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Will The Future Change? - Crono for Smash Support Thread


Deleted member


Crono Times His Approach!

Image by Isaac: Venus Adept Isaac: Venus Adept

1. General Overview: who is Crono and what is Chrono Trigger?

Crono is the silent protagonist of Chrono Trigger, an RPG developed and published by Square originally released for the SNES in 1995. Chrono Trigger's development team included three designers that were dubbed as the "Dream Team", consisting of Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of the Final Fantasy series, Yuji Horii, creator of the Dragon Quest series from Enix, and Akira Toriyama, a manga artist better known for Dragon Ball who's also responsible for Dragon Quest's art.
Ingame, he acts as the first party member and main character, playing a role similar to that of other silent protagonists such as Link as an avatar for the player to insert themselves in the world of the game, though much like Link, he's not without characterization but those come through his actions and sprites rather than dialogue. Crono hails from Truce in the Kingdom of Guaria in the year of 1000 A.D. characterized as fearless as is tradition with these protagonists, but that ends up paying a bigger role than one might initially think. The game's plot follows the story of Crono and his allies as they travel through time in order to find a way to prevent Lavos from awakening, an alien parasite hidden inside the planet who's sucking the Earth's energy for its own growth and is set to destroy it in the year 1999 A.D.

While the game features traditional RPG gameplay, including skills(called Techs) that can be learned and used in battle by spending MP, navigation of cities, tow, forests and dungeons through an overworld and so on, it also presents some unique mechanics that deviate from traditional RPGs, such as the lack of random encounters with all enemies being present in the overworld, and the enemy placement affecting battles as different skills can hit certain combinations of monsters and some can only reach within a certain range, with the enemies even moving around during battle to change how these skills interact. Another unique feature are Double and Triple Techs, skills that combine two or three party members' skills for more powerful and flashy attacks, or can restore HP or cause status effects more efficiently.
Time Travel is also integrated in the gameplay, with the player being able to visit six different eras across the history of the game's world and certain interactions done in the past will affect the future ones accordingly.

2. Moveset Concepts: how would Crono play?

Feel free to sumbit your own concepts!
General Overview: Crono wields a katana in battle as his main form of attack and the source of many of his skills, so naturally, his moveset would center around it for the majority of his attacks, having range comparable to Marth. He would also feature his various Techs, including his Lightning spells. Additionally, Double and Triple Techs are a big part of Chrono Trigger, so I believe those not only should be implemented into his moveset, but would bring many fun possibilities.
Idle Animation:

Victory Pose and Theme:

Fanfare 1

Jab: Crono stabs forward and unleashes a series of stab attacks, ending with a horizontal slash.
Side Tilt: Crono steps forward and performs a single stab, pressing the button again will have him perform an upwards slash while retreating to his original position.
Down Tilt: Crono slashes the ground in front of him, releasing sparks from it that can hit the opponent. The sparks deal almost no damage or knockback, however.
Up Tilt: Crono slashes above him in an arc, the fastest of his tilts and covers a lot of the area above him, making it a good anti-air. It possesses no ground hitbox, however, and will miss even opponents right in front of him unless they're tall enough.
Dash Attack: Crono puts his sword behind him, readying an attack, and then unleashes a vertical slash coming from below.

Think of it as how he performs X-Strike

Neutral Aerial: Crono spins in place with his katana out, a multi-hit move, Crono does three full spins before launching opponents away.
Forward Aerial: Crono pulls his sword above him and then slashes downwards similar to Cloud's FAir. Does not spike, however, but is a quick move.
Back Aerial: Crono stabs with his katana behind him, similarly to Pit's BAir, making it a good kill move but it lacks the range his other moves have.
Down Aerial: A Stall-and-Fall move. Crono holds his katana down in front of him and then falls to the ground. The initial hitbox spikes.
Up Aerial: Crono slashes his sword upwards while staying in place, similar to Meta Knight's UAir if it was used by someone with realistic proportions.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash: Crono readies his katana above him and then slashes downwards in front of him. Pressing the button again will have him follow with a slash upwards, much like his critical hit animation.

Down Smash: Crono stabs the ground in front of him. Pressing the button again will have him perform a slash off the ground in front of him.

Up Smash: Crono stabs above him. Pressing the button again will have him perform another stab, though slightly behind where the original stab was.

Shield+B - Support:
By pressing Special while his Shield is up, Crono will summon one of his two party members to perform Double Techs, changing the properties of his specials at the expense of a slower startup. The first time it's used, Marle will be summoned, the second, Lucca, and a third time will have Crono use single techs again.
Marle and Lucca only have so much MP, however, and after 4 Specials, they'll go on cooldown for some seconds. If no specials are used in 60 seconds, Crono will automatically go back to normal. All Double Tech specials have Marle or Lucca appearing behind Crono, so if they're hit, they'll go into cooldown immediatelly and the move will fail.

Down Special - Cyclone:
Crono spins in place, hitting opponents with a multi-hitting move before launching them away. Crono can move sideways while performing this move, and it also slows his falling speed when used in the air, making it good to recover horizontally.

With Marle - Aura Whirl: Marle casts Aura while Crono spins in place, creating a small healing circle around him, healing him and anyone else inside it for a few seconds. This move possesses no hitbox, however.

With Lucca - Flame Whirl: Lucca casts Fire on Crono's katana as he spins in place, increasing the speed he moves and the damage dealt, though Crono will be left wide open afterwards.

Neutral Special - Lightning:
Crono summons a lightning bolt from above, much like Pikachu's Thunder, and if it hits him, it'll transform into Lightning II, trapping opponents in a multi-hit move similar to Dedenne's Discharge from Smash 4. If it misses, it'll only go until the same height Crono was when he performed the move.


With Marle - Ice: Marle will appear behind Crono and unleash a gust of ice around her. At close range, the move can freeze. Crono can move around during it if it's held down for a few seconds, but he won't be able to perform any other specials during this for obvious reasons. The same can be done with Lucca's version.
With Lucca - Fire: Lucca will appear behind Crono and unleash a flamethrower from her gun, hitting opponents multipe times.

Side Special - Wind Slash:
Crono puts his katana on the ground and then slashes it forward, releasing a ground spark that travels quickly along it, piercing opponents. It's affected by gravity and will fall off at the end of a platform or if used in the air.

With Marle - Ice Slash: Marle casts Ice on Crono's sword, creating an ice spike in front of him when he slashes the ground. The initial hit from the sword can freeze while the spike simply deals damage and it will stay on the ground for a few seconds acting as a barrier of sorts. It can also be destroyed if it receives too much damage. No spike will be created if used in the air.
With Lucca - Flame Slash: Lucca casts Fire on Crono's sword, creating a fire spark that will explode on contact. This projectile is not affected by garvity.

Up Special - Cleave:
Crono leaps in the air with his sword behind him, leaving a trail as he jumps, and then falls to the ground while slashing in front of him. The initial hit at the peak of the jump can spike too.

With Marle - Ice Sword: Marle casts Ice on Crono's sword as he reaches the peak of his jump, and then unleashes an ice slash as he falls, while this move can't spike, it'll freeze opponents in the initial hit and create two ice spikes around Crono when he lands. On the other hand, this move doesn't provide as much horizontal recovery and the endlag is considerably higher.

With Lucca - Flame Sword: Crono leaps in the air with much greater speed and then stops at the peak of his jump as Lucca casts Fire on his sword, before unleashing a downwards stab similar to his DAir, though much faster. This move is a multi-hit and Crono will drag opponents down with as he falls, though it possesses no landing hitbox.

Final Smash - Luminaire

Crono puts his arms in the air and starts floating above the ground as light emanates from him, before covering himself in a dome of light that will trap and continuously damage opponents caught in it before launching them away.

Final Smash - Triple Tech: Delta Force

If Crono performs his Final Smash with either Marle or Lucca summoned, they'll perform their Triple Tech together, boasting more range and damage.

3. Franchise Representation: what else would Crono bring with him?
Same as above, this section accepts submissions from others.
Stage - The End of Time:

While there are many locations in Chrono Trigger that would make for great stages, you can't just have it without representing time travelling. The stage would be simple enough, the End of Time if seen from the front, two big platforms connected by a bridge and some stairs, the left one slightly higher than the right one, some stairs to the right that lead offstage and a lamp post in the middle of the right platform with Balthasar standing near it(and performing attacks near him will cause him to wake up!)
But every now and then, the background will change and the End of Time will be transported into a different era, all the way back from 65.000.000 BC to 2300 AD. The hazards don't change, it's more for the scenery of it all.

Stage - Epoch:

In concept, the Epoch would work the same way as the End of Time, traveling through all the different eras as the battle progresses. Though of course, it's layout would be fairly different and I guess it would make more sense as a traveling stage.

Assist Trophy - Magus:

Magus would fit right in with all the Assists we've been seeing. When summoned, he would unleash various of the elemental spells on the stage, including his signature Black Hole Dark Matter spells, alongside being able to attack with a scythe at close range. He could potentially even create barriers to protect himself from attacks much like in his boss fight.

Boss - Lavos:

The big bad itself, Lavos, no other boss from the game would make sense to include in Smash. Its fight would take place in a wasteland in 1999 AD, just after it erupted from the ground, fighting much like its original fight with powerful projectiles though as a stationary target, it's easy to hit it. It would also possess a second and a third phase much like in the original, gaining the ability to attack with its arms and fire nipple-beams, and finally becoming able to move in its third phase against the core.

You can tell it was Toriyama who designed this thing

"Oh geez, I wonder which one of them is the real core?"

Music - My Favorite Part:
Ayla's Theme
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle with Magus
Bike Chase
Black Omen
Boss Battle 1
Boss Battle 2
Chrono Trigger
Corridors of Time
Frog's Theme
Gato's Song
Guardia's Millenial Fair
Lavos' Theme
Peaceful Days
Robo's Theme
Schala's Theme
Singing Mountain
Site 16
The Epoch - Wings of Time
The Final Battle
The Hidden Truth
The Trial
To Far Away Times
Underground Sewer
World Revolution
Yearnings of the Wind

Basically too many good songs, I didn't even list the entire OST which I very well could.

Stock icons by KiBom KiBom

The black wind howls....
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
You can count on me to support Crono
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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I saw this in your sig at the NintenZone thread and went to go check this **** out. lol

But yeah sure, why not? I remember having fun with him in that one Super Smash Flash game, and Chrono Trigger is a legend. I'll give my support for this thread. Crono FTW Shoe :)

Deleted member

Nice work on the moveset. In my opinion Crono is the Square character that deserves to be in Super Smash Bros. the most. I made this for the last Crono thread so feel free to use it =)
Hey, thanks, it's been added to the OP


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
I'm surprised this guy hasn't gotten that much support, he'd make a pretty fun fighter. Sword Goku has my support.

It'd be pretty rad if his stage phased from the different time periods. The layout and hazards could shift slightly based on when it was taking place. It'd be really neat if the actions of the players in past times would affect how the stage would be in future times.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Did you arrange things with the other Crono page?
nevermind it was closed..

So is this the official one now then?

If so, then I support. Along with Marle &/or Ayla that I'd want :) (even if that might be a little off-chance)
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Crono is an absolute legend, and completely earned his place in Smash. Sign me up.

****, now I want to play Chrono Trigger again.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Legend on the SNES. Protagonist of one of the best RPGs I've ever played. Incredible Squeenix rep that I doubt anyone could argue against and if they do they're wrong. He's not my top most-wanted Square rep but he's on the shortlist after Neku and 2B. Full support and I'm really hoping he gets in base.

Robo assist trophy, anyone...?
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Deleted member

Did you arrange things with the other Crono page?
nevermind it was closed..

So is this the official one now then?

If so, then I support. Along with Marle &/or Ayla that I'd want :) (even if that might be a little off-chance)
I wanted to give the thread a proper OP but the owner basically only joined to make that thread and then vanished so I talked with Cyndane to see if a new thread would be okay.
So yes, this is the new official thread for Crono.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Legend on the SNES. Protagonist of one of the best RPGs I've ever played. Incredible Squeenix rep that I doubt anyone could argue against and if they do they're wrong. He's not my top most-wanted Square rep but he's on the shortlist after Neku and 2B. Full support and I'm really hoping he gets in base.

Robo assist trophy, anyone...?
Why have Robo when you can have Frog? In fact, why have Crono playable when you can have Frog?


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Ayla as a melee-heavy character, able to throw rocks too, would be where it's at for me :D

Chihiro Fujisaki

Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
hey whats up i have been playing chrono trigger and i am absolutely in love with the game. count me in for support


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
Would absolutely love Crono. Chrono Trigger is my absolute favorite RPG of all time, and him being in the same game as all my other favorite game series? Unbelievable.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
Unlike Geno, Crono is an absolute gaming icon and Chrono Trigger is a permanent resident on top 10 lists of the best games of all time. As much as I love Super Mario RPG, nothing would make me happier than a surprise appearance by Crono instead of (or in addition to) Geno.

I wonder how they would navigate the artwork issues or if Toriyama would have to be involved in the process at all. Does Squeenix just own the rights to the series wholesale?

Deleted member

Unlike Geno, Crono is an absolute gaming icon and Chrono Trigger is a permanent resident on top 10 lists of the best games of all time. As much as I love Super Mario RPG, nothing would make me happier than a surprise appearance by Crono instead of (or in addition to) Geno.

I wonder how they would navigate the artwork issues or if Toriyama would have to be involved in the process at all. Does Squeenix just own the rights to the series wholesale?
Not exactly sure but I'd suspect it's a similar situation to Dragon Quest anyways so I doubt it's a complicated mess of rights


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2018
Crono is one of two characters that could possibly make this game more exciting for me.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2018
Okay so in depth read the move list, and this is almsot exactly how Crono would play in my dreams, with the ability to kinda tag in and out party members that change his specials to different double techs. It's great. Only thing I'd change is the stage, cause what I'd want is for the stage to be on the Epoch, flying through the different eras of time. Like this

Well here's the link cause image machines broke
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Deleted member

Okay so in depth read the move list, and this is almsot exactly how Crono would play in my dreams, with the ability to kinda tag in and out party members that change his specials to different double techs. It's great. Only thing I'd change is the stage, cause what I'd want is for the stage to be on the Epoch, flying through the different eras of time. Like this

Well here's the link cause image machines broke
I've considered the Epoch since it's such an iconic part of the whole game(you'll notice a glaring lack of it in the OP outside of its amazing theme but I couldn't thibk of anything for it) but I like the End of Time more from an aesthetic point and its layout serves as a stage more naturally. Could probably add the Epoch as a stage concept later though(not really gonna try to edit the OP on mobile lol).
The Epoch could also be an alternative for Crono's FS, referencing how they can crash it on Lavos to skip the first phase.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2018
I've considered the Epoch since it's such an iconic part of the whole game(you'll notice a glaring lack of it in the OP outside of its amazing theme but I couldn't thibk of anything for it) but I like the End of Time more from an aesthetic point and its layout serves as a stage more naturally. Could probably add the Epoch as a stage concept later though(not really gonna try to edit the OP on mobile lol).
The Epoch could also be an alternative for Crono's FS, referencing how they can crash it on Lavos to skip the first phase.
Yeah, CT in general just as tons of potential to create things for Smash in. Hopefully something eventually does get done with it


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
Crono is the single SE rep I would choose, even over Geno, Sora or a DQ character, so I support.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
If we get Crono any time in the next few months

I am going to legit high five everyone at E3.

Legit my #1 most wanted character even though he's got no shot.

But man oh man... would Crono be cool!!!
Chrono Trigger-  Crono Fan drawing.jpg
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Deleted member

I'm already ready to post that one image tomorrow because I know he won't happen.
actually, ive been ready since i made this thread, the title is just a setup for that


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
I'm already ready to post that one image tomorrow because I know he won't happen.
actually, ive been ready since i made this thread, the title is just a setup for that
... ... ...It's "But the future refused to change", isn't it?


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
as far as SE reps are concerned I do want Geno the most, just because I think he could be more unique and I think it'd be cool to see representation for the RPG side of Mario (not that Crono couldn't be unique nor am I someone who cares about "T-TOO MANY SWORD USERS").

That said, I actually kind of like the idea of Crono in Smash, as Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time. If any character had to take Geno's spot, I'd want it to be Crono.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Crono is basically one of the last "All-Star" of the Super Nintendo/Famicom stars left to not be in Smash along with the likes of Dixie Kong and Terra.

All the Mario, DKC, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Star Fox characters, Yoshi, Wario, Captain Falcon, Ness, Marth, Little Mac, Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Simon and Richter...

...Crono fits right in with that class, one thousand percent.

Chrono Trigger is a legendary game, and the moveset potential for Crono is off the freaking charts.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
Crono is on my list of top DLC picks, as unlikely as he is compared to other Square picks. It's nice to dream.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2018
Switch FC
Found this thread late, but better late than never! I've been hoping beyond hope that Chrono Trigger would be represented in Smash ever since Brawl, and I've been holding on to the dream for a very long time now. The fact that an SE rep has been tossed around as being a likely DLC pick makes me want to hope that now's his time to shine, regardless of how unlikely he may be in the long run. Still, I'd probably lose my mind if Crono made it in, it would feel like a lifelong dream come true if he was chosen.

The music Crono would bring with him as well... I really want to see it happen, as Chrono Trigger has one of my favorite OSTs in a video game. Some epic remixes/rearrangements would really do wonders for it I feel, especially if Battle with Magus was among them. Otherwise, I'd really love to see just how Sakurai would make him work in Smash, as he's got a lot to things to pull from in general, especially if Dual Techs and/or Triple Techs were involved. Plus, being a katana wielder when we currently have none on the roster would make for a nice twist when compared to the other sword-wielding characters.

Crono has long been my pipedream pick for Smash, and as such, I'd love to toss in my support for him in Ultimate.

Deleted member

I was gonna change the title and put that image here but you know what? It ain't iver till it's over. There are 5 DLC characters, one likely from Square. I still think that one is gonna be Geno but I'll cling to some harmless hope until the future is set in stone.

And welcome to the thread SigmaMewtwo SigmaMewtwo
Btw, do you have the full art from that avi, it looks really good.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2018
Switch FC
I was gonna change the title and put that image here but you know what? It ain't iver till it's over. There are 5 DLC characters, one likely from Square. I still think that one is gonna be Geno but I'll cling to some harmless hope until the future is set in stone.

And welcome to the thread SigmaMewtwo SigmaMewtwo
Btw, do you have the full art from that avi, it looks really good.
Thank you, I'm glad to be here! :)

Sure, here's the pic in full:


Robaatox is the artist who made this, and the link should lead to the thread that also has his drawings for Marle, Lucca and Frog. His art really is great, probably some of the best unique takes on the characters I've seen.

Yangfly Leone

Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2015
I was gonna change the title and put that image here but you know what? It ain't iver till it's over. There are 5 DLC characters, one likely from Square. I still think that one is gonna be Geno but I'll cling to some harmless hope until the future is set in stone.

And welcome to the thread SigmaMewtwo SigmaMewtwo
Btw, do you have the full art from that avi, it looks really good.
I think it's safe to assume Geno is out of contest, since he was shown being a spirit, so yeah, this is probably Crono's chance to shine, his only rivals are Sora(which I think is not probable of happening at all, due to Disney) and a Dragon Quest character for the Square rep spot.
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