The smash community in British Columbia, Canada, has developed quite a bit over the past few years. BC smashers have attended and placed very highly in several out-of-state tournaments; OC2, OC3, and many Washington GameClucks tournaments. We've also run many successful tournaments in Richmond where we've had smashers come from Alberta, Washington, and California.
This thread is a place where we smashers can socialize, arrange smashfests/tournaments, meet new players, and hopefully help the community grow as a whole. Invite your friends, ask questions, talk about smash, and have fun!
See the BC Power Rankings HERE
The following is a list of our registered smashers. Sorry it is not as pretty as the other version.
BC Awards 2007
The Awards
Top Rookie Smasher
Another great award to be given. The smasher who wins this has to have the requirement of registering on SWF from 2006-2007 (this once only as it if the first time giving the award). This rookie smasher shows us that right from the start that they are a threat, and you can feel they have the potential to move up in the Power Rankings in BC. This rookie smasher has also impressed from their first tournament to their latest. We have some great candidates this time!
2007 WINNER: Tony
Character Mastery Award
Which smasher have you seen take that one character and seem to know everything about them? Matchups, stage selection, tricks, everything that encompasses the relationship of the character to the game are all inclusive in this award. Once they have this knowledge too, they can put it to the test and show off their skills in battle. Who will win this award in the end? It's up in the air in my opinion.
2007 WINNER: Eric
Best Low Tier Smasher
Another award which shows how well somebody knows the insides and outs of their character...but they are LOW tier. Ever been impressed by a DK, Mewtwo, Ness, Zelda, Bowser, etc? Can they smash with the big boys and keep their own? That person deserves this award then!
2007 WINNER: Frank
Most Improved Smasher
This award I feel is one of the most important awards to be given. This smasher has shown that each time they play, they improve and improve and improve. This person has come along way in our community, they have shown that hard work pays off and they can even smash with best BC smashers. This award is to who the community feels improved the most in their mind in 2006 -2007 (only this once as it is the first time giving the award).
2007 WINNER: Manuel
Friendliest Smasher
Smashing well isn't all in the BC community. Many people like to hang out and make new friends at smashfests and tournaments. This award is for the smasher who can do things such as responding to people's smash questions, who shakes your hand and talks to you during a tournament making you feel welcome, who is respectful in matches and let's you finish sneezing before KOing you!
2007 WINNER: Tiep
Most Technical Smasher
This person has spent too much time playing the game, PERIOD. Double jump canceling, perfect L canceling every single aerial A move (with the exception of a few), wavedashing to it's maximum distance, reverse double short hop lasering 100% of the time, Doc Up+B cancel when they need, moonwalk like Michael Jackson, etc. All that flashy stuff takes practice, and this person has shown they took to the time to do it and it looks flashy as heck.
2007 WINNER: Robbie
Best OOS Smasher
Who would you think is the best smasher to come from outside the province, or even country? Your vote goes to the smasher who you thought was the best to visit up until the end of 2007.
2007 WINNER: Forward
Most Valuable Smasher
This is the most prestigious award of them all. This person is the one who has shown time and time again that they are excellent at this game. Mindgames, technicality, personality while smashing is just above the rest, and is easily seen by the entire community. So who has stood out enough in your mind to deserve this award?
2007 WINNER: John
The Rules for Award Voting:
-One person may vote once for a person (even themselves) for an award and be submitted to me via PM. One person who is voting submits only once.
-You vote for the best person you think in that category in BC, not just relatives or close friends (not that anybody would right?

-There will be a time period for how long voting goes on for - 10 days starting from Jan.1 2008.
-When voting you may create ONE award that you create yourself and you put down who you thinks deserves it. eg. Stupidest Smasher - Troy. These will be looked at and I will determine which ones are worthy of presenting when the results time comes.
-The awards aren't actually awards (sorry!). They are more of titles given over the internet
*There will only be one winner per award
* depicts a rule that is not finalized. Please discuss if you have an opinion
B.C. Gameplay Rules:
Singles: Generally double elimination. Round-robin pools may determine seeding. Pot is often divided 60/30/10 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, respectively.
Lives: 4 stock per match
Time Limit: 8:00 minutes, 10:00 for Semi-Finals and Finals. Higher stock/lower percent determines the winner if time runs out. If exact stock-% draw at the end of match, another 1 stock match is played to determine winner.
Items: Absolutely off.
Matches Per Set: Best 2 out of 3. Winners’ finals, Losers’ finals, and Grand Finals played best 3 out of 5.
Set Style: Advanced slobs. First match is random stage. The loser chooses the stage for the following match. The winner then chooses his character for said match. Following this, the loser gets to counterpick their character, and the match is played.
Blind Picks: If players cannot agree on a match-up to play their first match, a 3rd party may be called in. Both players secretly tell the 3rd party which character they will use, and they are forced to use that character. This allows for no possibility for character counter-picks on the first match.
Stage deletion: If both players agree, each may ban 1 stage for the whole set.
Dave’s Stupid Rule: While counter-picking a stage, a player may not select the stage on which he last won.
Random Stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Final Destination, and Dreamland are the stages selectable by random.
Banned Stages: A player cannot counterpick stage with Hyrule Temple, Venom, Fourside, Great Bay, Yoshi’s Island, Brinstar Depths, Onett, Flatzone, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Mushroom Kingdom I, and Mushroom Kingdom II. All other stages are playable.
Dumb Stages: The above banned stages may be played if both players agree.
Doubles: Generally double elimination. Pot is often divided 70/30 for 1st and 2nd place, respectively. No pools are played.
Lives: 4 stock per player
Time Limit: 8:00 minutes, 10:00 for Semi-Finals and Finals. If exact stock-% draw at the end of match, play the Super Sudden Death.
Items: Absolutely off.
Friendly Fire: On
Life Stealing: Allowed
Matches Per Set: Best 2 out of 3. Winners’ finals, Losers’ finals, and Grand Finals played best 3 out of 5.
Set Style: Advanced slobs. First match is random stage. The losers choose the stage for the following match. The winners then choose their characters for said match. Following this, the losers get to counterpick their characters, and the match is played.
Blind Picks: If players cannot agree on a match-up to play their first match, a 3rd party may be called in. Players secretly tell the 3rd party which characters they will use, and they are forced to use that character. This allows for no possibility for character counter-picks on the first match.
Stage deletion: If players agree, each team may ban 1 stage for the whole set.
Dave’s Stupid Rule: While counter-picking a stage, a team may not select the stage on which they last won.
Random Stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Final Destination, and Dreamland are the stages selectable by random.
Banned Stages: A team cannot counterpick stage with Hyrule Temple, Venom, Fourside, Great Bay, Yoshi’s Island, Brinstar Depths, Onett, Flatzone, and Icicle Mountain. All other stages are playable.
Dumb Stages: The above banned stages may be played if both teams agree.
All recordings of matches at tournaments are subject to being uploaded. We wish to have good quality matches and people wish to see and learn from them. By entering a tournament, you have a chance at your matches being recorded and uploaded. We will try to be sure to tell you which TVs have recordings going on so you may or may not want to use that TV. If
both players agree to not have to match put up then by that special request it will not be put up.
If you have read up to this part and still have questions, feel free to post or PM me
Credit all to Manuel (who IMO should have this post instead of me)