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Official General Post-DLC Discussion [Closed]

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Smash Ace
Jun 16, 2015
I honestly think goku in smash could work right now , and I think if he was to be released people would actually get super hype.

Cloud showed us that anyone is possible ,a lot of people who laugh at the idea of goku being in smash are the same people who would say things like that to characters like ryu pac man and cloud. Before we thought third party characters were impossible.The cloud release showed us that sakurai is in control of everything that goes on in this game and there really aren't any rules or limits. With this being the final smash direct ever, it would be pretty sick if they ended it by breaking the biggest rule in all of smash bros which is that the character has to come from a video game. This is why although I don't predict it to happen I think it is possible and could actually be very hype if they ended the direct by revealing son goku and then saying good bye.
Eh. There's a difference. Cloud is...

A. still a video game character. Comparing him to someone who originated outside of video games is somewhat silly.
B. Cloud has made appearances of Nintendo consoles before. Not saying that Goku hasn't, but people are acting like Cloud has almost no ties to Nintendo.

If they break that rule then they've pretty much screwed themselves. Say hello to Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Superman, Spongebob, etc.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I honestly think goku in smash could work right now , and I think if he was to be released people would actually get super hype.

Cloud showed us that anyone is possible ,a lot of people who laugh at the idea of goku being in smash are the same people who would say things like that to characters like ryu pac man and cloud. Before we thought third party characters were impossible.The cloud release showed us that sakurai is in control of everything that goes on in this game and there really aren't any rules or limits. With this being the final smash direct ever, it would be pretty sick if they ended it by breaking the biggest rule in all of smash bros which is that the character has to come from a video game. This is why although I don't predict it to happen I think it is possible and could actually be very hype if they ended the direct by revealing son goku and then saying good bye.
Uh, not really. The likes of Sonic and Snake in Brawl made no one doubt the likelihood of third parties, especially when Mega Man followed suit in the current entries. Cloud showed us that options are more open because he's the first third party that hasn't had a major release on a Nintendo system (though his series definitely has).

I do think the idea of Master Chief getting in is a complete joke. I get that he's an icon, but even though FF7 was a Sony exclusive for a long time, the Final Fantasy series in general has had a very, very strong presence with Nintendo. On the flipside, Halo has always been almost exclusively on XBox consoles, and has had absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo- Bungie has NEVER had anything to do with Nintendo, either, so it's not like they're a buddy-buddy third party company to them. Sonic was the original rival to Mario but has since been very involved with Nintendo, Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Ryu have all had a plethora of games on Nintendo's systems over the years; and even Metal Gear has a couple of its main games on the Gamecube and 3DS. The first 6 Final Fantasy games were all on Nintendo systems, have had remakes and ports to the GBA and DS, and many spin-offs later on too. I don't really get after how looking at all of that, people think Master Chief is the next logical step. To me, it makes most sense for Nintendo to add gaming icons that have something to do with them.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I agree completely with him drawing more from Halo 5. The Thruster Pack, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound (With even the mid-air stall/charge), and even sliding would help out tremendously with his moveset. Sakurai does like to draw inspiration from a character's home series, after all.

I don't see anything wrong with him using a mix of both the UNSC and Covenant arsenals, as long as the Covenant side is no more than half of what is used. Plasma Grenades and Energy Swords would be fine, whereas Carbines and Fuel Rod Cannons would be stretching it. The reason why I'd be alright with a mix is because it'd help differenciate himself from Snake whilst also being true to his series. Not to mention it'd probably be considered more "visually appealing".

But, hey, to each their own, right? In the end, it doesn't really matter how he's implemented. As long as he gets in in the first place, haha.
I'd say that with Halo 5's abilities Chief would have some visual appeal already and he's in Power Armour. Plus I like keeping doors open for other characters (even if they're unlikely) and Thel has his Prophet's Bane which I feel would have some of it's flair taken away if Chief used a normal Energy Sword. Plasma Grenades would make for a good custom move alongside Firebombs thinking about it (if only DLC characters actually got customs).

But yeah to each their own.


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
  1. Sub-Zero
  2. Scorpion
  3. Simon Belmont
  4. Master Chief
  5. Rayman
  6. Shantae
  1. Snake (Muh Vets)
  2. Master Chief
  3. Knuckles
  4. Banjo & Kazooie
  5. Simon Belmont
  6. Bomberman
Well, I've already given my thoughts on what I would like for DLC, so I'll post this video for more speculation. Keep in mind this is just for fun and I don't necessarily agree with everything being said:

Apparently, this guy thinks that either Shantae or Shovel Knight are guaranteed, and he actually believes that Goku has a chance of getting in. I... don't agree with this... at all. Maybe the hype is just making him overreact and act irrationally. I don't know... Shantae and Shovel Knight have very low chances in my opinion, and Goku... no. There's absolutely NO way I could see Goku in Smash AT ALL. Those are just my thoughts though. Feel free to disagree.
Etika is pretty cool, but he lets his hype get in the way of his logic. Fully stating that either Shovel Knight or Shantae will be in the game and that Goku has a good chance is pretty... well... ignorant for lack of better terms. Not hating on SK or Shantae, as their chances certainly are higher with Cloud in the game, but saying that one of the two is near-certain isn't very well thought-out. As for Goku... no.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2014
Top 6 Third Party Newcomers

Banjo Kazooie
Sir Daniel Fortesque
Simon Belmont (SuperCastlevania IV)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
  1. Sub-Zero
  2. Scorpion
  3. Simon Belmont
  4. Master Chief
  5. Rayman
  6. Shantae
1. Snake
2. Rayman
3. Bayonetta
4. Shovel Knight
5. Bomberman
6. Heihachi

I'd put Banjo-Kazooie in there, but they're owned by a competing console maker, so I don't know if they'd be considered third party.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
  1. Banjo-Kazooie
  2. Bomberman
  3. Rayman
  4. Simon Belmont
  5. Snake
  6. Spyro/Crash Bandicoot (i can't decide lol)


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
*GASP* 8O....jokes aside...

Tifa Lockhart- Major character from FFVII and plays a huge role next to :4cloud: in the game's story! She is arguably one of the most (if not THE most) popular and iconic female characters in the Final Fantasy series!

Crash Bandicoot-Was a very popular platformer back in the 90's and was pushed heavily as PlayStation's 'Mario' back in the day...his popularity unfortunately dwindled shortly after Naughty Dog sold his rights...
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Uh, not really. The likes of Sonic and Snake in Brawl made no one doubt the likelihood of third parties, especially when Mega Man followed suit in the current entries. Cloud showed us that options are more open because he's the first third party that hasn't had a major release on a Nintendo system (though his series definitely has).

I do think the idea of Master Chief getting in is a complete joke. I get that he's an icon, but even though FF7 was a Sony exclusive for a long time, the Final Fantasy series in general has had a very, very strong presence with Nintendo. On the flipside, Halo has always been almost exclusively on XBox consoles, and has had absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo- Bungie has NEVER had anything to do with Nintendo, either, so it's not like they're a buddy-buddy third party company to them. Sonic was the original rival to Mario but has since been very involved with Nintendo, Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Ryu have all had a plethora of games on Nintendo's systems over the years; and even Metal Gear has a couple of its main games on the Gamecube and 3DS. The first 6 Final Fantasy games were all on Nintendo systems, have had remakes and ports to the GBA and DS, and many spin-offs later on too. I don't really get after how looking at all of that, people think Master Chief is the next logical step. To me, it makes most sense for Nintendo to add gaming icons that have something to do with them.
Let me prephase this with: I have no belief that Master Cheif is getting into Smash in the next decade at least.

Devil's Advocate: As FF7 was originally planned to be on the N64 Disc Drive, Halo 1 was planned to have a DS port. One of a number of deals that Microsoft made with Nintendo for their first party games because of not having any competition within the handheld market. Such deals gave us things like Grunty's Revenge, Banjo-Pilot, and Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise.
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Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I still don't understand why many people got the mindset that Cloud being in Smash = "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE NOW! GOKU!!"
Cloud is still a video game character. Don't get me wrong. Goku is cool, but he would seriously look really out of place in Smash.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I still don't understand why many people got the mindset that Cloud being in Smash = "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE NOW! GOKU!!"
Cloud is still a video game character. Don't get me wrong. Goku is cool, but he would seriously look really out of place in Smash.
MUGEN....Smash Flash....a ton of fake rosters, most of which featured Cloud who was categorized in the 'not in a million years' along with the likes of Goku, Naruto, Batman etc...even though he is still a video game character and Cloud has been featured on Nintendo consoles (sure his main series titles hasn't be he as a character still has) people never thought it was still possible because he was always associated with Sony, as well as Squaresoft (what they were called at the time) jumping ship due to limited hardware...

Also straw grasping....

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I still don't understand why many people got the mindset that Cloud being in Smash = "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE NOW! GOKU!!"
Cloud is still a video game character. Don't get me wrong. Goku is cool, but he would seriously look really out of place in Smash.
All it tells us is what was confirmed earlier when the retranslation came up, a strong connection with Nintendo is irrelevant.

There's useful factors, but "being owned by a direct competitor" is not an actual disqualifier either. What does matter is if all the companies are okay with the character being in(this is why we don't see some Pokemon in the game itself, even as Trophies). So someone like Master Chief is very much possible, if the companies are okay with it. Being that Ryu's latest game is not on a Nintendo console, "competition" is not nearly as much as a factor as people should give it credit for. Likewise, Cloud proves that s well since his remake is coming to consoles besides the Wii U at this time. Now, what does matter is that they've got a gaming history(which we don't know the exact specifications of, but being a "gaming icon" is a possible and reasonable assumption. Of course, that might not be the case, but until we see something prove otherwise, it's fair to believe it is)

Finally, making the moveset work. That's doable for even someone like Master Chief, any Killer Instinct character, Banjo & Kazooie(as Duck Hunt proved), and even a Battletoad(Note that those are the most notable Rare series, and of course, the biggest FPS icon out there, that at least would be possible, as James Bond is not). And none of them could make it in for all we know. But all of them are big enough(well, specific characters in KI at least. Fulgore, Jago, Glacius, at least. Most notable. Of course, being the cover character in Fulgore's case helps a bit, but I could be wrong on who is the most known. It's fair to say Fulgore and Jago are the top ones, and Glacius is the most likely 3rd if any).
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
*GASP* 8O....jokes aside...

Tifa Lockhart- Major character from FFVII and plays a huge role next to :4cloud: in the game's story! She is arguably one of the most (if not THE most) popular and iconic female characters in the Final Fantasy series!

Crash Bandicoot-Was a very popular platformer back in the 90's and was pushed heavily as PlayStation's 'Mario' back in the day...his popularity unfortunately dwindled shortly after Naughty Dog sold his rights...
Damn did you really have to use a picture of me? :troll:

Ahhh crash. You were once gigantic. Now you have fallen from a gaming icon to a side note. . . Poor guy.

Copied from character support group

1.Edea Lee (Bravely Default)
2. Phoenix Wright
3. Crash Bandicoot
4. Master Chief
5. Rayman
6. Banjo Kazooie
No i dont think we are getting any of these. Especially top 4
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
  1. Sub-Zero
  2. Scorpion
  3. Simon Belmont
  4. Master Chief
  5. Rayman
  6. Shantae
1. Geno
2. Alex Kidd (gaming console mascot)
3. Bomberman
4. Rayman RIP Black Mage
5. Crash bandicoot (gaming console mascot)
6. Snake
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Top 6(?) 3rd Party characters.

Since Black Mage is deader than a Zombie Dragon...

1) Dr. Ivo Robotnik
2) Shantae
3) Phoenix Wright
4) Jack Frost
5) Laharl Krichevskoy (Disgaea)
6) Agumon
...and just to add it.
7) Sir Arthur


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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Water is the most common type but it is far from being the best...also Fairy was not introduced due to Ice being a bad type, Fairy was introduced because Dragon was too overpowered, Ice is one of the rarest types in the game in addition to dragon's rarity thus less pokemon benefited from having STAB super-effective against dragons...hence why a new type was added...keep in mind most dragon are 4x weak against Ice types attacks anyway...only one is 4x weak to fairy...

Water resists ice but it is not strong against it...but Ice has Freeze-Dry...ice also has a one-hit KO move and its own status effect, it has some things going for it...

I'm not saying that Ice is a good type but it isn't the worst, and it is far from a useless 'gimmick'...statistically speaking Bug is the weakest type anyway...
Yes, Fairy was added because Dragon was over-powered. But why was Dragoon overpowered? Keep in mind that all Dragons are duel-type, and quite a few have a double weakness to Ice. The reason Fairy exist because rather than fixing the obvious flaws with Ice types, they added a whole new type (which I'm fine with since the series needed a new type). To your point, water is only resistant to Ice, but how does that make sense? Water is already resistant to 3 other types and beats 3. The only types to give you trouble are Electric and Grass. If you have a pocket Ice move (which all water Pokemon can use), then Dragon is a nonissue. But this begs the question. If Ice only resist Ice and Water resist more types, but Water learns Ice moves, than why would you ever have a water type.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Yes, Fairy was added because Dragon was over-powered. But why was Dragoon overpowered? Keep in mind that all Dragons are duel-type, and quite a few have a double weakness to Ice. The reason Fairy exist because rather than fixing the obvious flaws with Ice types, they added a whole new type (which I'm fine with since the series needed a new type). To your point, water is only resistant to Ice, but how does that make sense? Water is already resistant to 3 other types and beats 3. The only types to give you trouble are Electric and Grass. If you have a pocket Ice move (which all water Pokemon can use), then Dragon is a nonissue. But this begs the question. If Ice only resist Ice and Water resist more types, but Water learns Ice moves, than why would you ever have a water type.
Your last question makes no sense...but the answer is STAB...also I never said that water was ONLY resistant to Ice, I just said that it does resist Ice...now moving on, as this argument is waaaaay off the initial point I was trying to make to begin with...


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
  1. Sub-Zero
  2. Scorpion
  3. Simon Belmont
  4. Master Chief
  5. Rayman
  6. Shantae
1) Professor Layton
2) Descole
3) Black Mage
4) Jin Kazama
5) Ragna the Bloodedge/Noel Vermillion
6) Snake

Yeah, I got an... interesting list for my top 6 most wanted third parties. I guess that's because I am far more interested in them compared to the most common third party suggestions for Smash, not to mention I haven't played any of the most commonly suggested third party characters' games (Snake is an exception as I got to experience him in Brawl, and I will admit I wouldn't mind seeing him return).


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Your last question makes no sense...but the answer is STAB...also I never said that water was ONLY resistant to Ice, I just said that it does resist Ice...now moving on, as this argument is waaaaay off the initial point I was trying to make to begin with...
Because Ice is so poor defensively, STAB is pointless. Keep in mind the ONLY thing your giving up by taking a Water pokemon with Ice moves over an Ice Pokemon is 50% more damage, but you get the benefits of water and its resistance. So, again, just give you Water Pokemon Ice Beam or Blizzard.

The Novice Sword

Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2015
I think the Smash roster needs two major additions:

Chun Li
Lara Croft

Along with Samus they're kind of the First Ladies of Video Gaming and it is a great wish of mine to see them all together. Lara would probably have to draw more from her reboot appearance where she has a bow more than twin pistols. That would be a little disappointing, but still cool.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Your last question makes no sense...
SmashChu meant to say "Why would you take an Ice type over a Water type?"

That said, STAB alone is nice, but having a better defense to handle a long battle matters too. IMO, I think it mostly depends the current metagame. Either option could be viable, although I do agree that Water is generally a better choice. Water/Ice as a type combo isn't too bad either. It can sometimes outrun any Pokemon that has a STAB bonus against it(Electric, Rock, Fighting types).

Oh, right, weren't we asked to try to keep the Pokemon metagame talk out?

Ice type for Smash. :awesome: (Sneasel is pretty cool, although I do like Jynx and Beartic).


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
Dumbroll please.....

and the answer is

1. No one

The end. It still always surprises me that folks go one about third party characters but ignore the Nintendo characters.......in a Nintendo fighting game. Also, looking at the answer, no one seems to agree on a characters. None of the seem really interesting anyway. See, having guest is cool when its exclusive. Sonic was awesome because he was one of two guest characters and he was one fans were dying to see. It felt special that Sonic was in because you'd never expect it would happen. Megaman was somewhat the same way since he was the first for Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U and was only one of three. But now we have 5 and folks are asking for more. The guest don't feel special because they are not. They are normal. And again, folks play Smash Brothers for the Nintendo All-Stars. Who do you think would care for a game where Mario, DK, Link, Villager and Bowser duke it out? Probably a Nintendo fan. This is what makes the idea appealing.

The amount of different characters in this game is still cool and I can understand the appeal, but it is not sustainable. Fans will never have the same excitement for seeing Megaman and Sonic. Cloud was "hype" because you wouldn't expect it. But he can't match the appeal those characters brought because fans desperately wanted to play as those characters. And that's because Nintendo fans typically are also fans of Sonic and Megaman. I say let this game be remembered dearly for that rather that squandering it for cheap "hype." And for Pete's sake, lets actually get a new Nintendo character before talking about all the guest characters you want.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I have to admit. If it wasn't for Grass-types being neglected in general, more people, at least on this site, would rather have Blaziken as a Pokémon newcomer instead since he's way more popular. It's nice for my favorite Pokémon to get more attention for once, even if Sceptile being in Smash is only a slim possibility.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Because Ice is so poor defensively, STAB is pointless. Keep in mind the ONLY thing your giving up by taking a Water pokemon with Ice moves over an Ice Pokemon is 50% more damage, but you get the benefits of water and its resistance. So, again, just give you Water Pokemon Ice Beam or Blizzard.
Once again you obviously haven't seen the early part of the conversation when someone asked why Grass types are not as respected...to which I simply replied 'possibly because they are tied for the most weaknesses and have some of the worst type combinations in the game'...then it went to Ice types are the worse types ever to you trying to convince me that water is better than ice, to which I am not disagreeing... this discussion is pointless...

Deleted member

Top 6 third party characters in no particular order:
  1. Simon Belmont
  2. Phoenix Wright
  3. Zero
  4. Tails, Knuckles, and/or Dr. Eggman
  5. Crash Bandicoot
  6. Spyro the Dragon
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Damn how did i forget Viewtiful Joe. I love that guy. Even a mii costume would be amazing but i cant believe i remembered banjo and rayman before him >_>

Also more off topic discussion yayyyyy


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2015
Liberty, Missouri
The more I think about it the more I REALLY HOPE Sakurai decides to be ballsy and add an MK char. Either Subz or Scorps

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
The more I think about it the more I REALLY HOPE Sakurai decides to be ballsy and add an MK char. Either Subz or Scorps
This is coming from a major MK fan, but if they can't even be extremely violent(doesn't mean blood, but just attack with launching opponents in a painful looking method quite often), it doesn't fit them. It doesn't need to have blood and gore, but it still needs to be pretty darn violent. Even the cartoon was violent enough to fit the series. This is why I don't think either could get in, they'd be too "soft" and out of character.

I could be wrong, of course. But even then, Sakurai and Ed Boom agreeing to tone them down enough seems unlikely. Having a good moveset is hardly an issue, at least. There's tons of attacks that work, although the Kunai may be an issue. Same with the Spear. And Scoprion without his Spear isn't Scorpion. Sub-Zero might work a lot better, though. Even if he's not the main face(He's the secondary now). I think we can deal without the spine rips, but he'd still have his basic skills, via his Ice and weapons.


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2015
Liberty, Missouri
I think Sub Zero would be awesome, plus it would fill the void that Ice Climbers left seeing how we lack an ice based character

David Wonn

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2010
Honestly, I'd prefer they just added multiple routes for All-Star modes.
Option 1: Base Roster
Option 2: Everyone Unlocked
Option 3: Everyone Unlocked + DLC

In any other mode, the new content is welcome always.
That could be one possible approach. However, some new stages can be disadvantageous for people like myself who strive to do as many turns as possible with the entire cast in Crazy Orders. Peach's Castle 64 is one such stage I regret having access to, as the side wedge platforms can slow down KOs from the top platform. Things like this make me cautious about future DLC purchases if I can't disable purchases at least temporarily.

I'm just glad I took care of clearing the Challenges wall and Classic 9.0 with the entire cast before DLC existed. Other completionists who didn't do so on earlier versions have to deal with the added variables....
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Deleted member

I'vs seen Viewtiful Joe's anime but also his games. I could see the brighter side in him being in, his slow, and fast time stopping, and speeding up abblities plus his flurry of kicks and punches yup I could see it.

oni's right but how do we get this back on topic if it'll just drift of it again. I mean it's fine but let's try to bring it back on topic, what do you guys hope for in the December presentation?


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2015
Liberty, Missouri
I hope for at least 2-3 other characters revealed, a few stages maybe, an Adventure mode(like melee) a decent balance patch, and maybe....hmm...alt outfits for characters in the game. Like OOT Link, and stuff


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2013
Top six third-party characters, hmm? Six is weird number for a "top-" list, but whatever.

1. Banjo-Kazooie. These guys are a WIDE margin above the rest because I personally think there might be a bit too many third-party characters, but I (and a lot of others) still treat Banjo as a Nintendo character. With the exception of a few Nintendo classics, Rare carried the N64 era and Banjo is the best representation of that time period.

2. Conker. Second verse, same as the first. I don't actually think this has any bearing on the reality of what could happen, but I'd personally be pretty into it. If having Conker makes having Banjo any less likely, however, screw it.

3. Shovel Knight. I don't think it's happening, guys. I still want it to happen, though. As a console maker, Nintendo has an obligation to pay as much respect and attention to indies as they do to AAA companies. They've don a pretty great job so far, but an indie character in Smash Bros. would be the ultimate validation. Yacht Club Games has done eveything right as far as befriending Nintendo and Shovel Knight is a fantastic character.

4. Rayman. Ubisoft messed up their friendship with Nintendo for the Wii U era, but I'd like to see them try again going forward. Rayman is iconic, well designed, and lends himself well to fighting games because of his myriad of different moves and techniques.

5. Spyro. I'd love to see Nintendo try to collect on that sweet, sweet Skylanders success story while still choosing a character that older gamers can connect to. I personally don't have too much love for the guy, but he'd be a welcome addition to a game with so many aesthetically similar characters. With Ivysaur gone, we need a steed. #weneedasteed. Get that trending.

6. Shrek. Because six is a dumb number for a "top-" list and if you wanted me to be serious the whole way through, you should have said "top-five."

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Again with MK? Hell, if we get a character owned by WB, I'm not going to buy it, not to mention the cartoony style of Smash doesn't fit with the MK canon, judging from how every third party is accurate to their canon as possible (Pac-Man is a tribute to Bamco in general so he gets a free pass), Sakurai wouldn't be able to do it
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