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What percentage of Smash players are competitive, and what percentage are casual?


Smash Rookie
Jul 27, 2008
A few of my best friends are highly competitive gamers who only play to win and take fighting games in particular very seriously. During the time I've spent around them, I've heard a lot of opinions (Edgehogging isn't cheap! Spiking your opponent to death at 0% isn't cheap! Using one move over and over when your opponent can't escape isn't cheap! Chaingrabbing your opponent to death on a stage with no edges isn't cheap! If it's within the scope of the game, it's not cheap!). Because these guys were the only people who I played video games with for a long time, I came under the impression that their views were universal. When I started to meet a lot more gamers, casual players among them, I started to realize that not everyone feels the same way.

A lot of the new gamers I've been meeting recently are the polar opposites of my competitive friends. They don't care whether they win or lose, goof around a lot during matches, and laugh when they get killed. They only play the games to have fun, whereas my competitive friends play as though their very life depends on the outcome of the match. Not many of the casual players whine when I do something "cheap", but others have expressed that they feel certain actions are unfair to the other player and are comparable to kicking someone while they are down and unable to defend themself.

This isn't meant to be a discussion about competitive versus casual, though - the only thing I'm curious about is which group is more prevalent. I was almost ignorant of the fact that there are players who love to play on Pokemon Floats with items on until I started playing with other people beside my competitive friends. Now that I realize there are two groups, I wonder which one is the majority.

On message boards, I see a lot of serious discussion about winning, competition, and tournaments. Among my new friends, I never hear these topics discussed. Are competitive gamers just a very vocal minority, then, who drown out the voices of the fun-lovers? Surely you will encounter more competitive gamers depending on what message board you go to and what section you're in, but what about the grand total of all Smashers combined? How many of them play Smash because they want to see Samus kill Pikachu, not because they actually care about winning? And how many of them are the sort who consider their victory at a game to be the highest measure of one's worth?

I bet I'm probably going to get biased answers because I'm asking SmashBoards of all places - but beyond that, I'm not entirely sure what section this thread belongs in. There's a General Brawl and a General Melee, but I didn't see a General Smash. If I ask about competitive gaming in the Brawl section, I'll probably get a lot of nays, whereas the Melee section would probably praise competitive gaming above all else, but I decided to go with the Brawl board since it has slightly more traffic.

(To state my own personal opinion on the matter, I despise Melee and love Brawl. I believe that Melee is flawed and imbalanced - too fast-paced and technical for victory to be viable for anyone but the top 10%, while Brawl fixes Melee's mistakes by removing the requirements of rapid motion and physics exploits in order to win a match. I also think that edgehogging is cheap because it removes skill from the equation and unevens the playing field; if the other character cannot return to the stage, he cannot compete and thus has no chance at victory. I'll only edgehog someone when they have more than 100% damage, because at this point you are one hit from dying anyway; I count my edgehog is that 'hit'.)


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
To answer the question of the thread: there are more casual players.
Not on these boards, but in general.
I don't think percents should be involved though.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
85% casual
10% competitive
5% casuals that wanna get competitive...

just a guess


Smash Rookie
Jul 27, 2008
Awesome! Looks like I won't be ostracized for enjoying Brawl, except by the competitive crowd. I don't have to keep my true feelings a secret!


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I'd estimate around 85% casual, 13% competitive, and 2% weird ones who play competitive-level but with the only purpose of having fun.

I'm eager to see how quickly this turns into a Melee/Brawl debate.


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2008
Melee's probably split about 50 50 at this point, or perhaps 60 40 to the competitive side. I don't know any casual players that still play Melee that own a Wii. I would say Brawl is about 90 10 casual. And Evaxephon, I have the opposite problem as you. All my friends are casual, and will whine about my gimping tactics as Meta Knight or chaingrabbing, be it with IC, Dedede, or Falco. They just don't understand the competitive side of the game.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
First of all, there are more casual players than competitive...in most situations. Especially these days, though, and with Wii games. The Wii and 99% of its games are marketed towards casual players, so of course there are going to be more. I'm not going to give a percent, because it's made up anyways, but let's just say casuals highly outweigh competitive players.

Secondly, I take offense to you saying that non-competitive players are "fun-lovers". Now, I would not exclude you for your opinion (though, as you can tell from both my avatar and location, I highly disagree), but you state it like competitive players are just playing to win, and people who play on 75m with all items on High are playing to have fun. Everyone has a different definition of fun. People who play to win, ENJOY playing to win. Why would you play a game in a way you don't find fun?

Finally, let me get this straight...you like it better that everyone's brought to an equal level and EVERYONE can win? What's the point of a competitive game (well there's your problem, Brawl's not...) if you can't improve? Get better? If the top 10% can't win against the rest? It should be that way unless it's Mario Party.
At least, that's my opinion. Not trying to start a Melee vs. Brawl, by the way.

Marios My Bro

Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2008
I would say many more people play competitve as opposed to just casual. I play casual but ive seen way to many competitive people to consider casual higher


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2008
I would say many more people play competitve as opposed to just casual. I play casual but ive seen way to many competitive people to consider casual higher
if you're talking about people on these boards, then there will obviously be a higher amount of competitive players than if you picked another random forums place. People on SWF were dedicated enough to Brawl/Melee to create a account and discuss tactics, find new people to play, etc. Hope that made sense. :)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2008
Appalachian State University/ West Jefferson, NC
I'd estimate around 85% casual, 13% competitive, and 2% weird ones who play competitive-level but with the only purpose of having fun.
hah!, i guess im in the 2% then. dont get me wrong, im good. i have fun but i make sure i win.

but yeah i'd say about, 80% casual, 15% competitive, and 5% "wierd" (there should be a name for these people). like Hybrid or somethin.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Finally, let me get this straight...you like it better that everyone's brought to an equal level and EVERYONE can win? What's the point of a competitive game (well there's your problem, Brawl's not...) if you can't improve? Get better? If the top 10% can't win against the rest? It should be that way unless it's Mario Party.
At least, that's my opinion. Not trying to start a Melee vs. Brawl, by the way.
I think the point he's trying to make is that the top 10% won't be able to relentlessly decimate all the others. The better player will still win, but the loser will at least feel like they were able to put up a fight, whereas in Melee they would've been combo fodder for a few minutes and likely discouraged from trying again.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
90% of smash players play Casually
9.9999% of smash players play Competitively
Only 0.0001% are Isai.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2008
Dahlonega GA
85% casual
10% competitive
5% casuals that wanna get competitive...

just a guess
Probably pretty accurate, but I got one that is better.

84% casual
10% competitive
5% casuals that wanna get competitive
1% competitive who are casual players at heart

(I fall into that 1%)

Edit: Most people who have played smash would not go on this list though, this list would be for people who love Smash on some level or another.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2008
eugene oregon
there must be at least 10x more casual players than competitive, but we play the game at least 10x more frequently

everybody plays for fun; what other reason is there?


Smash Cadet
Aug 13, 2008
Off my couch Jigga
Lol my freind is problaly the most competative player, which as you could guess makes him very good. He preorderd brawl and has been playing it every day since then. I play brawl with him like 4 times a week, one time his younger cusion played him and won by pure luck wich made him cry like a 5 year old( hes 18) blah blah blah items were on blah blah blah snake is broken blah blah smash balls and so on and told his 8 year old cusion he's grounded untill they rematch which as you could guess again was a 5 stock no item match in final destination..


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Well... let's see. Brawl has sold something like 2 million units domestically since launch. There are 98,166 members of smash boards, assuming nearly all competitive players are members of smash boards. Let's say 7,000 of those are either not competitive players, or something like second accounts. Let's just add 500 in case there are some competitive players who are not members of smash boards. So 91,666 compared to 2 million.

Comes out to about 4.6% competitive, 95.4% casual.

Pretty rough numbers, but probably something close to that.

Come to think of it, I probably should have subtracted more from the boards member count. Whatever, close enough.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2008
well of COURSE a competitive smash forum is going to say they're the minority


Banned via Warnings
Jul 16, 2008
it really doesnt matter because i mean i play to have fun but still im not trying to lose to no one.
because u know as soon as u lose someone goin 2 start say they better than u an talkn all this trash.

evryone likes casual sometimes though i mean what brawler doesnt like to pick a board and just put weapons up on high and pick stupid characters u wouldnt dream of playing as. but as soon as someone says they're better than u. we all know were goin 2 pick our main, take all weapons off, go 2 final destination and try to kick the snot out of that person. its just the way gamers are.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Well, competitive in spirit, or competitive in technique? I'd say the large majority of Brawl players are competitive in spirit [few people enjoy losing], but only 5% of Brawl players do anything with their desire to win and truly become 'competitive.' In other words, only a select few decide to pursue getting better at the game by branching out to forums and researching their characters. Most are content to just get better during the moments they play with their friends.

I also think that edgehogging is cheap because it removes skill from the equation and unevens the playing field; if the other character cannot return to the stage, he cannot compete and thus has no chance at victory. I'll only edgehog someone when they have more than 100% damage, because at this point you are one hit from dying anyway; I count my edgehog is that 'hit'.)
It takes skill to dive -off- the stage to attack your opponent. It takes skill to read their DI, anticipate their air-dodge, and time their Up B to properly punish them off of the stage. The one that was knocked off can compete by properly getting back onto the stage . The battle doesn't stop when someone is launched into the air. In fact, that's just where it starts. Getting back onto the stage in Brawl is so much easier than Melee, with sweet spotting, and the high recover abilities of most of the class.

Furthermore, by going after your opponent into the air, you put yourself at risk for being spiked, or for them to even beat you back into a favorable position to which they could then begin to edge guard you. If you aren't playing Brawl 'off the stage,' then you're missing out on a big segment of the game play.


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2008
Queens, NY
Yup. I agree with that. Most of the action that took place in most games I played were off-stage. It's especially troublesome to return to the stage if your Marth and your opponent is a MK trying to gimp you at like 50% >.<

Anywayz, I actually NEVER met a competitive brawl gamer where I live (except me). So judging from that, I'd say it's like 95% of all brawl gamers are casual players.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
There's no point in being competitive really, because even though it is good to win, you will have more fun if you loosen up, and take a more lighthearted view on the game.
For example, I was playing Cruel Brawl yesterday as Ganondorf. I got knocked off, and decided to use my side B to recover. An alloy jumped towards me, I grabbed him, and slammed down to the bottom of the screen.

If I was in a competitive spirit, I would have been annoyed by this, but because I wasn't, it seemed funnier than it was (although it was funny XD).

If you play to win, it's more disappointing when you lose.
If you play for fun, it's more exciting when you win.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Allendale, Michigan
Well that is a good question but I think the wrong place. On Smashboards.com the majority are competitive but I'd guess... Wait revision. Your topic pertains to all smashers not just Brawlers correct? Well I'd guess in that case that there are actually more competitive players than casual. Melee is all competitive now because casual players like the fact that there are more items/stages/just more options all together in Brawl. Brawl Online probably drew a large crowd of casual players.

N64: no clue but I'd guess a good mix and probably pretty close to 50/50 give or take 20%
Melee= competitive
Brawl: Probably somewhere around 65% casual 35% Competitive.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2008
I believe that a Melee/ Brawl debate approaches.

Anyways, though...

On these boards:

50% Competitive

40% Pure Casual

10% Casual/ Competitive


5% Competive

95% Casual


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2008
omg melee is sooooooooooo much better than brawl john john john john john

you shouldn't have made this thread D:
in all honesty though, 90% casual

10% competitive


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
95% Casual
5% Competitive.

Get with the picture. There are way more casuals than competitive players.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
There's no point in being competitive really, because even though it is good to win, you will have more fun if you loosen up, and take a more lighthearted view on the game.
For example, I was playing Cruel Brawl yesterday as Ganondorf. I got knocked off, and decided to use my side B to recover. An alloy jumped towards me, I grabbed him, and slammed down to the bottom of the screen.

If I was in a competitive spirit, I would have been annoyed by this, but because I wasn't, it seemed funnier than it was (although it was funny XD).

If you play to win, it's more disappointing when you lose.
If you play for fun, it's more exciting when you win.
Or.....you could stop making untrue blanket statements and realize that some people actually enjoy playing to win. Here's why

We enjoy outwitting our opponents. We like the epic clash between two amazing minds, that can only be accomplished by the most dedicated players. We find the most broken tactics and abuse them, and then we find the counters to those tactics so that our opponent can't abuse them anymore, and then we find the counter for said counter to make sure that our opponent can't stop us from abusing the original tactic (sirlin FTW) We enjoy the adrenaline of a match that can be decided by a single mistake, where both players are ready to capitalize on their opponent's slightest mental fault, whether it be them messing up their tech skill, or allowing themselves to be predicted.

In your scenerio, a competitive player wouldn't have been annoyed, because they wouldn't have been playing cruel brawl competitively anyway, and thus could not be considered a competitive player in that scenerio (I do casual things all the time, during which time I'm not playing competitively AKA not a competitive player). Have you ever tried playing King of the Hill in melee? Or Hyrule Temple competitions? No edgeguarding, multiple victory categories (last alive, best damage given, best Peak damage, best flight distance, ect.) It's really fun to do once in a while, but not where I'm spending most of my time, because it's not nearly as fun as this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1OFlrpDhps


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olL1UobnAnY Brawl goodness.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2008
These percentages definitely explain why there are so many people on Wi-fi with mental disabilities.

Taunt parties, Crouch parties, Hyrule Temple matches, and matche swith all Pokeballs/ Smart Bombs, etc.

It's because of casuals and their vast majority.
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