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Who's Tyler? 9! 7/12/14

What's the best city in TX

  • Total voters


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
Hi this tourney was small but it was fun~

Brawl Singles(15 entrants):
1: Minifox ($45.00) :olimar: :ness2:
2: Leaf ($22.50) :pikachu2:
3: icecream ($7.50) :metaknight: :jigglypuff:
4: KRD :wolf:
5: Rave :ike: :lucario:
5: Tawko :snake:
7: Psychoace :metaknight: :marth: :random:
7: EDI :fox:
9: Lun4 :toonlink:
9: Code-D
9: KVLT :wolf:
9: Cod3kill :rob:
13: HAM :peach:
13: Jerm :falco:
13: TVBlaze :marth:

P:M Singles(19 entrants):
1: Oracle ($57.00)
2: Kirby ($28.50)
3: Cod3kill ($9.50)
4: Cray
5: Salt
5: Psychoace
7: KRD
7: BS Kingly
9: TVBlaze
9: Tawko
9: Turtl
13: MFTex
13: Jerm
13: Code-D
13: AfroNova
17: Lun4
17: tiGGer!

Melee Singles(11 entrants):
1: Oracle ($33.00)
2: Psychoace ($16.50)
3: Cod3kill ($5.50)
4: icecream
5: BS Kingly
5: tiGGer!
7: Alex
9: code-D
9: HAM
9: Tawko

P:M Doubles(8 teams):
1: Labernash and Oracle ($60.00)
2: Salt and Cod3kill ($20.00)
3: Dragon Slayers (tiGGer! and KEFF) ($0.00)< this is supposed to be 60/30/10 idk why it got changed. Did ya'll get payed?
4: TVBlaze and EDI
5: MFTex and Turtl
5: BS Kingly and Code-D
7: icecream and Tawko
7: MEESHA and AfroNova

Brawl Doubles(4 teams):
1: Loominaughty (Lun4 and Labernash) ($30.00)
2: Leaf and Rave ($10.00)
3: icecream and Tawko
4: Minifox and KVLT

Pokemon X/Y is gonna be finished later online. TVBlaze basically won, the rest of the spots are gonna be played out for I believe. It had 6 players enter.

Tyler also beat Dayton/a little houston in a Crew battle. 5v5, Tyler won with 2 stocks left.
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Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
Minifox - Our games were really good, enjoyed them a lot.
I got exposed not once.
Not twice.
Not three times...

By this olimar, confirming that this will eternally be an impossible matchup.
But I'm okay with that.

Labernash - Also a super good set. Shame I couldn't save ours for later, but it wouldn't have changed anything. Also sucks you couldn't stick around for singles, but I don't mind second place as a trade.

Leaf - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od3cjyHctjo

icecream - Both of the sets we played were super good. I just have more than enough MK experience after playing for so long. I was still terrified the entire time I held my controller to fight you.
Even after that absolutely awful critical hit.
I'm not sorry I edgeguarded you though. <3

KRD - Stop playing super well against me, I don't wanna lose. Secret references though, the world will never know. If you truly want to beat me in tournament, bring a deck of Uno cards.

Rave - Firstly, thank you so much for housing us. I'm glad you found your cat, I hope your wife isn't mad over it being "lost" or if people were loud when you were housing. Secondly, thanks for convincing me to enter teams because that was super hype on all sorts of levels. And finally, thank you for playing a character that isn't hard to chaingrab so that I could get back into the feel of things. We played a super good set, but doubles is where we really took it.

Tawko - Today, I understand that it's suppose to be like "Taco". GGS when we played! Remember the things I told you!

Psychoace - We played a hype set in singles and in the money match. But like with icecream, I just have a large amount of matchup experience.

EDI - so strong fox

Lun4 - The doubles sets were too good, Feral Pika was not enough to take that second set.

Code-D - I don't think I saw you or we talked too much at all. :(

KVLT - Wolf vs Pika, I'm a dirty tryhard. Mostly because KRD made me scared of wolf players without the chaingrabbing them to hell, so you can probably blame him.

Cod3kill - I don't remember your tag either, but I'm pretty sure we talked at some point?

HAM - And the same with you.

Jerm - And you too. I did a bad job at seeing/remembering seeing everyone at this tournament :(

TVBlaze - When is smash 4 though, right? Pokemon is GJ though.

Kirby - "Goddess of PM"

Gunner - Why didn't you show ;~; You had free money waiting.

Poll - I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that Dayton isn't the best city, but it's sure as hell not Tyler.

Crew battle - Damn it!

The people who were looking at my ridiculous trash talk in both the FB Event and on smashboards and thinking "Wow, this guy is a douche"- I didn't really mean all that stuff, I'm totally not that great, there is just a history behind my small town and Tyler and we never had the chance (until now) to "settle the score" so to say, so I was really just talking all the trash I could to hype it up and because this is likely the last time I'm ever going to play Brawl ever thanks to Project Melee @Strong Bad and Smash 4.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
Bossier City LA
I guess I'll do shutouts for the pm and melee players (I didn't even play a game of brawl)

Oracle-our first set in doubles was pretty sick, even though it was a 4 stock it stayed pretty hype thanks to bowser 2v1 against mario.

Kirby-I can't say that I remember talking to you or playing against you, but your respectable enough to take second in pm so cheers man.

Cod3kill-same as Kirby unfortunately. I thought I was doing a good job at getting freindlies with everyone lol.

Cray-once again same thing, sorry. :(

Salt-I remember watching you play for a while on the setup in the back, good to see that someone I recognize came close to being in the money :)

Psychoace-our sets in melee and pm were super tight. I can't wait to play you again, but I don't plan on going down so easy next time. GGs all around though.

KRD-I really should've gotten more people to play me in freindlies (sigh).

BS | KinGly-what a sexy smasher

KEEF-I was teaming in doubles with my freind who's been playing since Tuesday, that being said, it was really my fault we lost to y'all in doubles. That counter pick I made was really stupid. Hopefully we'll give you a bit more of a run for your money next time around.

TVBlaze-I don't think I ever played you, but you still managed to bug me all tournament. I used to go by the username "kingblaze" for everything, and I can't tell you how many times I turned around when I heard TVBlaze.

Tawko-I'm really sad that I didn't get the chance to play you, I'm a big Ganon fan and used to keep him as a secondary. I would've loved to get a ditto in.

Turtl-that lucario was pretty tight man. If you can get used to using those aura charges more effectively, I wouldn't be surprised to see you placing top five consistently.

MFTex-I get the feeling that I played some freindlies with you, but I don't recognize your tag unfortunately, so I can't say for sure.

Jerm-I heard your name a lot throughout the tourney, but I never got the chance to play/talk to you :(

Code-D-My prodige. He might not have placed well, but he said he enjoyed, so we'll definitely be training and prepping for who's Tyler X (unless it's brawl only, in which case, watch out who's Tyler 11).

Afronova-if I remember right, you're the samus player that teamed with meesa in doubles. I think you played alright, I can't give you much advice considering my lack of samus knowledge, but I wish you luck in future tourneys.

Meesha-our set in bracket was closer than I would've liked lol. If there's any advice that I can give you as a diddy player, you gotta make more use of those bananas. Throughout the set you might've pulled seven at most. You just gotta get used to that, and I think we'd be going to game three at least.

Lun4-I'm pretty sure we were supposed to play in pm, but when they called our match you were in the middle of brawl doubles, then I got called to play melee, and afterwards I played someone else in pm so I don't know what happened.

Tigger!-I definetely remember talking to you or playing against you, but once again, I don't think that I remember that tag specifically.

I was going to do melee shoutouts, but most of them were in pm, and I played more pm anyway, so I'll group up whoever I missed into one big shoutout: thanks for supporting melee amongst this brawl monarchy that surrounds us, but why on earth did you not sign up for pm. :p

Never forget, the BS is for Bossier Smash, cause we feel confident that we're the only smashers in bossier.
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Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
a dark place
1: Minifox ($45.00) :olimar: :ness2: - didnt get to play you in bracket this time, but fun dubs set! and i still need to wrap thins up with you in pokemanz.
2: Leaf ($22.50) :pikachu2:- thanks for coming, my wife said housing again will be no problem. doubles was so hype. too bad we adapted a bit too late in GFs,
3: icecream ($7.50) :metaknight: :jigglypuff:da fuq you losing to ness for? WHY DID I LOSE TO YOU?
4: KRD :wolf:- how do i read you? fun stuff man.
5: Rave :ike: :lucario:- good job man. step it up and become Tylers champion by WT?X.
5: Tawko :snake:- dat manliness...so manly.
7: Psychoace :metaknight:- thanks for holding up multiple brackets, but i probably would have lost to you if you didnt play soo many different games. pokemon set was hype yo.
7: EDI :fox:- never played you outside of friendlies. what i did see was a noticable pattern in your play style, dont approach with the same combos all the time. (dair to utilt/dsmash/usmash)
9: Lun4 :toonlink:- never played you in bracket, dat dubs support tho. so stronk! welcome to teh winners circle.
9: Code-D - welcome to the scene! keep reacticing and go to as many smashfests and events as you can. only experience ill make you better!
9: KVLT :wolf:- zelda MM me scrub!
9: Cod3kill :rob:never played you in brawl, but nice chatting with you bro.
13: HAM (peach) - never saw you play but great to have you out! i'll have to come out and play the yugis sometime soon!
13: Jerm :falco:- only saw you for a little bit, come to mre smashfests!
13: TVBlaze :marth:- keep calm and tipper on! seriously, you were getting super flustered. just slow things down and dont go gung ho on your opponent.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Leaf - D3 Back throws all day. ALL day.
That first game in our set was so scary. I started out so well, then you just kept avoiding all my kills AND KLANKED WITH MY GORDO WITH YOUR DAIR. You were refusing to die. I do wonder how my wolf woulda done, but my D3 wasn't doing bad as it was. I took game 1, so I'm happy. Pichu dittos in Melee were legit too.

I'm going to buy a deck of uno cards this week to bring over next time I see you. I am that evil.

icecream - Good set. Game 3, I choked, and you started adapting well. Your adaption really showed in crews as well.

Rave - Thanks for housing us. You're a pretty cool guy. Fun matches as well. I'd say stick with Ike against Wolf. Once you learn the matchup, Ike can actually be pretty scary for Wolf.

Tawko - I feel bad that I kept winding up playing against you. Snake is one of the few matchups that I know very well, and for some reason I've always been naturally good against Snake.

EDI - Good job. Spacies. All the spacies.

Lun4 - Sorry about crews. Toon Link is a matchup that I'm very familiar and comfortable with.

KVLT - Good games in friendlies. Keep up the wolf! Your wolf was doing good against my Sheik in friendlies too, which is weird, since that matchup is supposed to be really good for Sheik.

TVBlaze - Good games in PM. Stay calm and focused while playing. Your Samus is good. I feel like the only reason I did good against you was because you started getting frustrated. Your samus wrecked my Sheik in friendlies though.

Cray - Good matches in PM as well. I need to play PM more. I got Sheik's gimps down. I just need to get better at setting up situations where I can go for the gimps.

Shoutouts to the one-eyed cat.

Shoutouts to crew drawings.

Shoutouts to black froakie.

Shoutouts to Palestine, the forbidden zone, and Athens.



Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
Also shoutouts to all of the sponsors that brought me here, my actual tag should be:

Cloudsdale Smash | Rainbow Road Racers | PMDU | AGN | WC | Isle Delfino PM | Shine Scolars | Leaf.

So if that could get updated that would be cool.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
Pls die @Leaf

@krd I went mega tryhard mode game 3 lol. It was fun, I like just said "no, I'm not losing, I'm getting top 3." And made that comeback!


Smash Cadet
May 1, 2014
Tyler, Texas
@ Psychoace Psychoace enjoy the free monies man. It will be a while before i forgive myself for those SD's. I feel like I totally had that set in the bag, but oh well I'm bad at melee.


Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
I hope you guys don't forget about this tournament for a while, I'm making something very special for it.
But it's a LONG process, so please be patient!

Like, don't expect to see previews of this until maybe the next WT.


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
Think if I played some more brawl that day I'da done a bit better. freakin wifi pokemanz.. and that bottle neck threw me off lol. Wanted to play more of you dayton/houston peeps as well. mm my marth next time leaf I think I can style on you with da tipz. Salt I'll get you next time I've got a ness to get pointers from soon haha. Jerm we always gotta play round 1 it seems lmao fun melee sets dude. To the homie Oracle for comin to take our money always fun, pokefloats grand finals are the best. Rave my edge guards were off on dat cario so the back and forth wheel continues lol. KRD didn't get to talk to ya much man, next time lets talk about our wolf shirts (I'll wear one) and power metal lol! TVblaze I want mai rematch >:D 2/3

shout outs to falcon punch edge guards

shout outs to captain falcon


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
1: Minifox ($45.00) you did my so dirty with that ness. I always lose game 1 to olimars then I adapt and play the MU correctly. You only gave me one game one with your oli UGH
Next smash fest or tourney or any time I see you bo5 $5 MM.

2: Leaf ($22.50) GGs you ignorant **** I hate you and Dayton sucks. Double wario > double MK, Pikachu is broken f leaf f gunner f esam I quit that MU


3: icecream ($7.50) sucks to suck

4: KRD GGs. Wolf is scary I had to go ham. Was a fun set!

5: Rave I didn't beat you because I used MK, I double 2 stocked you because I main MK. I still would of won with another character if I mained them, just wouldn't have hard bodied you.
You're good but don't try to fool yourself G. Thanks for helping run bracket when I was in matches~

5: Tawko GJ on your highest placing you've ever gotten. Proud of you bro~

7: Psychoace GGs in melee. It was fun, I'll keep practicing and beat ya next time~

7: EDI never played you BUT I SHOULDVE sorry. Busy TOing :(

9: Lun4 GJ in dubs. You the real MVP. Nice conspiracy theories.
I miss you :(

9: Code-D never played you but thanks a ton for coming!

9: KVLT lrn2wavedash pls

13: HAM thanks for coming out mark!

13: Jerm should've got some friendlies in with you sorry :( go to more fests!

13: TVBlaze GJ winning Pokemon. Thanks for coming!

P:M Singles(19 entrants):
1: Oracle ($57.00) thanks for coming Oracle! Brawl>PM but at least PM brought you out to the tourney cuz you're fun to have around :) thanks for bringing strawberries!

2: Kirby ($28.50) GJ on second! Beating cod3kill is surely no walk in the park!

3: Cod3kill ($9.50) sorry you didn't place what you feel like you could've. I didn't either in brawl so we can share in our salt. My puff in brawl thoooo

4: Cray thanks for taking Jakes computer. I think I have your controller!

5: Salt you were pretty chill. Thanks for coming!

7: BS Kingly GGs in melee! Was a fun set! :)

9: KEEF thanks for coming!

9: Turtl thanks for coming too!

13: MFTex and you! It's crazy that you went to school with John. Smash is like your high school reunion!

13: AfroNova thanks for coming out!

17: MEESHA Thanks for coming!!

17: tiGGer! Thanks for coming Jake! GJ in doubles!


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2011

k im done.



Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
I bet you 20 bucks you couldn't beat rave with anyone else other than mk. (puff on delfino doesn't count) Ike's only horrible matchup is literally metaknight.

Also I won sets with marth and random.


Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
I also need to congratulate Icecream for his new home in my sig.

Which I'm gonna make show up now, okay.

Does it just not work like this anymore? Whatever...
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Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
I bet you 20 bucks you couldn't beat rave with anyone else other than mk. (puff on delfino doesn't count) Ike's only horrible matchup is literally metaknight
He beat your MK and y'all are reportedly around the same skill level.
He won that awful MU at that level.

I double 2-stocked him, once to his Ike and once to his Lucario.

I could beat his Ike with Puff, Lucas, ROB, Marth, and if you give me a couple weeks to practice I could beat him in the ditto.

Ravemaster is NOT a better player than me in any aspect of competitive smash, and that has more to do with our gap in skill than it does our characters.

Edit: I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings or talk trash, I promise. I have worked hard studying this game, practicing this game, learning from, playing, and asking good players a lot of questions, to get where I am today. Rave never practices or learns aside from fests/tournies, he's improved half as much as I half over the past year as a result, and I will not stand here and let anyone say he's a better player because I main MK. He isn't.
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Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
Edit: I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings or talk trash, I promise. I have worked hard studying this game, practicing this game, learning from, playing, and asking good players a lot of questions, to get where I am today.
This is the part where I intensify my trash talking by mentioning that the night before at Rave's house was the first time I touched brawl in a couple months.

P.S. People calling you out is your own fault and should be expected, stuff like this has been happening for like 5 years now and that's in the contract you sign when you pick up the mask.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2011
No drama plzzzzzz.

I just had a long rant typed out about this, but decided to delete it for less drama lol.



Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
The drama will blow over when I beat rave with other char's no worries.

Tyler is all still buddies but Dangit my PR spot is earned, not given to me by some bat in a mask.


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
No trash talk just keepin the hype lol.

What does this have to do with my mk or me for that matter lol? I'm talkin characters other than mk. your marth would get destroyed, he has my marth experience and my marth is >>>>> than yours. your lucas would get grab released into oblivion. your r.o.b. not sure.. you'd probably time him out like your puff lol.

Oh in any aspect you say eh? that's some pretty hard talk, saying you know more about everything in a game than someone else who also plays it at a competitive level is just ignorant (do you know what they know? there's no way to prove it). Just because you're a better player doesn't mean you know more about someone else's character specifics if you don't play that character. I can guarantee you if you listened to him about ike things you would learn something, just like if he were to listen you about metaknight specifics. I guess you could do a iron man character matchup to see has the better characters overall, but even then that doesn't prove your knowledge of the game, merely execution.

Now you got me itchin for an character ironman match lol screw rave. best 20 characters 1 dollar per character? lolol


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
Bossier City LA

Seriously though, this is my first tourney with you guys, so I can't call who's the best of y'all, especially not in brawl, but it's best to base it off results. There isn't any reason to take anything away from ice cream just cause he plays meta knight. The characters in the game, and everyone knows it, thus it should be accepted that a top player can be a meta knight, regardless of how powerful it is.

It's kinda like hating on a falco player for beating a Yoshi.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
Your MK has something to do with it because he's joining about MK being way too hard and then he beats yours. He said he doesn't know the MU and that's why I'm beating him, but he obviously does because he has a positive record over you in bracket.
It doesn't matter if your marth is better than mine, I can beat him with marth because I'm comfortable with marth and would just out play him lol, that's the point. MU's don't matter that much in this game. I'm bad at the Pikachu MU and know nothing about it, but I went even with leaf in every match basically. Sure, mastering the MU would give me the edge, but it was close without knowing it.

Like you can just play your character, and if you know what to expect, MU knowledge is just gonna help give you a slight edge. But it won't win you a set that you got double 2-stocked in.

The point of all of this is to say, Rave is not a better player than me. Period. Arguing that is silly.
And on the Ike thing, sure he'll know more about Ike and Lucario as characters, but I definitely know more about the game, I'm definitely better at reading, adapting, DI, defense, and mix-ups. Because I've put hours upon hours of my free time into studying matches, reading information online, practicing at home alone or with labernash or on wifi when that existed. I've worked harder, and I am better as a result.

He's better a Pokemon because he's worked harder than me, you're better at PM/melee because you've worked harder than I have.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I feel like I'm one of the few people who doesn't john about losing to a certain character. Then again, I'm lucky in the fact that Wolf isn't too bad against MK.



Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2011
Lol why cant people just learn the mk matchup lol, i mean if you become skilled enough you should only be losing to high/top level meta knights. but yea, i dont mind mk personally, depite how bad it is for wario.


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Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2010
Omygosh MK is so god please ban.

I beat an MK with my Ness so you have NO excuse. Deal with it.

It's about skill and knowing the MU, not about the character c'mon now.

I don't have people to practice over here. All I have is wifi. v-v
(An IKE main trains me. He beats my Olimar 24/7)

But anyways;;
<3 you all thanks for the support. (:


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
matchups are everything in brawl lmao (compared to melee/pm). I'm not johning for anyone if he can't beat you and he says its matchup inexperience that's his problem. You thinking you have more character diversity because you are a better player over us is the problem. While you may be a better player with metaknight you don't have all this character knowledge you claim. I'm not hating on his character(mk) I play the same character lol. I never said he was a better player than you either quit making **** up. You are a better player but not to the degree that you can beat me or rave with whatever **** character you listed. My match-up experience with marth does matter, because i'm a better marth lol I'm a better player with marth too.

I agree with your second point. That's not what I'm arguing though. You definitely have more practice with better players, but Imma take rave out of this part of the thing now lol. Let me ask you a question do you think you know more about the game than I do? yes yes you are a better player. but do you honestly think you know more about brawl than I do? Brawl is not black and white there are varying degrees of execution and overall knowledge of the game .

I have love for all my smash brothers but sometimes I just like to stir the pot a little is all :D

p.s. your "reads" are booty sweat.

edit - lmaoooooooooooo mini with the ness call outs. Yeah bro why'd you lost that matchup?
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Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
matchups are everything in brawl lmao (compared to melee/pm). I'm not johning for anyone if he can't beat you and he says its matchup inexperience that's his problem. You thinking you have more character diversity because you are a better player over us is the problem. While you may be a better player with metaknight you don't have all this character knowledge you claim. I'm not hating on his character(mk) I play the same character lol. I never said he was a better player than you either quit making **** up. You are a better player but not to the degree that you can beat me or rave with whatever **** character you listed. My match-up experience with marth does matter, because i'm a better marth lol I'm a better player with marth too.

I agree with your second point. That's not what I'm arguing though. You definitely have more practice with better players, but Imma take rave out of this part of the thing now lol. Let me ask you a question do you think you know more about the game than I do? yes yes you are a better player. but do you honestly think you know more about brawl than I do? Brawl is not black and white there are varying degrees of execution and overall knowledge of the game .

I have love for all my smash brothers but sometimes I just like to stir the pot a little is all :D

p.s. your "reads" are booty sweat.

edit - lmaoooooooooooo mini with the ness call outs. Yeah bro why'd you lost that matchup?
This isn't about you tho lol, you weren't the one Johning in an irrational way.

Idk who has more game knowledge between me and you, you have a lot which is good, but we definitely both have more than rave. The point of everything is JUST to say that MK is not the reason I beat rave. Period.

@Rave who I'm sure has been lurking the whole time, you're just getting ahead of yourself. I'm ranked #2 in Tyler as of the new PR, you're ranked #6. Don't fight a battle you're not in lol, worry about getting better than Tawko(5) and not letting Lance(7) be better than you. You need to train where you are on the PR, not where I am. I'm worried about Mini and labernash, with Dizzy in my peripheral. You are not a threat to me at this stage in brawls life, you won't be by the time it's dead. Worry about who's next to you on the PR, that's it.


Smash Cadet
May 1, 2014
Tyler, Texas
@ Psychoace Psychoace honestly matchups in P:M matter A LOT more than matchups in brawl. I mean realistically brawl is more about spacing well and getting reads, and when you get hit it usually isnt that bad. Playing a bad MU in P:M is DEVASTATING. Like Mario vs Marth. He outranges me and beats my pills hard so I have no way to get in, and if he touches me once I get juggled and eat a ton of percent. Bad matchups are worse in P:M (and melee really) due to the combo nature of the game and if their option beats yours you get punished way harder. That said.... Metaknights BROOOOOOOOOOKEN. Lol
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Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
Dude I beat tawko in our pr set this tournament ask him, I also outplaced lance in tournament soooo... lol the rest of brawls life, brawls dead dude you can have your pr spot in a dead game I'm ready for smash 4. Dizzy barely plays brawl anymore and labernash is "retired" looks like brawl is dying even in tyler.

I disagree about the matchups though. In melee you have a few top level characters than can always do good like fox, falco, peach, puff, falcon, marth, sheik etc. Melee (and probably pm) don't have near the one sided matchups brawl does. In brawl its mk, ice climbers, and maybe olimar at top level because of bad character design from sakurai and what not and as a result devastating matchups, anyway. In melee/pm there are no 100:0 matchups in brawl there are. In brawl the bad matchups aren't about who combos who the most, but who can grab release who in whatever infinite, or time whoever out. One of the reasons mk is so good in this game is also because of the frame advantage he has over everyone in the cast (frame 2 up air that you can ledge stall with) It's mid tiers in brawl that may be more balanced out compared with melee/pm with the lack of combos, but low tiers are so poorly designed that'll they'll either get grab released or lose so hard to mere frame advantage in neutral.

lemme use an example in brawl. Marth vs lucas the matchup is relatively even ish at a distance because lucas can space away to keep marth out with pk fire, however as soon as lucas goes in and messes up at close range, marth gets a grab and ground releases lucas to death, bye bye stock. In melee/pm you can employ survival di, sdi, and techs to get away from combos. in brawl you just die unless they mess up a grab.

love you guys though no harm meant <3

#banmk #whenssmash4
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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
All 3 games have some horrible matchups that exist. Why are people arguing over which has it worst?
I don't actually know much about PM, but I know Zelda vs. Spacies apparently is pretty horrible for Spacies.
Melee has things like Sheik vs. Pichu, which is basically unwinnable for the Pichu if the Sheik is good.
Brawl has things like D3 vs. Samus and ICs vs. Ganon that are near unwinnable due to mechanics as well.

Matchups are important no matter what game you're playing.



Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
People counterpick characters in melee at a high level more than brawl at a high level. Because MU knowledge isn't incredibly vital in brawl, you just gotta know how a character works and you'll do fine, you don't NEED every little detail lol.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
People counterpick characters in melee at a high level more than brawl at a high level. Because MU knowledge isn't incredibly vital in brawl, you just gotta know how a character works and you'll do fine, you don't NEED every little detail lol.
If we're referring to how often characters are counterpicked at top level, the only reason it isn't as common in Brawl is because Meta Knight is the only character you need to know, since he can't be counterpicked. He has no bad matchups.

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Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
And ICs and Oli and pika and ZSS and Wario and Marth and Diddy

I never see mains of other characters switch in bracket lol
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