Wait, do I have to press the button for "Nintendo kart" game? I'm quite stumped, considering that I was the fan of the concept of Nintendo/Smash kart game back , but now it seems like a bad idea to mesh all Nintendo IPs into a racing game.
Although I would say yes if I was supporting the idea, but I'm going to say no, because it would take the spotlight of Mario Kart games or F-Zero games (despite the franchise hasn't got any entries for long times).
Plus, just like Wario Wario Wario said, the "Ha ha Ridley on tiny bike" novelty would wear off quickly and the idea wouldn't be fun anymore as it was supposed to be back then.
TL;DR: I'm not gonna press it, because Smash is supposed to be a platform fighter game, not a racing game.
Anyway, Super Nintendo World includes a shop where you could buy Nintendo consoles and their games made by Nintendo or their partners (Game Freak, Intelligent systems), but you have to beat Super Mario Bros. Lost levels with eyes closed in order to make the shop real.