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what exactly is Luigi's fall-over-taunt supposed to say?

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Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
It's one of his victory poses in Melee. I guess they're trying to say "We're too unimaginative to come up with something completely new for Luigi's taunts".


Smash Rookie
Mar 7, 2008
It's one of his victory poses in Melee. I guess they're trying to say "We're too unimaginative to come up with something completely new for Luigi's taunts".
That's it, I've had enough.

Yuna, you are a troll. Despite your intentions of weeding out the stupid (as you have so proudly claimed is the impetus behind your incessant rambling, quoting, and bolding of random words), the only thing you ever achieve is to incite flame wars, stupid arguments about what the definition of "Elitist" is, or whether somebody met your inane challenge (to which you change the rules when somebody meets it, because omgawsh you can't be wrong).

This is the Brawl Discussions board. True, negative as well as positive discussions are to be made. However, what you do is simply troll. You drop in any thread that has a glimmer of hope to be a valid, meaningful discussion (despite your repeated statements that the OP is stupid, idiotic, and deserves to be flamed) and derail the thread into a discussion about how your experiences with the game and opinions (yes, opinions) prove the OP is wrong about their discoveries or insights, that they are stupid and should be flamed, and how Brawl is not the game you wanted it to be.

Trolling, as far as I'm concerned, is not condoned in any respected Message Board. I guess this doesn't apply here, because Smashboards, you are the laughing stock of the Internet and every respected Tournament Gaming forum. This is not solely because of the nature of Smash Brothers, but because of your legendary users, moderators, and people in general with different colored names, e.g. Yuna, MookieRah, Sephirothken, and Dylan_TNGA. However, I expected that the moderators here would have at least a modicum of neutrality in their judgement and would treat all users equally. This has shown not to be the case, as a troll such as Yuna, who repeatedly trolls threads in almost all boards in this site, does not even get as much as a slap on the wrist. Instead, we get moderators who come in, claim that they also agree with Yuna's ideals, and that indeed, stupid idiots should be flamed.

Now that's what I call fair rule. Why do people get their threads locked for things like posting useless information? Why not Yuna? Do a search - nearly all of his posts are trolls, flames, and in general, not conducive to helpful discussion in the thread in question. It shouldn't matter if the moderators agree with their views. It shouldn't matter that Yuna has over four thousand posts and has a blue name. He does what others get banned/locked threads for.

But I digress. Yuna, you have some serious personal issues that extend far beyond simple competitive gameplay. You are vitriolic, offensive, and rude to those that don't agree with you. What you state as verifiable facts and true statements aren't ever necessarily true. They are merely what you perceive as so, because you are so blind to proper social functioning that you automatically condemn those that do not agree with you, because somehow, due to your rank and position here and your apparent skill in the games you so vehemently oppose, your opinions and observations transform into fact and law. It's no wonder that, outside of the Smashboards, you are a very much disliked person (including that Swedish site), and the only reason you have anybody to ever back you up is because the moderators share (to a lesser extent) the same flaws as you, and your status and rank cause the lemmings to blindly follow your word, not thinking for themselves. I believe you compared somebody's statements to Nazi Germany in a previous thread, so perhaps I can too. Hey, sounds like Hitler causing virtually the entirety of Germans to believe Jews were the source of the problem.

I know that you're going to split up my post into a million separate quotes and make multiple bolded words, and that no matter what I say, you will not change your ways and become a pleasant person. I'm not trying to change who you are or what you do on the Internet. As one person said, the only person whose behavior you can control on the Internet is your own. I'm just here to tell you that you're a lonely, sad man, and that your achievements in Melee mean nothing. Brawl will be played, it will be popular, and people will move on, despite your best efforts to make as many people miserable as you can before that happens. Just because you have a blue name doesn't mean you should be above the rules and can act with reckless abandon. Certainly, your endless trolling and flaming of anybody who disagrees with you (regardless of the validity of your statements) should be looked at by a moderator. Moderators, it shouldn't matter if he's right, and that you agree. It shouldn't matter that you personally think that idiots deserve to be flamed. You have a responsibility to be neutral and treat all equally. Those that break the rules are supposed to be punished, and by not doing so, your position of trust is being abused, and havoc and huge flame wars will ensue (as they have already done).

P.S. Yuna, we get it, you're gay. There's no need for you to constantly remind us of it, it makes you neither special or witty. We don't care, and it just makes you look like a loud-mouthed guy who wants to draw attention to himself. To be fair, you succeed quite well.

P.P.S. I will not be coming back here. Enjoy dissecting my sentences. I do not care.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
You criticize me and call me a troll for making a joke about the fact that one of Luigi's new taunts is simply one his Melee victory poses re-used?

Yeah, good luck with that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
Maryland, USA
Wow. Jeez. I'm not saying I disagree with you CompetitiveElitist, but a PM might have been better for this.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2008
You criticize me and call me a troll for making a joke about the fact that one of Luigi's new taunts is simply one his Melee victory poses re-used?

Yeah, good luck with that.
It could be your endlessly negative posting history regarding Brawl, too.

Either that or this guy just REALLY likes his Luigi.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
lol, what an epic post over Yuna's random little comment about Luigi's taunt.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
You know you have no life when you make an entire account devoted to making a giant wall-of-text that nobody is going to read over a simple little remark about a taunt.

Lol, internet.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2008
You know you have no life when you make an entire account devoted to making a giant wall-of-text that nobody is going to read over a simple little remark about a taunt.

Lol, internet.
Whatever dude, this is serious business. Luigi falls over with mad grace, you can't just stand by and watch someone insult that kind of beauty.


Smash Rookie
Mar 4, 2008
O man I had to make an account just to reply to this thread.

I think Yuna might need to be put in a wheelchair after that pwnage.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Switching mains? in CFL
the guy makes an account (called COMPETITIVE ELITIST), makes 1 post against Yuna, and then says he's never coming back here? ROFL

now that everyone's off topic...


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2007
In a house
Well, unlike most of you changing the discussion, I am not. I think it is just the video skipping sounds (If that is what your implying), because if you watch some of it over again, then you will realize that it is just the video, for the final destination music skips too.

I not completely sure what your getting at, if you could possibly elaborate more with what is wrong, then I could possibly understand what it is your getting at.

You didn't completely tell him what was wrong, but he should have known by now if he read the rules.

You should really
read the rules, or think before you post. Check if anything is wrong, then post. Luigi Discussion Board

So nice to see a tourny f@g like Yuna get pwned so badly.



Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Perhaps he has a different account that he doesn't flame people with? Actually... that sounds like a pretty good idea... <.<

Not sure if this is technically flaming though, since it was so clear and bereft of cursing. Or maybe that's just my perspective skewed because I agree with it... ...yeah, it's probably just that.

EDIT: More on topic to redeem myself, I honestly don't find any fault in Luigi's unusual taunt. Might just be the vidoes you're watching, because it's not glitchy looking, really.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
quote: "But I digress. Yuna, you have some serious personal issues that extend far beyond simple competitive gameplay. You are vitriolic, offensive, and rude to those that don't agree with you."

You say that but you haven't met him in person or know him really as a person anyway kthnx. Nice waste of people's time with your long post because no ones probably bothered to read it. Keep the bad mouthing somewhere else he was just stating an opinion and you made a giant list of random flame about it yourself which obviously "no one wants to read"

I never knew a luigi taunt thread was about maybe 9 paragraphs or whatever about flaming my bf >_>


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
you aren't even part of the competitive community in the UK..never heard of you/seen you so don't talk =). Why agree on people when you dont even have experience


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2007
you aren't even part of the competitive community in the UK..never heard of you/seen you so don't talk =). Why agree on people when you dont even have experience
Yeah, READ the frikkin post moron. I don't have to be competitive to agree about how Yuna is a troll on these boards. Don't defend him if you don't know what you're defending him against.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yeah, READ the frikkin post moron. I don't have to be competitive to agree about how Yuna is a troll on these boards. Don't defend him if you don't know what you're defending him against.
If I'm such a troll, quote me one post of me trolling.

If I'm such a troll, I must have extremely powerful friends since I haven't been warned even once (except that one time when I was warned for "minor spam" (i.e., not trolling)).

If I'm such a troll, how come so so many people, competitive, casual and mods alike, agree with what I say (though not necessarily with the way I say it)?

Charles knows what he's defending me against. He's read a lot of it.

A New Challenger

Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2007
Psyniac - he wasn't defending him on the grounds that he's a fellow comp. player, he was defending him on the grounds that he's Yuna's boyfriend IRL.


As for CE's post, TL;DR. Pwn that.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007


I think Luigi's taunt is fine. I never noticed any problems with it other than it's unusual. I don't think he's actually saying anything during it either.


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2004
Westchester, NY
Whatever dude, this is serious business. Luigi falls over with mad grace, you can't just stand by and watch someone insult that kind of beauty.
Well, since we are off topic anyway I would have to say this quote gave me a nice chuckle :D.

And although Yuna has been posting a lot of negative things lately, its his opinion and he can say anything he wants. I also believe his comment was a joke in this thread.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
Why do we keep hating on Yuna?
Did i miss something?

He doesn't troll, he kinda... dwarfs. Nothing to write an essay about.
We all do the same **** that Yuna does. The people on these boards need to like, chill out, or something to that effect.

Although, I am becoming sceptical that Yuna is in every thread in the middle of an agument...
But thats for another time
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I swear to god that half of the people here completely missed the point.

They really do need to teach sarcasm as a full blown school assessment.

It's true, the Brawl board really is the epicenter of *********** that is omitted from smashboards.

GG. =/


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2007
Luigi's falling taunt is his way of saying " You try to hang with luigi and you'll fall with the rest".

Either that or he's saying his opponet "Can't get it up" through non verbal body motions.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Although I don't know much about Yuna's personal tournament showings, I do know that I have browsed a bunch of threads here and every time Yuna posts its normally an obvious attempt to boost her already ridiculously-high post count. That is, none of the things she writes about make any sense outside of her own silly assertions; either that or she never actually contributes ANYTHING to the discussion aside from useless posting space.
What forum have you been to?

My posts contribute quite a lot to discussion. And they're always motivated. I never just state something like "You're wrong!" or "I think this!". I always also explain why.

Just because you disagree with what I say doesn't mean I just didn't add to the discussion.

However, it's not really for me to say how she should spend/waste her life posting as much as she does on an internet forum, it's her prerogative. What I can say is, despite her attempts to actually argue something, she never effectively does. The "Competitive Elitist" thread had NOT ONE WARRANT behind any of her claims or assertions; saying 'OKAY NAME 5' shows she actually had no idea what she was talking about and instead decided to invent and implement some useless standard. I'm not saying don't be a troll, Yuna, but it's absolutely clear that you are one, and, by definition, that means the majority of your posts don't actually contribute anything.
The Competitive Elitist thread had no warrant behind it? Too bad so many people disagree. While it didn't actually go very far, at least some of the discussion was meaningful and quite needed.

The "Name 5" challenge, as explained in the thread:
If there are so many competitive elitists that think they're better than Casuals as people running around the world, at tournaments and here on the boards that people need to complain about them every single day (the thread was created after 4 consecutive days in which at least 2 people had complained about the existence of such people), then someone somewhere should've run into at least 5 of these people.

I mean, if they're so many!

Think before you respond, quality over quantity.
My posts have plenty of quality. A lot of people agree.

When you argue back, Yuna, remember that any logical argument has to have the following: Claim (what you want to say), Warrant (evidence supporting your claim), and Impact (why does your claim matter). Your posts tend to skip the most-important middle part altogether, resulting in pure assertion. Follow this format for good-happy fun argue time.
Just because you say something does not make it true. You claim my posts lack this and that and that my posts are normally about this and that, then find me 5 such posts.

This is quite an easy challenge as you can just go through my profile. And you claim the majority of my posts are useless, so 5 such posts should be easy to find.

"By the way, I am a man." - Haku


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2007
In a house
I laugh at all of these people, they are feeding multiple trolls and going off-topic! I really suggest we drop the discussion about this and just continue on about what the topic is supposed to be about. If you really want to continue, go PM each other or something so you can sh*t about it there.

I think I see what you are getting at, I believe Luigi does that because he is making fun of the other players(I know it would get me angry, I really don't know why it would though).


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2006
ummmm, I think that taunt is the same as Luigi's victory pose. I always thought it represented his foward B move, the green missle. i have no idea why soo much people are claiming Yuna's post is trolling when it was a very good opinion and was also backed up with a reason to his post. Sure it was a lil negative but he had a valid point. Kirby also has the same taunt as his victory pose, actually he has 2 taunts the same as victory pose! Also to note Yuna's post in anyway did not have a negative effect on this thread. The real troll I see is that guy competitive elitist.
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