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Rate Their Chances Returns! Day 194: "Predicting the Direct"

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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
No, a person can dream.

Besides: Scrooge McDuck
XD I guess it's fine then.
But until Sakurai says he's a fan of Invader Zim, I wouldn't consider nominating him.

Zoroark's entire concept is flawed. People want him because he can look like other characters. But that's it. He doesn't attack like others. He just looks like them. The hell is the point? You don't gain others abilities ala Kirby as Zoroark isn't Ditto. S/he merely LOOKS like the opponent which in a 1 v 1 is utterly worthless and at best will cause one of the two players to SD due to looking at the wrong character.
Utterly useless ability really. Zoroark's also already old news and Gamefreak dropped it as their new mascot almost as quickly as they picked it up. I'd rather have one of the more iconic, going to be famous for more than ten minutes Pokemon to play as, even if people think Meowth will be dull and Blaziken will be a Falcon clone.
The concept for Zoroark moveset would be an illusion (the term meaning "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses."), I think people are kinda misunderstanding Zoroark. His attacks could involve various things like fake projectiles that don't do any damage, or making close range attacks seem like long ranged attacks, or maybe Zoroark making an illusion version of himself to fool opponents.

Louie G.

Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven

Chance: 4%
The only reason that Blaziken gets a 4 is because of the possible Hoenn remake and the Pokémon X and Y event (where he is very OP). Other than that there is no reason.

Want: 65%
He's not the first Pokémon that comes to mind, but I like Blaziken.

:pikachu2: :jigglypuff: :pt:( :squirtle: :ivysaur: :charizard:) :lucario: :mewtwomelee::

Chance: 95%
I would be more surprised not to see this happening. It is the perfect representation of Pokémon as a franchise.

Want: 100%
Like I said, it is the perfect representation of Pokémon. I'd be sad to see any of them go, and Mewtwo is one of my most wanted "newcomers". So yeah.

Most Overrated: Roy (I completely agree with you Groose)
By such a longshot it isn't even funny. There is no reason for bringing back an irrelevant clone from Melee. I hope I don't get any "MUH RECENCY" arguments here, because this is not the RPD.
Fire Emblem is one of the series where relevance actually helps, believe it or not. (GASP)

Noms: Cranky Kong x5
Why not. And he better not be confirmed as an assist trophy next.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 0.1% - In some crazy alternate universe where only starter Pokémon were eligible, they might have a chance. Still, they are far outcompeted by the veterans returning, and I'm doubting we will get anyone outside of them. They might have some sort of shot, but it's very small.

Want - 48% - Apathetic, for the most part. They don't have anything in particular that makes me want them, and a few similarities between how I think they would play compared to the vets has made mild dislike.

Brawl + Mewtwo

Chance - 87% - Quite likely for all, but a bit of uncertainty here and there brings the whole thing down. Jigglypuff is a bit doubtful, Trainer a little more so, Lucario a near (but not complete) certainty, and Mewtwo is practically confirmed. It's the little things that add up here.

Want - 99.5% - Just a mild worry about roster crowding. Really, I don't want any cuts, and I want Mewtwo. Really, there's not much more to say.

Most overrated charater? Hmm... it's between Pac-Man and Chrom, but I can't decide between the two. To the Great Decision Decider! *Flips coin*

Heads. Sorry, Pac-Man, but that's what the coin says.

Eevee Prediction - 1.67% - Maybe a few supporters will come out of the woodwork, but I doubt it will amount to much.

Dark Matter X5


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
Blaziken: 1%
Want: 60%
Brawltwo: 80%
Want: 100%
Most Overrated: CORN'S MY uh UNICORN
Eevee: 1.2%


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
So, Sheik noms for the moment. She's a character I've kinda considered a given but revealing Zelda with a Phantom seems like a pretty deliberate sign that the character will change somehow, which places Sheik in doubt even if they weren't revealed together for Brawl. Not a lot of doubt, granted, but some. (For all I know she'll be revealed tomorrow and my worries will be proven completely pointless.)

Blaziken - 2.5%
Signs seem to point to a Hoenn revival of sorts, with Blaziken being very prominently featured in the X/Y reveal and a few small teases that Ruby/Sapphire will follow the remake tradition started with FR/LG and HG/SS. Still, I have trouble seeing this happen because it already seems likely that we'll be seeing five Pokemon characters between the four Brawl veterans and Mewtwo, so even if adding Blaziken makes sense, there likely won't be space for the inclusion. Would be very cool if it happened, though.
Want - 100% - One of my dream Smash characters, despite my doubts.

Brawl + Mewtwo Chances - 75%
Pokemon Trainer and Jigglypuff seem extremely likely; Mewtwo and Lucario both have the possibility of falling through, but both have more than enough publicity and popularity in recent years to justify their inclusion. I don't want to overrate this too much, but really, it'd be quite the surprise if any of these five didn't make it.
Want - 80% - A pretty much perfect representation for the franchise, though I'm admittedly not a huge Mewtwo fan and it implies Blaziken's continued exclusion.

Most Overrated - Palutena
I've never really understood why everyone is so convinced Palutena will be in SSB4. Kid Icarus Uprising was a successful game, sure, and she was very prominent in it, and Pit was even one of the first reveals for SSB4. I don't think any of that guarantees the franchise a second character, nor do I think she's so interesting a newcomer possibility that Sakurai will actively want to include her. At the end of the day Uprising is still just one game, and Sakurai has been known to be reluctant to add his own characters as evidenced with no Kirby newcomers in Melee. Personally, I could certainly see her happening, sure, but ~75% average rating here seems to be drastically overshooting.
Honorable Mentions - Chrom, Takamaru, Roy

Eevee Prediction - 2%
Seems like it wouldn't get much support these days.

Sheik x5


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Chance: 1% - It's only real hope is for the Hoenn trainer to be playable.
Want: 27% - I prefer Swampert. :)

All Pokemon from previous smash games minus Pichu concept.
Chance: 50% - I'd say that it's a realistic possibility.
Want: 67% - I'd be okay with it.

Most overrated character: King K. Rool - I have nothing against him, but second place among potential newcomers seems awfully high for a character Nintendo seems to have abandoned.

Eevee prediction: 1.7%

Nominations: Isa Jo x5.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2013
Salvador, Brazil
Chance: 5% - He's very popular and relevant in the franchise, plus the possible RS remake promotion.
Want: 100% - I love his design and think he's perfect for smash
Brawl Pokemon and Mewtwo
Chance: 70% - Jiggly, Lucario and Pkm Trainer are not 100% guaranteed. Moreover, a newcomer addition for the franchise is possible
Want: 80% - No Blaziken, but has Mewtwo, Squirtle and Lucario
Most overrated character: Mii. 57%??? Realy??
Eevee prediction: 1.17%
Nominations:Cranky Kong x5.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Blaziken - 0.10%
the chicken's goose is cooked, burnt, and passed over, get over it
want - 0%
if he got in, he'll most likely bring mudkip and grovile along with him, which other words replace the Pokémon trainer red, with the hoen Pokémon trainer, I don't like that idea . . . not one bit
brawl pokemon plus mewtwo - 73%
a very likely possibility, but mewtwo isn't guarantee (along with every other character) and lucario or pokemon trainer could still be cut for time constraints, still its the likeliest possibility there is, because people don't like cuts and everyone wants mewtwo.
want - 100%
i'm someone who doesn't want anyone cut, just adding mewtwo would be icing on the cake
eevee - 1.21%
he's not getting in over any big shot pokemon
most overrated character: Chrom
how he is almost 70% is beyond me, he seems to be around a 20%, majorly overrated, I blame recency arguments and fire emblem madness for this mistake
honorable mentions
Pac man: third parties are hard to come by, and most don't even make 10 percent, but yet pac man makes 54% just because Namco is working on the game? this is overestimating by far
k. rool: I view him and Dixie about half and half, either one could get in, but seeing how he has a 20% above increase on her, when Dixie seems to be the one which Nintendo is making more important, shows that fan want has infected the his chances
Ridley: a 71% chance for a character who has a good chance to make it as a stage hazard or boss, is defiantly too high


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Chance 20% While very popular, he has legendary competition. Mewtwo's existence and demand prioritizes him above Blaziken. Lucario is also more popular than our chicken. The Pokemon Trainer also hurts his chances, as having one starter on its own is offputting to say the least.

Want 60% Oh hell yes. I love Blaziken. But alas, there is Mewtwo...

90% Chance Oh boy this is a doozy. WHile it may be safe, it makes sense. All of these characters are currently important(Mascot,Fairy, Megas). Mewtwo is the most demanded character to be in. Everywhere. I'd argue Lucario will not be cut due to his current importance and popularity, and they won't change pokemon trainer as Kanto starters are most iconic.

100% Want Its Mewtwo back, Lucario staying, and Pokemon Trainer having a chance to be buffed.

Overrated: Chrom
He's not the main character, Robin is.

Eevee 0.97%

Nominating Cranky Kong x5


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House

Chances - 30%
Ok, I'm going to be frank ... there's no f*cking way in he|| Blaziken should get a lower score than the likes of Meowth, Sylveon and even Zoroark. Even reading some of the arguments people are making just makes me grab my head in dismay.
First thing to keep in mind is, Pokemon don't get in based on what gen they represent
There's no logical reason why this would be the case. Generations pretty much only matter when they're new, but when the new games come out all pokemon are used in conjunction so interchangeably that it becomes completely irrelevant. Even for people who play pokemon the only distinction between the gens is the game themselves (which was a good gen and which one wasn't), while most people just use w.e. pokemon they like and ditch the ones they dislike regardless of generation. Only huge exception is genwunners, but I'm just ignoring them for the sake of sanity.
So the argument of "Blaziken can't make it because relevance/gen 3 was too long ago" is grounded in nothing.

But the biggest argument is both sheer f*cking popularity and Blaziken fitting in a fighting game like a glove.
Popularity may not be a huge thing for most characters (eg. Wii Fit Trainer) but when it comes to Pokemon it's gigantic. Pikachu, Mewtwo, Charizard and Lucario are all in because of being extremely popular pokemon, with Jigglypuff making it in because of popularity at the time as well. And all these pokemon have held that popularity over time. All of them are still relevant, even going into 6th gen.
Of the pokemon we've rated, Blaziken is BY FAR the one that closest gathers such a popularity within both the game and the anime.
In the game, it's the only starter pokemon to break ubers, it was the first starter to receive a Mega Evolution, and everyone who plays x and y has access to one from the get go. They even use it to hype the fandom into potential Wii U pokemon entries:

Meanwhile, in the anime, the only mega to even show its face is Mega Blaziken, appearing several times already and being hyped at the beginning of the series in the same way Ho-oh and Suicune were hyped in the early episodes of their respective seasons.

To say this pokemon isn't relevant is to ignore all aspects of pokemon. It's still by far one of the most popular pokemon, regardless of whether it's third gen or not, and it makes a f*ckton more sense to have him in the game as opposed to literally any other pokemon, including some already in the game. And still people think Zoroark is more likely? Ffs, Zoroark is a cool pokemon, but its impact was in fifth gen. Blaziken's impact, just like Mewtwo's and Lucario's trascends the gen he emerged from. And when it comes to Smash, I'd hope that's what they look for in a pokemon for a playable spot.

The only reason I leave it at a 30% is because ...

Brawl pokemon + Mewtwo - 70%
... this sounds like a very very likely possibility, with all current pokemon characters just really holding their weight and very likely returning. Adding to the fact that we're talking about five character slots, with one character being three-in-one, and I don't really see the need for a new character (even if Blaziken makes a ton of sense.)

As for wants:
Blaziken want - 80%
I'd love to have a pokemon newcomer, since pokemon are usually the ones I wind up maining (with Mewtwo a main and PTrainer a secondary) and it's nice for the upcoming game to have something that Brawl and Melee didn't have.

Brawl + Mewtwo - 40%
Most of me would be happy in all the pokemon coming back, and I want Mewtwo so badly. But having no newcomer, nothing to differentiate pokemon entries from Brawl even after so many exciting changes to pokemon ... would be a bit of a disappointment. A bit alleviated by possible inclusion of megas and more balance, but still.

Most overrated character:
There's a lot of characters that I feel are highly overrated, but given that the Mario newcomers are pretty much out I'll ignore Bowser Jr. and Paper Mario.
Which leaves Isaac and Saki being extremely overrated. I'm going to vote on Isaac due to the much higher percentage.
Golden Sun is a great series. But when there's been no entries for such a long time, there's been no sign from Nintendo that they acknowledge the series, and the most recent game we have not only stopped focusing on Isaac but did much much more poorly ... I just don't get why people think he's such a given to be included in pretty much every fan roster. It'd be a pleasant surprise, but that's what it'd be ... a surprise. And surprised shouldn't have such gigantic chances.

Eevee 1.21
Oh ffs ...

x5 Sheik
can't believe we hadn't rated her


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA

Chance - 15% Brawl pokemon + Mewtwo makes him the odd man out
Want - 100% fire types are the best

Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo
Chance - 78% seems to be what we all want and expect
Want - 50% pretty indifferent to pokemon

Most overrated - Chrom, I really don't see how he will be unique on his own, at Roy has a chance to be unique. Although the pair up option could in the end save chrom and having him fight with Lucina. A close second would have to be Ridley.

Impa x5


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Blaziken: 1.99%
Want: 5%

Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo: 50%
Want: 20%

Most Overrated: Shulk and Snake. If only one then Shulk.

x5 Bowser Jr.

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Chance 8%
I think Glaciacott pointed out just about any justification I could give him, and almost everyone has gone over the amount competition he faces, so yeah.
Want 35%
I'd honestly prefer that we just got-
Brawl Pokemon and Mewtwo
Chance 40%
I honestly believe that the only likely Pokemon scenarios are:
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, PKMN Trainer, Lucario, Mewtwo
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, PKMN Trainer, Mewtwo
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, PKMN Trainer, Lucario
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo
And among those, I find the first one the most likely. Especially since we've already received 5 Mario characters, so 5 Pokemon seems pretty likely to me.
Want 99%

Most overrated: Ridley
It pains me to say this, but 71%. Seriously? I can understand why someone would think he's likely, and how much want can effect a chance score, but honestly saying that there's only a 30% chance of him NOT being added blows my mind. And this is coming from someone who's supported Ridley since the beginning, and still has him as his third most wanted newcomer.
Honorable Mentions: Palutena, Chrom, Pac-Man, Saki, and sadly Isaac.
If she wasn't confirmed I probably would've added Rosalina. Then I really would've looked like an idiot. :laugh:
Edit: Now that I think about it; Palutena might be more overrated than Ridley, but whatever.

Eevee prediction 7.7%

Jimmy T. x5 (I can't be the only person nominating him, am I?)


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Blaziken: 13%
Want: 40%

Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo: 50% I expect it, but there's a lot of variables. heck, maybe pichu could make a comeback (lol)
Want: 70% there's mostly everyone I want here, but I REALLY want grovyle to make an appearance, that's never going to happen though, so this should be the best outcome

Most Overrated: Palutena. because WHAT WHY IS SHE SO EXPECTED? I mean, yeah, she's certainly possible, but I'd say less possible than like issac or something.

Eevee: 6.8%

Noms: Stork (Yoshi's Island) x5

Spears In Smash Bros.

Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2013
Blaziken: 4.20%0.2%
Keep in mind that this is for Blaziken's chances as a fighter independent of a Trainer, Hoenn or otherwise.

Want: 6%
I'd prefer it to appear as part of a Hoenn Trainer's team or even a Poke Ball, rather than as an independent fighter.

Brawl+Mewtwo: 33%
I'm not sure that both Mewtwo and Lucario can peacefully coexist with one another. That's also not taking into account the possibility of actual Pokemon newcomers (or changes to the Trainer's team).

Want: 40%
I'll admit, I liked playing as Mewtwo, back in my Melee days when I didn't know there were four different B-attacks. Still, change is good.

Most overrated: Pac-Man, easily.

Eevee prediction: 0.86%

Quote x5


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Speed Boost, suckers!
Chances: 14% - Gen III is SOO last week. Plus, he's got everyone else to deal with.
Want: 2% - Eh. Gen III may be a beloved gen to me, but I don't really want it to get any representation.

The perfect Pokemon roster (-Meowth)
Chances: 80% - I bet you my toes that Mewtwo will return along with everyone from Brawl. Well, okay, only one toe... a nail maybe...?
Want: 95% - Add Meowth to the mix and you get a 100%.

:starman: ABOVERRATION OF THE DECADE! :starman:

Seriously, how did he manage to be the 5th most likely character according to the list? He's kind of bland, really, and doesn't really bring anything to the table. Hell, he doesn't even look all that different from neither Marth or Ike. I dunno, for someone whose main characteristic is solely recency, I'd say he should not surpass 58%.
Roy bias? Maybe, I dunno, leave me alone, I'm gonna get some flan...

Zero Percent Suck x5


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
It's a testament to the respect people have for this thread that no fights or debates have erupted from the comments about overrated characters.

Props to all, particularly Groose. This is a good thread.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
It's a testament to the respect people have for this thread that no fights or debates have erupted from the comments about overrated characters.

Props to all, particularly Groose. This is a good thread.
defiantly props to Groose, out of all the threads that there are, this is one of the most peaceful and friendliest threads I have ever seen,
he has done a good job of keeping peace around here


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Blaziken Likelihood: 4%
Want: 15%

Brawl+Mewtwo Likelihood: 65%
Want: 75%

Most Overrated: Palutena

Eevee: 1.2%

Wrestler x5


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
defiantly props to Groose, out of all the threads that there are, this is one of the most peaceful and friendliest threads I have ever seen,
he has done a good job of keeping peace around here
Well he does have Hades in the wings.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
It's a Pokémon day.

Likelihood: 3%
Brawl Pokémon + Mewtwo is the most likely scenario. If we get more than that, the choices aren't so obvious. Zoroark is a competition.

Want: 20%
If he get's in as a part of a Hoenn Trainer, then it'll mean Grovyle gets in too, which pushes up my want a bit. Otherwise, no.

:jigglypuff: :pikachu2: :pt: (:squirtle: :ivysaur: :charizard: ):lucario: :mewtwopm: :
Likelihood: 90%
It is single handedly the most likely outcome for Pokémon. Everyone except Jigglypuff has gotten quite a bit of attention in Gen VI, and this bodes well for them. As for Jigglypuff, people like to say that she has a chance of getting cut, but her 3-time veteran status might be her saving grace after all.

Want: 100%

Most overrated character: It was a tough choice between Palutena and Chrom. In the end, I'll go with Chrom.
70% chance just sounds too high for any Fire Emblem candidate. I think we should re-rate him.

Eevee: 3%
I think she'll be somewhere around Sylveon.

Chrom x 5


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Cloud Cuckooland

Chance: 15%
Blaziken is easily one of, if not the most popular Pokemon to come out of Gen III, and it's still really popular to this day. Heck, it's probably more popular now than it was in Gen III. GameFreak obviously knew about this things popularity and jumped on the "Make whatever's popular OP as ****" bandwagon in Gen VI and gave it a mega evolution. Blaziken is also, as stated earlier, very easy to work a moveset into. Despite all these positives, there are still some factors against Blaziken, specifically Charizard's potential return and Zoroark. Charizard is already a fully evolved, fire type starter (whom is much more popular than Blaziken), and having two of those on the roster would seem kind of redundant. As for Zoroark, Sakurai has stated that he is looking for characters who will be unique, which Zoroark is due to his Illusion ability. Blaziken, on the other hand, seems like it would function as a run-of-the-mill fighter with some fire thrown in. Not very unique, right? Nevertheless, Blaziken definitely has a chance at getting due to his popularity, and it would be the best Pokemon to represent Gen III, but I don't think it's very high on Sakurai's priority list.
Want: 0%
I'll be honest with you guys, I don't like Blaziken very much. I always thought its design was pretty ugly, being a malformed chicken person with fire and, before Gen V, was pretty underwhelming in battle. It's definitely improved over the years, that goes without saying, but even then I still don't enjoy using mostly due to it being almost too good. It's movepool is also pretty bare, lacking coverage options that the other fire/fighting have. But hey, this is Smashboards, not Smogon, so you guys probably don't care about the metagame and whatnot, so I'll just end my ramble now...Still don't Blaziken in Smash by the way.

5 Pokemon characters, but none of them are new!
Chance: 90%
Unless there's some super secret Mario newcomer that we haven't seen yet, I highly doubt that Pokemon will get more reps than Mario. Also, each character is really a great representation of the franchise as a whole, so I doubt they would cut any of them.
Want: 30%

Most overrated character for Smash:
In my opinion, It's definitely Takamaru. He's only appeared in a pretty obscure Japanese NES exclusive title, and outside of being known in the Smash community, he's not very popular, like, AT ALL. Now, yes, Fire Emblem had characters in Melee, but the thing is Fire Emblem was a popular game series in Japan, but Nazo no Murasamejou iirc wasn't. And no, his cameos in Captain Rainbow, Nintendo Land and thatothergamehewasin mean jack-squat in his inclusion in Smash. Also, he's a blue-haired, Japanese swordsman who debuted in an NES game. Where have we heard that before?

"Eevee: The Bipolar Pokemon" prediction: 0.14%
Are we really voting for Eevee, guys? Seriously?

B-K X2
Cranky Kong X3


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
Blaziken chances: 2%. There's not even a guarantee we'll get a gen 5 rep, and Lucario would pretty much fill in the same niche as Blaziken anyway. Blaziken's time has come and gone.
Want: 25%.

Brawl Pokémon + Mewtwo - 80%. Mewtwo was already planned for Brawl, and while this doesn't really affect Mewtwo's chances inmy opinion, it shows that Sakurai had no problem with including five Pokémon reps back then and probably won't have any problem with including them this time either. But any one of the Pokémon from Brawl could still very much end up being cut.
Want: 100%.

Eevee prediction: 2%.

Most overrated character: Ridley.

Cranky X5


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Sorry in advance for format issues; I'm on my 3DS. BrawlémonTwo: 95% for chance, 100% for want. I find this to be the most likely option. Most overrated? Shulk, by far. No one has managed to convince me that he's a good choice.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
Most overrated character for Smash:
In my opinion, It's definitely Takamaru. He's only appeared in a pretty obscure Japanese NES exclusive title, and outside of being known in the Smash community, he's not very popular, like, AT ALL. Now, yes, Fire Emblem had characters in Melee, but the thing is Fire Emblem was a popular game series in Japan, but Nazo no Murasamejou iirc wasn't. And no, his cameos in Captain Rainbow, Nintendo Land and thatothergamehewasin mean jack-squat in his inclusion in Smash. Also, he's a blue-haired, Japanese swordsman who debuted in an NES game. Where have we heard that before?

Takamaru isn't really a popularity issue though. The reason he's rated so high is due to Smash's trend of adding in retro characters of which none would be considered very popular. Most people had never heard of Pit, Ice climbers, R.O.B or G&W previous to Smash. All of these character's games were far in the past at the time they were revealed as characters. The fact that Nintendo decided to go back and reference a game from 1986 in Nintendo Land makes his name stand out over most other retros and even previous to this he was still the most wanted retro. His chances are probably a little overestimated but he is by far the most likely retro.

And to be fair, he doesn't only use a sword. He uses lightning, fireballs, invisibility, throwing knives, sword beams and windmill blades as well.

Deleted member

I am bored. So, here is a bunch of music:
WARNING: It's a bit long!

Sorry if this is too much for you, Groose!
BTW, the Overhauled Yoshi concept's results are not in the original post. The Chance was 20.82% and Want was 50.87%.

EDIT: Should we do Most Underrated tomorrow?
Last edited by a moderator:

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
So, my opinions have changed since last night:

Brawl + Mewtwo:

Chance: 80.75%
Still the most likely posibility by a good way, but the more I think about it the more likely I think we'll get one more... still not very likely, but more.

Want: 95%
Having a second pokémon trainer (Hoenn) would be awesome for event matches, and I would be a little disappointed by the loss of it, but I'd still be more than happy with the Brawl + Mewtwo combo.

So I was thinking about the Anime, and how he's the only Mega shown so far (if I remember, I don't watch it much) and while it doesn't mean much to the games exactly, the Anime is a big deal in terms of character popularity. Blaziken has a great headstart there, and a hell of a lot of relevance. The only thing holding him back is his need to have two other characters attached to not be out of place alongside the Kanto starters... and yet I liek Mudkips and the Dungeon games' Grovyle have gained huge popularity too. I also realised Jiggles won't be cut without replacement since I'm pretty much certain we'll be getting Bowser Jr, so Pokémon wouldn't make much sense being 2 less than Mario. With a 5% chance of getting 6 pokémon slots, and the 15% of any of the cuts getting filled with another character I'll look again at who has a chance.

The three options who are important enough, or have a chance for interesting gameplay reasons are as such (with chance of being chosen to take part of that 20%):

Hoenn Trainer (75%)
Kalos Trainer (2%)
Meowth (8%)
Plusle and Minun (10%)
over 600 other sub-1 percents (3%)

Simple maths dictates 20*.75 gets our Hoenn Trainer's chance.

Chance: 15%
The Hoenn starters are honestly the next most important pokémon to Gamefreak.

Want: 47%
Honestly not that interested as a character, the Hoenn starters are cool enough, but honestly speaking the character doesn't make me hyped... the pictures and events showing the two trainers battling probably would though.

Hoenn Remakes:

Chance: 80%
Want: 100%
no change.

Eevee: 1.25%
People are very harsh on pokémon at the moment, more than I thought people would be.

Most Overated: Still Zoroark

(Slime all for most underrated vote tomorrow)

*I'm going to start voting Concept: Pokémon Assist Trophy Character afterward... thinking something like Professor Oak, or something that wouldn't work in a Pokéball*


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2013

Chance: 35%
I don't think he's that likely. He is still possible, though.
Want: 75%
As long as he doesn't hold Victini back, I'd love it. Especially if he borrowed moves from Infrenape and Emboar, like Heat Crash.

Brawl Pokémon and Mewtwo:

Chance: 50%
Well, I think it might happen, but they also might continue the trend of adding 2 Pokémon characters, and cutting 2 others. Who knows?
Want: 0.1%
No thank you, give me any other Pokémon newcomer. Especially if it's Victini! :awesome:

Most Overrated Character: King K. Rool. Sure, he's extremely popular and definitely unique, and I would want him, but why would he get into Smash if he was abandoned? I'll just quote this post here:

Most overrated character: King K. Rool - I have nothing against him, but second place among potential newcomers seems awfully high for a character Nintendo seems to have abandoned.
This. Just this.

Eevee Prediction: 3.5%

Nominations: Frogger x5


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008

Chance: 10% Pretty popular, has been getting some attention recently, and I could see it being a fun character, but there's just too much competition.
Want: 20% Its Mega Evolution is pretty cool, but there are other Pokémon I would like a lot more.

Brawl Pokémon + Mewtwo

Chance: 55% I'm not very sure about this; there's a lot of variables. The Pokémon roster is quite overcrowded already with six characters, and they may want to add a new character in addition to bringing Mewtwo back. In that scenario, I just can't see all the characters from Brawl making it back. But obviously I don't know what they want to do and I'm sure they'll try their best.
Want: 50% I would be content with it, but not all that excited as I can live without Mewtwo and would like to see a new character.

Most overrated character

I think Ridley, Little Mac, King K. Rool, Chrom, and Palutena are all extremely overrated. If I have too choose just one of them... K. Rool.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2013
Likelihood: 1%

Want: 50% (indifferent)

Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo
Likelihood: 25%
The addition of Rosalina did raise the bar but, I think that the Mario series can get away with 5 reps. I don't know about this being the case for Pokemon. 5 Pokemon reps might make the roster seem over-saturated with Pokemon.

Want: 100%
Sure it would be nice for Lucario to stay and Mewtwo to return. I liked playing with both of them.

Prediction: 0.5%

Most Over-rated characters: Bowser Jr., I thought he was over-rated prior to Rosalina and if people still think he's got a good chance now then he's even more over-rated. I did think Dixie Kong was over-rated prior to Rosalina, not so much now, but I do think we gave her a score higher than it should be. I also think we over-rated Isaac, Takamaru, Shulk, and Toon Zelda/Tetra

Slippy x5


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
The only starter besides the original three to get mega evolutions. That's gotta count for something.
Want: 60%
I picked Torchic back in Sapphire, but that was mainly because I hate Swampert's typing.

Brawl Pokemon and Mewtwo:
Likelihood: 50%
Gen 6 can be represented by the Mega Evolutions of either Lucario or Mewtwo (or both). This would keep people mostly happy, and Pokemon is definitely worthy of five slots.
Want: 70%
I always like new pokemon, but at least one non-gen 1 pokemon is very important. I'm not a huge fan of Lucario but I would be OK with it for that reason.

Most Overrated Character: Tie between Ridley and King K. Rool.
This is where the Smash Community's sense of self and popularity amongst is base gets out of hand. With Ridley, its a character Sakurai has previously said it would be hard to include. And the popularity with Metroid doesnt carry as well internationally (currently), which is probably a majority of where Sakurai would get his data from.

With K. Rool, it's the same reasons for him being overrated as well as his lack of involvement in the Mario universe. Which is strange, considering the overarching series releases at least three titles a year. 5 years with no appearances. I of course do think there is a chance he could appear in Tropical Freeze.

But these two characters go to a larger point about measuring popularity in the Smash continuity. Namely, it's hard to do so with such certainty, so it boggles my mind how so many people think that popularity could so strongly influence Sakurai, where unlike in previous iterations, he has no objective means of measuring it. My theory has always been that he knows which characters rank high in popularity just based off fan requests and overall popularity, but he select characters off the list which meet his criteria. The list could be long or it could be short. Sakurai's choices for first party characters have never appeared to be just a list of the most popular characters. He chooses the characters which are important to a franchise; naturally, these characters are popular. I don't believe there is a way to accurately assess who is the most popular character for demand unless there is an official poll released, so I don't think Sakurai considers it that heavily.

"Relevancy" is much decried on this forum, but relevancy is just how we describe the phenomenon of a sudden emergence (or reemergence) of a character. Or at least that's how I look at it. Rosalina didnt become more relevant magically; it was careful decision by the main developer of Mario (EAD Tokyo) to include their own creation in their products. To us it, it looks like Rosalina just suddenly arrived out of nowhere. But EAD Tokyo and Nintendo have been working on it for awhile, steadily increasing her appearances, ending with her inclusion in Smash. Because really, whatever characters get included is mainly up to developers, and that has always been the case.

I understand how this can frustrate people. "Relevancy" can't be measured, it's very subjective, and it often involves what a large corporation is pushing at a time. And we have no control over it. But just because we can't predict it or even fully understand does not mean its not a factor. Like any factor, it affects every series differently and all this predictions are really just a crapshoot. What frustrates me about these two overrated characters is that there is a notion of inevitably to do them, as well as anger towards anyone who would dare not give them high predictions. But this is supposed to be for fun after all. Of course, I would happily wrong with my predictions for either character, as there are clearly people who really love the characters.

Eevee Predictions:

Micaiah x 5


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

Chance: 1% - With all the competition there's no way he's making it in. Lucario represents everything that Blaziken does, but better.

Want: 10% - Eh, would be kind of cool, but he's pretty damn obscure.

Brawl Pokémon and Mewtwo:

Chance: 85% - I really do count on this happening, and with Mario getting five characters this seems like a no-brainer to me.

Want: 100% - Duh.

Most Overrated: Palutena

I feel that we already do have very many lean girls in dresses. Heck, Rosalina took the spot as the tall as **** magical female character, plus Zelda also has magic at her disposal. However, that's just a very minor thing, since the many female characters could go in Palutena's favor too. I'm more concerned about Sakurai's humble view towards his own characters. And sure, he didn't create Palutena, but he personified her and made her who she is today. Plus, Palutena hasn't really been requested all too much, she seems to be more expected than wanted.

I do feel that Palutena does have a decent shot, but more along the lines of 50%, not 70%.

Honorable mentions would be Chrom, Mewtwo and (ironically) Ridley, in just that order.

x5 Mario Series Newcomer (Outside of Rosalina)

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007

Chance: 25% - He is definitely a possibility.

Want: 25% - I already have Lucario (provided he isn't cut) and Pikachu, two of my three favorite pokemon (the third being Victini), so I have no real need for him. I wouldn't be against his inclusion however.

Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo
Chance: 50% - It's possible considering Sakurai doesn't like cuts and Mewtwo is one of (if not the) most requested character.

Want: 99% - YES!!! If only to put an end to this Mewtwo vs Lucario thing. YES!!!

Most Overrated: Ridley

I was going to say Little Mac, but he at least has that stage. Ridley, has nothing except "most requested 1st party newcomer in the US" yet he is rated so high. No offense to Ridley fans, and I realize I'm taking a HUGE risk in saying this, but I just don't think he is that likely.

Eevee Prediction: 2% - He can't be too high rated considering Sylveon's score.

Cranky Kong x5


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Looks like from counting the nominations, we will already have 133 nominations total for Cranky Kong counting the 53 nominations that were for the ol Kong and this day. Thanks for the help guys! :b:


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Chances: 5%, It's one of the most popular Pokémon from the 3rd Generation and it is getting pushed somewhat in merchandise, but I feel that with the current candidates it's going up against it's not as strong as it could be.
Want: 35% I like the Pokémon and it would be interesting, but not enough to make me put it over the others aside from a few.

Brawl Pokémon +Mewtwo
Chances: 85%, of the current Pokémon we have being pushed now, these are the 5 (well 7) that represent the series the best in terms of popularity and importance as none match them. Pikachu is a no-brainer, Mewtwo is a classic character very wanted and very pushed in this current generation, Red and his Pokémon represent the starters, the protagonist and contain what is easily among the most popular Pokémon if not THE most and Lucario is still being promoted, pushed even to the point of actually getting a role in XY, something that very few Pokémon can attest to, and remains popular in the public eye. The only exception is Jigglypuff, and even then it's a 3-time veteran many would hate to see go.
Want: 100% I'll admit there's a couple Pokémon I'd like to see, but not before this cast. All of them I love and I'd hate to see any of them leave.

Most Overrated: ...I guess either Little Mac, Palutena or Chrom as I consider them a bit too high. Awakening is popular but Chrom could be ignored now for Robin or even Lucina, while Palutena is very popular, she does hail from a game that just recently got a revival and Little Mac for similar reasons though I feel he's better off being the main character of said series. I guess I'll go with Little Mac as while I do consider him very likely, he's more considered a lock and the other characters are lower then him with some cynicism with their chances.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Blaziken- 20% Want 30%
I think he's likelier as a pokeball than a character.

Brawl + Mewtwo- 75% Want 50%
I think this is very likely to happen, unless he settles for a newer generation pokemon.

Most Overrated:
Top 5 Chrom, Saki, Isaac, Bowser Jr, and K. Rool.

Unlike Marth, Roy and Ike Chrom isn't the only protagonist of Awakening and I find the large gap between him and Robin and Lucina a bit shocking.
Saki and Isaac for more or less the same reasons. These two aren't the only protagonists of their series but are treated as if they were. Although Marth was chosen as the Fire Emblem lead the Mother series had Ness so there's no lock for Isaac or Saki not to mention characters from more successful series ranking lower than they do, like Chibi Robo.
Bowser Jr. and K. Rool are also listed for similar reasons. I think there isn't enough justification between the 20+% difference between them and their competition. I find it confusing that Jr. and Toad were considered the most likely Mario characters yet Jr. ranked much higher. Not to mention Rosalina.

I can only pick one, I vote Isaac as the most overrated.
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