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Rate Their Chances Returns! Day 194: "Predicting the Direct"

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Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
Dark Samus
Chance: 5%
Want: 30%

When it comes to Metroid, Ridley is the character that will be added. However, if, for some odd reason, Ridley isnt in, Dark Samus is the next choice. Yes he/she/it can be unique, but will it?
As far as want, if we dont get Ridley, I would like anything from that series. my want for Ridley is very high, so that's why the rating is as such.

Dr. Mario: 4.6%

Goemon x5


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Dr. Mario can have his own moveset guys, stop being extremely ignorant.
Problem with Doc is that as a stand-alone character with a completely unique moveset he has no reason to get in. At least as a semi-clone he makes sense and is an easy addition, which is the whole reason he even made it into Smash to begin with. The Doc can't outprioritize other potential newcomers, which is why he's being rated low in predictions.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Dark Samus
Chances: 5% Her time has unfortunately passed as her popularity has dropped since Brawl and it doesn't look like she'll be resurfacing soon in the Metroid series.
Want: 35% Cool character, but I don't really want her in.

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
Dark Samus

Chance: 10% - Behind Ridley, she seems most likely for a Metroid newcomer. But it is generally considered Ridley or Bust.

Want: 50% - Indifferent.

Dr.Mario Prediction: 10% - Not seen as a likely character to return.

Daroach x5


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Dark Samus
Chance: 4% - Just another Anti-character. If she gets in, then Shadow Link, Shadow Mario, Blood Falcon, and Dark Pit also have a chance.
Want: 13% - I don't really know much about her.

Dr. Mario prediction: 23%

Nominations: Aeron x5


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I've done the noms, but I'll get to the day ending thing later tonight.

groose's profile pic:
and here is the evolving Groose in the wild, starting all the way from a young pup, he is just an ordinary Groose, but after a while of growing and evolving he gains some personality and evolves into the godotroose, the Groose form of godot, but then the Groose takes on a weird experimental phase, showing all sorts of cosplay to express his ideas, but then the Groose finally matures now, where he has became the groosniater, where he walks around on the boards with his head high and his shades shiny, but the Groose isn't done evolving yet, please come to next weeks episode to learn more about the evolving Groose in its natural habitat next, time on the "forms documentary"
this is your host "Wolf" signing off!
(sorry Groose, but I had to make some sort of comment to your evolving avatar's)
First avatar: random, smug looking picture of Groose.
Second avatar: terrible, terrible Godot-Groose fusion I made in five minutes on MS Paint.
Third avatar: awesome Godot-Groose fusion SchAlternate made for me on Illustrator or Photoshop.
Fourth Avatar: A picture of me cosplaying Groose irl.
Fifth Avatar: Dem shades.
Sixth Avatar: It's a secret to everyone.

I bet that this was his reaction when his votes got removed:
Oh dear lord. I stopped after a few posts.

Fixed with better image.

Looks like I've run out of characters to nominate.... Roy x 5
Psst... you.

Yeah, you. Herr Moderator. I'm going to start renominating Tingle soon... I suggest you do the same. Also, word on the street is you can make polls disappear. You make the one at the top of this thread disappear, and I make your name appear in the special thanks of the OP.

We got a deal?​


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
I've done the noms, but I'll get to the day ending thing later tonight.

First avatar: random, smug looking picture of Groose.
Second avatar: terrible, terrible Godot-Groose fusion I made in five minutes on MS Paint.
Third avatar: awesome Godot-Groose fusion SchAlternate made for me on Illustrator or Photoshop.
Fourth Avatar: A picture of me cosplaying Groose irl.
Fifth Avatar: Dem shades.
Sixth Avatar: It's a secret to everyone.
well I only saw the third avatar and up, I just guessed for your first one, and I think I should be grateful I didn't see avatar number two,
and that was you cosplaying Groose, . . .
. . .
you looked good mate :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Model notes: My model predicts 1.66 slots and 2.22 move sets... which is a little strange. I take that to mean Metroid probably deserves another slot, but maybe not as much as you'd think since ZSS is a separate move set. I'd boost the chances for Metroid a little higher due to the very high demand for Ridley, so I'd go on the high end of that. But that's pretty much all Ridley, not a lot of room for Dark Samus.

That's one of the shortcomings of statistics, Erimir. They're very useful things, and I'm very glad that you're putting them to use here, but they can't account for EVERYTHING. Metroid hasn't sold particularly great, but it has some things up its sleeve that kind of throw off your calculations. First of all, it's a critically acclaimed series. Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are pretty regular customers on "Top 50 Games of All Time" lists; other games in the series are also noted for quality. While critical acclaim isn't anywhere near as important as sales, it does need to be considered.

Another thing that needs to be considered is the cultural impact Metrioid has. It's impossible to measure cultural impact on any mathematical model. Let me just put it this way: Mario, Pokemon, Wii, DK, and Zelda are leagues apart from any other Nintendo series in terms of both impact and sales, but I'd make the case that Metroid takes sixth place in impact (it's in competition with Kirby, methinks). You see pixelated Metroids in places you'd never expect, and most people seem to recognize Samus (and a good many know her gender). I do concede that it may have less of an impact in Japan, but the developers are certainly aware that it's a big deal here in the West, bigger perhaps than its sales imply.

There's also the fact that the franchise considerable overlap with the "core" Smash community, and the very nature of the Metroid characters appeals to the casual community ("Oh boy, mommy, I want to play as this big dragon. He can take Bowser down, I'm sure of it!"). Now, I'd say it would make more sense to introduce a Metroid character than one from something like Fire Emblem or Mother; the nature of the characters available make them more likely to be hits. A casual is probable to like a cool guy with a sword or a cute little magic boy, but I'd say they'd gravitate even moreso to the giant purple dragon.

Now, please don't take me for a Metroid fanboy; I'm anything but that. When I was a lad, I played and vaguely enjoyed the first two Prime games, but I didn't consider them anything special (I obviously have to go back and play them again now that I'm older). Metroid Fusion and Super Metroid were great games, as was the original, but they're FAR from my favorites of all time. Noneteheless, I see the cultural impact of the series and I note that another character is fitting; I think Ridley would be amazing to play as, so I'm supporting him.

Long rant aside...

Dark Samus: 5%
She's in THIRD place as far as Metroid newcomers go. Ridley is the obvious favorite and the only one I really think has a solid chance to make the cut. That said, I'd place Adam Malkovitch above Dark Samus. He has both relevance and seniority over Dark Samus; everything Metroid that we've seen so far has been Other M, too. I don't know why Sakurai would choose Dark Samus. She could have potential and is pretty well liked, but really... her support pales in comparison to a certain other enemy and she's not exactly a series icon. I just don't see it happening... Ridley or bust, with maybe a hint of Adam Malkovitch sprinkled in.

Dark Samus Want: 33%
I wouldn't say no, but I certainly wouldn't be saying yes. Her chances are pretty much mutually exclusive with those of my number two character, Ridley, so.... Also take into account that she'd share a lot of similarities with Samus, but at least she'd have a good amount of potential for uniqueness. All in all, a decent character that would be somewhat fun to play as, but... this work could have been put to a better cause.

Doctor Mario: 2.46%
The reveal of alternate costumes killed off his chance of a separate slot. Most people think that, anyway.

Groose x5



Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Dark Samus (Metroid)
7.94% chance
26.32% want

That chance score is barely over a tenth of Ridley's chance score, and that want score is less than a third of Ridley's want score. OUCH. Well, on the bright side, Dark Samus doubled Anthony Higgs in both chance and want. Sorry, Diddy.

The Doctor is IN! His prescription? KO's and a fun-filled day of Rate Their Chances! Today we'll be rating Doctor Mario in both chance and want. Keep in mind--when we rate characters, we rate only their chance of appearing as their own slot or as an important transformation. We are not including alternate costumes in this score; if you want to do see how that would pan out, start nominating that as a concept. "Extensive Alternate Costumes" is already on its way to 100 nominations.

Speaking of concepts, I have one for you today! We're going to be rating the chance that a character from the Rhythm Heaven franchise makes it into Smash. We've previously rated Karate Joe and Rhythm Monkey to middling results, but the nature of the Rhythm Heaven games makes the selection for Smash somewhat unpredictable. The Rhyhtm Heaven games function a bit like WarioWare, you see: there are lots of interesting characters who aren't exactly mascots; none of them are particularly requested for Smash, but there is a notable pocket of fans who'd want someone from the series. So, without further ado, please rate the chance and want of a Rhythm Heaven character.

Tomorrow we'll be rating a real knucklehead. That's right: Knuckles is up to the plate tomorrow. Do you think he'll be too concerned with his Master Emerald to embark on the Smash path? Please predict how Knuckles will fare in tomorrow's game. GoldenIcarus wins five noms today.

Finally, a brief note from the Groosenator: this day will be extended for quite some time. I'm warning you in advance, the next time I'll be physically able to update is Saturday at the earliest; it's also largely possible that I won't be able to update until Sunday. I apologize for the inconvenience; I do the best I can to update regularly, but it's simply a fact that no one is infallible. I suggest you spend the extra time just doing some debating, maybe talk about the Results section of the OP or talking about what to nominate. Don't let the thread die while I miss some time. Anyway, that's all for me. Get rating!

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven

Chance: 2.5%
Well, with Sakurai wanting more unique characters for Smash 4 and costume changes looking like a reality, I don't see the Doc getting his own character slot.

Want: 75%
I like Dr. Mario. A lot. He's one of my favorite clones, just because he's kind of different and out there. That being said, I don't think that he should return if he gets in the way of another Mario rep like Paper Mario (whom would be hurt most of all by the Doc's inclusion). I would be perfectly content with Dr. Mario returning, but as a costume of Mario with a few texture changes on the attacks.


Chance: 4%
Rhythm Heaven is turning into a considerably big Nintendo franchise, with 2 games in a few years, so it doesn't seem too farfetched to get a Rhythm Heaven character somewhere down the road. Unfortunately, there are other franchises that should and will be considered before Rhythm Heaven.

Want: 65%
It depends who it is. Most suggestions don't catch my interest, but the Wrestler is a great idea that I would love to see.

Knuckles Prediction: 3.25%
Poor Knux. Just the glories of being a Sonic character I suppose.

Starfy x5
(Oh and Groose? Were there seriously no noms for Starfy before I nominated him?)


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Dr. Mario Chance: 24.56% I think the Doc has a solid chance of coming back, but only if time is running out.
Dr. Mario Want: 56% I think he could be revamped, I'm pretty curious, I might like him better than Melee's.
Rhythm Heaven Chance: 13% I really not sure what stance to say about Rhythm Heaven.
Rhythm Heaven want: 67% Incorporating music into a moveset would be alot of fun.
Knuckles Prediction: 2.53% Meh, I prefer Tails.
x5 Nintendog


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
(Oh and Groose? Were there seriously no noms for Starfy before I nominated him?)
Well, we had already rated him. Most of the people that nominated him in the first place haven't really been seen since August or so, so he hasn't really had any momentum in renomination.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Dr. Mario​
Chance 5% If by some miracle he decides to bring back all of Melee's cast he's included in the package.​
Want 5% Dr. Mario was cool but i'd rather the Dr. outfit be Mario's alternate costume.​
Rhythm Heaven character​
chance 45% Similar to Wii Fit getting the trainer, it is one of the newer series too. I think the wrestler, Karate Joe,or the black haired girl would be the most appropriate character of the bunch.​
want 55% Would be interested if it is one the three I mentioned above.​

x5 Funky Kong


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
2% ehhhh
Want: 0% eeeehhhhhhhhhhhh

Rhythm Heaven
Chance: 15% ehhhhhh
Want: 50% eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh

Hammer Bros x3
Bulborb x2

Deleted member

Dr. Mario
Chance: 1%
The veteran status and Forbidden 7 saves him for getting a zero. But, why should Dr. Mario be re-added? While he can decloned, it's not well-worth the effort. Since Melee, Dr. Mario has been gaining competition. He has to deal with the already popular Toad and the most likely Bowser Jr. He's had these problems before in Brawl, but I find them worse here. Pre-Brawl, we all knew that there were going to be cuts from the Melee cast and Dr. Mario was one of the most likely to go. Now, not only does he have to deal with Toad and Bowser Jr., but also Mewtwo and Roy. Mewtwo and Roy are the most requested cut Melee veterans and among some of the most requested characters worldwide. It has come to a point where Dr. Mario is heavily overshadowed by potential Mario newcomers, Mewtwo, and Roy. It also seems to be a waste too and a big slap in the face for those who wanted a new Mario character or Mewtwo and/or Roy. Dr. Mario, along with Pichu and Young Link, barely get any requests for their return. What also hurts him is the fact that alternate costumes are now confirmed. While Dr. Mario is a part of the Forbidden 7, we don't know what role he would serve. Sure, he's there, but that doesn't mean he was going to be playable. In fact, I bet that he was going to be an alternate costume for Mario as that would be the most logical move for Sakurai and his team. It seems likely to be the case here, too. Overall, there are a lot of preventing factors for Dr. Mario and I think that he will either be an alternate costume for Mario or nothing at all.
Want: 0%
The Melee veteran I want to return is Mewtwo and the Mario newcomer I want is Bowser Jr. If Dr. Mario got in and those two didn't, then I would be livid as he would be a waste of roster space for not only those characters, but for other potential newcomers and veterans. I don't like having two of the same character on the roster and seeing Dr. Mario would make me mad.
On a side note however, if we were rating him as an alternate costume, then I would give him a 100% want. I've had memories with Dr. Mario as he was the character that I used to get the Crazy Hand trophy and Mew trophy (and maybe the Master Hand trophy? I can't remember). If he was an alternate costume, then my mind would be bursting with nostalgia and I would love to play as Dr. Mario.
Him taking up a roster spot would be a waste, but him being an alternate costume would be genius. When Mario is Dr. Mario, they could give Mario Dr. Mario's properties (Megavitamins, electric side smash, etc.). It's probably not that hard to do either. If the Project M team can pull that off, then I bet Sakurai and his team can.

Wow… that was longer than I intended.

Rhythm Heaven Rep
Chance: Abstain
I dunno the series very well, so I am not gonna bother.
Want: 0%
Not against it, but I am not interested.

Knuckles Prediction: 1.85%
SmashBoards' boy is Roy. But, my boy Knuckles is gonna have a hard time since I doubt Sakurai would give Sonic more representation. I bet there will be that one person who is going to reference the Sonic Heroes track playing on Sonic's trailer to be a factor.

Nominations: Ninten 5x
Sweet harmony...

Spears In Smash Bros.

Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2013
Dr. Mario 3%
They're probably not going to bring him back, even if someone can come up with a new moveset.

Want: 4.5%
He wasn't that much more fun to play as in Melee as Mario, despite the stylin' lab coat.

Rhythm Heaven rep: 7%

Want: 15%

Knuckles prediction: 0.63%

Klonoa x5


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Worst Doctor Ever.

+Still is kind of relevant
+Has ability to not be a clone
+-A form of Mario, which can backfire.
-Clone still likely
-Alternate Costumes murder him. Seriously. Look at Project M. There's not going to be a Dr. Mario character because unlike all of the other characters (excluding Link, mind you) that were clones, they weren't alternate versions of characters, and the Doctor is just an alternate. I expect a similar instance since we have the Male WFT as an alternate for Female WFT.

Overall... If alternate costumes weren't a thing and slots for these kinds of characters weren't limited, then he'd have a shot. Unfortunately, in this reality, the Doctor has to face these odds, and his pills [read: OF COMPLETE LIES ON MAKING YOU FEEL BETTER] aren't going to save him here. He's unfortunately also likely to end up as a clone. Giving him 3%.

Want: As an alternate Costume? Oh, heck yeah!
As an actual character?
1%. By now, you guys all know that I'm no fan of alternate versions of characters. Sans Link.

Rhythm Heaven Rep (oo, Concepts!)

Concept: I'll be doing something different for this one, back to an older style of rating.

Chances: With RH being a moreso less known franchise, it's unlikely that we will recieve a character due to the randomness of it, the game has no real "Mascot." But us recieving a stage based on the series? Yeah, that's likely. But this is about characters, right? So I'm giving it a 7%.

Want: 30%- I like the Series, it's always piqued my interest. But I'd be contempt with just a stage or AT or whatnot... I don't have it prioritized.

Knuckles, the man who values giant gems as much as Scrooge McDuck values gold

I'm predicting a 2.3%. Yes, Knuckles is well known, popular, but third party slots are limited. Besides, we'd likely get Tails first.

Who gets my nominations today?
BluePikmin11 with Nintendog, that's who! X5


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2013
Dr. Mario
Likelihood: 5%

Want: 0%

Rhythm Heaven Rep
Likelihood: 5%

Want: 50% (Indifferent)

Prediction: 4%

Krystal x5


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2013
A Red mushroom a day, keeps Dr. Mario away.
Chance: 1%
Not as a character.

Want: .5%

Rhythem Heaven rep:
Chance: 4%

Want: .40%

Prediction for Knuckles: 1.11%
Who knows what people will be rating him...

Pac Man x5


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
:drmario: - 0.15%
dr. Mario was gone from brawl, mainly and possibly due to time constraints, he was a clone, and he is a less wanted and unimportant character, if that wasn't the final nail in his coffin, then alt. costume was, the only thing I give him was that I believe his data was on brawls disc,
want - 20%
not really one of my favorites, but I did like the pill that got shot out of him back in melee:)
rhythm rep - 3.45%
to my memory, rhythm haven is an unlikely series, that alone is enough, most likely we'll just see trophies, or maybe an assist trophy at best
want - 0%
I have never heard of it before I got on this site, so naturally I don't want one
knuckles - 3.33%
I don't know, I figure it'll go about 3% but that's about it
dark pitX1


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
Rerate Character
Dr. Mario
Chance: .5% Hahaha...ju...hahaha...st...hahaha...NO!
Want: .5% Nope.

Rhythm Heaven Character
Chance: 10%
Want: 5% I hate Warioware series and the musical games so not even interested on the characters or even to play it.

Knuckles: 5.55%

Travis Touchdown x 5



Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Rhythm Heaven want: Incorporating music into a moveset would be alot of fun.
Forgot a percentage there. Might want to fix that. ;)


Dr. Mario

Chance - 8.5% - I do think Sakurai would consider re-adding him at one point or another. An alt-costume seems possible, but I'm not 100% certain if he will appear like that. While he's hardly something we can count on, if Sakurai plans on returning as many veterans as possible, he'd be the third Melee Veteran to be un-cut.

Want - 55% - I don't care much for him, but his appearance would make it seem as if Mewtwo and Roy, at minimum, would return. This is enough for me to like him appearing by proxy.

Rhythm Heaven Character

Chance - 9.5% - Quite low. While there are many possible characters, it's hard to say if it will not revive one and not just be represented by an Assist Trophy or stage instead (though we will definitely get something) . Perhaps if the concept of a rhythm-based character caught Sakurai's fancy, we may get a character. They're badly out competed, though.

On a side note, if I were to order them from most to least likely, I would say the characters would be Karate Joe, the girl on the title screen, a monkey, Marshal, the Dog Barista, and last would be Wrestler X, with the Wandering Samurai somewhere between Joe and the monkey. Anyone else has practically no chance.

Want - 78% - The concept of a rhythm-based character interests me. I only really support Joe, though I will accept the girl. I can't imagine anyone else would work out for the series, though. I consider the motions of the game to be more memorable than any character or object, so someone who is general enough to act as a composite like Joe and the girl would be best.

Knuckles the Echidna Prediction - 0.15% - Somewhere between Omastar and Cole. As of now, I can only see one character that can beat Cole as the bottom of the bottom, and he ain't it.

Hades X3
Dark Matter X2

Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Dr. Mario's chances: 3% - Has a good shot of being an alternate costume. Don't see him returning as a separate character, though.
Want: 0% - I thought he was a disappointing pick in Melee and he ended up being one of my least favorite characters to play as. However, I'm all for him being an alternate costume.

Rhythm Heaven character: 5% - Not impossible, still not very likely.
Want: 50%

Knuckles prediction: 0.98%

Prince Sable x5


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Dr. Mario chances: 5%
Want: 40% cool, but it's kinda too cloney for my liking. if he can have an original moveset, then that's way better.

Rhythm Heaven character: 70% It's a high chance rhythm heaven will get a rep, but I seriously doubt anyone else here thinks so. it's probably going to be Marshall.
Want: 90% awesome

Knuckles: 2.6%

Mona x3
Eevee x2

Deleted member

I absolutely love this game. But, do you know the worst part about this thread? Let's say you want to know how well a character did on their day, but you have trouble finding their day. It's a pain, right? Or how about finding that post that you made about a character that is currently getting re-rated? Also a pain. So, with major patience, I have compiled the beginning of every single day thus far. From the first day on the old thread with nominating characters to what we are rating now here.

DAY 1 Nominations
DAY 1 Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer
DAY 2 Palutena
DAY 3 Ridley
DAY 4 Isaac
DAY 5 King K. Rool
DAY 6 Shulk
DAY 7 Dixie Kong
DAY 8 Pac-Man
DAY 9 Toon Link
DAY 10 Mewtwo
DAY 11 Krystal
DAY 12 Little Mac
DAY 13 Bowser Jr.
DAY 14 Paper Mario
DAY 15 Lucina
DAY 16 Roy
DAY 17 Mii
DAY 18 Owain
DAY 19 Takamaru
DAY 20 Lucario
DAY 21 Ice Climbers
DAY 22 Bandana Dee
DAY 23 Jigglypuff
DAY 24 Lyn
DAY 25 Chrom
DAY 26 Toad
DAY 27 Tingle
DAY 28 Sandbag
DAY 29 Ike
DAY 30 Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 31 Dillon
DAY 32 Waluigi
DAY 33 Pokemon Trainer Red and New Pokemon Trainer
DAY 34 Geno
DAY 35 R.O.B.
DAY 36 Ganondorf
DAY 37 Zoroark
DAY 38 Simon Belmont
DAY 39 Masked Man
DAY 40 Vaati
DAY 41 Saki
DAY 42 Medusa
DAY 43 Starfy
DAY 44 Karate Joe AND Ridley
DAY 45 Samurai Goroh
DAY 46 Lucas
DAY 47 Robin
DAY 48 Sonic the Hedgehog
DAY 49 Genesect
DAY 50 Chibi-Robo
DAY 51 Porky
DAY 52 Skull Kid
DAY 53 Lip AND Roy
DAY 54 Professor Layton
DAY 55 Falco
DAY 56 Bomberman
DAY 57 Kamek
DAY 58 Slime
DAY 59 Solid Snake
DAY 60 Mr. Game & Watch
DAY 61 Impa AND Bowser Jr.
DAY 62 Meowth
DAY 63 Duck Hunt Dog
DAY 64 Ghirahim
DAY 65 Rayman AND Dixie Kong
DAY 66 Ashley
DAY 67 Sylveon
DAY 68 Anthony Higgs
DAY 69 Mach Rider
DAY 70 Lloyd Irving
DAY 71 Mike Jones
DAY 72 Primid
DAY 73 Cloud Strife
DAY 74 Black Shadow
DAY 75 Chrom & Lucina
DAY 76 Anna
DAY 77 Wolf AND Lucario
DAY 78 Tom Nook AND Toad
DAY 79 Ephraim
DAY 80 Wonder Red AND Ridley
DAY 81 Sukapon AND Little Mac
DAY 82 Andy
DAY 83 Phoenix Wright
DAY 84 Mask Link (With Deku, Goron, and Zora Masks)
DAY 85 Chancellor Cole
DAY 86 Tharja
DAY 87 Neku & Shiki AND 4 Donkey Kong Characters
DAY 88 Rhythm Monkey AND No Brawl Cuts
DAY 89 Fawful AND King K. Rool
DAY 90 Sheik AND Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 91 Victini
DAY 92 Yarne
DAY 93 Donbe & Hikari
DAY 94 Daisy
DAY 95 Captain Rainbow
DAY 96 Ray
DAY 97 Omastar AND Palutena
DAY 98 Dr. Kawashima
DAY 99 Rosalina AND Bandana Dee
DAY 100 Captain Syrup AND Waluigi
DAY 101 Pauline AND Paper Mario
DAY 102 Dark Samus
DAY 103 Dr. Mario AND A Rhythm Heaven Character
DAY 104 Knuckles AND Lucina
DAY 105 Aeron AND Overhauled Yoshi
DAY 106 Excitebiker
DAY 107 Klonoa
DAY 108 Matthew
DAY 109 Ninten
DAY 110 Groose
DAY 111 Tails
DAY 112 Travis Touchdown
DAY 113 Goemon
DAY 114 Hades
DAY 115 Rosalina Satisfaction
DAY 116 Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer Satisfaction
DAY 117 Nintendog AND Tingle
DAY 118 Ganon AND Roy
DAY 119 Blaziken, Brawl Pokemon and Mewtwo, AND Most Overrated
DAY 120 Eevee AND Most Underrated
DAY 121 Cranky Kong, Bandana Dee, AND 3 Favorite Days
DAY 122 Banjo-Kazooie AND Most Entertaining Poster
DAY 123 Prince Sable AND Decloned Ganondorf
DAY 124 Dark Matter AND Slime
DAY 125 Quote AND Chrom
DAY 126 Pichu AND Extensive Alternate Costumes
DAY 127 Count Bleck AND Krystal
DAY 128 Daitoryo AND DLC Characters
DAY 129 Zero AND Robin
DAY 130 Muddy Mole AND Isaac
DAY 131 Reggie
DAY 132 Micaiah, Bowser Jr., AND Bowser Jr. with Shadow Mario
DAY 133 Scrooge McDuck AND Bomberman
DAY 134 Bayonetta AND Ike
DAY 135 Mona AND Dr. Mario Stage
DAY 136 Ryu AND Shulk
DAY 137 Magnus AND Six Mario Characters
DAY 138 Dark Pit AND Toad
DAY 139 Jimmy T. AND Sheik
DAY 140 Rhythm Wrestler AND Pokemon Assist Trophy
DAY 141 Nightmare AND Palutena
DAY 142 Yarne & Owain Tag Team AND Saki
DAY 143 Slippy AND Mewtwo
DAY 144 Funky Kong AND Tetris Stage
DAY 145 Tiny Kong AND Spear User
DAY 146 Young Link AND Kirby's Epic Yarn Stage
DAY 147 Harry AND Gyromite Stage
DAY 148 Amaterasu AND Promoted Assist Trophy
DAY 149 Leon AND Pokemon Trainer Pokemon (No Trainer)
DAY 150 Reyn AND Dixie Kong
DAY 151 Plasm Wraith AND Lyn
DAY 152 Black Mage AND Pokemon Trainer Red
DAY 153 Little Mac Satisfaction
DAY 154 Previously Revealed Newcomers Satisfaction
DAY 155 Chef Kawasaki AND Super Mario 3D World Stage
DAY 156 Master Hand AND Playable Boss Mode
DAY 157 Stork AND Zelda Newcomer
DAY 158 Bulborb AND Ridley
DAY 159 King Boo AND Rhythm Heaven Stage
DAY 160 Tetra AND No Namco Newcomer
DAY 161 Diskun AND Pac-Man
DAY 162 Goku AND Wolf
DAY 163 Grovyle AND King K. Rool
DAY 164 Louie AND Takamaru
DAY 165 Athena Cykes AND Nutty Noon
DAY 166 Professor E. Gadd AND Improved Stage Builder
DAY 167 Midna AND Cookie Country
DAY 168 Isa AND Meowth
DAY 169 Zael AND Mii
DAY 170 Alph AND Bowser's Castle
DAY 171 Magolor AND Fatal Frame Representation
DAY 172 Sora AND Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 173 Balloon Fighter AND Gangplank Galleon
DAY 174 Sheriff AND Shulk
DAY 175 Adam Malkovich AND Two DK Newcomers
DAY 176 Alph/Brittany/Charlie AND Non-Character Hanafuda Representation
DAY 177 Alexandra Roivas AND Sandbag
DAY 178 Shantae AND Unlockable Newcomers
DAY 179 Shadow the Hedgehog AND Paper Mario
DAY 180 Goku AND Hades
DAY 181 Arino AND Other M Ridley
DAY 182 Jack Frost AND Paper Mario Stage
DAY 183 Panther AND Dillon
DAY 184 Wild Gunman AND Omastar
DAY 185 Kunio-Kun/Alex AND Solid Snake
DAY 186 Happy Mask Salesman and RTC Top 10 Assist Trophy
DAY 187 Isabelle AND <10% Character is Playable
DAY 188 Hero of Light AND Captain Rainbow
DAY 189 Lupus AND Lip
DAY 190 Tiki AND Zoroark
DAY 191 Pre-SSB4 Direct Review: Most Overrated and Most Underrated
DAY 192 Pre-SSB4 Direct Review: Most Hyping and Most Deflating Moments
DAY 193 Pre-SSB4 Direct Review: Most Expected and Most Wanted Newcomers for the Direct
DAY 194 Pre-SSB4 Direct Review: "Predicting the Direct"

Here is a link to GameFAQs's Rate Their Chances for Brawl provided by Groose:
Here is a link to an old Rate Their Chances thread on GameFAQs for SSB4 provided by PaulKagebein:

Unless there are issues with character space, I will also keep updating this post as we get into more and more days. If you think that this would be a smart idea, I will be glad to do it. This post just needs to be linked on the original post, however.
I mostly did this because I love this game, for stupid chuckles seeing characters that did poorly, looking back old posts for re-rates, and for convenience to find out how well a character did on their day.
If there are any issues, let me know!
Last edited by a moderator:


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
I absolutely love this game. But, do you know the worst part about this thread? Let's say you want to know how well a character did on their day, but you have trouble finding their day. It's a pain, right? So, with major patience, I have compiled the beginning of every single day thus far. From the first day on the old thread with nominating characters to what we are rating now here.

DAY 1 Nominations
DAY 1 Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer
DAY 2 Palutena
DAY 3 Ridley
DAY 4 Issac
DAY 5 King K. Rool
DAY 6 Shulk
DAY 7 Dixie Kong
DAY 8 Pac-Man
DAY 9 Toon Link
DAY 10 Mewtwo
DAY 11 Krystal
DAY 12 Little Mac
DAY 13 Bowser Jr.
DAY 14 Paper Mario
DAY 15 Lucina
DAY 16 Roy
DAY 17 Mii
DAY 18 Owain
DAY 19 Takamaru
DAY 20 Lucario
DAY 21 Ice Climbers
DAY 22 Bandana Dee
DAY 23 Jigglypuff
DAY 24 Lyn
DAY 25 Chrom
DAY 26 Toad
DAY 27 Tingle
DAY 28 Sandbag
DAY 29 Ike
DAY 30 Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 31 Dillon
DAY 32 Waluigi
DAY 33 Pokemon Trainer Red and New Pokemon Trainer
DAY 34 Geno
DAY 35 R.O.B.
DAY 36 Ganondorf
DAY 37 Zoroark
DAY 38 Simon Belmont
DAY 39 Masked Man
DAY 40 Vaati
DAY 41 Saki
DAY 42 Medusa
DAY 43 Starfy
DAY 44 Karate Joe AND Ridley
DAY 45 Samurai Goroh
DAY 46 Lucas
DAY 47 Robin
DAY 48 Sonic the Hedgehog
DAY 49 Genesect
DAY 50 Chibi-Robo
DAY 51 Porky
DAY 52 Skull Kid
DAY 53 Lip AND Roy
DAY 54 Professor Layton
DAY 55 Falco
DAY 56 Bomberman
DAY 57 Kamek
DAY 58 Slime
DAY 59 Solid Snake
DAY 60 Mr. Game & Watch
DAY 61 Impa AND Bowser Jr.
DAY 62 Meowth
DAY 63 Duck Hunt Dog
DAY 64 Ghirahim
DAY 65 Rayman AND Dixie Kong
DAY 66 Ashley
DAY 67 Sylveon
DAY 68 Anthony Higgs
DAY 69 Mach Rider
DAY 70 Lloyd Irving
DAY 71 Mike Jones
DAY 72 Primid
DAY 73 Cloud Strife
DAY 74 Black Shadow
DAY 75 Chrom & Lucina
DAY 76 Anna
DAY 77 Wolf AND Lucario
DAY 78 Tom Nook AND Toad
DAY 79 Ephraim
DAY 80 Wonder Red AND Ridley
DAY 81 Sukapon AND Little Mac
DAY 82 Andy
DAY 83 Phoenix Wright
DAY 84 Mask Link (With Deku, Goron, and Zora Masks)
DAY 85 Chancellor Cole
DAY 86 Tharja
DAY 87 Neku & Shiki AND 4 Donkey Kong Characters
DAY 88 Rhythm Monkey AND No Brawl Cuts
DAY 89 Fawful AND King K. Rool
DAY 90 Sheik AND Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 91 Victini
DAY 92 Yarne
DAY 93 Donbe & Hikari
DAY 94 Daisy
DAY 95 Captain Rainbow
DAY 96 Ray
DAY 97 Omastar AND Palutena
DAY 98 Dr. Kawashima
DAY 99 Rosalina AND Bandana Dee
DAY 100 Captain Syrup AND Waluigi
DAY 101 Pauline AND Paper Mario
DAY 102 Dark Samus
DAY 103 Dr. Mario AND A Rhythm Heaven Character

Unless there are issues with character space, I will also keep updating this post as we get into more and more days. If you think that this would be a smart idea, I will be glad to do it. This post just needs to be linked on the original post, however.
I mostly did this because I love this game, for stupid chuckles seeing characters that did poorly, looking back old posts for re-rates, and for convenience to find out how well a character did on their day.
If there are any issues, let me know!
Holy Macarena! Thats a lot of work O_O.
Really nice, if i could give you 1000 likes I will do it. Seriously nice work there.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
I absolutely love this game. But, do you know the worst part about this thread? Let's say you want to know how well a character did on their day, but you have trouble finding their day. It's a pain, right? So, with major patience, I have compiled the beginning of every single day thus far. From the first day on the old thread with nominating characters to what we are rating now here.

DAY 1 Nominations
DAY 1 Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer
DAY 2 Palutena
DAY 3 Ridley
DAY 4 Issac
DAY 5 King K. Rool
DAY 6 Shulk
DAY 7 Dixie Kong
DAY 8 Pac-Man
DAY 9 Toon Link
DAY 10 Mewtwo
DAY 11 Krystal
DAY 12 Little Mac
DAY 13 Bowser Jr.
DAY 14 Paper Mario
DAY 15 Lucina
DAY 16 Roy
DAY 17 Mii
DAY 18 Owain
DAY 19 Takamaru
DAY 20 Lucario
DAY 21 Ice Climbers
DAY 22 Bandana Dee
DAY 23 Jigglypuff
DAY 24 Lyn
DAY 25 Chrom
DAY 26 Toad
DAY 27 Tingle
DAY 28 Sandbag
DAY 29 Ike
DAY 30 Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 31 Dillon
DAY 32 Waluigi
DAY 33 Pokemon Trainer Red and New Pokemon Trainer
DAY 34 Geno
DAY 35 R.O.B.
DAY 36 Ganondorf
DAY 37 Zoroark
DAY 38 Simon Belmont
DAY 39 Masked Man
DAY 40 Vaati
DAY 41 Saki
DAY 42 Medusa
DAY 43 Starfy
DAY 44 Karate Joe AND Ridley
DAY 45 Samurai Goroh
DAY 46 Lucas
DAY 47 Robin
DAY 48 Sonic the Hedgehog
DAY 49 Genesect
DAY 50 Chibi-Robo
DAY 51 Porky
DAY 52 Skull Kid
DAY 53 Lip AND Roy
DAY 54 Professor Layton
DAY 55 Falco
DAY 56 Bomberman
DAY 57 Kamek
DAY 58 Slime
DAY 59 Solid Snake
DAY 60 Mr. Game & Watch
DAY 61 Impa AND Bowser Jr.
DAY 62 Meowth
DAY 63 Duck Hunt Dog
DAY 64 Ghirahim
DAY 65 Rayman AND Dixie Kong
DAY 66 Ashley
DAY 67 Sylveon
DAY 68 Anthony Higgs
DAY 69 Mach Rider
DAY 70 Lloyd Irving
DAY 71 Mike Jones
DAY 72 Primid
DAY 73 Cloud Strife
DAY 74 Black Shadow
DAY 75 Chrom & Lucina
DAY 76 Anna
DAY 77 Wolf AND Lucario
DAY 78 Tom Nook AND Toad
DAY 79 Ephraim
DAY 80 Wonder Red AND Ridley
DAY 81 Sukapon AND Little Mac
DAY 82 Andy
DAY 83 Phoenix Wright
DAY 84 Mask Link (With Deku, Goron, and Zora Masks)
DAY 85 Chancellor Cole
DAY 86 Tharja
DAY 87 Neku & Shiki AND 4 Donkey Kong Characters
DAY 88 Rhythm Monkey AND No Brawl Cuts
DAY 89 Fawful AND King K. Rool
DAY 90 Sheik AND Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 91 Victini
DAY 92 Yarne
DAY 93 Donbe & Hikari
DAY 94 Daisy
DAY 95 Captain Rainbow
DAY 96 Ray
DAY 97 Omastar AND Palutena
DAY 98 Dr. Kawashima
DAY 99 Rosalina AND Bandana Dee
DAY 100 Captain Syrup AND Waluigi
DAY 101 Pauline AND Paper Mario
DAY 102 Dark Samus
DAY 103 Dr. Mario AND A Rhythm Heaven Character

Unless there are issues with character space, I will also keep updating this post as we get into more and more days. If you think that this would be a smart idea, I will be glad to do it. This post just needs to be linked on the original post, however.
I mostly did this because I love this game, for stupid chuckles seeing characters that did poorly, looking back old posts for re-rates, and for convenience to find out how well a character did on their day.
If there are any issues, let me know!
holy crap!
thanks mate!
I really needed this!


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
I absolutely love this game. But, do you know the worst part about this thread? Let's say you want to know how well a character did on their day, but you have trouble finding their day. It's a pain, right? So, with major patience, I have compiled the beginning of every single day thus far. From the first day on the old thread with nominating characters to what we are rating now here.

DAY 1 Nominations
DAY 1 Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer
DAY 2 Palutena
DAY 3 Ridley
DAY 4 Issac
DAY 5 King K. Rool
DAY 6 Shulk
DAY 7 Dixie Kong
DAY 8 Pac-Man
DAY 9 Toon Link
DAY 10 Mewtwo
DAY 11 Krystal
DAY 12 Little Mac
DAY 13 Bowser Jr.
DAY 14 Paper Mario
DAY 15 Lucina
DAY 16 Roy
DAY 17 Mii
DAY 18 Owain
DAY 19 Takamaru
DAY 20 Lucario
DAY 21 Ice Climbers
DAY 22 Bandana Dee
DAY 23 Jigglypuff
DAY 24 Lyn
DAY 25 Chrom
DAY 26 Toad
DAY 27 Tingle
DAY 28 Sandbag
DAY 29 Ike
DAY 30 Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 31 Dillon
DAY 32 Waluigi
DAY 33 Pokemon Trainer Red and New Pokemon Trainer
DAY 34 Geno
DAY 35 R.O.B.
DAY 36 Ganondorf
DAY 37 Zoroark
DAY 38 Simon Belmont
DAY 39 Masked Man
DAY 40 Vaati
DAY 41 Saki
DAY 42 Medusa
DAY 43 Starfy
DAY 44 Karate Joe AND Ridley
DAY 45 Samurai Goroh
DAY 46 Lucas
DAY 47 Robin
DAY 48 Sonic the Hedgehog
DAY 49 Genesect
DAY 50 Chibi-Robo
DAY 51 Porky
DAY 52 Skull Kid
DAY 53 Lip AND Roy
DAY 54 Professor Layton
DAY 55 Falco
DAY 56 Bomberman
DAY 57 Kamek
DAY 58 Slime
DAY 59 Solid Snake
DAY 60 Mr. Game & Watch
DAY 61 Impa AND Bowser Jr.
DAY 62 Meowth
DAY 63 Duck Hunt Dog
DAY 64 Ghirahim
DAY 65 Rayman AND Dixie Kong
DAY 66 Ashley
DAY 67 Sylveon
DAY 68 Anthony Higgs
DAY 69 Mach Rider
DAY 70 Lloyd Irving
DAY 71 Mike Jones
DAY 72 Primid
DAY 73 Cloud Strife
DAY 74 Black Shadow
DAY 75 Chrom & Lucina
DAY 76 Anna
DAY 77 Wolf AND Lucario
DAY 78 Tom Nook AND Toad
DAY 79 Ephraim
DAY 80 Wonder Red AND Ridley
DAY 81 Sukapon AND Little Mac
DAY 82 Andy
DAY 83 Phoenix Wright
DAY 84 Mask Link (With Deku, Goron, and Zora Masks)
DAY 85 Chancellor Cole
DAY 86 Tharja
DAY 87 Neku & Shiki AND 4 Donkey Kong Characters
DAY 88 Rhythm Monkey AND No Brawl Cuts
DAY 89 Fawful AND King K. Rool
DAY 90 Sheik AND Toon Zelda/Tetra
DAY 91 Victini
DAY 92 Yarne
DAY 93 Donbe & Hikari
DAY 94 Daisy
DAY 95 Captain Rainbow
DAY 96 Ray
DAY 97 Omastar AND Palutena
DAY 98 Dr. Kawashima
DAY 99 Rosalina AND Bandana Dee
DAY 100 Captain Syrup AND Waluigi
DAY 101 Pauline AND Paper Mario
DAY 102 Dark Samus
DAY 103 Dr. Mario AND A Rhythm Heaven Character

Unless there are issues with character space, I will also keep updating this post as we get into more and more days. If you think that this would be a smart idea, I will be glad to do it. This post just needs to be linked on the original post, however.
I mostly did this because I love this game, for stupid chuckles seeing characters that did poorly, looking back old posts for re-rates, and for convenience to find out how well a character did on their day.
If there are any issues, let me know!
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Dr. Mario likelihood: 0%
Want: 0%

Rhythm Heaven character likelihood: 20%
Want: 100%

Knuckles: 7.8%


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Chance: 4%
Rhythm Heaven is turning into a considerably big Nintendo franchise, with 2 games in a few years, so it doesn't seem too farfetched to get a Rhythm Heaven character somewhere down the road. Unfortunately, there are other franchises that should and will be considered before Rhythm Heaven.
There are three Rhythm Heaven games actually.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Dr. Mario
Chances - 6%
Somewhat likely, but I feel that the only Melee comeback is Mewtwo, perhaps Roy. Anyone else is really just pushing it, especially with Dr. Mario being one of the more clone-tastic of them

Want - 0%
Does nothing for me and it'd be a waste of a slot just to appeal to Melee nostalgia. Mewtwo I can get behind. Roy, eeeh, don't want it but I guess I can see it. But Dr. Mario? No thanks, if you really want to use him just keep playing Melee.

Rhythm Heaven character
I'm going to be seriously annoyed if the concept rates lower than Karate Joe, because that'd make no sense at all and would just make us all look silly. Thanks to Brawler610 (Fantastic resource, you deserve all of the hugs!) I've even already noticed some people rated Karate Joe higher than the concept of a RH character, although I think it's more in part due to people having much higher rating averages in the first days of the thread.
As for the rating

Chance - 50%
I think it's a seriously likely possibility. As I've mentioned before, I think the fact this is a very western-oriented site means that people completely underestimate the impact of this series, as it's mostly focused in Japan. And yet, it's one of the series that's receiving acknowledgement from Nintendo in a way other fan favorites aren't being acknowledged. There's also the fact that it's twice as successful as both Golden Sun and Sin and Punishment, both of which get extremely optimistic support from people, and more successful than Punch-Out, Starfy (another Japanese-centric character), and Custom Robo (whose Ray received tons of support regardless of relative obscurity), although I admit Punch-Out wins in terms of sheer iconic status.

In terms of recent series, Rhythm Heaven definitely has the success and presence, and in terms of uniqueness it involves incorporating Rhythm mechanics. Arguably, no other Nintendo series could represent Nintendo's music games better as other music-based characters (Ouendan, EBA, Tempo, Barbara the Bat) fall short in comparison to the success of RH.

The last huge argument I notice is that people say there's no iconic RH character, but I call shenanigans on that, and once again place the blame on how poorly known this series is in the west. The characters that stand out in these series have appeared in each installment and are iconic representations of the series as a result. Marshal, Joe, the Monkey, and the girl all have distinct looks and could lend themselves to move-sets that represent the game as a whole. In an era after Villager and Wii Fit Trainer, saying that the series doesn't lend itself to a fighter sells Sakurai and his team short, and completely undermine the fact that they're clearly looking to represent new series.
And let's think about that further ... why would Nintendo not want their star rhythm series represented in Smash Bros? There's no indication that the series won't continue, and inclusion in Smash Bros. means more market penetration and overall better sales.
"Oh, but how do we know Nintendo even cares about the series in the first place?" Because they're still acknowledging it. Golden Sun, and other series ... as far as we know they're hidden under the rug. But Rhythm Heaven still gets references. It gets 3DS puzzle panels and streetpass hats, and while normally that doesn't mean squat, it at least means Nintendo is including this series in its pantheon of franchises, which is more than people give it credit for here.

Lastly, I do want to point out that the idea of a rhythm based moveset is what makes this a 50-50 possibility to me. I feel like it's an idea that'd bounce around development, but ultimately it would depend on if they can execute it or not in a way that's balanced and contributes to the game. If so, then I'm certain we'll see a Rhythm Heaven rep. It not, then I imagine they'll scrap the character but leave us with music and a stage.

Want 100%
Yea, no need to explain this. As far as new series that need representation go, it's Rhythm Heaven and Xenoblade Chronicles/Project Rainfall titles. Don't think anything else new has even come close to the impact of these, aside from casual games like the Wii series, Brain Age and Nintendog, and of these arguably only the Mii could make sense and even then it's only in a very polarizing way.

Knuckles - 1.86%
Most people don't want a Sonic fest, and Knuckles pushes that line.

x5 Excitebiker ... going to help the ones that make the most sense and are close to getting rated.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
San Diego, CA
Dr. Mario

Chance: 7% The only Melee cut characters with an actual chance of returning are Roy and Mewtwo, they should go the Project M route and add Doc's strong traits to Mario and make him Mario's alt, will they do that? Probably not.

Want: 78%

Rhythm Haven Character

Chance: 46%
Want: 80%

Knuckles: 2% Unlikely and even if he did get in, we would have to listen to constant whining of "Why not (Insert Sonic Character here)?!?"

Chrom x5
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