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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York

Chance: 20%
So yeah, a forgotten relic of what was arguably the best generation of Pokémon (everyone has opinions), and a veteran to boot. Pichu has a lot going for it. Except Sakurai's admitted he's a joke and unloved, so I'm not expecting him to come back unless people really pull for veterans. Pichu's not got too many differences from his big brother other than the fact that he hurts himself when he attacks, which is naturally a thing everyone wants in a fighting game, particularly from something that hits weak and flies far...
What does he have? Well, he's not been completely forgotten. Gen 4 did bring in the two special Pichus for the movies then, but it's since been forgotten again. Really, the only hope is that he's a veteran, and even then too many people are hung up one certain franchises getting too many reps, and Pokémon's definitely had their fill. Besides, there are two other veteran Pokés I'd rather have first...
:squirtle::ivysaur:, how I miss you guys...
Want: 35%
...But :pichumelee: is still really cute. And a veteran
Here's an idea - what if they brought back Pichu, but gave him a few costumes to represent multiple generations? The other Pika-clones really aren't too different, so it might work. Consider if we got this as the lineup...

Might take some forcing, especially to get Pachirisu to fit the hitboxes, but that would still be a nice tribute to all of the Pikaclones...
Ryu: 79.7%

Well, we're on the topic of Pokémon, and Squirtle's starting to lag behind again...

(see what I did there? There are 5 of them...lol)
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SSJ Fraud
Dec 18, 2014
The Hoenn region
Pichu: 25%
+ Veteran
+ Easier to make (as compared to other potential DLC characters)
+/- Love/hate relationship with the community. There are a lot of people here who see Pichu as simply a joke character. In Japan, however, he's more popular since he was a veteran.

Would I consider him to be a waste of space on the roster? Yes, yes I would. But I would enjoy his presence nonetheless. Seeing all your guys' salt would be so entertaining! :troll: (And you know, the more Pokemon, the merrier.)

Ryu: 90%

Spyro the Dragon [x5]


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Day 30, and we've arrived at a shocking conclusion that...
PICHU Gonna Beat'chu!! (That's my tagline for Pichu :p)

Tally Time:
K.Rool Chance: 87% Want: 100
Banjo & Kazooie Chance: 3% Want: 14%
Isaac Chance: 70% Want: 90%
Bandanna Dee Chance: 42% Want: 50%
Captain Toad: Abstained chance and want
Krystal Chance: 36% Want: 71%
Dixie Kong Chance: 40% Want: 43%
Impa Chance: 35% Want 79%
Shantae Chance: 10% Want 54%
Inklings Chance: 31% Want: 51%
Rayman Chance: 61% Want 89%
Snake Chance: 35% Want: 50%
Wolf Chance: 98% Want: 100%
Shovel Knight Chance: 13% Want 65%
Quote Chance 8% Want: 4%
Ice Climbers Chance: 25% Want: 40%
Sceptile: Chance: 12.60 Want: 52%
Wonder Red Chance: 18% Want: 78%
Promoted NPCs Chance: 13% Want: 30%
Henry Fleming Chance: 13.20 Want: 57%
Paper Mario Chances: 14% Want: 8%
Roy Chance: 98% Want 100%
Ridley Chance: 5% Want 75%
Chorus Men Chance: 9% Want: 45%
DLC Costumes: Chance 80% Want: 100%
Magolor Chance: 7% Want: 46%
Wolf Link and Midna Chance: 3% Want: 25%
Ray Chance: 37% Want 55%
Tetra Chance: 19% Want: 46%
Pichu Chance: 30% Want: 68%
Pichu's Chances: 30%
+Pikachu's Moveset is still there, so Sakurai could decide to go back and bring Pichu back, just to mess with us.
+Pichu actually has more support in Japan than in the West. <--- Which sadly hates Pichu, because it ain't Falco. :(
+It can be easily made from Pikachu's moves, or otherwise given a new set of attacks!
+Celebration of Generation II!
-Sadly, It's greatest challenge is the Western fanbase that hates it for it's mechanic, and it being a clone or just even being in the game.

WANTS: 68%
The real reason I want Pichu is just so it can have its trophies in both versions so it's legacy as a fighter can still be remembered in both HD or 3D. It's the only veteran that has only one trophy in either versions, the 3DS version exclusively. If Pichu gets in for a low price or even just a free option, 'Sparkers gonna spark.' It'd be nice to see Pichu, but if it doesn't make it this time, that's fine. Pokémon is fine as it is for now, and they could put it aside for Pokken Tournament.

Ryu Prediction: 87%

Nominations: Marx (Kirby) X5
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Stop hitting yourself!

Stop hitting yourself!

Stop hitting yourself!



Chance: 7%
We've all heard the story by now. As Melee's development drew near its end, Sakurai was unsatisfied by the size of the roster, and proposed several clone characters be added to give it at least a little more depth. Though their movesets were copied from another character, the clones were meant to be series additions to the roster.

That is...except for one. Pichu was designed to be bad, a joke character meant more to break up the monotony of the clones than to be viable. Though slightly faster and smaller than Pikachu, nearly all of his attacks were weaker, he died earlier (Lighter than Jiggypuff, believe it or not!), and all of his electric-based attacks dealt him recoil damage. While he had his share of fans, Pichu left a bad taste in many Smash players' mouths. To them, he was a joke that fell flat, and one that wouldn't be any funnier a second time.

That's a key, there. While he's made surprise high appearances in some polls, he ranks very low in most others. Even amongst the Pokémon candidates, he's almost always below the likes of Squirtle, Ivysaur, Sceptile, Serperior...and sometimes even Zoroark despite the latter being a summon! With so few nominations, Pichu would do about as well amongst the other DLC hopefuls as he'd do in an OU match!

...That said...there's still one way he could get in. We still have Roy hanging overhead, and if Roy turns out to be a full character, there might be developer precedent for favoring veterans. If that were the case, though, Pichu would still have a difficult time. The fact that he wasn't amongst the Forbidden Seven while the likes of Roy and Doc were implies that not even Sakurai may think Pichu is worth bringing back.

With so few points in his favor and so many against, Pichu's odds are perishing by the moment. Just make sure you switch the little guy out before the three turns are up, okay, guys?

Want: 5%
Like I said on Roy's day, I don't care a whole lot for the missing veterans and I feel like clone DLC is a bad idea. On top of it, there are so many other viable and interesting Pokémon candidates--especially newcomers--that bringing back a clone just for the sake of it would still leave a bad taste in people's mouths.

He had his moment in Melee, but at this point, Pichu just feels...unnecessary.

Ryu Prediction: 82.25%
Predictably super-high thanks to the file leak...but he has less of a bandwagon than Roy, and the fact that the victory sound file associated with him is a straight rip from an old game will invite some skeptics.

Geno x4
Concept: Alpha-Form Stages x1
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Pichu Pichuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Chance: 45%
If the likes of Roy is coming back, then there's no guaranteed that Sakurai might think about revisiting another cut character that debuted in Melee. With Young Link being out of the running due to no transformations and Toon Link existing, then that leaves the Tiny Mouse Pokemon himself. Despite his massive hatedom and low tier position, he does have a decent fan following and he is a heavily promoted Pokemon since the second generation (Ukelele Pichu, Spiky Eared Pichu, Pichu Bros. ect.). He's still a pretty popular Pokemon to this day while not having the iconic level as his second stage counterpart (Pikachu) and the fact that he's making constant appearances in the games as Pokemon commanded by the young trainers. Overall, Pichu is another big face that can't be ignored and has some good points to him despite his terrible Melee reputation.

Want: 45%

Least favorite newcomer in Melee and he's at the bottom of my list of most wanted Pokemon in the game. I would want him more if they find ways to improve him like a Rage mechanic or involving the move Flail (Which would make his self damage gck more justified). But it would be interesting to see the rage from his possible inclusion in the future. :troll:

Ryu prediction: 95%

Nomination: Daisy x5


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
:pichumelee: Pichu :pichumelee:

+ It's a veteran
+ It would be less work than some character to remake (although Melee to Smash 4 is not a trivial transition).

- People don't want it that much
- Not even Pokemon fans want it that much
- Was not well-liked in Melee days
- Pokemon is already well-represented, and already got a DLC character
- There are other veterans that would be better choices (Wolf and Snake)
- Pokemon has other, more unique and more popular veterans that could return
- Pokemon has more interesting newcomers that could be added instead
- GameFreak probably doesn't want him in either

Pichu has veteran status going for it. That's about it. On basically every dimension, it's outclassed by other candidates. The problem I see is that the only scenario in which Pichu is made a DLC character is one in which the devs have a special place in their heart for Pichu and choose to ignore the Smash Ballot, move set uniqueness and the general knowledge they have about popularity of characters and marketing/promotion. Veteran status is helpful... but not to the point where Pichu has anywhere near a 50% chance like some people are giving it.

Pichu chances: 1%
If Pichu weren't a veteran, this would be 0.01%. Don't worry though, Pichu isn't the least likely veteran! :younglinkmelee:

Pichu want: 0%

Ryu Prediction: 92%
Roy got lower than I expected, but Ryu probably has fewer detractors.

Simon Belmont x5
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Chance: 8.8%
He's a veteran, so he's not completely out of the realm of possibility. I just can't imagine Sakurai taking the time to bring him back when there's really no reason to aside from pleasing a few fans, most of which I'm sure are from Japan. Aside from next to no fan demand we already got Mewtwo as a Pokemon DLC character. I actually think that hurts his chances the most since I'm not expecting more than one DLC character for any given franchise. We can't know for sure though. I don't really have anything else to add, so I'll give the mini Pikachu a score of 8.8%.
A Melee veteran who's not likely to make the cut, but not impossible...

Want: 70%
I actually had a lot of fun with Pichu when my friend used to bring Melee over to my house years ago. I was way too ignorant to realize he wasn't a good character, but that was a given since I didn't own the game and I was never able to practice. Another reason I wouldn't mind his return is the simple fact that I don't really care about the inclusion of clone characters like most people do for whatever reason, and I would greatly enjoy seeing everyone on this site complain and get salty about it. Yeah, I'm that kind of person.

Prediction - Ryu: 86.5%

x3 Toon Zelda
x2 Tails the Fox


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
To compare with my other ratings. I'm of the opinion that Nintendo will milk the DLC hype train for as much cash as they can, and recent events have only strengthened that notion. As such, I expect plenty of DLC characters.

:roypm: Chance: 100%
Want: 100%

:wolf: Chance: 99%
Want: 100%

DLC Alts Chance: 95%
Want: 100%

King K. Rool Chance 80%
Want: 75%

Bandanna Dee Chance: 70%
Want: 95%

NPC DLC Character Chance: 65%
Want: 100%

Isaac Chance: 65%
Want: 85%

Captain Toad Chance: 58%
Want: 90%

Paper Mario Chance: 55%
Want: 0%

:popo: Chance: 50%
Want: 80%

Inkling Chance: 50%
Want: 20%

Rayman Chance: 40%
Want: 100%

:snake: Chance: 40%
Want: 60%

Dixie Chance: 39%
Want: 49%

Sceptile Chance: 25%
Want: 100%

Ray Chance: 25%
Want: 65%

Impa Chance: 25%
Want: 60%

Banjo Chance: 20%
Want: 100%

Krystal Chance: 15%
Want: 0%

Quote Chance: 10%
Want: 95%

Chorus Kids Chance: 10%
Want: 40%

Ridley Chance: 5%
Want: 100%

Shantae Chance: 5%
Want: 15%

Tetra Chance: 5%
Want: 0%

Shovel Knight Chance: 3%
Want: 70%

Magolor Chance: 1%
Want: 20%

Henry Fleming Chance: 1%
Want: 5%

Midna and Wolf Link Chance: 1%
Want: 0%
I came expecting biased, illogical ratings.

I was not disappointed.

:pichumelee: Chance: 50%

May even be underrating him a bit...

I'm seeing so many low ratings here... I wonder how many people would be giving equally low ratings for Roy if his files weren't found in the 3DS version? Probably quite a few. And I'd find them equally funny.

Pichu is the same sort of deal. He's a last minute clone with a vocal hatebase, he would arguably over represent a franchise (Cough cough made up rule cough) and was cut from Melee and never brought back.

And we've already gotten Mewtwo! We can't have multiple DLC characters from the sam- :joyful:

I love made up rules...

Despite all this, he's still got a decent fanbase (One of the more popular picks in Japan, actually), and while he wasn't planned to return in Melee, that may very well be because Pra_Mai, hypothesized to be Plusle and Minun, was meant to replace him, similarly to how Toon Link replaced Young Link.

He's not as popular as Roy, and he's got a bigger hatebase, hence why he's got half of Roy's score, (Though on the other hand, Roy's role as a Marth clone was downright replaced, but he's coming back anyway) but, come on, 1%? I find this more laughable then the NPC day, a day ENTIRELY based off of made up rules!

The fact of the matter is that Pichu is, hands down, the easiest character Sakurai could make for DLC.

It doesn't matter if only a fraction of the people would buy him, he would only take a fraction of the time to make. He's a Smash Bros. veteran, which automatically nets any character a decent fanbase, regardless of who they are. (People still want Young Link!) He's from one of the most iconic video game series on the planet, the baby version of that series mascot no less. And, despite what the vocal hatebase says, he actually is a decently popular Pokemon! Most of his hatebase comes from those who didn't like him in Smash Bros, but the Pokemon fanbase dwarfs the Smash Bros fanbase easily.

:pichumelee: Want: 100%

Screw the haters, I adore Pichu. He's an adorable little mouse that I would kill to have as a pet. I loved beating people with Pichu SO MUCH, there is nothing more satisfying then beating someone with what some consider (Falsely, Kirby is worse) the worst character in Melee.

In addition to that, this is another "I told you so" character that I would enjoy rubbing into peoples faces.

Ryu Predictions: 89%

Probably similar scores to Roy, as people fruitlessly try to come up with reasons why he won't be in the game.

Waluigi x5
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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9

Chance: 6%

He is listed in Melee as a useless character in every description of him. With the emphasis on balance this time around, he doesn't belong without an overhaul.

Want: 0%

I already discussed my opinions on Pokémon entries. If he were to be back in though, he should at least be as strong as Little Mac all around (with the excuse that he can't control his surges, so he lets out far more dangerous ones than one should). This wouldn't change my want opinion however. A more current way to go about this type of character is make Monado wielding Dunban a clone of Shulk, except stronger, faster, and recoil on every move for obvious reasons. But I digress.

Ryu Predict:

Chance: 83%

Want: 65%


Moonstruck Blossom x2

Homecoming Hijinx x3
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Chances: 3%
Want 0%

Considering that Pichu was something to pad the roster out in Melee and being almost the worst character in the game pretty much shows how much anyone cares about him.

Ryu prediction: 89%

Nominate: Starman


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So much:salt:and :pichumelee:'s day just began. Geez, no love for the little guy :c


Chance: 70%

I'm taking Sakurai's statement of him incorporating as much as DLC as possible to heart and with Pichu being an easy character to make, I would say his chances are decent.

Want: 90%

I'm all in for vets to return and Pichu had a pretty fun moveset in Melee. I also think he can incorporate a playstyle where he deals more damage and knockback when highly damaged like Lucario in addition to his attacks hurting himself.

Also, I would love to see the massive amount of :salt:from people who think their able to dictate who gets in or not and them completely losing their minds when Pichu's revealed. Serves them right really.

Ryu: 99%

* Decloned Roy x3
* Concept: Roy has Awakening attire as default x2
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC

Chance: 32% Pichu does have a shot of being DLC. He's a veteran which Japan wants back more than any other region and they him see him as very cute, he doesn't have any anything to hold him back from getting in compared to the Ice Climbers or Snake, Roy's most likely coming back as well so why not another Melee veteran like Pichu, and he represents generation II. That said though, he was intended to be a joke character in Melee and wasn't intended to come back in Brawl. So it could be the same here.

Want: 50%. I don't like cuts myself and wouldn't mind if he came back.


Ryu 86.78%

Nominate Mother 3 Stage x5


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2010
Nominate: Starman
From the EarthBound/Mother series?

Also, everyone, doesn't the nominations list look way cleaner now? That said, feel free to nominate any new characters or concepts as well. In fact, there were a few decently big or popular names that got reset that at least would be worth talking about - i.e., Captain Rainbow, Skull Kid, Sukapon, Toad, Birdo, Cranky Kong, Funky Kong, Karate Joe, Blaziken, and Lyn. Then there's other B/C-list characters that have never been nominated like Chrom, Takamaru, Starfy, Hades, King Hippo, Captain Syrup, Mallo, Barbara, Zant, and Mike Jones. Not saying any of these characters are likely, but all are worth discussing if we want to scan through Nintendo history, and are some ideas for nominations if you need any!
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
From the EarthBound/Mother series?

Also, everyone, doesn't the nominations list look way cleaner now? That said, feel free to nominate any new characters or concepts as well. In fact, there were a few decently big or popular names that got reset that at least would be worth talking about - i.e., Captain Rainbow, Skull Kid, Sukapon, Toad, Birdo, Cranky Kong, Funky Kong, Karate Joe, Blaziken, and Lyn. Then there's other C-list characters that have never been nominated like Chrom, Takamaru, Starfy, Hades, King Hippo, Captain Syrup, Mallo, Barbara, Zant, and Mike Jones. Not saying any of these characters are likely, but all are worth discussing if we want to scan through Nintendo history, and are some ideas for nominations if you need any!
Nope NES Wrestling


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2014
Chance: 10%
Even in SSBM Sakurai was leaning towards a casual audience, Pichu is meant to be played with items on. Sakurai tried to evenly spread Competitive and Casual in ssb4 so Sakurai should know Pichu would be kind of useless in for glory.

Want: 100%
For the disrespect.

Prediction - Ryu: 50%

Nominations: Elma (Xenoblade) x5


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

K. Rool
Day missed. Absent.

Chance: 9%, Want: 85%

Chance: 55%, Want: 75%

Bandana Dee
Chance: 40%, Want: 100%

Captain Toad
Chance: 45%, Want: 100%

Chance: 25%, Want: 50%

Dixie Kong
Chance: 66%, Want: 100%

Chance: 28%, Want: 100%

Chance: 1%, Want: 5%

Chance: 62%, Want: 70%

Chance: 33%, Want: 90%

Day missed. Whoops.

Chance: 100%, Want: 80%

Shovel Knight
Chance: 0.3%, Want: 0%

Chance: 0.5%, Want: 3%

Chance: 5%, Want: 10%

Chance: 20%, Want: 55%

Wonder Red
Chance: 15%, Want: 68%

Promoted NPCs
Chance: 25%, Want: 100%

Henry Fleming:
Day missed.

Paper Mario
Chance: 30%, Want: 75%

Chance: 99%, Want: 80%

Chance: 5%, Want: 48%

Chorus Men
Chance: 9%, Want: 0%

DLC Costumes
Chance: 45%, Want: 50%

Chance: 2%, Want: 2%

Midna (and Wolf Link)
Chance: 4%, Want: 30%

Ray MK#
Chance: 8%, Want: 23%

Chance: 20%, Want: 25%

Chance: 45%
+ Smash Veteran
+ Easy to make Pikachu clone
+ Adorable backpack and/or goggles
+ Lethal Joke Character (Staple fighting game trope)
- Only vet with no data found in Brawl
- Not a very popular veteran amongst competitives
- Not the most popular Pokemon

Pichu's chances aren't quite 50%, but he's an easy addition to the Smash roster and frankly feels more likely than both :younglinkmelee:and :icsmelee: to me. Also comes without any possible legal issues :snake: and his inclusion wouldn't force the inclusion of another :squirtle:/:ivysaur:.

Were it not for the whiny baby Smash community who take Melee way too seriously, this whiny baby Pokemon would likely be in. The complaints about his inclusion stemmed back in Melee, where he received a lot of negativity which I think probably affected his planning in Brawl.

You all are Zubat **** crazy if you think Pichu's less likely than ****ing Shantae, Quote and Shovel Knight.

Want: 85%
Some men just want to watch the world burn. I am one of those men.

Watching as the so called worst character in Smash annihilates the hopes and dreams of the opponents is delectable. The faces of those who victory was denied to them by PICHU, PICHU OF ALL CHARACTERS, is something that truly never loses it's charm.

For that most delicious of all victories I'm awarding Pichu a huge want score. Hell; go back and play Melee, play Pichu and you'll learn he's not even that bad. Not every single move he possesses actually hurts him either.

Ryu prediction: 94%
Similar situation to Roy.

:007:X 5 (catch up Squirtle!)
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Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
Pichu <Pokémon> as a DLC character:
Chance: 15%
- As was stated beforehand, Pichu's only real boons in favor of its chances for Smash 4 are the fact in itself that it was already in Melee, and the fact that the only characters even lower than it are Young Link <who Toon Link replaced as the new "child-form Link"> and the Ice Climbers <and they couldn't be brought back anyway, for gameplay-related reasons>. Even with that, however, there's many obstacles in the way; Not being included in Brawl's data of unfinished characters, being a clone, the moveset intentionally being created to be weak as a filler character, Pokémon not only already having 6 characters but ALSO already had a character added as DLC...there's just too much going against Pichu.
Want: 100% - One of my favorite Pokémon and a legitimate main of mine during Melee's heyday, returning to Smash Bros.? Yes, please! :sadeyes:

Ryu <Street Fighter> as a DLC character:
75% Chance, 64% Want

Concept: DLC Newcomers will get a trailer featuring more than just in-game footage x5
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
WANT: 10%

Pichu was added in Melee as a joke character, and wasn't brought back in Brawl. Him being Garbodor tier gave him a significant hatebase in the West, but somehow her has a large and Fletchling fanbase in Japan. If Sakurai decided to Slakoth and add a quick clone for quick Whiscash, he does have a chance, I suppose. Though it would still come as a Sawk.

I Fearow to think what the reactions would be to his reveal. I believe most people won't be Tentacool with his inclusion, and there will be a lot of Muk-slinging and Tyrantrum-throwing. I can do without this Tangela'd mess. Him being Trubbish in Melee didn't endear him to me, either. Imo, adding Pichu is a Ludicolo-ous idea, and only the most dedicated fans would probably have the Luxray of buying him. (If you're falling asleep from these puns, let me sing you a Vullaby.) :awesome:



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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
At least when people give questionable ratings you can quantify their bias simply by scrolling down a bit.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Here's what I want to know:

Remember all the low ratings on Sceptile's day that claimed there was no way we'd get another Pokémon character? How come that suddenly doesn't apply here?
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Nominations: Young Link [Without Masks] x5

"But, wah. Why the noms first?"

Because it directly ties in to both of my ratings.

See, Young Link has been neglected a lot, and no matter how much @ BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11 advocates for him, he's always neglected.
And now we come to this day and people give chance ratings like 50%, giving reasons as:

"You guys, he's a veteran. He just has zero ballot support, a deliberately joke moveset and a giant hatebase 75% for Pichu"

And then the want ratings:

"100% HAHAHAHAHA miiverse reactions gonna b gud HAHAHAH"


It's fine to do that.
But when Young Link/Squirtle/Ivysaur comes up here or in the Official Character discussion thread, it'd be a hypocrite move to say "Yeah third Link/New Pokémon neever gonna happen".

Because then I'll find your Pichu rating and shove it in the thread.
And we'll discuss Bayonette forever after

Chance: 15%
I know he's a vet, but he has no fan support, a large hatebase, was not planned for Brawl and is a full-on clone.

Want: 50%
Everybody here is turning into sadistic hipsters but I'll just be indifferent big deal right?

Here's what I want to know:

Remember all the low ratings on Sceptile's day that claimed there was no way we'd get another Pokémon character? How come that suddenly doesn't apply here?

Veteranhood gives you a free pass for everything, as seen with Roy.
I don't understand it either, but that's how we roll as a community.



Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Pichu chances: 7.8%
Pichu is a cut veteran and could be easy to make, but there's not much going for him asides from that. Sure, he has his fans and requests, but the overall demand is nothing special, especially compared to other cut characters, and the detractors easily outweigh the supporters, which means his selling potential is admittedly low compared to many other characters, veterans or not. That said, maybe he will be worked on if Sakurai really wants to reintroduce as much veterans as possible and thinks that the selling potential is enough to be worth it... Not very likely, but still a decent shot.

Pichu want: 0.08%
How I feel about Pichu right now:

How I'd feel if Pichu gets revealed:

No thanks, I never liked Pichu in Melee and I saw nothing special in him besides possibly a forced gen II representative who directly inherits from Pikachu's iconicness. Pichu I think has very little legacy as a Smash fighter, is redundant with Pikachu in almost every possible way and is overall a very forgettable character I'd rather see as a one-time thing from Melee. Bringing back cut characters as DLC is an honorable cause, but Pichu would just screams like it'd be really pushing it.

I don't give a flat zero because seeing Pichu with a spiky-eared alt would be kind of cool I guess... and I'd much rather have him over some obnoxious third-party suggestions like Shantae or Shovel Knight :glare: but still, don't count on me to buy him anyway.

Ryu prediction: 85.93%
If Roy didn't manage to get a 90%+ score, then I have my doubts about Ryu doing it as well.

Concept: DLC characters get custom moves (including Mewtwo through patching) x5
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Here's what I want to know:

Remember all the low ratings on Sceptile's day that claimed there was no way we'd get another Pokémon character? How come that suddenly doesn't apply here?
Yeah, that's pretty odd. Looking back a page it seems I'm one of the only raters to mention it. Of course I was smart enough to say that I personally felt Mewtwo being DLC hurt Pichu's chances, but I didn't label Pichu as an impossibility because of it. Just that I'm not expecting him partially because franchises may not get more than one DLC representative.

Maybe people are failing to bring it up due to Pichu being a veteran who would be easy to implement. At the moment, veterans seem to be getting favored while Sceptile would have to be a completely unique newcomer added to a franchise that already had a DLC character. Your guess is as good as mine. I've just about given up on trying to figure out why some people think the way they do, and instead I just stick to my own way of thinking as I continue to consider people's stances.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014

Chance: 60%
I think people underestimate how much being a veteran helps it. it may be useless, but it still has its fans. It isn't even the lowest character on the American tier list, Kirby is. It is a really easy to character to make, and if I was Sakurai, I would want to bring back as many veterans as possible. Pichu may be just a worse Pikachu, but Roy and Lucina are considered a worse Marth, and well here we are. And being the pre-evolved form of the most iconic Pokemon in History makes it quite iconic itself.

Want: 70%
It is useless, but I found that just part of the charm. Pichu is adorable, and rage could give it some use. I think every veteran should return eventually, except maybe Snake due to legal reasons.

nominate R.O.B. eye bug fix x5

prediction Ryu 68%

We should start doing 2 or 3 a day. get through them quicker.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2010
We should start doing 2 or 3 a day. get through them quicker.
But the whole point is to make this game go on as long as possible and focus deeply on whatever we're rating that day. :crying: Let's at least get through E3 first.. speaking of which, I have a big suggestion for E3 that I'll make soon.

Pichu :pichumelee:
Chances 7.5%
+Japanese support (although not high from what I've seen even by veteran standards)
+Easy to implement
+A popular Pokemon among Pokemon fans as a whole (not specifically the competitive scene), because it's adorable.
-Not popular globally... in fact, specifically unpopular with a lot of people.
-A large amount of Pokemon characters already, one of which is a DLC character.
-And if Sakurai doesn't care about reps, there's more popular characters/veterans from his own series anyway.

Want - 1%
I didn't exactly want :drmario: and :roymelee: back either, but PK_Wonder doesn't always get his way.

nominate: Terra Branford (Final Fantasy) x5

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Lets see.
+ He's a veteran which is currently being favored from what we know so far as well as considering Sakurai's dislike for cutting veteran characters as he feels that every characters have their fanbase, no matter how small they are. Including Pichu and Young Link.
+ He apparently has Japanese support from what I've heard.
+ He's quick and easy to implement into the game. Even as a Melee veteran.

+/- Not exactly irrelevant either as he did receive some activity between Brawl and Smash 4 with the Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes. Although that was sometime ago and the Pokemon series has moved past it ages ago with two new gens and another remake.....
+/- Dr.Mario, Mewtwo and potentially Roy came back so that's a good sign for it. However, at the same time these same characters where a part of the unused character data from Brawl which Pichu wasn't really a part of.....

- He has quite a vocal hatebase, but then again, so did Dr.Mario.....
- He doesn't receive as much support for the ballot as some other Pokemon characters from what I've seen. So I think his best bet is to hope he becomes a pre-ballot character or if Sakurai also looks through some less popular but easier to implement characters through the ballot.

I think that's more or less all the pro's and con's I can think of for Pichu from the top of my head. I think I'll go for....
Chance: 45%
With the surprise return of Dr.Mario and potentially Roy. There may be a small spark of hope for the little mouse Pokemon I guess... Unless their return was in part of reviving the characters Sakurai couldn't include in Brawl.....

As for want: 45%
I'm more or less indifferent to it, but I'm not opposed to it either. I think it would be nice to see it doing it's cute little dance one more time...... c:

Oh also nominate Professor Layton x5

And prediction for Ryu 85%
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Pichu has three trump cards several people are seemingly looking over. One, he is a veteran. Like him or hate him, that means that he already has a far greater power at the ballot box than several characters we rated so far. He also has quite a large number of votes in Japan, so that helps.
The second is how he is a clone, yet is pretty easy to change up a little into Semi Clone territory. Basically, making Pichu is easy to do, as with any Smash Bros Clone. Even slightly decloning him is not an issue. Basically, just make him more of a glass cannon, in which he deals obscene powerful attacks, yet hurts himself for his strongest, and is light. Also, making him hurt himself less for some attacks (F throw, Fair, Skull Bash) or not at all for Agility (It's not even electricity) would be helpful.
Finally, Sakurai wants to make as much DLC as possible. The two previous points compile into a relatively easy character to put together that would still please some fans, while getting more publicity for the game. Imagine how this site and the internet will explode when if Pichu is confirmed.
The only thing harming Pichu is made up rules. Overrepresentation; DLC franchise rules, the like. Pichu is at least in the Top 20 characters we rated...
100% Want
Keep in mind, I will give every veteran we rate a 100% chance in want. I hate cuts. On principle, I will give out a 100% want for any vet in RTC. Even when if Edge Pit and Lucina get cut in Smash 5, I will give them a 100% want, regardless of the fact that Lucina was handled horribly and Edge Pit feels unnecessary. Pichu is similar. I may think that Melee Pichu is god awful, but I still think that in future Smash games, he could be decent. Veterans are family, I don't wanna say goodbye.
90% chance
Leaks man, leaks.

Nominating Concept: Rhythm heaven Character x 5
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Not raichu
want 15%
Actively hated and not planned for brawl like young link.

But he is also quite popular, a vet, and a clone pretty much like roy.

Whether or not mewtwo and the two other pokemon work into this is a mustery to me but im guessing at least meetwo doesnt help the little guys chances.

Want 0
i already dislike pikachu as a pokemon. Now gove him a gimmick that makes him worse.

Prediction 77%
Less than it should be. . .

2 viridi
2 roy has awakening attire as sefault
4th mii class


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2014
Pichu (Pokemon)

His veteran status is a strange one. In one hand, it helps him greatly because the fact that he's a clone means that he is one of the easiest characters to add into the game. On the other hand, it decreases his support because he was a complete failure in Melee, which is turning a lot of people down for supporting him. On top of that, Pichu wasn't included in the Forbidden Seven back in Brawl, when Dr. Mario of all people had at least data. If it weren't for the Japanese fanbase I'd be giving him 5% or less.

Oh, did I mention that Mewtwo already sort of fills the spot for Pokemon DLC?

I'm a big fan of Gen 2. Soulsilver is my favorite Pokemon game, and I liked Pichu as a kid. Still do to this day. And I personally know a number of people that want Pichu in the game. So there's that. But I really don't have a big liking for more Pokemon characters right now...So yeah. I'd rather see him in Pokken, sort of like what Luigi was to Mario in the original Smash Bros.

You know, I just thought up of this idea right now as I typed, but I would really love for this to happen.

Predictions:Ryu 80%
Just a guess...

Slime (Dragon Quest) x5
Is this safe? Did I make it in time for the clean-up?
If not, then transfer the votes to Jibanyan


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 4.55% - I'm giving him a lower score than Sceptile. While she was a veteran, she was a joke fighter that was deliberately designed to be as bad as possible. As a result, many newcomers have surpassed him in popularity. Putting in a joke character as a veteran is a harder sell than most people would think, and I don't think the development group is willing to take that risk.

Want - 30% - Bleh. A joke character is something I don't like to see.

Ryu Prediction - 84.72% - Similar to Roy, I bet.

New Palutena's Guidances X3
Anna (FE) X2


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Some of these Pichu ratings are a wee bit on the high side guys. :Y

Pichu Chance:
Him being a veteran automatically gives him a huge plus over most characters (Ray, Henry, and Shovel Knight to name a few). Plus him being an easy to make character already gives a bit of a plus here, the only way I can see him planned is through pre-ballot really, the ballot itself isn't going to help Pichu really even though he does have a surprising amount of popularity.

I will agree here that him not being planned in Brawl doesn't mean he has no chance. And I will also agree that him having a large hatebase doesn't mean Sakurai will consider not adding Pichu, I'd argue Dark Pit would be an example of this. Also Game Freak

However, I will admit the chances of getting all the veterans back are pretty low, and unless we get a sign of a less popular veteran revealed (Pichu, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Young Link), I'm not going to put the score any higher than that. And I doubt Pichu will be considered alone if only a few veterans were chosen when there's no new game starring him or advertised greatly to justify his inclusion.

Overall, Pichu's greatest support point will probably be him being a veteran, but he doesn't have the real edge of good points like with Roy, Wolf, and Young Link to make him one of the more likely characters for DLC.

Pichu Want:
Meh, he was actually the first character I played in Smash Bros in Corneria when someone was having a party when I was pretty young, I didn't actually know I was playing Melee at the time. Wouldn't really mind his inclusion. I have the sudden urge to main him for some reason the more people said that he was pretty overpowered.

Ryu Prediction:
87.362% There will probably be people who will still be skeptical due to him being a third-party.

x5 Young Link
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Pichu's veteranhood didn't save him in Brawl, he wasn't even planned.
I highly doubt he'll get in now as DLC, considering Sakurai said it's about making fans happy.

Roy had a big fan-base in Japan, topping polls along with Mewtwo.

That he's not liked in the west doesn't mean he's in the same leauge of Pichu.

Remember that DLC needs to sell on his own, and I've seen many mini-marketeers that judge characters based on "selliness", but they're all gone today too, despite Pichu having an active hatebase.

Although I've no right to comment on Want-Scores, I never saw any sadistic 100% want on Shantae or Shovel Knight, despite people getting salty over those too.


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
I chuckle a bit every time I see someone bring up how Pichu and Young Link "Weren't planned for Brawl" as if Sakurai completely bipassed them.



Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2015
A clover field
Pichu WAS going to be in Brawl, but they decided to scrap him and make Plusle and Minum a duo having a moveset similar to Pichu's, but eventually Plusle and Minun were scrapped too
Young Link was also gonna be in Brawl, but Sakurai decided to put Toon Link instead so it wasn't that similar to Link

This could be what actually happened :drshrug:
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Chances: 10%
To his credit, he is a veteran, easy to make, and has a fanbase in Japan, but he does have a number of problems to him. While he is a veteran, he was one of two characters that wasn't even present in the data in Brawl (the other being Young Link, who was replaced by Toon Link), hinting that Sakurai didn't really place a lot of priority on him. Also, while he does have a fanbase in Japan, it's one of the smallest of the veterans and isn't too large by comparison, a problem of which is also compounded by his large hatebase in the west. So on top of an apparent lack of desire by Sakurai to have him return, he also has average support in Japan and very middling support in the west, severely hurting his chances. So unless his veteran status completely wins out, he's not really too high on the list of possible veterans.

Want: 10%
He's adorable, but he's never been a character I've desired to see return.

I chuckle a bit every time I see someone bring up how Pichu and Young Link "Weren't planned for Brawl" as if Sakurai completely bipassed them.

Pichu WAS going to be in Brawl, but they decided to scrap him and make Plusle and Minum a duo having a moveset similar to Pichu's, but eventually Plusle and Minun were scrapped too
Young Link was also gonna be in Brawl, but Sakurai decided to put Toon Link instead so it wasn't that similar to Link

This could be what actually happened :drshrug:
Ignoring the fact that Plusle and Minum are not Pichu and nothing implies that they were made as a replacement for him like Young Link, Pra_Mai is not confirmed at all to be those two. The theory was just an assumption made by fans, and considering that there's a naming issue with those characters (their Japanese names are Prasle and Minun, meaning there's a lack of consistency in the same file name as it should be Pra_Mi then) and that their files are together rather then separate a la ICs, it entirely possible that it wasn't intended to be those two characters.
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Chances: 20%
It have a very little fan base, but it is still present. And being a veteran helps a lot.
Want: 85%
Being ma 4th most wanted character, and my last missing Melee main, I would love to see him back.
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