to progress the day beyond the circular kantrip discussion. You need to be objective and realize that while it is annoying kantrip's not here, you can better use your time hunting at the people posting.

Also, how did you feel about WoTT's pressure on you before, do you think he went out of his way to blast you (scum read you and grill you on your post ) or do you think he was sinply curious, maybe even hunting for a reaction from you, and if the latter, would that knowledge change your opinion of how he approached you ?


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also, Fandangox, why is Ryu only null to you ? I realize he's being very plodding and deliberate but his posts earlier strongly made me feel that he was at least participating in the game which I know scum Ryu never does. Do you really feel like he's held onto Spak too long as others have said, and if so, why is that more a null / possibly scum indicator over just taking time.


Also, if ryker doesn't start producing content and contributing, then he, not kantrip is going to be the policy lynch today. Only Laundry feel for the trick question but the fact is Ryker's first post only served to get his foot in the door and make his thread "clout " known. Anyone who opposes this can feel free to tell me why non helpful posturing ryker should stick around is welcome to argue this, but be warned I will probably call you an idiot.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
@J: You've had ample time to get interested, how do you feel about Fandangox's only other town feeling being me ?
Do you agree that ryker should be gone if he can't produce ?
Would me and Laundry be a cute couple ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

Stop using mobile johns and answer the questions i asked.

You can't call spak of interest when you don't progress anything on him and if you were just kicking his tires you need to own up to the fact you had nothing at that point to be aggressive over. How do you feel about the push against you, and specifically how does spak fit in with the other scum feel i recall you having.



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
It's an old Dgames running joke that Kantrip was so bad that he simply "Kantplay" his title was like that before I took hiatus. It's nothing to read into and I think he's better served being replaced than lynched. It's far too easy for scum to latch onto a slot like kantrip especially D1 and especially when I'm the a part of a select group going out of my way to progress the day beyond the circular kantrip discussion. You need to be objective and realize that while it is annoying kantrip's not here, you can better use your time hunting at the people posting.
Oh, I didn't realize that Kantrip's title was always like that and I forgot that we actually have replacements. My B.

Also, how did you feel about WoTT's pressure on you before, do you think he went out of his way to blast you (scum read you and grill you on your post ) or do you think he was sinply curious, maybe even hunting for a reaction from you, and if the latter, would that knowledge change your opinion of how he approached you ?
Early-game when he and Laundry were noting how my Maven vote smelled like some garbage, I think he was doing a pro-town action because he seemed like he was just trying to hunt down scum and get some early reads. I would be a bit wary of him if I saw someone dropping accusations that quickly (but it's still a pro-town action for anyone that knows that I'm town for reasons that I listed in prior posts). The fact that he scrambled to find something in my posts to comment on (#277, in which his questions he asked were already addressed in prior posts) after being called out (#268) for letting me off too easily is the only thing that I see could be scummy, but other than that, he's still a town lean in my opinion. In addition, I don't remember him giving me a scum read whatsoever (if you find something that is contradictory to this, please let me know so I can analyze his reasoning). Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any of his reads.

Would you care to give us a breakdown of your reads thus far, WoTT?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Hey guys, back in the thread. Had a lovely day with the family and will be responding to things now.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Why did you write this paragraph? It just looks like an attempt to knock Ryker down before he even really got into the game. I mean sure, we all know that Ryker is stubborn but this looks like a little too much of mudslinging/demeaning him for your benefit. Could you point out what you hoped to accomplish posting this?
I don't like this. Maven was obviously joking J.

Re-quoting so I can finally re-answer. After looking back through things, I do disagree to the notion that Spak looks scummy. I am seeing if anything more of a town-lean. He seems to be new to this site in terms of how DGames crew rolls and got caught in his words. It looked like Laundry was trying to take it and move along with it to get out of RvS. Spaks' reasoning seemed calm and genuine which I wouldn't expect of new-er scum to have that much acting skills to convince me of.

So to sum it up, got a slight town lean on Spak and a null on Laundry. This is also probably why I did not comment on it much because I don't see scum-vibes from it yet.

Regarding your Kanty question, I'm never really down for inactive lynches D1 because they don't provide much intel for us to work off us. But he hasn't posted at all since the game started so @ BarDulL BarDulL what's the status with Kanty?
Just quoting this so to acknowledge that I've read this.

RosalinaSGS said:
Earlier, after i considered Spak a bit more, he actually turned town. I considered his circumstances and decided he was a town who tried a gambit that failed. But after his attempt to shift the spotlight onto Maven and the above post (especially the above post), I feel he's scum, or maybe indy. I don't think it's likely that he would just construct a story, playing a gambit on a gambit, to reason out his play rather than simply telling the truth. It just feels like he's taking the possible explanations others gave and using them for an easy way out. Also, his town lean on Maven feels like him supporting another because he supported him.
The thing is though is that I don't actually think there's any evidence supporting this. Unless I missed it, I don't

Also, Spak's post seems too... fake. Then again, it is the internet, and like he said, emotions can't be communicated well, but I'm not convinced.

@ Kantrip Kantrip Read #236
Interesting. You thinking what I'm thinking? I actually do have a slight town read on Spak right now, but reading through some of Spak's posts have set off some flags (wrt "fakeness"). Care to elaborate? We can both bounce ideas off of each other and be super buddy buddy with each other. It'll be nice. :b:

This is his, admittedly, usual schtick. He coasts through D1 for whatever selfish reasons and then we're left with him in D2 with nary a steady read on him.

I would, but I'm not moving my vote there before the guy can even receive a prod (which he still can't as of this posting). I'm not sure why you're bringing this up >48 hours into the day phase.

What do you think of J's attack on Maven? You say J usually coasts through Day 1 (I honestly don't remember much meta). Do you think the attack seemed kind of forced, and if so, was that a result of me "pressuring" forced content out of a town J or is there actual scum intent there?



Reads belong in my dumpsterfire:

I get off work at 11. I'll be back around then.

@Bold: Funny thing is is that I think both of you've noticed the same thing, but are just interpreting it differently.

Current reads:

town leans:


The tiniest most cautious of town reads:


Scum lean:



Everyone else.

unvote vote: J

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J seems scum. Reasons: Gut and #233 seems filler-ish. Also disagree with analysis on Spak, but can't be helped there.
Can you tell what about your gut makes me read as scummy to you? Also that #233 may be a bit filler, but at the same time I am posing a question as to why Maven would have a problem with alphas as he suggested. Continue reading down more so I may show why I asked that question.

@J : Do you feel like WoTT dropped spak because the push itself was lazy and worthless, or was he simply kicking spak's tires for a reaction?
I don't think either of your options accurately describe how I feel about WoTT's push on Spak, because both ways give him an out in terms. I feel his push on Spak looked like an "easy opportunity" jump and followed Laundry onto it. If I remember correctly, Laundry started the push on Spak and after looking back on the push and finding that I find Spak leaning more town, it leads me to dislike WoTT's attempt of pushing Spak, especially since nothing came of it.

Short-hand response: WoTT doesn't seem to have done either of what you suggested, in my eyes, and instead looks to have pushed him on opportunity rather than actual scum-hunting.

J, why are you being so lightfooted around your reads, I know you wanna take your time and get into D1 but it really feels to me like your dragging your feet moreso than your just uninterested and need people to harass you into interest. Why do you think ryker's first post was constructed the way it was ? Do you feel like Ryker was posturing, because my first instinct was he was posturing with his first post to seem like he had clout.

Secondarily, what do you think of Maven interpreting Ryu's slow questioning process as a scum push onto Spak, once Ryu started his questioning I distinctly felt he was trying to feel Spak out, not drag it out like Maven's asserting, especially because a scum Ryu has no reason to drag Spak's push out.
D1 I am always light-footed which has been said, but every time someone says this, they seem to say it begrudingly as well. I guess you can say I am dragging my feet because I am also on vacation/taking a lighter approach to this game. That's the honest truth haha. I came to play this game as more of a social game and help with sparking some life into DGames because it has been abysmal lately.

How does the way Ryker constructed his post have anything to do with helping me find out his alignment? I don't get the point of the question, but to answer: I feel Ryker has a similar style to Swiss (as I stated beforehand) where he comes in and tries to talk/get connected with tons of people. It may seems random/arbitrary, but we all know it has a meaning behind it and also a reason behind each those questions asked. He's getting responses. The only problem I have with Ryker is that he hasn't really done anything at all as of yet and has been sitting back which is new for me to see. However, fair is fair and since I do it, I haven't commented on it yet. Ryker is like me in a sense where if he is the game longer, it is easier to read him. Posturing is not the word I would use per say.

Posturing is not scummy though, at least in the sense we are talking about currently.

My turn though:

What do you make of Laundry's pretty much just +1'ing your content as of late? I'd also like to hear more about Fanny from you.

Stop people from following any of the "alphas" based on name recognition, stop new players from thinking that's a smart strat, and to hopefully get something from Ryker in response to me telling people to not take him too seriously.
I'm sorry if this comes across as curt/rude, but are you new here? I mean to say this in a way that isn't offensive, but if you have played with Ryker before this would make sense, but I don't recall you ever playing a game with him so this is just coming across as odd to me. What is wrong with someone having take charge? Hypothetically, one could be an alpha and town and take charge which could win the game. Especially coming off personal experience, I see both sides of the coin. I just don't like your phrasing on it.

I'm not sure why you think pushing J is automatically a part of the Dietz agenda unless you're pulling up running jokes from 2 years ago, but when I skimmed it was not at all on my mind.
Tbh, I am surprised you aren't on me. Last I remember, you are one of the few people who are always on me regardless of what game it is. It is striking me as a bit off that you aren't trying to combat me like you usually do.

Next thing is just a minor annoyance point for later on in the game/connection trails:

[collapse=Stop this.]
As I stated earlier I don't have any strong scum reads right now, but here is my list:

1. Wots All This Then?
2. Gheb_01
3. Maven89
4. Kantrip
5. Spak
6. RosalinaSGS
7. FandangoX
8. Red Ryu
9. #HBC | Dancer
10. #HBC | Ryker
11. Rake the Macaroni Jabroni
12. Laundry
13. #HBC | J

Town Lean
Mafia Lean
Vote: Spak

my reads atm,

1. Wots All This Then? (Orboknown/Jdietz Hydra)
2. Gheb_01
3. Maven89
4. Kantrip
5. Spak
6. RosalinaSGS
7. FandangoX
8. Red Ryu
9. #HBC | Dancer
10. #HBC | Ryker
11. Rake the Macaroni Jabroni
12. Laundry
13. #HBC | J

green = town
light green = town lean
white = neutral
orange = mafia lean
red = mafia
Fanny said:
I have re-read and this is where I am at the moment.
Wots All This Then?
Red Ryu
#HBC | Dancer
#HBC | Ryker
Rake the Macaroni JabronLaundry
#HBC | J

Town Lean
Scum Lean

Stop doing these lists on D1. It is muddying up reading and the lists can be much more succinct. We do not need to know every null read in the game. Keep your lists clean and more importantly, scum reads to the top. We need more reads lists like this to see thoughts.

I'm gonna go more into the direct attacks on me/give some reads I am feeling out currently.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Expending on two thoughts of interest: Spak and J.

J is currently leaning scum to me as a feel he's maintained a presence without actually doing too much of anything. The three main points of concern is his weird attack on Maven, the "event votecount" he kept, and just a lack of original content. Already went over Maven. The "event votecount" thing isn't scummy by itself but coupled with a lack of original content it reads more like filler than genuine usefulness. I just feel like if J was town he would be more interested in that WoT vs. WL thing then he seems right now.

BTW J's stance on Spak is not original content. It's a purely logical stance that one could have arrived at as either alignment so it's not telling either way.

Spak is a conundrum to me as I feel like he's done a lot of things I don't imagine newbie scum would do but if he was anyone else I would lynch him in a heartbeat. Regardless of his alignment I'm convinced that he has worded his posts to deliberately garner symphony which raises a red flag with me. HOWEVER I've seen newb town do this as well as newb scum so I can't call it either way. Also again what newbie scum ADMITS to things like "trying to lay low" and "trying to redirect attention." If he's scum then he's a master manipulator so props to him for that but that seems unlikely.

Actually writing this post has made me feel slightly better about him. He can go up to a town lean.

Also for the recorded I have yet to form an opinion on WoT, which is a thing now I suppose.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
J said:
Stop doing these lists on D1. It is muddying up reading and the lists can be much more succinct. We do not need to know every null read in the game. Keep your lists clean and more importantly, scum reads to the top. We need more reads lists like this to see thoughts.

I'm gonna go more into the direct attacks on me/give some reads I am feeling out currently.
Right after I do one of those lists. :(

Looking forward to those reads.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Quick hit: How is the "event vote count" I kept scummy? That's really reaching with that. Plus you say most of what my stuff could have been done as either alignment or as you put it yourself:

Dancer said:
It's a purely logical stance that one could have arrived at as either alignment so it's not telling either way.
So I am still not understanding your attack on me.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
We still have 4 days?

Most places I play only have 2-3 day phases. Anyways, with that much time, I'll post reads tomorrow. I'm too tired/lazy currently haha.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Responding to prod.

Sorry for my absence, my weekend became very busy. I am going to sleep now and might be busy tomorrow, but I'll buckle down either tomorrow or Tuesday.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
So much to read right now and so few people I actually have reads or even leans on ...

Time to get into this.



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I make no excuses for Orbo because I would have pushed it. But I have to at least ask are you aware he was drunk?
I didn't care and I still don't. If it's a big deal then why didn't he just say "I'm drunk and my posts were full of BS pay no attention to them" instead of coming up with wacky explanations that don't add up? Not that I would have been particularly convinced by that reasoning but it's still better than whatever point he was trying to gt across in that exchange with me.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
OK, so I kinda agree with Fanny and Brodancer on J.

The way I see it Laundry, Maven and Dancer are town, Ryker, Rosie and Kantrip haven't actually started playing the game yet, WATT and J lean scum and Fanny/Spak are null. Not gonna concern myself with Rake and Ryu until further notice.

Vote: WATT



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I don't think I ever made this official:

Destroy Ring

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
I'm really voting you because of how you've been acting so far. I only provided the quip I did to see how you reacted.

Why is laundry even a concern to you ?

And if spak is one of your focuses why are you barely pushing him or interacting with him now ? And least that's hiw it looks to me

Laundry was important because he started vs. Spak and turned it into vs Watt. It was a perfect opportunity to get more insight on his slot and I felt what he was directing our way was worth rebuttal.

I don't believe I ever called spak a focus. I've been taking the opportunities to read him as they come since Orbo declined to, but so far that has been all: the way people have treated the interaction around him has been more interesting than he actually is.


Stop using mobile johns and answer the questions i asked.

You can't call spak of interest when you don't progress anything on him and if you were just kicking his tires you need to own up to the fact you had nothing at that point to be aggressive over. How do you feel about the push against you, and specifically how does spak fit in with the other scum feel i recall you having.

I honestly feel angry because it seems like you either aren't reading or want any excuse to push at us. It feels made up. Once again I think the closest we've ever come to calling Spak interesting is the post I wrote him off as newb null in during the back and forth with Laundry:

Then we can agree on that much, but I wouldn't go as far as calling him town specifically for it. He's reminding me a lot of how I acted my very first game when Swiss pinned me to a wall, but at the time I was decidedly scum. I don't think he's scum for what he did, but my point is I don't feel comfortable saying it's town.

What part makes you lean him in that direction?

I'd also like to know what you've liked from Maven so far.

So why are you making a big deal out of this?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Quick hit: How is the "event vote count" I kept scummy? That's really reaching with that. Plus you say most of what my stuff could have been done as either alignment or as you put it yourself:

The event votecount wasn't scummy by itself but coupled with your lack of initiative it is. You've stated that you were interested in WoTT but I haven't seen that (or anything else) go anywhere. The thing is is that even making an effort to keep track of the puesdo vote reads as filler (giving the illusion of usefulness w/o actually being useful).

Also I feel Fandangox's 288 makes a good case, showcasing evidence for your lack of initiative.

So I am still not understanding your attack on me
That was pre-rebuttal to anyone who may have thought your stance on Spak should count as content/initiative.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Yeah, I realize that now. Thanks for the advice for next game.

Not saying he's town for sure, but his willingness to move onto another topic was either that (it would be dumb of him to move onto a different topic when he has such an easy target to push if he were scum) or he realized that I just screwed up.
I wanted people to stop thinking about me so that we could move on without me getting lynched and so that I could sit back and try to get some reads on people since I've been frantically scrambling to get my act together since my first vote. I felt like I needed a read on someone so that I would be able to narrow down the number of people who would be possible scum. Focusing on getting a read on one person was effective in my first game which was a mini mafia because if we lynched and were attacked D1, that would narrow the game down to 5 people, one of which was me (and I knew I was a townie) and the one person I got a good read on would be another. That would make for only 3 unknowns D2.

So basically getting a read on one person in particular works better in Mini Mafia than it does in a full game of Mafia. Or at least I think it does (I was the doc and we had no town deaths).
PS: I don't think this is made up.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Tbh, I am surprised you aren't on me. Last I remember, you are one of the few people who are always on me regardless of what game it is. It is striking me as a bit off that you aren't trying to combat me like you usually do.
Well with a sentence like that you've certainly got my attention now.

What purpose as Town do you have of making this post if you aren't immediately following it with a Watt push for the meta you just claimed?

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Would you care to give us a breakdown of your reads thus far, WoTT?
I can't speak for Orbo, but as of right now I'm thinking Laundry is likely town even if he's got a hard on for us. Dancer now that I've read him also seems town.

I keep flip flopping on Maven because I disliked his opening but liked that he was willing to go to Ryu and Fanny before anyone else, and I'm not yet sure whether Rake is on us for legit reasons or just riding us because it's easy and he wants us gone.

Right now, I want to know why Rosalina is still on you, as well as why J looks like he's looming in for the easy swoop on us but just mudslinging instead. I'd also super appreciate Fandangox getting mroe invovlved, I feel like so far there's been an abundance of opinions but a lack of content.

I don't have much to say on this that wouldn't be an echo of Dancer, but it feels like the correct direction. That "why aren't you pushing me" post seems like the most opportunistic of posturing. That's damning us if we do or if we don't while keeping your hands clean either way, gross.

Vote: J

Vote: Destroy the Ring


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I go by Rake ~Desu now, because I'm so kawaii.

Secondarily, do you think that WoTT"s actions are specifically scummy.

I.E do you think he pressured Spak because he could get away with it, and if so, why ?

Hard to say, I don't understand much the push on WATT, I get that he pushed Speak and then backed off, but what I find odd is not the lack of commitment, but the fact that he pushed Spak after he had already clarified to Laundry that it was a joke. This though is not enough for me to get a scumread on him, I also don't think it was something he "could get away with" as he shifted to Laundry after that, which was still related to Spak. His and Laundry interactions seem fine, but its the timing on their Spak push that's odd to me. Do you think Laundry and Watt could be scum dates?

Also, Fandangox, why is Ryu only null to you ? I realize he's being very plodding and deliberate but his posts earlier strongly made me feel that he was at least participating in the game which I know scum Ryu never does. Do you really feel like he's held onto Spak too long as others have said, and if so, why is that more a null / possibly scum indicator over just taking time.
Because I can see some of what I see in J in Ryu's content, but despite that he has maintained a weak, but focused push, I am not familiar enough with his meta to get a solid read out of that. He got pointed out as scum on the game I replaced him, but he was town. So right now I am just null on him.
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