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Project M Social Thread Gold

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
That's not true. The cake I had pictured in mind to bake wasn't a waifu to me, and neither is the pizza I want to eat next week.

Who you calling dirty old man, you perversed waifu lover?
"Waifu lover"? Solely? Old Man, you sell me short. I'm an omnisexual xenophile.



Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
Asking where you went wrong because she won't talk to you after like a day sounds pretty needy.

Whatever answer she gives will probably not be the real thing which made her lose interest since it is a subjective feeling. One that can rarely be put into words.

So what you will get is a generic "You're a great guy and were a great companion for the day" but probably not much else. If she doesn't answer back let it drop and move on.
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Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
That'd probly kill me. I don't know how people can constantly watch such soul-less looking stuff.

I'm currently going through where I thought the date (which was like the whole day) went great concerning connection but she hasn't texted back yet (date was Thursday, I didn't send her a text until today saying "How's it going"). I had this same thing a couple years ago, even though they're down to make out and everything until they leave: something(s) went wrong or something they won't tell you and for that or whatever reason they don't want to see you anymore. I'm questioning how I should follow-up, so tomorrow I could send a message asking what went wrong or call her and ask: I have no clue but I'm definitely not gonna do nothing. There's obviously a few routes I could try here depending on if I want to try and win her back or something or just try to learn the most out of it with what I did wrong, but I don't know which one to chose. If I was honest to her about how she really did feel like the perfect match for me I presume I would look way too needy and stuff, but so far I haven't acted like that on our date or anything: which idk was the right choice or not. I keep hearing you got to look not needy at all and super confident, like you shrug everything off. How inhuman am I suppose to be acting. If I was a smart loser I'd have put my phone on record for the 9 hour thing to try and hear what I did wrong.

I also realized I probly don't get along with this girl co-worker enough to hit on her. Which actually felt like a good thing, even still with this recent learning of probable rejection.

I also started feeling better about blowing that opportunity to hit on that girl who was staring with me while working for minutes straight, but now that this happened I feel a bit less so.

Let her know you'll light press her triggers and if she likes it, tell her you'll press 'em down all the way until they click. Then once you've hard pressed, you'll wavedash behind her and pivot grab into DThrow CG's all night long.
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still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
That'd probly kill me. I don't know how people can constantly watch such soul-less looking stuff.

I'm currently going through where I thought the date (which was like the whole day) went great concerning connection but she hasn't texted back yet (date was Thursday, I didn't send her a text until today saying "How's it going"). I had this same thing a couple years ago, even though they're down to make out and everything until they leave: something(s) went wrong or something they won't tell you and for that or whatever reason they don't want to see you anymore. I'm questioning how I should follow-up, so tomorrow I could send a message asking what went wrong or call her and ask: I have no clue but I'm definitely not gonna do nothing. There's obviously a few routes I could try here depending on if I want to try and win her back or something or just try to learn the most out of it with what I did wrong, but I don't know which one to chose. If I was honest to her about how she really did feel like the perfect match for me I presume I would look way too needy and stuff, but so far I haven't acted like that on our date or anything: which idk was the right choice or not. I keep hearing you got to look not needy at all and super confident, like you shrug everything off. How inhuman am I suppose to be acting. If I was a smart loser I'd have put my phone on record for the 9 hour thing to try and hear what I did wrong.

I also realized I probly don't get along with this girl co-worker enough to hit on her. Which actually felt like a good thing, even still with this recent learning of probable rejection.

I also started feeling better about blowing that opportunity to hit on that girl who was staring with me while working for minutes straight, but now that this happened I feel a bit less so.
Maybe she's busy? I'd give it a day before even thinking about her again. If another day goes by and she still hasn't answered you need to get over her and move on. Contacting her again is pointless. You also gotta move on from the chick that got away, similar situations like that are bound to happen again, so now you know to act on them.

Also, maybe I'm being presumptuous, but I feel like you're taking a lot of dating advice telling you to act a certain way or dress a certain way that isn't you. You should just be yourself around people you're interested in and not "shrug everything off" because finding someone who is attracted to who you actually are is at least 5x better than a superficial relationship.
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Sir Bubbles

Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2014
East Brunswick, NJ
Let her know you'll light press her triggers and if she likes it, tell her you'll press 'em down all the way until they click. Then once you've hard pressed, you'll wavedash behind her and pivot grab into DThrow CG's all night long.
I know that's supposed to be wity, but I don't even know how to respond to that lel.

Topkek m9


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
I'm a bit too tired to get a read on the seriousness of the situation so I'll count myself fortunate to have said that to someone who is okay with it.

Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
No, that is Alec Baldwin motivating you.

If you are going on day long dates which over time sap the girl of her interest and ending up in long heavy petting and make out sessions that go nowhere, you need to rethink what the endgame is and how you get there.
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Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
She probably bailed because you weren't how she imagined you to be once on the date. Texting her again would be a complete waste of effort and surely destroy any chance you had left of making it work, if any.

Any reasonably attractive girl has at least 20 guys waiting at her beck and call. You are not the only one with two eyes and a penis. Some guys are in the same situation as you with her, others may be getting her attention. Fail to make a great impression or differentiate yourself in a great way, and you get ignored. Discarded, forgotten, deemed boring and not worth the time. She is not waiting around wondering when you'll text back. She got your message, saw it was you (and you texted with something as pointless and directionless as "How's it going?"), and ignored it. Maybe there's an off-chance she actually was really busy and couldn't get back to you. Maybe. But are you really gonna bet on that?

Comeback Kid is absolutely right. I can't really see the full situation since your story was kind of hard to read, but if you had an intense make-out session and then left her hanging, she's gonna be disappointed.
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still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
I'm gonna text/call her again tomorrow. Even if she didn't want to see me again, there's no way I ruined our connection enough where she wouldn't respond to me at all: in which point I might as well beg for some pointers of what I did wrong (which the last girl a couple years ago wouldn't tell me).
I don't think you've got the right mindset son, why do you think calling her will give you any peace of mind? If we assume that she didn't reply to your text because she doesn't want to talk to you, what makes you think another attempt will do anything other than put her off even more? Who cares what she didn't like about you- that should only matter to her. Maybe she just wanted you to **** her for a few of the hours you were hanging out (9 sounds like a lot for a first date) and you didn't pick up on it. Maybe she just wasn't into you. You could ponder this **** for days and get no where dude. Like I said before, it's pointless. You didn't do anything wrong, you just gotta keep trying until you find someone who will reciprocate.

But first, give her a chance to actually respond. If she doesn't, forget about her. Please man.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2012
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Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
You're trying too hard with this. What happens to a lot of guys who deep dive into PUA material (and why you shouldn't really watch much of it, despite having some solid advice) is that they get heavily discouraged if a date or an interaction doesn't go perfectly or "according to plan". **** happens, and you're always going to have mess-ups or dates that lead to nowhere. Those Simple Pickup guys aren't gonna show the thousands of rejections and ****-ups they've had to learn from over the years. They've failed far more times than they've had things go right, because failure is inevitable. It's up to you if you choose to dwell on it, or just shrug it off and move on.

Don't worry too much about process and mentality going in, because then you'll be overanalyzing everything in the dates. Just go out and date, and learn. Forget about her (unless she does contact back, then great. Arrange another date, but I wouldn't hold my breath), and move onto other women, more and more of them. Eventually you'll start to see patterns yourself and naturally start getting better as you go along. You won't have to worry about "do this and that" or "follow these steps", because you'll just remember how you acted on that one date with that girl that went super well, and just run with that. It's not a chem lab assignment.

Also, get that "1-10 scale / out of my league" mindset out of your head. By rating girls, you're subconsciously putting the higher rated ones on a pedestal, and also looking down on the ones that you perceive "lower" than how you think you're scaled, which eventually leaks into your interactions and how you treat them ("Oh man, she's hot and way out of my league! I hope I don't mess up!" "Why is she rejecting me? I'm ranked higher than her, she should be thankful I even bothered talking to her at all!"). Just see them as all women and then approach the ones you're interested in.
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PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
@ SpiderMad SpiderMad James a lot of your messages on this subject sounds incredibly childish. Women are not goals to be won. They're people. If you can't talk about your interests with these women, you're never going to have a solid relationship.

A relationship is built on communication. That's not some stupid buzz phrase; if you can't communicate with the people you're dating, you're dating the wrong people. Dating someone is supposed to be a sexually/romantically charged introduction to a sexually and romantically charged friendship. If you can't imagine hanging out regularly with this person as just a friend (enjoying the activities, not just the company) for the rest of your life, you don't actually have any chemistry with this person.

What is your ideal woman? Because at this point it seems like your ideal woman is: Nice, attractive, finds you attractive. I assure you that no relationship can be founded on such a small base. You can only trade pleasantries for so long. Your partner needs to share many of your interests, you can't just talk about current news and your pasts. You wouldn't try to make friends by pretending to share their interests, so I'm not sure why you think you can her a girlfriend by becoming this amalgamation of online dating advice.
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Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
wtf crunchyroll shows the same ad 2-3 in a row several times over one episode
couldn't you find ANYBODY else that wanted to advertise to weebs?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
The face when you had nothing to do all night at work and yet too lazy to actually do other productive stuff:


Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
Spider, I want you to look at these men in this image.


What do they all have in common?

They all look really strong yo. Unleash your inner Reigns and look strong.

"Waifu lover"? Solely? Old Man, you sell me short. I'm an omnisexual xenophile.




Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
She said she wanted a relationship, but I did feel some sexual tension obviously. This is also making me re-think other stuff like if I should say I'm not down for hook-up type stuff. Though I seriously thought I would be to satisfy/make myself feel better after such long droughts: my mental state and heart want more than that.. which would make me slightly the opposite of the general mindset the SimplePickup guys have. Like I said though all the signs I could see said she wanted a relationship, along with her saying it herself from what she wanted out of this, oh..not all the signs. Now I'm confused. There was actually like two signs that contradicted her other stuff. I actually played into it. Joking about her having some interactions with the London and Paris guys of course while on her travel, and she said a couple or something. And the other was early on in texting: her saying she'd be easily convinced to visit her house or something like that.
The more you write about this stuff the more it seems you have this overly formalistic way of looking at courting and relationships and the proper order to everything that is seriously cramping your style. Why not be spontaneous, relax and go with the flow? You could have gone anywhere that felt right not just where she suggested because you didn't offer any alternative.

This girl all but told you she wouldn't mind spending time alone but you are against the very idea. Maybe you hook up and you find you really like each other and you start dating from that? Or a casual fling between friends for a while? Instead of deciding that you must fight what she wanted and build up this false image in your head of a chaste young maiden looking to be swept off her feet by your wit and charm, maybe just deal with reality and let the chips fall where they may?
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Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Some people actually observe their own behavior, gee how odd
Spontaneity isn't coded into everyone's brain, nor is it comfortable for everyone. It's not really even about comfort zones, some people are just naturally cautious with how they make commitments or take actions. I always try to "figure" people out before I become too socially involved with them, I don't see what's bad about him doing the same really
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Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
The problem being though he sounds way too scattered in his writings about this issue to actually make the right observations and act upon them. No offense meant but it comes across that way.

But not everyone writes the way they speak. So it is possible it isn't that bad.

If something isn't working for you it isn't a bad idea to try a different approach.
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Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
well your justifications for what you qualify as a "right observation" are skewed at best or even nonexistent
What would have been the right obvservation? I don't think it's fair to say you know enough about his psyche to really say you know how he would handle the situation were he to get too involved, and then decide it was not the right thing for him
These are the kinds of discussions I have at 7:30 am, why don't I do this more often I wonder
back to the anime. work's gonna be a ***** today on ~5 hours of sleep


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
cut it down the middle and line it up
you now have 1600ft of bread

EDIT: That makes you basically jesus
EDIT2: oh you edited from 800 ft of bread to 66ft? are your estimation skills just bad or
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Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
@ SpiderMad SpiderMad
<- That's you.
Step 1: Please stop wallowing. Believe me when I know from experience that there's literally no point to it, and that you shouldn't bother doing it at all.
Step 2: Good googly-moogly, stop fixating.
Step 3: ...If things can't or won't work out, know when to fold 'em, and do it politely.

@ Saxophoneoftime Saxophoneoftime
Make the submarine sandwich to end all submarine sandwiches.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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