Ray (Custom Robo)
12.95% chance
45.05% want
Ray may have placed just behind Karate Joe in chance, but he over doubled him in want. As a matter of fact, Ray's want score didn't fall too shy of the top ten in want; of all characters beneath him in chance, only Bomberman is more wanted. Not a bad day, eh? Of course, it could have better, as his chance score was nothing to write home about.
Um... well, that'd be... uh...?
12.95% chance
45.05% want
Ray may have placed just behind Karate Joe in chance, but he over doubled him in want. As a matter of fact, Ray's want score didn't fall too shy of the top ten in want; of all characters beneath him in chance, only Bomberman is more wanted. Not a bad day, eh? Of course, it could have better, as his chance score was nothing to write home about.
WHAT... What is that thing. Mr. Wright? Mr. Edgeworth... anyone?
Your Honor? How am I supposed to know?
I.... I have no idea!
Um... well, that'd be... uh...?
ARGH! WHAT is that thing?
AGH! Monster!
That's just Omastar, your honor. It's the Pokemon we're rating today. It's completely irrelevant.
Please rate Omastar in chance and want. I'd say double zeroes are appropriate today, Your Honor!
WARNING! CHALLENGER REAPPROACHING! In order to insure that today is not a wasted day, Palutena is also available for rerate. Currently rank 2 in chance and rank 3 in want, will the goddess of light be able to shine today? Or will she face the darkness? Please rate Palutena in chance and want.
Tomorrow we'll be rating Doctor Kawashima. Please predict how the good doctor will do in tomorrow's match... and start training your brain, will you? Simon Adebisi wins the extra noms today.