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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Delphox chances: 0.13%
A random Pokémon with pretty much non-existant demand and apparently no incentive to be chosen besides possibly "moveset potential", which isn't saying much when almost all Pokémon have "moveset potential".

Delphox want: 0%
This isn't Pokkén, and regardless, I don't want any more Pokémon (see my Gengar and Absol want rating).


Someone among the one above plus many others chances: 38%
While I think the ballot and which characters are the most nominated will be an important factor for DLC newcomers, I still think Sakurai may very possibly chose some surprise character whose merits are underestimated within the fanbase; he's pretty well-known for choosing characters like Ice Climbers or Wii Fit Trainer, after all. But with the probably limited slots for DLC (I expect between two or four more DLC characters), it is possible that it won't happen.

Unpopular DLC character want: 40%
To be honest I'd rather not see Sakurai prioritize oddballs over actually requested characters like King K. Rool or Bandanna Dee, but I'd be curious to see which unpopular character he may choose; it may potentially reveal to us a character with underestimated merits as a Nintendo All-Star and potential for a moveset that does justice to a part of Nintendo's history. But if it means we're getting Pichu or Young Link back... please no. If it means Tetrimino is playable, then YES!


Corrin prediction: 7.56%
Praise the god of MUH RELEVANCE RECENCY!!!!1!1!!

Secondary ballot prediction: 3.74%

(Rerate) Playable newcomer: Rayman x5
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Unpopular DLC
Chance: 45%
Want 30%
Depends on the character,

Chance 1%
Too Much competition
Want 5%
There are many other pokemon I would prefer

Corrin 7%
A second ballot? 2%

Nominate Iwata tribute x5
Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 2%
Want: 0% (If we got a second Kalos starter, it should be Chesnaught instead of second Fire type)

Unpopular character
Chance: 20% (considered abstaining because this is so hard to predict)
Want: 0% (While there's one unpopular character I want (Gengar), they should just concentrate on popular ones imo)

Corrin prediction: 5%
Second ballot prediction: 2%

Nominations: Agumon 5x
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Magica Del Fox (Am I Spanish yet?)
Remember that "from all deez Pokemanz", Game Freak would only recommend:
1. Pokés from the newest gen, or newfound relevance.
2. Pokés with some importance

Let's be honest and say Delphox wouldn't be chosen purely for her moveset potential, how big it may be, but for her marketebleness and being on the right place in the right time.

Want: 90%
You could place @ Delzethin Delzethin 's Fire Wall of text here, but I have a few things on my own to say:

Or better, quote my own words from the Describe your most wanted character's playstyle-thread:

Double Whammy Delphox
Status-effect fire mage

Delphox in Pokémon X and Y is a Fire/Psychic-type Pokémon, specialised in seeing the future and in wielding her fire staff.
This fire can give opponents the "Burning" effect, which cripples the opponent's attack power while damaging them over time.

Along with effectively nerfing opponents, Delphox can also buff herself.
Flame Charge can enhance her speed, and Howl can buff her attack power.

Also, you might think that fire has been used already to the full effect, but it is in fact not.
Fire has only been used yet in small portions, but not as an entire moveset and in its full capacity.

Heck, we haven't even had the burning effect that deals damage over time.

Delphox can open up the full potential of fire, by using high arcane blasts, spreading fires and crippling opponents options and power.

But that's not all.
Delphox also has the psychic side of moves.

Delphox is known for predicting the future with Future Sight.
While it could work as a counter, it could also be used as a delayed explosion, like Crash Bomb.

The psychic side of things also has its fair shair of status effects.
Psychic lowers the attack power of Specials, Psybeam confuses them and Light Screen buffs Delphox when attacked.

How graceful Delphox may look, it's still a fox and as a foreign proverb says:
"A fox may lose its hairs, but not its tricks"

In this case, while Delphox has gotten a elegant robe and dito moves, it still has foxy tricks.
Delphox still knows moves like Swticheroo and Magic Room, that steal or lowers the effect of items, to give the moveset a thief-ish accent.

Besides there being little mages in general, there hasn't been used with it either.
No damage over time
No self-buffing
No opponent-nerfing
No AoE-attacks
No wands

Delphox would fix all of these.
Dark Pit's Horse
Chance and Want: 50%
Let me say this.
If Sakurai's form of "Making fans happy" and "Fanservice" was including only popular characters, we would've had a different roster from the start.
Instead, he opted to choose a few dark or invisible horses to include.
It would be really weird if he didn't even try to make fans happy until now.
Include the chance that this is us taking Sakurai out of context, we have a solid chance of this happening

At one side, a breath of fresh air might be nice
At the other side, space is scarce and I don't want that some popular characters get shafted at their finest hour.

Corrin: 9.45%
2Ballot: 5.4%

Nabbit x5
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
The timing of the rating is either really fortunate or unfortunate, depending on whom you ask. Why? Because if it was rated before Sakurai's comment, it might probably have seen much higher ratings. But now that Sakurai's statement has come that "it's going to be fanservice from now on", the ratings are going to plunge, bay at least we know better.

Anyway, having an unpopular character for DLC is counter-intuitive and violates common sense. The whole point of DLC is to have as many people buy it, so that you make maximum profit from it; deliberately choosing an unpopular character for DLC not only diminishes your profits but is not going to happen unless the character is the creator's pet and hopes to make them popular. At the moment, there don't seem to be any characters like that.

WANT: 5%
Well, it's called 'Unpopular' for a reason, you know.​

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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida

Anyway, having an popular character for DLC is counter-intuitive and violates common sense.​
Well damn, son, if having popular characters for DLC is counter intuitive and nonsensical, why are people still supporting King K. Rool? :troll:

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Using this definition of "unpopular"
Since some people seem confused by how to define "unpopular character", I'd say it would be either:
- characters barely seriously considered most people don't care much about, catching most of the fanbase off-guard and confusing them with a notable amount of initial negative reception (like Wii Fit Trainer or Duck Hunt);
- or characters infamous to get mostly opposition prior to their reveal (like Dark Pit).

I think most character with both a low chances and want score may fall in the first category, while only a few (Pichu and Young Link on the top of my head) fall into the second. Some characters like Waluigi or Paper Mario are heavily controversial, but I wouldn't call them "unpopular", they fall under the same category as Roy prior to his reveal if you want my opinion.
I'd say the chances of those types of characters happening as DLC would normally be 0% (assuming these characters are unpopular and obscure world-wide) with the only types of "unpopular" characters having a good chance would be the Ryu-types (characters with low Smash demands but are nevertheless backed by great iconicness and popularity (outside the Smash fanbase)

Overall, my chance score would be 10% because Sakurai could always pull another Ryu-style character. Anything like Dark Pit or Duck Hunt Dog wouldn't work well as DLC.


Sakurai would undoubtly be a hypocrite if he included obscure unpopular characters as DLC as those characters would be the anthesis of fanservice for the majority of people who are interested in character DLC. None of the characters we got as DLC could have qualified as unpopular choices with Ryu being an video game icon backed by strong popularity world-wide even despite his low Smash demand.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Just asking again but can Iwata trophy and Iwata tribute nominations be combined? A trophy WOULD be a tribute and rating the same thing twice would be a bit silly.

Chance 0%
there isnt a single reason for delphox to be picked. 0. zip. nadda.

There are many many more popular pokemon out there.

want 30%
of the 3 starters I wound up picking fennekin only so I could use bulbasaur. It's the middle one for me. Chesnaught is cooler for me. I like it more than greninja though but I think Greninja translated WAY better to smash than delphox would.

unpopular character
hmmm. this is an interesting one. On the one hand we have the ballot and the "all DLC from now on is fanservice" deal
on the one hand that may not be what sakurai means. maybe he means all content will be very high quality or something. Plus there is the whole "it's a suggestion box" deal. . .

10% I guess. Only because I think there is only about 3 more characters left.

Want abstain
I dont know WHO it would be. if it was Viridi i would be ecstatic. If its Ganon fantastic. but if it's say Rundas I would not be happy at all. Too many variables.

2nd ballot. . . I dont know what this is. Is it ballot after DLC is over for smash NX?
3% I guess

iwata tribute 2
Next smash has new director 3

Deleted member

The Directory has been updated.


I don't think Delphox stand a great chance. With limited ballot support and the fact that we already have a fire starter and a Gen 6 starter, things look grim for it.
Want: Abstain

Unpopular DLC Character

"It will be nothing but fan service from now on."
Let this line sink in because this will be true for all DLC characters. I think Sakurai and the development team want to listen to the fan demands and ask for which characters that they want to see in Smash. As a result the more obscure, very unpopular characters will get left in the dust.
Now, there is one character that was considered unpopular but got in Smash as DLC: Ryu. However, he was unpopular for a different reason. Ryu wasn't demanded because he came from a fighting game, something that Sakurai denied in the past, and he is a Capcom character with Mega Man, having two characters within the same company was a limit the community forced onto itself. Had these limits not exist, Ryu probably would have some demand to him. Ryu isn't even unpopular by any means... he's an icon.
If Sakurai wants to add an unexpected, "unpopular" character, it would be an icon like Ryu is, not something among the lines of Young Link and Savvy Stylist. Those wouldn't be surprises and more in the lines of alienating the fanbase.
Putting in surprises is a good thing because it hypes the audience because it brings out an unexpected character. However, that really works well in the base game, not DLC where people will be a lot more critical.
Want: 5%
Well... unless Phoenix Wright, Bomberman, and Amaterasu are considered unpopular, I am done with surprises. I rather have the rest of the DLC please the fans. If we got something like, again, Young Link or Savvy Stylist, I would be furious.

Corrin Prediction: 6.24%
People are sick of Fire Emblem.
Secondary Ballot Prediction: Umm... 15.49%?
What is this concept?

Nominations: Guile's Theme 5x

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Unpopular DLC Character Chance: 20%

I'll be a bit generous with this one since it's such a broad concept, and we really can't perfectly predict what Sakurai will do. Still, I'd say the chances of this happening are not that likely. As others have already stated, DLC characters are unique compared to those on the main roster, due to being optional content that has to be purchased separately. Whereas before you had to get the likes of Wii Fit Trainer and Dark Pit to get the complete package, players now have the option to simply not spend their money on a character they don't want. As such, popularity is more important than ever before, as those are the characters that will naturally sell well. And so far, all the DLC characters chosen (pre-ballot, mind you) have been very popular picks, with Sakurai even emphasizing their popularity compared to other characters, and describing future additions as "fanservice."

With this in mind, along with the existence of the Ballot, adding an unpopular DLC character is just counter-intuitive.

Now, I have seen the argument that Sakurai may add an unpopular character pre-ballot because Sakurai. I have two problems with this idea:
-That's still a counter-intuitive business practice.
-We don't even know how many more pre-ballot characters are left, if any. And judging by the choices so far, it seems likely that a pre-ballot choice would be a character who is an obvious fan favorite (Wolf comes to mind).

Unpopular DLC Character Want: 10%

Really hard to rate this one, since it really depends on the character. Still, I'd rather see a fan favorite added than some random surprise no one wanted.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC

Chance: 5%

We don't have a lot of mages on the Smash Bros roster, so Delphox already has a degree of uniqueness going for her. She also comes from the newest generation and can help boost the number of female fighters on the Smash roster (considering Delphox is a predominantly female character in the Pokemon games). Other than that, she doesn't have the strongest ballot support compared to the likes of Sceptile, and there are plenty of Pokemon just like her that find themselves in a similar situation when it comes to being represented in Smash Bros.

Want: 30%

She can be quite interesting considering she would summon fire a lot differently than the likes of Charizard or Bowser, not to mention more Mage users would be great for Smash Bros, but I have other Pokemon that I'd prefer seeing join the roster over her.

Unpopular DLC Character

Chance: 25%

Considering what happened with the Ice Climbers and Wii Fit Trainer, I still think this could happen. There is still the possibility that the next two DLC characters could be pre-Smash Ballot characters, and perhaps one of those slots could go to a a character we don't expect. Aside from that, there is also the strong possibility that the next batch of DLC characters will be Smash Ballot characters, and with this possibility, "it's all about fan service" as Sakurai has stated. Thus, the concept of an unpopular DLC character isn't the strongest, but I think it could still happen nonetheless.

Want: 60%

Two of my characters in my top DLC wishlist are examples of unpopular characters in the Smash Ballot, so there's a good part of me that wishes Sakurai's element of surprise would kick in and include the two characters I'm interested in seeing for Smash Bros. However, everyone has a character that they wish to see as a fighter in Smash Bros but sadly doesn't have much of a chance because of a lack of popularity or other reasons, so the spectrum is quite wide. I can't say much else since it gets more complicated the more I think about it.


Corrin (Fire Emblem): 7.78%
Secondary Smash Ballot: 2.35%


Gallade (Pokemon): x5
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Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014

Chance: 1%
Like most Pokemon, Delphox suffers from a lot of competition

Want: 2%
Bring back Pokemon Trainer to fight on his own.

Unpopular DLC Character:

Chance: 5%
I've said this before, but I've got a soft support for wacky, weird fighters that don't fight within their own games.

Want: 40%
If Chibi-Robo can be considered as "unpopular"...

Predictions for Corrin: 36% Chance, 2% Want
Predictions for 2nd Ballot: 4% Chance, 54% Want

Nominate Isabelle x 5


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
Unpopular DLC:

Chance - 1%
Want - 0%

I think this is almost impossible to happen as otherwise there would be absolutely no point in ever running the ballot. And given my ballot character and the only one I really want in is purportedly near the top I'd be extremely bummed if this happened.


Chance - 0%

Absolute Zero; let that sink in. Delphox is an unpopular starter and unpopular Pokemon in general amongst a sea of other candidates who are more deserving and who will fracture the Pokemon fanbase between them. No way Delphox has what it takes to compete with the top tier first party choices. Reckless Safety Man has a higher chance (and more votes!).

Want - 0%

Emboar is Delphox's only competition in my mind for worst starter ever conceived. I personally detest the Pokemon, and would consider the ballot an absolute joke if it (or even starters I am big fans of, like Feraligatr or Blaziken) made it in before any of the popular ballot choices as we perceive them.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Original quote from Sid-cada nominated the secondary ballot concept, since it seems some people are confused about what it is:
An explanation: this ballot is a "primary," when everyone is technically qualified. At some point down the road, we will get a list of characters who were popular and the team is willing to work on, and we vote for the winner then.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2015
Guys, you do know that there's a possibility that they could just work on this "unpopular character" along side the popular ones, right?

Considering what happened with the Ice Climbers
Believe it or not, Ice Climbers were actually highly requested characters.
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Chance: 2.1%
Abstain from explanation. I'll give the sixth Generation Pokemon a small score of 2.1%.
We've rated too many Pokemon that my explanations are starting to blend together...

Want: 2%
Abstain from Explanation

Unpopular DLC Character
Chance 70%
For this concept, I'm assuming that the idea of getting an unpopular character for DLC means that we might get a character who's not quite as popular as K. Rool, Ridley, Isaac, etc, but not necessarily having any stigma towards them. They're just not as highly requested, but is generally recognizable and still has their fans. That being said, I definitely think we'll get one of those kind of characters. It's Sakurai, guys. He loves surprising the Smash fanbase, and sticking to only the popular characters wouldn't be nearly as surprising.

Many of you think that because Sakurai mentioned the word 'fanservice' means that he's only considering the highly requested characters. What you need to understand is that getting any DLC for this game at all is fanservice. Sakurai's idea of fanservice might be picking a character that's not necessarily as popular, but also inspires him with moveset potential. Sakurai's goal for this game has always been to introduce characters with unique playstyles. If Sakurai picks a character that's not highly requested, but makes them really fun to play, he would be satisfying the smaller fanbase for that character while giving the world a character that they didn't even know they wanted. That could very well be Sakurai's vision of fanservice. What might not be fanservice to you could just as well be fanservice to a smaller fanbase rooting for their character, and vice versa. The Ballot is and has always been a suggestion box, not a vote count.

I still think we'll get at least one or two of the popular picks. I also think that Sakurai's going to pick a character that most of the fans aren't expecting, but will grow to love due to what kind of fighting style they bring to the roster. Sakurai has never just looked for the popular characters to add, and this Ballot is a way for him to get moveset ideas from fans everywhere. Do you guys really think the Ballot is just to gauge what characters are the most popular? Sakurai is in touch with his fans. He knows what most of them want. This Ballot isn't proving anything about a character's popularity. All Sakurai has to do is go on the Internet to see what people want. Sakurai is looking for potential, not popularity. I'll give this unpopular concept a rating of 70%.
This is just my interpretation of this concept...

Want: 82%
I'd prefer the surprises at this point as long as they're still deserving characters because I don't really care for any of the popular characters (unless you count Inkling), but I would still like at least one popular character to be created to satisfy fans. A nice mix of highly requested and not as requested would satisfy me.
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Falling into Infinity
Oct 21, 2014
Chance: 2%
Not the most popular of Pokemon requests for the ballot, sadly.

Want: 95%
My favorite of the Gen 6 starters by far. Delzethin's move-set really points how unique she can be from the rest of the cast.

She's also a fox, which I adore~ :p

Unpopular DLC character
Double abstain

Corrin - 12%
2nd Ballot - 10%

Gardevoir x5


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
(Whoops - accidentally posted my thoughts before I could polish them)
Delphox Chances: 5%
I think what may harm Delphox's chances are Greninja's inclusion over it.

Want - Abstain. It'd be suited for Pokken,

Unpopular Character DLC
Chance: 30%
It depends on how one defines a character 'unpopular.' This is a very abstract concept to rate, given there are lots of way to define this - not to mention that as people have said - it'd be more profitable for Nintendo to make King K. Rool or Isaac as DLC than it would be for say B.B Bandit Trio or Owain.

Want: Abstain%

Nominations: Isaac (Golden Sun) X5
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Chance: 3%.
Want: 50%.

I like Delphox, but I would prefer several other Pokemon before it.

Unpopular DLC Character:
Chance: Abstain.
Want: 85%.

I'm assuming by unpopular, this means less requested.
As every one of the characters I want fits this description, of course I want this.
Of course, I also want to be surprised by the DLC as well.

Nominations: Excitebike x5

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Chance: 1%
7.8/10 Too much Starter Pokemon

Want: 20%
Cool, but he's not Chestnaught who's a true badass.

Unpopular DLC Character:

Chance: 5%
I just don't see Sakurai giving people characters that aren't fan favorites, not like I really mind it.

Want: 100%
Style Savvy, Balloon Fighter, and Reckless Wiimote Man would be hype IMO.

Predictions for Corrin: 6%
Predictions for 2nd Ballot: 4%

Nominate Excitebiker x10 (Doing you a favor Kenith).
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Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Delphox's chances: 0.5%
Want: 5%

Unpopular character's chances: 25%
Want: 20%

Corrin prediction: 7.14%
Second Ballot prediction: 3.49%

Nominations: Excitebiker x5


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
I won't be able to end the day for a while but here's a long overdue updated nominations list for you guys.

Concept: No DLC after Ballot - 120
Concept: Mother 3 Stage - 113
Gallade - 111
Nabbit - 105
Concept: Moonstruck Blossom Music -103
Ghirahim - 95
Talim - 94
Gardevoir - 90
Tiki - 90
Agumon - 80
Isabelle - 80
Rerate: Isaac - 80
Concept: Ms. Pacman costume - 80
Concept: New Kirby Stage from New Kirby Game - 75
Samurai Goroh - 73
Concept: New Star Fox Character Revealed Around Star Fox Wii U Release - 70
Concept: Iwata Tribute/Trophy - 68
Concept: SSB5 has a New Director - 68
Rerate: Rayman - 67
Star Man - 63
Excitebiker - 60
Rerate: Chibi Robo - 60
Galacta Knight - 56
Concept: Advance Wars rep - 56
Leon Powalski - 56
Concept: This is the Last SSB - 51
Fiora - 50
Rerate: Pichu - 48
Fossil Hero - 47
Captain Syrup - 47
Monster Hunter - 46
Serperior - 45
Django - 44
Porky - 44
Rerate: Micaiah - 43
Jirachi - 42
Terra Brandford - 41
Concept: New Metroid Prime Stage - 40
Concept - Smash Run for Wii U - 40
Lana - 39
Isaac (Binding of Isaac) - 38
Alexandra Roivas - 37
Rerate: Shantae - 37
Anthony Higgs - 36
Rerate: Bandanna Dee - 36
Concept: Full Ken Alt - 36
Concept: Namco or Sega get a 2nd rep - 36
Prince Fluff - 35
Concept: Tetris Stage - 35
Gooey - 33
N - 33
Rerate: Paper Mario - 33
Rerate: Wolf - 32
Klonoa - 31
Concept: Pirate Ship Stage - 31
Concept: DLC used to promote new game - 31
Dragon Quest Hero - 30
Saki - 29
Bubsy - 27
Isa - 26
Jin Kazama - 26
Pious Augustus - 26
Concept: More DLC Custom Moves - 26
Concept: 4th Mii Fighter Type - 25
Endou Mamoru - 23
Cranky - 22
Shy Guy - 21
Balloon Fighter - 21
King Boo - 21
Rundas - 20
Ryu Hayabusa - 20
Nester - 20
Sturm - 20
DK Jr - 20
Concept: remix DLC Music - 20
Shadow - 20
Concept: SSB4 has NX Port - 20
Concept: Relay Stock Mode - 20
Abraham Lincoln (Code Name S.T.E.A.M.) - 19
Ultimate Ghost - 18
Young Cricket - 17
Concept: New Mii Fighter Costume - 17
Impa - 16
Doshin the Giant - 16
Mike Jones - 16
Chrom - 15
Captain Rainbow - 15
Muddy Mole - 15
Sukapon - 15
Poochy - 15
Concept: Boss Battle Mode - 15
Concept: Guile's Theme - 15
Concept: Most Popular Character by Region - 13
Rerate: Spyro - 12
Mother Brain - 10
Viruses - 10
Baby Mario - 10
Concept: Rhythm Heaven Team made up of popular RH characters - 10
Rerate: Slippy - 8
Concept: SSB5 is a Playstation All Stars Crossover - 8
Concept: Roy gets Chrom Alt - 8
Qbby - 6
Alex Kidd - 5
Amaterasu - 5
Calista - 5
Neku - 5
Goemon - 5
Henry - 5
Patricia Wagon - 5
Lanky Kong - 5
Cranky Kong - 5
Zero - 5
Silver - 5
Gunvolt - 5
Party Phil - 5
Rerate: Elma - 5
Rerate: Mach Rider - 5
Concept: Fire Emblem Mii Costume - 5
Concept: Trophies become DLC - 5
Concept: DLC Colour Pack - 5
Concept: All veterans except Ice Climbers and Young Link - 5
Concept: Saffron City - 4
Cloud - 4
Rerate Concept: DLC Alternate Costume - 4
Rerate: Simon Belmont - 3
Achilles - 1
Rerate: Lip - 1
Rerate Crono - 1
Rerate: Jibanyan - 1
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Falling into Infinity
Oct 21, 2014
I won't be able to end the day for a while but here's a long overdue updated nominations list for you guys.

Concept: No DLC after Ballot - 120
Concept: Mother 3 Stage - 113
Gallade - 111
Nabbit - 105
Concept: Moonstruck Blossom Music -103
Ghirahim - 95
Talim - 94
Gardevoir - 90
Tiki - 90
Agumon - 80
Isabelle - 80
Rerate: Isaac - 80
Concept: Ms. Pacman costume - 80
Concept: New Kirby Stage from New Kirby Game - 75
Samurai Goroh - 73
Concept: New Star Fox Character Revealed Around Star Fox Wii U Release - 70
Concept: Iwata Tribute/Trophy - 68
Concept: SSB5 has a New Director - 68
Rerate: Rayman - 67
Star Man - 63
Excitebiker - 60
Rerate: Chibi Robo - 60
Galacta Knight - 56
Concept: Advance Wars rep - 56
Leon Powalski - 56
Concept: This is the Last SSB - 51
Gallade - 50
Fiora - 50
Rerate: Pichu - 48
Fossil Hero - 47
Captain Syrup - 47
Monster Hunter - 46
Serperior - 45
Django - 44
Porky - 44
Rerate: Micaiah - 43
Jirachi - 42
Terra Brandford - 41
Concept: New Metroid Prime Stage - 40
Concept - Smash Run for Wii U - 40
Lana - 39
Isaac (Binding of Isaac) - 38
Alexandra Roivas - 37
Rerate: Shantae - 37
Anthony Higgs - 36
Rerate: Bandanna Dee - 36
Concept: Full Ken Alt - 36
Concept: Namco or Sega get a 2nd rep - 36
Prince Fluff - 35
Concept: Tetris Stage - 35
Gooey - 33
N - 33
Rerate: Paper Mario - 33
Rerate: 32
Klonoa - 31
Concept: Pirate Ship Stage - 31
Concept: DLC used to promote new game - 31
Dragon Quest Hero - 30
Saki - 29
Bubsy - 27
Isa - 26
Jin Kazama - 26
Pious Augustus - 26
Concept: More DLC Custom Moves - 26
Concept: 4th Mii Fighter Type - 25
Endou Mamoru - 23
Cranky - 22
Shy Guy - 21
Balloon Fighter - 21
King Boo - 21
Rundas - 20
Ryu Hayabusa - 20
Nester - 20
Sturm - 20
DK Jr - 20
Concept: remix DLC Music - 20
Shadow - 20
Concept: SSB4 has NX Port - 20
Concept: Relay Stock Mode - 20
Abraham Lincoln (Code Name S.T.E.A.M.) - 19
Ultimate Ghost - 18
Young Cricket - 17
Concept: New Mii Fighter Costume - 17
Impa - 16
Doshin the Giant - 16
Mike Jones - 16
Chrom - 15
Captain Rainbow - 15
Muddy Mole - 15
Sukapon - 15
Poochy - 15
Concept: Boss Battle Mode - 15
Concept: Guile's Theme - 15
Concept: Most Popular Character by Region - 13
Rerate: Spyro - 12
Mother Brain - 10
Viruses - 10
Baby Mario - 10
Concept: Rhythm Heaven Team made up of popular RH characters - 10
Rerate: Slippy - 8
Concept: SSB5 is a Playstation All Stars Crossover - 8
Concept: Roy gets Chrom Alt - 8
Qbby - 6
Alex Kidd - 5
Amaterasu - 5
Calista - 5
Neku - 5
Goemon - 5
Henry - 5
Patricia Wagon - 5
Lanky Kong - 5
Cranky Kong - 5
Zero - 5
Silver - 5
Gunvolt - 5
Party Phil - 5
Rerate: Elma - 5
Rerate: Mach Rider - 5
Concept: Fire Emblem Mii Costume - 5
Concept: Trophies become DLC - 5
Concept: DLC Colour Pack - 5
Concept: All veterans except Ice Climbers and Young Link - 5
Concept: Saffron City - 4
Cloud - 4
Rerate Concept: DLC Alternate Costume - 4
Rerate: Simon Belmont - 3
Achilles - 1
Rerate: Lip - 1
Rerate Crono - 1
Rerate: Jibanyan - 1
It's probably an error but Gallade is listed twice. One has 111 votes and the other has 50 votes.
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I won't be able to end the day for a while but here's a long overdue updated nominations list for you guys.

Concept: No DLC after Ballot - 120
Concept: Mother 3 Stage - 113
Gallade - 111
Nabbit - 105
Concept: Moonstruck Blossom Music -103
Ghirahim - 95
Talim - 94
Gardevoir - 90
Tiki - 90
Agumon - 80
Isabelle - 80
Rerate: Isaac - 80
Concept: Ms. Pacman costume - 80
Concept: New Kirby Stage from New Kirby Game - 75
Samurai Goroh - 73
Concept: New Star Fox Character Revealed Around Star Fox Wii U Release - 70
Concept: Iwata Tribute/Trophy - 68
Concept: SSB5 has a New Director - 68
Rerate: Rayman - 67
Star Man - 63
Excitebiker - 60
Rerate: Chibi Robo - 60
Galacta Knight - 56
Concept: Advance Wars rep - 56
Leon Powalski - 56
Concept: This is the Last SSB - 51
Gallade - 50
Fiora - 50
Rerate: Pichu - 48
Fossil Hero - 47
Captain Syrup - 47
Monster Hunter - 46
Serperior - 45
Django - 44
Porky - 44
Rerate: Micaiah - 43
Jirachi - 42
Terra Brandford - 41
Concept: New Metroid Prime Stage - 40
Concept - Smash Run for Wii U - 40
Lana - 39
Isaac (Binding of Isaac) - 38
Alexandra Roivas - 37
Rerate: Shantae - 37
Anthony Higgs - 36
Rerate: Bandanna Dee - 36
Concept: Full Ken Alt - 36
Concept: Namco or Sega get a 2nd rep - 36
Prince Fluff - 35
Concept: Tetris Stage - 35
Gooey - 33
N - 33
Rerate: Paper Mario - 33
Rerate: 32
Klonoa - 31
Concept: Pirate Ship Stage - 31
Concept: DLC used to promote new game - 31
Dragon Quest Hero - 30
Saki - 29
Bubsy - 27
Isa - 26
Jin Kazama - 26
Pious Augustus - 26
Concept: More DLC Custom Moves - 26
Concept: 4th Mii Fighter Type - 25
Endou Mamoru - 23
Cranky - 22
Shy Guy - 21
Balloon Fighter - 21
King Boo - 21
Rundas - 20
Ryu Hayabusa - 20
Nester - 20
Sturm - 20
DK Jr - 20
Concept: remix DLC Music - 20
Shadow - 20
Concept: SSB4 has NX Port - 20
Concept: Relay Stock Mode - 20
Abraham Lincoln (Code Name S.T.E.A.M.) - 19
Ultimate Ghost - 18
Young Cricket - 17
Concept: New Mii Fighter Costume - 17
Impa - 16
Doshin the Giant - 16
Mike Jones - 16
Chrom - 15
Captain Rainbow - 15
Muddy Mole - 15
Sukapon - 15
Poochy - 15
Concept: Boss Battle Mode - 15
Concept: Guile's Theme - 15
Concept: Most Popular Character by Region - 13
Rerate: Spyro - 12
Mother Brain - 10
Viruses - 10
Baby Mario - 10
Concept: Rhythm Heaven Team made up of popular RH characters - 10
Rerate: Slippy - 8
Concept: SSB5 is a Playstation All Stars Crossover - 8
Concept: Roy gets Chrom Alt - 8
Qbby - 6
Alex Kidd - 5
Amaterasu - 5
Calista - 5
Neku - 5
Goemon - 5
Henry - 5
Patricia Wagon - 5
Lanky Kong - 5
Cranky Kong - 5
Zero - 5
Silver - 5
Gunvolt - 5
Party Phil - 5
Rerate: Elma - 5
Rerate: Mach Rider - 5
Concept: Fire Emblem Mii Costume - 5
Concept: Trophies become DLC - 5
Concept: DLC Colour Pack - 5
Concept: All veterans except Ice Climbers and Young Link - 5
Concept: Saffron City - 4
Cloud - 4
Rerate Concept: DLC Alternate Costume - 4
Rerate: Simon Belmont - 3
Achilles - 1
Rerate: Lip - 1
Rerate Crono - 1
Rerate: Jibanyan - 1
Wow, we're really cutting into the list. Maybe when we get through everything with triple digit nominations, we could go back to rating one a day? I could go for a more laid back pace for a while.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Chance: 0% (rounded down) - Even in the unlikely event that we'd get a seventh Pokemon rep, I can't see it being Delphox. She needs to get in line behind the more popular Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pichu and Sceptile. It also doesn't help that there were several Pokemon much more popular than her who've already been reduced to supporting roles: Meowth, Zoroark, Blaziken, Genosect, and Mew among them. Including Delphox at this point would feel random. I can say the same thing for pretty much any semi-popular Pokemon like Gengar, Absol, Gallade, Blastoise, Dragonite, Darkrai and Scizor among others.
Want: 0% - Not a fan.

Unpopular DLC Characters
Chance: 40% - On one hand Sakurai did say that it would be fanservice from here on out and he did go through all the trouble of making a ballot. But on the other hand we all know how unpredictable Sakurai can be so I'll put this just a little below average.
Want: 50% - Completely depends on who.

Nominations: Tag-Team Stock Mode x5

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Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
CHANCE: 3.51%
WANT: 31.09%

CHANCE: 28.43%
WANT: 35.15%
Next up We're rating Corrin of Fire Emblem Fates and the concept of a secondary ballot consisting of the most popular characters from the primary ballot. See ShinyRegice's quote of Sid-cada's explanation just a few posts above. Also please predict what score the concepts of a Mother 3 stage and us getting no DLC after the Ballot ends will get tomorrow.


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
Chance: 10%

I don't really know. Fates is a new game. Corrin/Kamui isn't nearly popular to be in though.
Want: 5%
I'm not a huge Fire Emblem fan but I'd rather have Chrom and Lyn first.

Secondary Ballot:
Chance: 10%

I don't see Sakurai doing this but its Sakurai.
Want: 0%
Just pick characters from the first ballot. There's no need of a second one that contains the most popular ones from the first to see who gets it since we know it will be King K. Rool.

Mother 3 Stage: 20%
No DLC after Ballot: 60%

Samurai Goroh 3x
Iwata Trophy 2x
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Deleted member


Chance: 1%

Fire Emblem: Fates won't be available internationally until next year, so I have to give a low score.

Want: Abstain

Secondary Ballot

Chance: 1%

I can't imagine this happening.

Want: 0%

I don't consider it necessary.


Mother 3 Stage - 2.31%

No DLC After Ballot Ends - 50%

Nomination: NX Port x5


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2009
Chance - 3%
Want - 40%
A human that incorporates dragon transformations into fighting moves? Count me in!

Secondary Ballot
Chance - 15% very small but only one ballot would happen in Smash 4 dev cycle
Want - 20%


Mother 3 stage - 4%

No DLC after Ballot ends - 64%

Nomination - Serperior x 5


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I won't be able to end the day for a while but here's a long overdue updated nominations list for you guys.

Concept: No DLC after Ballot - 120
Concept: Mother 3 Stage - 113
Gallade - 111
Nabbit - 105
Concept: Moonstruck Blossom Music -103
Ghirahim - 95
Talim - 94
Gardevoir - 90
Tiki - 90
Agumon - 80
Isabelle - 80
Rerate: Isaac - 80
Concept: Ms. Pacman costume - 80
Concept: New Kirby Stage from New Kirby Game - 75
Samurai Goroh - 73
Concept: New Star Fox Character Revealed Around Star Fox Wii U Release - 70
Concept: Iwata Tribute/Trophy - 68
Concept: SSB5 has a New Director - 68
Rerate: Rayman - 67
Star Man - 63
Excitebiker - 60
Rerate: Chibi Robo - 60
Galacta Knight - 56
Concept: Advance Wars rep - 56
Leon Powalski - 56
Concept: This is the Last SSB - 51
Fiora - 50
Rerate: Pichu - 48
Fossil Hero - 47
Captain Syrup - 47
Monster Hunter - 46
Serperior - 45
Django - 44
Porky - 44
Rerate: Micaiah - 43
Jirachi - 42
Terra Brandford - 41
Concept: New Metroid Prime Stage - 40
Concept - Smash Run for Wii U - 40
Lana - 39
Isaac (Binding of Isaac) - 38
Alexandra Roivas - 37
Rerate: Shantae - 37
Anthony Higgs - 36
Rerate: Bandanna Dee - 36
Concept: Full Ken Alt - 36
Concept: Namco or Sega get a 2nd rep - 36
Prince Fluff - 35
Concept: Tetris Stage - 35
Gooey - 33
N - 33
Rerate: Paper Mario - 33
Rerate: 32
Klonoa - 31
Concept: Pirate Ship Stage - 31
Concept: DLC used to promote new game - 31
Dragon Quest Hero - 30
Saki - 29
Bubsy - 27
Isa - 26
Jin Kazama - 26
Pious Augustus - 26
Concept: More DLC Custom Moves - 26
Concept: 4th Mii Fighter Type - 25
Endou Mamoru - 23
Cranky - 22
Shy Guy - 21
Balloon Fighter - 21
King Boo - 21
Rundas - 20
Ryu Hayabusa - 20
Nester - 20
Sturm - 20
DK Jr - 20
Concept: remix DLC Music - 20
Shadow - 20
Concept: SSB4 has NX Port - 20
Concept: Relay Stock Mode - 20
Abraham Lincoln (Code Name S.T.E.A.M.) - 19
Ultimate Ghost - 18
Young Cricket - 17
Concept: New Mii Fighter Costume - 17
Impa - 16
Doshin the Giant - 16
Mike Jones - 16
Chrom - 15
Captain Rainbow - 15
Muddy Mole - 15
Sukapon - 15
Poochy - 15
Concept: Boss Battle Mode - 15
Concept: Guile's Theme - 15
Concept: Most Popular Character by Region - 13
Rerate: Spyro - 12
Mother Brain - 10
Viruses - 10
Baby Mario - 10
Concept: Rhythm Heaven Team made up of popular RH characters - 10
Rerate: Slippy - 8
Concept: SSB5 is a Playstation All Stars Crossover - 8
Concept: Roy gets Chrom Alt - 8
Qbby - 6
Alex Kidd - 5
Amaterasu - 5
Calista - 5
Neku - 5
Goemon - 5
Henry - 5
Patricia Wagon - 5
Lanky Kong - 5
Cranky Kong - 5
Zero - 5
Silver - 5
Gunvolt - 5
Party Phil - 5
Rerate: Elma - 5
Rerate: Mach Rider - 5
Concept: Fire Emblem Mii Costume - 5
Concept: Trophies become DLC - 5
Concept: DLC Colour Pack - 5
Concept: All veterans except Ice Climbers and Young Link - 5
Concept: Saffron City - 4
Cloud - 4
Rerate Concept: DLC Alternate Costume - 4
Rerate: Simon Belmont - 3
Achilles - 1
Rerate: Lip - 1
Rerate Crono - 1
Rerate: Jibanyan - 1
Concept: trophies become DLC...isn't this confirmed? or are we talking about purchasing individual trophies for DLC?


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Concept: trophies become DLC...isn't this confirmed? or are we talking about purchasing individual trophies for DLC?
I don't know, it's been a long time since that was nominated. I think they might have meant trophies becoming a newcomer DLC as opposed to a veteran character like Mewtwo.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Chance: 10%

Everything I said about Azura can easily apply to him, except there are a few differences. He gets the mosts screen time in the game (a main protagonist unlike Robin) and introduces a few new concepts unlike other others. One is the usage of Dragon Techniques (Dragon's Fang would be used for the physical attacks while the full transformation can be used for a Final Smash) and the other is the Dragon's Vein (which allows you to use the environment to your advantage). But one can argue that there are far too many reps for Fire Emblem (which Roy already being the token Fire Emblem rep) and he's far too new to even be in Smash. The fact that he has so little ballot support (even in Japan) doesn't help and he can easily be overshadowed by a Fire Emblem 15 protagonist around the time Smash 5 rolls in.

Want 60%

By far the most interested concept of a Fire Emblem character that ever happened and I wouldn't mind him in Smash at all. A prince torn between two kingdoms, having the draconic abilities that could make Tiki jealous, utilizing the almighty Dragon's Vein to change his territory the way he wants, and being a man that can change the world through his own means. Just to finish things off, can I have my Corrin vs. Robin match up please?

Secondary Ballot

No comment. I doubt we would have another ballot to begin with, especially since it was Iwata's idea to begin with.

Mother 3 Stage 5%
No DLC After Ballot 25%

Nominate Excitebiker x5


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Chance 4%
Want: 1%

Second Ballot
Chance: 0%
What the point be?
Want 0%
Again, what would the point be, unless we're talking something a bit before Smash5 begins development.

Mother 3 stage 9%
Characters after ballot: what does this mean? You mean a character announced after the ballot ends? 98% Why they run it for so long but have all the characters chosen before it ends. If it means a character decided on after the ballot closes that was decided on without the Ballot in mind then 7%

Nominate Iwata tribute x5
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