Honestly I don't really see a point in ordering S Tier.
Personally there are two main things I use this list for:
- As a catalog of people I should keep my eye on so I can watch and learn.
- Understanding where I am and how close I am to progressing to a new tier.
The ordering for the other tiers is important because it shows how close you are to reaching the next tier. It's also more relevant in some tiers because of huge skill gaps within the tiers themselves. For S Tier, there is no further progression and as far as I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong) there doesn't appear much of a skill gap between players.
As I see it, S Tier should be for those who have something to teach every Ganondorf in every tier below them. As of now, I feel that all 4 S Tier Ganondorfs fulfill that requirement. I don't feel that there is a point to defining an order outside of feeding an ego (no offense). I understand the need to be competitive, especially for those at the top, but I really believe that it's a fruitless effort and more trouble than it's worth.
Even if there was an order, does that make the other S Tiers less relevant than the "Top" of S Tier? No, it doesn't. S Tiers are all players that should be watched and learned from as a section, not as a ranking. It's not like I'll go over Youtube videos and be like "Oh look,
X Player had his sets uploaded but I already watched
Y Player's sets so I don't need to watch these." I'm absolutely going to watch both.
The best utility for this list, I feel, is simply knowing who my peers are. I intuitively understand which players are respected for legitimate reasons, which players have a ways to go and where I stand among them.
The Community Tier List shouldn't be a battle of egos, it shouldn't be a popularity contest and maybe not even a document of facts or conjectures. What it
should be is a tool to help the community evolve and improve.
tl;dr I'm not interested in who's the best, I'm interested in who I can learn from and what I can learn from them.