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  • I'm genuinely beginning to become astounded by some of the decisions and evolutions that YouTube advertisers are trying to go for because honestly some of them are just so hilariously questionable that I can't help but look bemused before pressing the "Skip Ad" button. (For context, for some reason my laptop keels over and dies whenever I play YouTube on a browser, so I'm having to use my mobile that doesn't have adblock.)

    The best example I've seen so far is this one advert which is skippable and the first words are like "Stay here for 15 seconds to improve your attention span... trust us, this is worth it..." and it's such an obviously barefaced attempt to keep you watching but it's like "Noooo, no no, we're working for your benefit, this will help you" and honestly that's kinda ****ing funny to me to be fair
    Random question, because I'm kind of curious - Super Smash Bros. Brawl's base roster, aside from unlockables, consists of 23 characters, as seen in the image below. (Note that Zero Suit Samus is also included, but functions similarly to in the original game in how she's selected, plus Sheik and Zelda as unique characters too.)

    If this were Brawl's entire roster upon release - including the cuts that this roster would entail - how would you feel about it, and what sort of effects do you think it'd have on the future of the Super Smash Bros. series?
    Well first of all I'd be baffled that they cut Luigi.
    In terms of fighters, I’d probably be shocked that Luigi and Doriyah were cut, and I’d probably be disappointed to lose Ness and Jigglypuff.
    I’d still play as Icies and Sheik, and I think that Brawl’s starting newcomers were still strong choices.

    I think that Lucas would’ve actually stayed in this instance, and I think that work would’ve been done to bring back some of the missing veterans, which could’ve eaten into at least Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr.‘s development time. From Brawl’s unlockables, I guess that I could’ve seen Sonic, Toon Link, and maybe R.O.B. as newcomers. At the moment, I’d guess that most of the Melee veterans that were unlockable in Brawl would’ve been in For except for maybe Ness, Marth, and Mr. Game & Watch, where Ness would be DLC. Also, Chrom might’ve replaced Robin as we don’t have Marth, and Lucina would echo Chrom. As Ness takes Lucas’s DLC spot, I’ll assume that. Marth or Mr. Game & Watch takes Roy’s.

    Because of the huge number of cuts in Brawl, everyone is here would have a much larger impact. I could see Simon and Richter being dropped, and I guess Piranha Plant makes it into base game.
    Radom question that just occurred to me - why do Smash (and the vast majority of other platfighters as a result) use % to indicate health? I understand that a traditional healthbar obviously wouldn't have worked - and that the continually increasing numbers make sense too so as to indicate the increasing damage - but the use of % almost feels kind of questionable in that, like... why a percentage?

    I mean, it's not like there's any specifically notable things that happen at 100% or 200% or whatever, and I would have thought that something like HP would have worked - but then, was it to differentiate it from RPGs of the time where a number next to HP (ie, 420HP) would indicate that it's intended to reduce or something?

    I don't know if this has been commented on or not but knowing my luck the answer to this would be really obvious ahaha
    no evidence this is the actual intent or whatever, but oftentimes with traditional healthbars people will say something did 40% damage to it, or that there's only 10% life left or something like that, and i've always seen smash as sort of using that just in a more arbitrary system, with the numbers reversed (0% is low instead of, well, dead, and 100% is bad instead of good).

    mechanically it's not a "percent" of anything either and while there have been a few things that have used various thresholds for "stuff" (100% ledge options for example) , percent still doesn't really mean anything with them that just calling it damage couldn't have made sense with either.

    quite possibly the devs were just looking for something that made more sense and had more style to them than a simple number increase and just picked something that sounded vaguely plausible
    I think it's supposed to be the multipler for knockback that you take. I don't know if it's supposed to be a total multiplier or an additional multiplier though. So if you have 100% then you take 100% more knockback (or just 100% the amount of knockback)
    One random thing I really like in crossover materials is when a quirk or unintentional element of the original game is brought over in an interesting way that kind of makes sense whilst having its own take on the concept.

    A good example of this is Kyosuke's sprites in Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium 2001. If you notice, not one of them actually has him ever clench his fist - which at first glance might seem like a weird point, until you realise why that is. In Rival Schools: United By Fate, the character models weren't capable of animating or replacing hands - resulting in a lot of characters, by default, having clenched fist poses as you might expect. Kyosuke, on the other hand, has an open-palmed pose - resulting in all of his attacks in that game being performed with said pose. Like, I don't think it's an element anyone would have really picked up on if it weren't included, but the fact that it was is such a cool element.

    Side note. Check out this CVS2 lineup of him, Batsu and Hinata (given the other two appeared in his Level 3 super.) They look so goddamn GOOD here holy guacamole

    the street fighter ex series' music is vastly underrated and this is a hill i will die on

    speaking of street fighter music is it just me who's kind of annoyed that ultimate's entire selection of music from the franchise is literally just the soundtrack of super street fighter ii, especially considering the series' fantastic musical selection from throughout? kind of feels like a missed opportunity, especially when you compare it to snk's music selection funnily enough.
    Random thought but I lowkey think it'd have been so cool for Ultimate to have included just some downright weird stages here and there on top of the more obvious candidates for inclusion, partially so that the appropriate music could be added in some cases, but also because it'd be fun to see some genuinely weird inclusions that'd be really out there.

    A couple of ideas I have in mind (of varying quality) are:
    A Straight Up EarthBound Battle Seems As We're Not Allowed The Battle Themes For Some Reason

    Okay so admittedly the MOTHER series has a ton of potential for a wide variety of stages, but at the same time, I feel like one of the most underrepresented parts of the MOTHER series is - perhaps ironically for a turn-based RPG series - the battle system. Considering the MOTHER series is pretty well-known for having a wide variety of weird enemies, trippy backgrounds, and awesome battle music, it's kind of a shame to see basically none of that represented.

    How would this even look? I barely have any idea. I mean, instinctually, the first thought that comes to mind is that the various backgrounds can be similar in appearance to the really trippy ones seen in EarthBound. Hell, maybe depending on the different backgrounds, various EarthBound enemies might pop up from time to time. It'd also be pretty cool if the checkerboard UI were perhaps used for the stage itself, maybe as a deliberately "ethereal" one to link into the battle's vibes.

    Seriously though, why are none of the EarthBound battle themes in Smash yet? That feels like a really weird omission.

    Mario Paint

    Surely it can't just be me who thinks that this could be a lot of fun, right? Sure, including Mario Paint music is at least part of the reason, but the idea of fighting on a hand-drawn stage with the UI overlay seems like it almost writes itself. Admittedly I wouldn't go the Mario Maker route of having the stage be randomly generated, but it'd be cute if the intro has the cursor rapidly draw the stage on which everyone then fights.

    A Levitating Console Like From Mario Kart Double Dash or Mario Kart DS

    Another weirdly underrepresented element of Nintendo's output is like, the actual consoles. I mean, even including them as Spirits could have been pretty fun, I suppose? Then again, my thought process here is that including an actual console in space would be just like, really interesting and kind of out there - plus it'd give you an opportunity to include console BIOS and the like if you wanted to go down that route.

    Come to think of it, the Switch actually could have lended really well to this concept. Maybe it'd start with you fighting on a flat plane before the Joy-Cons are detached and act as platforms or something? I mean, its modular nature means you could do some pretty fun stuff with it that something like the Gamecube wouldn't lend itself to.

    Radar Scope

    Yes, it was a commercial failure, and I'm also certain that someone will point out that we technically already have a Radar Scope stage in the form of 75M (it's a whole thing), it's a game that occupies an interesting and really underrepresented era of Nintendo's history in some ways. Plus, you can't tell me that a stage based on this sort of visual style wouldn't go hard. Hell, it's kind of a shame that Nintendo's pre-DK history is mostly just represented through Mr. Game & Watch as well as the Sheriff and Color-TV Game 15. You could probably do a ton of cool things with Nintendo's various toys and cards. Actually, on that note,


    I mean, the visual style alone would sell me, I'm not gonna lie. That aside, it's not like Nintendo refuse to recognise this as a prominent part of their history, and maybe you could use it as an excuse to include music from Clubhouse Games or something. Seriously, this feels like a natural idea. Why isn't it here yet.
    Don't forget - Pokémon GO to the Polls!

    Jokes aside, I have a random but important thing to ask of you all - please, if it's possible for you to, vote - and make sure you're registered to vote if you're in a country where that's necessary, such as the UK! (As for who you vote for, that's up to you, of course.)

    Us ordinary people get screwed over enough, so it's really important that the major source of leverage we really get - the opportunity to vote - is something you go out of your way to exercise. I know things can seem hopeless at times what with everything going on in the world, but believe me - even if it seems useless, every vote counts. Including yours.

    Love you all. (Stay hydrated!)
    AI fans when AI neural networks, pulling from pretty much the entire internet's repository of images, start to pull a larger number of AI images due to AI becoming more socially prominent, continually degrading the products that the AI is actually putting out and eventually making it almost completely dependent on being within a closed system so as to avoid becoming completely useless because of the saturation of AI content currently on the internet:

    Random question: in the future Smash games (because let's be honest, the series is too popular to kill off), are there any Nintendo-owned series or IP that haven't been included yet (or have only been included in very small roles) that you'd like to see?

    I'm kind of curious because, come to think of it, there's quite a lot of smaller-scale IP that haven't really gotten much representation aside from either Brawl's Stickers or Ultimate's Spirits, and it'd be neat to see y'all's ideas!
    As the number of pieces of mainstream media centring around the concept of the Multiverse increases, so too does the potential capacity for the logo of a brand of underwear to become a major plot point, or even a key lynchpin, in a multi-million Hollywood production.

    Imagine, if you will, a world in which the mundane is fascinating - where the details and minutae of everyday life are questioned amongst the public consciousness - and wherein a cornucopia may come into being through naught but misremembered recollections. As it happens, those memories may have come not from a state of objective reality... but from a strange and esoteric realm that you may know as... the Twilight Zone.
    Hey guys. I'm going to buy a local bakery. A couple of changes will be made, though.
    • I'm firing all of the employees, effective immediately. I will be the only remaining employee.
    • I will be plastering every inch of the bakery with advertisements. Including the food.
    • I will constantly stand in the centre and berate the customers, as well as telling unfunny jokes and randomly submitting proposals to the local council that would benefit absolutely nobody.
    • I will no longer be paying for any ingredients, or the upkeep of our equipment.
    • You can be inside the bakery for up to four minutes. If you've been here before, you get five minutes. If you pay a monthly fee, you get ten minutes. After that point, leave immediately - I reserve the right to make fun of you for this.
    • All journalists are banned indefinitely, unless they write positive reviews about both myself and the bakery.
    • The child who keeps posting mean comments about me online is banned indefinitely.
    • If you criticise me at all, you're banned indefinitely. I'll also send hundreds of people to harass you for the next week.
    • I will change the bakery to a butchers', but only externally.
    Why is the local bakery not financially sustainable?
    how long until we make actually important scientific discoveries that allow us to print animated gifs onto shirts
    Genuine question: do you think that internet memes are (or can be) an actual art form?
    Hear me out here. Amongst all forms of transportation, picture one that:
    • Does not require insurance.
    • Does not require a license.
    • Pretty much unregulated.
    • Does not require fuel, aside from whatever you eat.
    • Is arguably the most environmentally friendly vehicle out there.
    • Has no practical range limit.
    • Can literally be left anywhere so long as you have something to attach it to.
    • Is reasonably cheap to attain a replacement for, even if it does get stolen.
    • Is way less likely to kill or even injure you in an accident.
    • Doesn't require a seatbelt.
    • Isn't affected by traffic jams.
    • Doesn't even need roads.
    • Quiet and quick, reducing noise pollution.
    • Can reasonably carry stuff you need if you get a basket or something for it.
    • Can reasonably be fixed without a mechanic having to plug a laptop into it.
    • Actively improves your body whilst using it.
    • Is genuinely pretty fun.
    I genuinely don't understand why bicycles aren't the go-to symbol of "freedom". Like, when I was younger and went to a relative's house for the weekend, I had a bicycle there, and it was like. Genuinely so freeing. Considering how expensive and unwieldy cars are, bicycles are obviously superior.

    (Admittedly this might be Eurocentric thinking - I suppose sprawl is more of an issue in the States, but still, even in like major cities and such, I don't get who would want to drive cars around at this point)
    Major cities are the places where you'd really rather not drive a car around because there's so much traffic. But then again, we still have so many cars that it's way too dangerous to be on a bike in the city unless you want to break the law by going on the sidewalk. Bikes good for college campuses and cities that care about bike-riders, and I guess suburbs as well.

    I don't have much ground to speak on, though. Was never taught how to ride a bike, probably because I'm more at-risk of bruises and bleeds causing serious injury.
    I love my bike, but most of the time I'm too depressed to use it. Trying to get back in the habit though.

    On a different note I saw a reasonable uptick in e-bikes and e-scooters after 2020, but I feel like I haven't seen them as much these past few months.
    Simply put, they just aren't practical for everything. Even if cars weren't around en masse today, people with a large family won't want to have their kids all driving on separate vehicles no matter how trained to use one they are, as there's always a risk that some accident could befall them that's beyond their guardians' control or that they, their relatives or other members of a group they're traveling with could get split up along the way.

    They're also really not that practical for carrying larger quantities of items. If you're traveling a long distance, need to carry a lot of items like groceries or pick something up for a job, or are just going on vacation and need to pack a lot, a bike or two isn't going to be enough to get the job done. That's not even getting into the fact that they also provide much better protection against weather than open vehicles do.

    I agree that we could use a lot more vehicles that are more environmentally-friendly, but bicycles aren't the answer.
    The Dolphin team have released a statement about the Steam situation which might make for an interesting read for y'all. The major points to mention are that it's not coming to Steam, but it's apparently also not in immediate legal danger.

    Condensing some of the major points in the blog post into quick-fire bullet points (though I'd recommend reading it):
    • Dolphin won't be coming to Steam. However, many of the advertised features will be coming to the PC release (and apparently have been planned to for some time, as well) such as quality of life changes and the like.
      • This is partially because Valve have put a requirement in place that the Dolphin team get Nintendo's approval to release it on Steam, which - given Nintendo's stance on emulation - the team have deemed "impossible".
    • Nintendo didn't send either Dolphin or Valve an official DMCA take down notice in relation to the Steam page, and no legal action has been taken. The letter sent to Valve was apparently more of a strongly worded request.
      • The only request that made was in their letter to Valve, saying (quote), "We specifically request that Dolphin’s “coming soon” notice be removed and that you ensure the emulator does not release on the Steam store moving forward."
    • The Wii Common Key is, apparently, nowhere near as much of a problem as was initially thought.
      • From what I can tell, the argument is - given that Dolphin (as a complete package) is not a piece of equipment designed specifically to circumvent the Wii or Gamecube hardware (due to it instead being a "simulated environment" and with only very minor elements of its code being related directly to circumvention) there's a reasonable argument to suggest the reverse engineering exception in 17 U.S.C. § 1201(f) permits the use of the Wii Common Key.
      • On top of this, current US copyright law does not allow a random string of letters and numbers generated by a seperate machine or program (as in, the Wii Common Key) to be copyrighted, adding another theoretical layer of protection.
      • Obviously, all of this depends on how you interpret 17 U.S.C. § 1201 - it's possible that it disallows any distribution of Wii code depending on how you go about specifically reading it - but at the same time, it's just as likely that it allows it under the exceptions listed. The Dolphin team have been working with Kellen Voyer of Voyer Law in order to set things straight.
    Obviously, again, I'm not a lawyer or legal counsel, nor am I even in the US, so I'm hardly an expert in US copyright law. This isn't legal advice, just observations from an armchair enthusiast. If you're in need of actual legal advice, I'm afraid I'm not qualified (or really knowledgable enough) to give it to you.
    just had a weird thought about "criticism and review" as a reasonable justification for fair use in relation to a work - if you were to sample stuff for some sick epic lit beats or the like, and then deliberately overlay it with lyrics that directly criticise or review the original works that you're sampling, would that then be allowed under fair use?

    i mean like, sampling doesn't fall under parody, and technically it isn't classified as "transformative" on its own - so legally speaking the process of sampling on its own isnt allowed under the fair use doctrine, but if you were to deliberately go out of your way to ensure that the final product specifically criticises or reviews the original work (think something more like channel awesome's take on the wall as opposed to something like weird al yankovic) like would that count???

    (i am obligated to inform you that im not a lawyer or any form of legal counsel. this post is not legal advice. if you are looking for legal advice, please look for a registered practicioner of law. im not letting myself get sued for a smashboards profile post)
    its kinda crazy to think that "no, you need to starve because an imaginary line designed to measure an imaginary value of a hypothetical, imaginary asset has gone down. or up. you need to starve either way" is an actual sentence that not only makes sense due to our imaginary definitions but applies to millions of people worldwide. money isn't real
    more youtubers should do the thing every single youtuber does when they come across a foreign word ("oh, i'm sorry if i butcher this, but here goes - horribly mispronounced version of the word") with just like, ordinary words.

    talking about something and halfway through just stop to make a tired, unfunny "joke" that doesn't land, doesn't work, and appeals to nobody is an essential part of the youtuber's playbook. here's a sample script.

    "i've always loved observing people wandering around supermarkets like zombies, and a good example of this is... oh, hang on, sorry if i mispronounce this, i, um, "tishco"."

    it takes 7 muscles to smile, and absolutely none to react to this "joke". we're all sick and tired of it
    Y'know how when you used to get any DVD you would be forced to sit through a two-minute long, unskippable advertisement stating that piracy is a crime and that you should not be allowed to buy something once and then make infinite copies of it because Hollywood would send armed police into your house and your parents into prison?

    Crazy how they're now planning to give people $200 and then use their faces forever in perpetuity whilst making infinite copies of them without further payment. "You wouldn't download an actor" seems to apply here, but that's just me. I'm not a multi-billion dollar international conglomerate, what do I know?

    Crazier to think that the reason that very same advertisement stopped showing up in your DVDs is because the company that made it actually stole the music used in it
    Okay, I don't do this often, but I think this is just one of the many, many reasons why us Brits always seem miserable, tired, annoyed, and misanthropic. I find shopping in larger supermarkets horrible for a lot of reasons, with a lot of it probably coming from being both autistic and having anxiety disorder. That said, I think one specific aspect of the experience is just so mindnumbingly ridiculous and drawn out that I'm almost certain it's designed specifically to piss off as many people as humanly possible, and that a similar process was probably drafted in hell itself and denied due to humanitarian concerns.
    1. Walk into the self-checkout zone with your stuff after queuing for a solid 20 minutes, mostly because there's only one normal till with an actual person on it resulting in your queue over there being about an hour long, not noticing the employee (we'll call her Doris) aimlessly wandering around and glaring over people's shoulders like they're committing atrocities with the self-checkout machines because you're trying to determine which machines actually take cash because half of them are broken and haven't been fixed in about two years.
    2. Scan your first item, and after it doesn't scan and you have to do it about six times, you notice that the queue is ridiculously long because there's about six machines for an entire supermarket, so you're like "damn I should hurry up huh", before realising you need a bag or two to carry your stuff back in.
    3. Reach over to the bag rack and notice there's no bags there. The label is still there because nobody thought to remove it, so you glance around the nearby checkout tills and there's none anywhere. The employee, conveniently, has also ****ed off to god knows where and is now deeply embedded in a conversation with another person, so you're not supposed to interrupt them, because that's a social faux pas.
    4. Okay, I'll scan my other stuff whilst they're talking. Keep glancing over to try and determine if they're done yet - they're not, and it seems like everyone else in the self-checkout zone is doing the exact same thing, so poor old 68 year old Doris is going to be hounded by six mildly-ticked off Mancunians as soon as she's cut off from this conversation about the price of tulips or something.
    5. Scanning your second item, you have to do it about eight times before you accidentally lean like half a centimetre of your coat on the bagging area and it locks up your entire machine for a solid 30 seconds until it works out that, no, you aren't trying to steal a box of Weetabix. Then it locks everything up again when you scan it for no good reason, requiring a staff member to arbitrarily scan it out for no reason whatsoever where nothing of use is accomplished.
    6. Oh, but **** you, because Doris is still having her conversation about the price of tulips. Trying not to glance at the queue which is full of people who very, very clearly look like they want to die, you sort of like, shuffle over - not wanting someone in the queue to force their way into your checkout till presuming that you're done and then angrily muttering slurs at you when it becomes obvious that that's not the case.
    7. "Um, excuse me, sorry to bother you, the, uh, the till..." Doris will look at you like you've just punted a kitten right next to her and angrily stomps over to the machine, scanning a card which instantly fixes it for no reason. She stomps off to the next poor soul dealing with the exact same issue.
    8. Try and ask Doris for a bag, given she's clutching all of them like she's some kind of dragon sitting atop a hoard of treasure, because evidently the British public are so untrustworthy that letting us get our own ****ing bags would bankrupt small, precious little companies like ASDA (net worth as of 2021: approximately £6 billion).
    9. Attempt to put your two scanned items into the bag and the machine locks up again because it thinks you're going to steal the items purely on the basis of having picked them up. Wait about 30 more seconds and it lets you continue.
    10. Scan about five other items and then you're sorted, continuing the process of it all locking up for no good reason and taking about 5 minutes in total because of all the pointless faffing about you're being subjected to. Try and pay, scan your card with Contactless.
    11. Contactless, for no reason, and not indicated anywhere, doesn't work. So put your card in and input the PIN. By now, Doris is once more stomping around and glaring over everyone's shoulders, including yours, and she looks like she's about to accuse you of committing an act of terrorism as you input the code and then wait another 20 seconds for it to email your bank to ask for permission to get your own ****ing money.
    12. Take your card, leave the reciept because you know you don't need it, and walk away. Within approximately a femtosecond of you even moving an inch away from the machine, an angry-looking person has already shunted you out of your place, so god help you if you've forgotten something.
    13. Get to the doors, and the ****ing alarms go off as if you're carrying a bomb or something, whilst another underpaid and overworked employee mindlessly stands as the sole method of stopping your exit because god forbid you leave without them checking your reciept. Why isn't there a sign or something telling you to keep your reciept? God only knows. Have some pissed-off looking security guard search through your bag to ensure you're not supplying the ****ing Taliban with their weapons of war or something (despite it OBVIOUSLY only containing, y'know, groceries?), and then leave, miserable and tired, and obviously being rained on too. In July.
    Random thought: if the Library of Babel website were to be embroiled in a copyright lawsuit due to the fact that, theoretically, every piece of written media (including screenplays and so forth) exists within the website purely by chance, would it be deemed to be an unlicensed publication of the media in question, or would it be defensible due to the amount of legible material on the site being an infinitisimally small fraction of the site's actual content?
    Random fun fact that I actually only just learned: apparently, Gill was not only planned, but actually got pretty late into development for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - to the point of having working moves and animations. They ended up deciding there were too many Street Fighter characters (and found Gill's speed, considering his size, to look weird) and eventually ended up replacing him with Nemesis (mostly because his slower speed made more sense visually.)

    That said, Nemesis was explicitly deconfirmed from Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds due to the risk of his inclusion altering the game's rating given how "gruesome" he is. They ended up managing to make changes that would allow him, obviously - and would later do similar stuff with Jedah.

    Honestly, Gill's a really interesting pick in my mind. Maybe in a future game? (Though, I suppose Luke is far more likely nowadays... or maybe Juri?)
    I know this "joke" has been done to death already but I'd lowkey like to see a superhero project where almost everyone is actually still vulnerable to guns. Because let's be honest, that only makes sense. A friend of mine suggested the Marvel What If?... episode where the entire original lineup of the Avengers ****ing die could have been done by a semi-competent guy with a sniper with the exception of like, solely the Hulk and maybe Thor depending on circumstances and he lowkey has a point
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