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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
She is, in pretty much your own words, a female pirate, who piloted a mecha and sell maps. Now please direct me to a character that is like that. Also, she did more then Captain Falcon did in his games to work out a moveset.
Captain Syrup did more than Captain Falcon did? Elaborate.

And selling maps isn't a good thing. It is not something that can be used in Smash. Even Tingle himself did more than sell maps. He can fight like a Balloon Fighter. He can drop bombs from the air like a bomb-dropping plane. He can fire thousands of Rupees rapidly like a machine gun.

EDIT: Yes, Fox piloted the Arwing before SSB. His moveset seems to be based on Arwings. I don't see anything like that for Captain Syrup unless you want her to get in SSB4 as a something like Pokemon Trainer where she sics her genie at everyone so we are not really playing as her, but rather as her genie.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Is Chibi Robo really that "out there" to be on this list?
TBH? Chibi Robo doesn't have the greatest of chances. But it'd be fun to bludgeon people to death with a robot's giant plug.

EDIT: Physics isn't as interesting to talk about as content. We could talk about other content than characters, but physics doesn't have a lot to discuss. I hope for something faster like Melee, but not CLUNKY like Melee. Something a little more... I dunno.

Deleted member

"4nace said:
If this was 1999 and we were waiting for Super Smash Brothers Melee, then I couldn't agree with you more, but now that we have experienced Brawl and it is evident that Bigger Roster != Better Game. I think it's time you started to rethink where the franchise is headed. Do you expect the Wii U release to have 80 characters or something?

Whether or not Nintendo adopts DLC, which I hope they do, I cannot imagine the roster on the Wii U at release date going above 45 characters. That means, that the roster will not expand as much as its previous releases.
Not a single roster here has gone on 80 characters. Honestly, we're only expecting around 50 tops, we don't have unrealistically high expectations for the game. Also, even if we only get 45 characters, that about as much expansions as Brawl had, which went from 25 to 35.
majora_787 said:
Out of curiosity, does anyone wanna see my BSC (Bull****e character) wishlist? =P You never know, you might see something you like. xD
If you want to see, I'll PM my BSC wishlist as well.
Nintendo is giving Toad(s) more and more prominent roles and playable roles as of late.

- the Toad Brigade in Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2
- the blue and yellow Toads in New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. Mii
- a green Toad seems to be a new partner in Paper Mario 3DS (a first for the series)
- Toad is the only newcomer from the Mario series in Mario Sports Mix
- Mini-Toads in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series

Also, what do you mean? We have yet to see a generic character in Smash? What about them? :yoshi2: :rob: :pikachu2: :squirtle: :ivysaur: :charizard: :lucario: :jigglypuff: :gw:
The difference Toad and the characters already playable is that when they think about Pokemon, Mario, and Nintendo retro series, a long-time fan will think of these as a significant figure in the game or series. As for Lucario, he has an appearance in an movie, making him more well known then the others. When you think of Mario, does one of the first thing to come out of your mind is Toad?


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
...And suddenly, I strongly feel that I want Isaac to be upgraded to character status. Hey, Golden Sun is a good game that needs some reps, right?
You have seen the light. Congratulations! ^_^

There will be no end to my disappointment if Isaac (or Matthew) isn't added this time, and considering how I still am disappointed that Isaac is not in Brawl that would not be a good thing. :p


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I guess not. -__-
I told you, most people want to talk about content other than the play physics. Physics aren't as fun to speculate over. =\ TBH, all I have to say on physics is I want something more expansive, more powerful, and more high-speed.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Captain Syrup did more than Captain Falcon did? Elaborate.

And selling maps isn't a good thing. It is not something that can be used in Smash. Even Tingle himself did more than sell maps. He can fight like a Balloon Fighter. He can drop bombs from the air like a bomb-dropping plane. He can fire thousands of Rupees rapidly like a machine gun.
All Captain Falcon did was drive a vehicle in his game before SSB. But is Tingle a pirate? No. Did Tingle pilot a mecha? No. Is Tingle a girl? Most likely not. Just because both characters sold maps doesn't make either character less unique. Also, you still haven't listed any other reoccurring villains for the Wario series yet.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Basically, what I eman is this...

Expansive -- I want bigger stages. Not ones like the temple, but just bigger stages. More room.

Power -- When I forward smash someone in the face, I want it to seem like I hit them so hard they just swallowed some teeth. I'm not saying make it more violent, but make the characters somehow seem like they're actually... more powerful.

High-Speed... Faster. Everything. Speeditupspeeditupspeeditupspeeditup. Nao.

Deleted member

For physic, I wouldn't mind it being in the middle between Brawl and Melee at least in terms of speed. Then again, I'm not exactly a physic person so I can't say much of anything on it.

Zap tackle

Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
When you think of Mario, does one of the first thing to come out of your mind is Toad?
Infact, he does come in my mind and several others as well. Considering that the Toads are the mushroom people, you automatically think of the Mushroom Kingdom. Not to mention that Toad is one of the more heavily merchandised characters in the series.

Nintendo is giving Toad(s) more and more prominent roles and playable roles as of late.

- the Toad Brigade in Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2
- the blue and yellow Toads in New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. Mii
- a green Toad seems to be a new partner in Paper Mario 3DS (a first for the series)
- Toad is the only newcomer from the Mario series in Mario Sports Mix
- Mini-Toads in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series
Not to mention his future appearances:
-Toad is playable in Mario Party 9
-Appears as a starter in Mario Kart 3DS
-He apparently has an important role in Luigi's Mansion 2 by seeking ghosts with Luigi.

The difference Toad and the characters already playable is that when they think about Pokemon, Mario, and Nintendo retro series, a long-time fan will think of these as a significant figure in the game or series
Toad is not recognizable? What? He's one of the first characters they created (not to mention one of the more popular too).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
TBH? Chibi Robo doesn't have the greatest of chances. But it'd be fun to bludgeon people to death with a robot's giant plug.
Eh, the only thing he doesn't have going for him is popularity but if that's how you view him to each his own.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
True, but is there any else to do but characters?
General content.

No more couple-hour-long story mode, plox. Thank you.

And now I'm off from the forums, I've got a long day of flight ahead of me tomorrow. I'll be back in like 2 days. x_x


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
@ Super Smash Bros. Fan

The females with the highest chances of getting in are the following from most likely to least likely:

1. Palutena
2. Medusa
3. Dixie Kong
4. Caeda
5. Krystal
6. Lyn
1-2. Palutena and Medusa are definitely possible now but I think it will be one or the other. I'd be willing to place my bets on Medusa because it would give the game not only a new female character but a villian too.

3. Like K.Rool, Dixie relevance has taken a nosedive in the DS/Wii generation. The last DK canon game she had a playable role in was DK Jungle Climber and that was back in 2007. I personally think that Dixie and K.Rool's absence from DKCR will ultimately be their downfall.

4. Caeda's strong connections with Marth
(you know, with her ultimately becoming his wife)
may help put her above most Fire Emblem characters but I think her class will be the thing that hurts her the most. In the games, she's a pegasus knight and, although Shadow Dragon allowed you to change classes at will, I don't think they'd want to take her too much out of character.

5. Nothing really to say here. She got snubbed in Brawl and I wouldn't be surprized if she's one of the first new characters they consider.

6. Her last major role was on the GBA back in 2003. To put this in perspective, F-Zero's last game was made in 2004.

Deleted member

Zap tackle said:
Infact, he does come in my mind and several others as well. Considering that the Toads are the mushroom people, you automatically think of the Mushroom Kingdom. Not to mention that Toad is one of the more heavily merchandised characters in the series.
What about Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Yoshi? I've seen those five play a more important role in the games then Toad. Yoshi also appeared in Super Mario Galaxy 2 as a playable character, whereas Toad as not.
Zap tackle said:
- Toad is the only newcomer from the Mario series in Mario Sports Mix
In a game that was mixed reviewed. That's not really important.
Zap tackle said:
-Toad is playable in Mario Party 9
-Appears as a starter in Mario Kart 3DS
He's been a starter in previous games, this is nothing special to announce.
Zap tackle said:
Toad is not recognizable? What? He's one of the first characters they created (not to mention one of the more popular too).
I never said that Toad wasn't recognizable, just that what I've noticed that people think of Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi first, the four primary characters in the series.

I also want to add that Mario is an incredibly huge franchise, so a new installment is not going to affect a character's chance in the game as much as let's say Caeda getting in Fire Emblem 13.
Fatmanonice said:
3. Like K.Rool, Dixie relevance has taken a nosedive in the DS/Wii generation. The last DK canon game she had a playable role in was DK Jungle Climber and that was back in 2007. I personally think that Dixie and K.Rool's absence from DKCR will ultimately be their downfall.
Dixie Kong was a planned character for SSBB. It by no means guarantee her entry, but it does make it possible as I suspect that at least one unfinished character from that game will make it into SSB4. What's also important to consider is fan demands. Dixie Kong is still pretty popular in support. Not as much in King K. Rool, but still has a chance of getting into the game.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
True, but is there any else to do but characters?
It's more like they get ignored unless someone like me, augusto, or shortiecanbrawl join the discussion.

How do you think making Caeda/Sheeda would make her out of character? I understand the issue in calling out her pegasus and trying to translate her into the game well, but I wouldn't knock her out just yet.

It's not hard to picture her as a mid-range fighter with her lance, but it is hard to picture the horse working in without breaking the game.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
The difference Toad and the characters already playable is that when they think about Pokemon, Mario, and Nintendo retro series, a long-time fan will think of these as a significant figure in the game or series. As for Lucario, he has an appearance in an movie, making him more well known then the others. When you think of Mario, does one of the first thing to come out of your mind is Toad?
I am pretty sure Toad comes to mind more often than Bowser Jr. does in the general population. It is funny you think Toad doesn't come to a long-time fan's mind when they think of Mario series. A long-time fan will undoubtly think of Toad first before Bowser Jr. Toad has been around for 15 years before Bowser Jr. existed.

When people in the general population think of Mario heroes, they think of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, and Yoshi. When people in the general population think of Mario villains, they think of Bowser, Wario, and even Donkey Kong, not Bowser Jr. I think the Nintendo Power magazine covered that pretty well. I have that collector's special issue with Mario on the yellow background.

@ Fatmanonice

Nice to see you again. Now, about Medusa and Palutena, I really, really think Sakurai might want to add both of them in SSB4. Bowser and Peach were added at the same time in Melee... so was Zelda and Ganondorf in Melee... so was Meta Knight and King Dedede in Brawl. It is like you cannot have one without the other. I think this is the case with Palutena and Medusa.

About Dixie Kong, well, I understand your reasoning but to be fair... Sakurai did want to add Dixie Kong in Brawl and her last major role at the time of Brawl development was in 1996 (Donkey Kong Country 3). At the least, we know that Sakurai was interested in adding Dixie Kong, possibly as a team with Diddy Kong - it would explain his weird Side B (shouldn't it be a move where you throw your partner at enemies?) and Down B (shouldn't it be a tagging move to switch partners?). Maybe Sakurai will want to try again to make Dixie Kong work in SSB4 regardless of Dixie Kong's lack of appearance in Donkey Kong Country Returns. Who knows? He might surprise us with a Dixie / Kiddy team.

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
I am a big but sceptical female character supporter, but not to up to date with games and relevancy. What do you guys think of the chances of these characters:

Krystal (Still relevant or was Brawl her only hope?)
Lyn (See Krystal)
Dixie Kong (No appearance in DKCR sealed her fate?)
Paula (Not relevant enough?)
Female PKMN Trainer
Midna (See Krystal and Lyn)

Any other female characters you think would have a shot? Thanks guys :)
Krystal has potential. They could really make a good moveset for her.

Lyn (same as Krystal) But Idk if they'd still put her in when there are other potentail Fire Emblem characters they could use. But if she's in the game I'd be happy regarless.

Dixie Kong. I'd like to see her in the game, but then I think of Tiny Kong and how much moveset potential she has, But I guess in the end they'll probably put in the character that's more popular with the crowd so who knows.

Lip. I have no complaints with her. She has a shot. Her Item has been in the game for a while now so why not?

Female trainer. I don't think they should make a whole new character just for her. Hmm. Well I do like the idea of making her like Sheik. She could be alternate character under pokemon Trainer with different pokemon. I think that'd be best.

Midna... Ehh I'm just not seeing it sorry.

Captain Syrup. I definitely would like to see her in the game. She's a villain and female, and people seem to want her, so its a win all over.

My Pick for female character would be...

Daisy. I kinda feel I might get a lot hate on this. I think people might see Daisy as a Peach Clone. Daisy and Peach's personalities are Fairly different, and I can see Daisy as a really aggressive character. She's a Tomboy so I think Sakurai could make a moveset that matches her character. But yeah I've been wanting to see Daisy in this game for some time now. Well that's just me, but I do see potential in this Girl.

Rosalina. I think would be am assist trophy but they could make her playable but I'm just not convinced they would. Eh anything could happen I guess.

Zap tackle

Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
What about Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Yoshi? I've seen those five play a more important role in the games then Toad. Yoshi also appeared in Super Mario Galaxy 2 as a playable character, whereas Toad as not.
You do realize that each of those characters have already made it into the Smash series. Anyways, Toad was playable in other Mario games than Yoshi too. Just because he wasn't playable (ridable in Yoshi's sense) in SMG 2, that doesn't mean his chances are hurt as he still has a lot more options of being playable in comparison to other Mario characters. Sales aren't everything (even considering NSMB Wii is the 2nd best selling Mario game for the wii at the moment).

Sources of Nintendo sees these characters as the main protagonists.

Also if you want in terms of playability, Toad has been playable in more mainstream games than Peach (she's only in SMB 2).


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Toad has been playable more than Bowser Jr. Also was playable in marios 3rd? game


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
It's more like they get ignored unless someone like me, augusto, or shortiecanbrawl join the discussion.

How do you think making Caeda/Sheeda would make her out of character? I understand the issue in calling out her pegasus and trying to translate her into the game well, but I wouldn't knock her out just yet.

It's not hard to picture her as a mid-range fighter with her lance, but it is hard to picture the horse working in without breaking the game.
I mean, I suppose it could be implemented in the form of a final smash but I personally would see it as kind of weird if she just ran around with a lance given her title especially how the games say that she's been a pegasus knight since she was a little girl. In a way, fighting on a pegasus is deeply intertwined with her character.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
As far as Donkey Kong characters are concerned Funky Kong has more relevance than King K. Rool or Dixi Kong. At least he appeared in Mario Kart Wii. :\

Out of them all Cranky Kong is still the most relevant besides the other two. But I HIGHLY doubt we will see a playable Cranky Kong...


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
@ Kuma and Fatman

The horse is easy. Just have her ride the winged horse as her Final Smash. ;) She does not have to fight on her horse just like Captain Falcon does not have to fight in his car. :awesome:

@ Zap tackle

Exactly. Toad(s) have been playable in the following Mario main games:

- Super Mario Bros. 2
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii
- New Super Mario Bros. Mii (this one will be for Wii U)

That's three games!

Not only that but Paper Mario 3DS seems to have a green Toad as one of Mario's new partners. If that is the case, then Toad can borrow moves from that green Toad.
Aug 6, 2008
I mean, I suppose it could be implemented in the form of a final smash but I personally would see it as kind of weird if she just ran around with a lance given her title especially how the games say that she's been a pegasus knight since she was a little girl. In a way, fighting on a pegasus is deeply intertwined with her character.
In either FE1 or FE3 they had the option to dismount from horseback and were forced off of them during inside fights. So, the lance was replaced by a sword. I forget if the recent mystery of the emblem remake included this feature, but I imagine that might be the simplest solution to having a unit that used a Pegasus. Probably would have saved the Pegasus for a final smash.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I'd like Paper Mario as the additional Mario rep for Smash 4. He uses a multitude of techniques different from his counterpart, and the Paper Mario series is the only Mario spinoff that varies greatly in conception and design. He'd make a great rep for another facet of the Mario series.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
i skipped a chunk... like 5 or so pages... i cannot catch up fast enough, my skimming isn't as fast as your combined posting.

did someone say:
When you think of Mario, does one of the first thing to come out of your mind is Toad?

lol, no way jose. Luigi comes to mind.
why are you even debating Toad and Bowser Jr. again anyways? Neither are good enough to make the cut.
I no longer support Bowser Jr.

Peach and Zelda are in smash because they are important in their respective series.
Mario + Luigi = Link + Young Link + Toon Link = Kirby
Bowser = Ganondorf = King DeDeDe
Peach = Zelda + Sheik = err... Meta Knight lololol
(note: a + means "and by extension,")
Aug 6, 2008
I'd like Paper Mario as the additional Mario rep for Smash 4. He uses a multitude of techniques different from his counterpart, and the Paper Mario series is the only Mario spinoff that varies greatly in conception and design. He'd make a great rep for another facet of the Mario series.
Honestly, I would like to see fewer mario characters and a more broad representation of other series. In brawl alone, Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Bowser, and Peach. I mean, that's already six characters out of 40. A little over 1/8 of the roster goes to the mushroom kingdom.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Honestly, I would like to see fewer mario characters and a more broad representation of other series. In brawl alone, Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Bowser, and Peach. I mean, that's already six characters out of 40. A little over 1/8 of the roster goes to the mushroom kingdom.
Technically, Yoshi, DK, and Wario are different franchises from Mario's own. At least that's how it's considered in SSB.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
@ Starphoenix


Funky Kong and Cranky Kong have never been playable in main Donkey Kong Country games like Dixie Kong has. I cannot believe you think that a NPC like Cranky and Funky are more important than the villain of the series, King K. Rool. Sakurai usually picks characters who have been playable in their native series. The only exception to this rule, as far as I know, are Zelda, Sheik, and Ganondorf. That's why I think Dixie Kong has a really good chance of becoming playable in spite of her diminishing relevance to the Donkey Kong series. Sakurai wanted her in Brawl! :urg:


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Honestly, I would like to see fewer mario characters and a more broad representation of other series. In brawl alone, Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Bowser, and Peach. I mean, that's already six characters out of 40. A little over 1/8 of the roster goes to the mushroom kingdom.
Mario is Nintendo's "mascot" franchise. It only makes sense for there to be more Mario characters than any of the other franchises.

No Mario characters that are in right now should be cut. It would be ridiculous if any of them were.

Zap tackle

Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
Dixie and King K. Rool both did appear in Mario Super Sluggers. This shows that Nintendo hasn't forgotten about these characters.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
@ Starphoenix


Funky Kong and Cranky Kong have never been playable in main Donkey Kong Country games like Dixie Kong has. I cannot believe you think that a NPC like Cranky and Funky are more important than the villain of the series, King K. Rool. Sakurai usually picks characters who have been playable in their native series. The only exception to this rule, as far as I know, are Zelda, Sheik, and Ganondorf. That's why I think Dixie Kong has a really good chance of becoming playable in spite of her diminishing relevance to the Donkey Kong series. Sakurai wanted her in Brawl! :urg:
I said "relevant". Seeing as Dixie Kong's last appearance was in Mario Sluggers compared to Funky Kong in Mario Kart Wii and Cranky Kong in Donkey Kong Country Returns, by every definition that makes them the most relevant at this time.

Dixie and King K. Rool both did appear in Mario Super Sluggers. This shows that Nintendo hasn't forgotten about these characters.
Think you should give credit to RARE, not Nintendo... Nintendo adds Funky Kong, RARE adds Dixie.

Just look at Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. You get Tiny, Lanky, Wrinkly, Funky and Cranky Kong. But no Dixie? See how this is playing out...
Aug 6, 2008
Mario is Nintendo's "mascot" franchise. It only makes sense for their to be more Mario characters than any of the other franchises.
No Mario characters that are in right now should be cut. It would be ridiculous if any of them were.
Technically, Yoshi, DK, and Wario are different franchises from Mario's own. At least that's how it's considered in SSB.
Yes, I feel the ones in brawl right now were necessary. But, adding anymore I still say is over saturating the roster. It is like pokemon. There are hundreds to choose from, but you have to have a limit of when to say stop.

If there was another mushroom kingdom type character to be added, I would say either waluigi or rosalina and leave it at that.

What could you add from metroid? I mean, a space pirate maybe?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Mario is Nintendo's "mascot" franchise. It only makes sense for there to be more Mario characters than any of the other franchises.

No Mario characters that are in right now should be cut. It would be ridiculous if any of them were.
Completely agree. Imagine if Bowser or Peach got cut. :scared: Wouldn't like to see the reaction of that.

Yes, I feel the ones in brawl right now were necessary. But, adding anymore I still say is over saturating the roster. It is like pokemon. There are hundreds to choose from, but you have to have a limit of when to say stop.

If there was another mushroom kingdom type character to be added, I would say either waluigi or rosalina and leave it at that.

What could you add from metroid? I mean, a space pirate maybe?
I think it would more likely be the two characters people have been arguing the most about here. Bowser Jr/Toad. But yeah, we don't really need anymore Mario characters.

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