This is a mini-adventure game that I decided to create while we wait for Evil Eye to come back. And I have set it up so that it will be short.
Welcome to Constantinoplevile, a small town in the middle of a valley in the backwoods of America. It was a peace loving town, except for the military base that was enacted in the woods that surround it. But the military, up to their dastardly schemes, created a Bio-weapon that leaked, causing bloodthirsty zombies to rampage through the base, killing all of them, and then leak out into the town and nearby woods. Very soon the entire valley was overrun. Normally this wouldn't of been bad too bad, as not that many people live in the town, but it turns out that a few hundred people decided to camp in the town during this time, and so now the entire valley is filled with zombies.
You are one of the few survivors, and have to escape the valley. However, the military has blocked all exits out, and have enacted full quarantine, ready to shoot anyone dead. The entire town is on lockdown, no one gets out and no one gets in. Worst then that, however, is the fact that the military plans to bomb the entire valley, killing everyone in it. Including you.
The bomb will drop at dawn. It's currently 6:30 PM. You have one night to find a way out of the valley and escape the bloodthirsty horde that is after your flesh.
I have several maps created for this, but I'm going to be touching them up before I post them. Rules are the same as any adventure game, if you don't know them read the Fog thread, though I assume most people who will sign up for this will know them. And I will accept IM actions. My aim is Kielbasa75013 and NoSurprises23, I have them linked so I'm on both.
Differences, however, are that this is more for fun. There is no insanity, and most roles will be the same. Not much fun to be an out of shape man during a zombie invasion. And for no story reason other then gameplay, I have traps set up. They won't be invisible traps, but be warned. Bear Traps will be the more obvious ones. Trip wires in a tunnel that send blades to cut people in half will be a little more difficult to see.
Ten slots are open, but that's just an estimate. More can join if they want, though I will cap it after a while.
And just a warning, this won't be an easy game. Remember, zombie movies rarely have much survivors, if any live at all. Expect a rough night.
1. Virgilijus
2. Spam_Master
3. Mediocre
4. TMW_Redcell
5. KevinM
6. Marshigo
7. McCloud
8. Pythag
9. Handorin
10. -Chad-
11. Tom
12. Wikipedia
13. Hyperdragon
Just things I want you to all know. Has no story reason for you to know, but it makes the game better.
1. The military has the place completely surrounded and watched. Remember that.
2. A single bite will infect someone. How long it takes to turn someone is unknown, however there are several Anti-Viral Cures hidden across the map. These cures are shots, and when used (on a vein) they stop the infection from all bites up to that moment. They won’t do anything about the wound, just the bite. It doesn’t stop any future bites from infection, and won’t work on a person already zombified. These cures will be rare and hard to find, but work 100% of the time.
3. To kill a zombie, destroy the brain. A shot to the head or crushing the skull will work. Anything else will not kill a zombie.
4. Zombie blood will not infect you unless you get a large amount of it in your body. Having some blood splat on your face is fine. Having a zombie get stabbed above you and have the blood pour into your mouth is not.
5. You cannot survive the bomb blast, no matter where you are. Don’t try to make an underground shelter or find one.
6. You are all in this together, you’re all on the same side. However, your only goal is to escape yourself. If you’re a sole survivor, or if everyone wins, it’s the same to you. But this is just about, if not fully, impossible to do on your own. Be a team player.
7. One possible escape plan has steps you must take. I gave you a clue as to the first one in the story. It’s not the bird.
8. The military will not harm you if you’re in the valley. Don’t worry about them overhearing you and stopping you or things like that.
9. There are both fast and slow zombies. Predominantly slow.
10. Zombies have arms too, and they will reach and try to eat you if they can.
11. Every one of you can fly a plane.
Welcome to Constantinoplevile, a small town in the middle of a valley in the backwoods of America. It was a peace loving town, except for the military base that was enacted in the woods that surround it. But the military, up to their dastardly schemes, created a Bio-weapon that leaked, causing bloodthirsty zombies to rampage through the base, killing all of them, and then leak out into the town and nearby woods. Very soon the entire valley was overrun. Normally this wouldn't of been bad too bad, as not that many people live in the town, but it turns out that a few hundred people decided to camp in the town during this time, and so now the entire valley is filled with zombies.
You are one of the few survivors, and have to escape the valley. However, the military has blocked all exits out, and have enacted full quarantine, ready to shoot anyone dead. The entire town is on lockdown, no one gets out and no one gets in. Worst then that, however, is the fact that the military plans to bomb the entire valley, killing everyone in it. Including you.
The bomb will drop at dawn. It's currently 6:30 PM. You have one night to find a way out of the valley and escape the bloodthirsty horde that is after your flesh.
I have several maps created for this, but I'm going to be touching them up before I post them. Rules are the same as any adventure game, if you don't know them read the Fog thread, though I assume most people who will sign up for this will know them. And I will accept IM actions. My aim is Kielbasa75013 and NoSurprises23, I have them linked so I'm on both.
Differences, however, are that this is more for fun. There is no insanity, and most roles will be the same. Not much fun to be an out of shape man during a zombie invasion. And for no story reason other then gameplay, I have traps set up. They won't be invisible traps, but be warned. Bear Traps will be the more obvious ones. Trip wires in a tunnel that send blades to cut people in half will be a little more difficult to see.
Ten slots are open, but that's just an estimate. More can join if they want, though I will cap it after a while.
And just a warning, this won't be an easy game. Remember, zombie movies rarely have much survivors, if any live at all. Expect a rough night.
1. Virgilijus
2. Spam_Master
3. Mediocre
4. TMW_Redcell
5. KevinM
6. Marshigo
7. McCloud
8. Pythag
9. Handorin
10. -Chad-
11. Tom
12. Wikipedia
13. Hyperdragon
Just things I want you to all know. Has no story reason for you to know, but it makes the game better.
1. The military has the place completely surrounded and watched. Remember that.
2. A single bite will infect someone. How long it takes to turn someone is unknown, however there are several Anti-Viral Cures hidden across the map. These cures are shots, and when used (on a vein) they stop the infection from all bites up to that moment. They won’t do anything about the wound, just the bite. It doesn’t stop any future bites from infection, and won’t work on a person already zombified. These cures will be rare and hard to find, but work 100% of the time.
3. To kill a zombie, destroy the brain. A shot to the head or crushing the skull will work. Anything else will not kill a zombie.
4. Zombie blood will not infect you unless you get a large amount of it in your body. Having some blood splat on your face is fine. Having a zombie get stabbed above you and have the blood pour into your mouth is not.
5. You cannot survive the bomb blast, no matter where you are. Don’t try to make an underground shelter or find one.
6. You are all in this together, you’re all on the same side. However, your only goal is to escape yourself. If you’re a sole survivor, or if everyone wins, it’s the same to you. But this is just about, if not fully, impossible to do on your own. Be a team player.
7. One possible escape plan has steps you must take. I gave you a clue as to the first one in the story. It’s not the bird.
8. The military will not harm you if you’re in the valley. Don’t worry about them overhearing you and stopping you or things like that.
9. There are both fast and slow zombies. Predominantly slow.
10. Zombies have arms too, and they will reach and try to eat you if they can.
11. Every one of you can fly a plane.