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What Character Represents Their Series the Best and the Worst?


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
For the bests, most of them simply take a lot from their games. Characters such as :ultbayonetta::ultinkling::ultryu::ultmegaman::ultvillager: are really good for that.
For the worst... It's more subtle than that. I'd say :ultjigglypuff:, rest is really weird, and the Final Smash still made up and... not faithfull to the games?

Every Zelda characters are weird too. They manage to be both good and somewhat... Lacking. :ultlink::ultyounglink::ulttoonlink: are a really good representation of the serie, they uses the most common and basic tools, but in that way they don't get other, more unique items (Deku Leaf, MM masks for example). :ultzelda: is a nice mix of various Zeldas and therefore games, yet she does have to use spells that aren't her.

Now to the bads. :ultsheik: moveset is madeup, and by being a oneshot character, doesn't represent the serie really well. Yet in Melee, having Sheik making most of the worst and using Zelda for the final strong blow was... Kinda faithfull?
:ultganondorf: is such a strange case though. During Melee times, Ganondorf had not so much moves to exploit, so it's his build that led to being a clone of Falcon. YET his Melee appearance being based on spaceworld 2000 demo made him having a sword he never used in Melee. Why showing him with it in his silhouette when unlocking him? And now with Ultimate he finally uses his sword... With is original OoT look, the one that don't have a sword.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
:ultyoshi:: Not seen Yoshi mentioned much, but his moveset is one of the best representations I've seen of a series thus far. You eat your enemies, you lay eggs, you throw those eggs and that's how you progress. Obviously needed to be tweaked for balance(egg laying an enemy and then throwing them off screen would make Yoshi broker than Brawl MetaKnight, Melee Fox and Sm4sh's Bayonetta combined) but it's a pretty damn good representation of the series.
I wouldn't mind a 100% series-accurate Yoshi. Just sayin'.... :yoshi:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2018
Lucario and Greninja are the most popular gen 4 and 6 Pokemon respectively, to the point of becoming their respective gen's mascots, they're not random choices at all...
Actually, Sakurai stated that Greninja was a bit of a random choice. He was already slated to be in Smash Bros before X and Y even came out, and before he got really popular. His popularity surge was more or less a happy coincidence.

Now on to the actual topic of this thread...

:ultpokemontrainer: - This one is self-explanatory. I don't need to state any more.

:ultrobin - Does a fantastic job of representing the weapon Durability system and shows that there are more than just swords in the game.

:ultmegaman: - All of his animations are almost direct rips from Megaman. If anything, he represents it too well.

:ultryu: - That's definitely the Ansatsuken style alright.

:ultbayonetta: - This is why she's so busted.

:ultgnw: - In Ultimate, he use some the sprites from the games his moves come from. Can't get more faithful than that.

:ultyoshi: - Not many mention my homeboy Yosh, but he doesn't a great job at representing what Yoshis do.

:ultcloud: - I'm actually surprised no one has mentioned Cloud. All of his specials are limit breaks he does in FF7, and his FTilt is the attack animation from FF7. It can be argued that his (Zack) Fair is his Braver Limit Break. Not to mention his limit break feature. He does a great job at representing FF7 and how he played in Dissidia.


:ultfalcon: - Though to be fair, what can you do? F-Zero is a racing game, with no fighting in it. That's why he's a bit of an odd one. He doesn't represent F-Zero well, but it would be kind of impossible to represent a series about space cars properly.

:ultrosalina: - I would have preferred if it were just Rosalina without the Luma, as she's their mother. She protects them, not the other way around. Also, her Final Smash is easily the worst in the game. There was so much you could do and instead we get a big star.

:ultdarkpit: - Pitoo is the opposite of Pit in this regard, coincidentally. He actually could have easily been made unique, had his moveset been based around his gunstaff. You know, a weapon that's unique to him and that he actually uses in Uprising?

:ultsheik: - Use the harp and we would have a much more faithful character. Hyrule Warriors has the best representation of her.

Honorable Mention:

:ultganondorf: - He's such a strange one. It's why I can't say he's the worst. Back in Melee, he only had like a grand total of two moves. Making him a clone of Capt. Falcon was kind of all they could do. People mention the sword a lot, but that was from a tech demo. A technical demo. It wasn't until Twilight Princess where he actually uses a weapon for the first time. In Ultimate, he has a sword now. Which is from the Spaceworld Tech Demo, not Ocarina of Time... in which he never used a blade until after he transformed into Ganon. However, the fans have wanted the sword for so long now and he finally got it.


Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
So much whining about Ganondorf in this thread, as expected.

Have any of you people realized that Ganondorf represents the qualities of a Zelda boss? He is slow and imposing, can kill you in a few hits, and is built around punishing your mistakes.

And even still, his playstyle reflects his character very well. In all of his games, he maniuplates people into making mistakes and capitalizing on them to make himself stronger. Remember when he manipulated Link into giving him what he wanted (the Triforce and Zelda with the Triforce of Wisdom)? Remember when he manipulated Zant into getting the power to let him out of the Twilight Realm? Remember when he lured Link into a false sense of security with the Master Sword, yet revealed that he regained his full power after that?

It really doesn't matter that he isn't using his sword. Mario doesn't use his hammer or Goomba Stomp; people are okay with it. Ness has only one bat move; people are okay with it. Donkey Kong doesn't have a barrel throw or coconut gun; people are okay with it. Mewtwo uses the shadow energy associated with Ghost types instead of the magenta energy of Psychic types; people are okay with it.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I know I picked :ultganondorf: as the worst in my last post based on his movesets but as for actually representing the series I would have to say :ultjigglypuff:.

Jiggs is just a regular 1st gen pokemon. All the other 1st gens have something significant. Pikachu is the mascot of the franchise. PK Trainer is all the starters and who you play in the game. Mewtwo is the final legendary pokemon and is the most powerful. Jiggs is just a regular pokemon that has no significant importance in the game. Not even the gym leaders or elite four use one in their roster. Its not even the highest evolved form either. Now I know that Jiggs played a bigger role in the anime and its moveset is really unique in Smash but as for representing the series (especially now) I feel its really pointless.

Its like having a plain koopa troopa playable in Mario or a darknut from Zelda.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
:ultryu: is the best in my opinion. The way he controls reflects his Street Fighter controls, his animations are faithful to his Street Fighter appearance, he has inputs and faces his opponent in 1v1 matches, and he has both of his iconic finishing moves as Final Smashes.

:ultdoc: is easily the worst. The core aspects of the Dr. Mario series were completely lost all for the sake of fluffing out Melee's roster with an easy addition. Everything that defines the Dr. Mario games - the physics of the Megavitamins, the viruses, the color-matching mechanics, the combo system, the strategic positioning skills needed - is absent in his Smash appearance. He uses the Megavitamins, but they don't have any mechanical qualities that faithfully represent the Dr. Mario series; they're just a reskinned fireball made bouncier for no reason other than, "it needs to be different." I especially dislike Dr. Mario because I'm a big fan of puzzle games and I've wanted to see a puzzle character translated into Smash with their familiar game mechanics intact. Dr. Mario wastes this opportunity, and gives me less faith in Sakurai's willingness or ability to introduce a character like this.


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2018
Small Apartment :P

:ultgnw: - Literally the only fighter in the game where every move he has is a reference to his series.

:ultpokemontrainer: - I don’t need to explain this one.

:ultolimar: - Olimar displays how the Pikmin games worked, with different types of Pikmin, throwing Pikmin while they latch onto enemies and attack, calling them back with the whistle, etc. which is how every Pikmin game worked.

Honorable Mentions: :ultinkling::ultrobin:ultvillager::ultwiifittrainer::ultryu:


:ultsheik: - Her move set is made up, and it doesn’t really represent her series at all.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
Best::ultryu::ultmegaman::ultvillager: :ultgnw:

Ryu: Basically pulled moves direct from street fighter and adapted them into smash.

Megaman: Just watch his trailer from smash4 basically all his moves are based on an ability he has had.

Villager: Very similar to megaman in that almost all his moves are based on something.

G&W: As someone said literally every frame are from his games.


Ganondorf: Smash 5 changed his smashes.......ok. The fact he still has falcon kick, falcon punch, and falcon dive, as specials is the crime. Yes the side b is something he does do, specifically in the WW, but its his other specials that need to be things like his magic balls(neutral b.) Something like his cape reflecting or nullifying projectiles as a Down B and then up b canbe any assortment of floating/levitation. That would represent him soooooo much better. Sword moves are nice but he doesnt use the actual swords he has. Etc. Victory music, like come on, where is ganons theme

Diddy: I have been completly underwhelmed by his representation. Wheres the boom box victory pose. Where is juggling balls/ oranges taunts, where is chinpy charge from dk64. Jet barrel should function like robs upB, he has 2 peanut popguns not 1. Wtf is the monkey hump side b. If anything his dash attack should be his side b that you can jump out of, go off of edges and auto picks up naners,sorta like how brawl does, also why arent his bananas red......that was his color designation in dk64 and later games. Project M did a way better job representing him.

Toon link: why why why is he just a link clone?he has so many other items that can be his moveset. Grapple hook, deku leaf, phantom hourglass, sand wand, windwaker, whip, etc. Does he have a boomerang yes, bombs yes, arrows yes but so do the other two links as well. Link’s moveset is fine. If you going to have multiple ones then at least let them represent other things from the series not the same thing over and over and over.

Wario: Basically what everyone else has said already.
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Best: :ultyoshi: (represents his series by eating and throwing eggs, kinda wish Yoshi had a tether move with his tongue)

Worst: :ultwario: (Wario Land has no love, wish we didn't have the stupid fart stuff)
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Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
As people have said, Wario.

Some of his moves possibly being nods to something doesn't mean they are. He only has a few moves that actually reference things from his games as well. And the things that are supposedly references to games outside of Wario Ware fail at that miserably. (Example: Neutral special is supposed to be his inhale move from World where he sucks up coins like Kirby would an enemy.)

Sure they have fixed up a few things here and there, but ultimately it's incredibly lazy and only focuses on the Wario Ware games for any real inspiration as he is supposed to be a bit of a joke like he in those games. He doesn't have things that represent him from his other games or even his appearances in Mario spin offs. (I think Wario is worse off than Ganondorf. At least Ganondorf's issues still fit his brutal fighting style)


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
True answer would be Captain Falcon.

Wario at least has references to all of his series, but I guess World and Land fans won't be satisfied until he gets redesigned to be inspired only by them.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
True answer would be Captain Falcon.

Wario at least has references to both of his series, but I guess World and Land fans won't be satisfied until he gets redesigned to be inspired only by them.
Did you know that Wario was going to be in Melee but was cut cause they didn't want him as a Mario clone, utter wasted potential


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I'm actually against Wario getting a redesigned moveset. I believe Sakurai did a good job portraying Wario as a character. Sure it may not be the best representation for the character, but I think people are too harsh on his current moveset. People need to remember that in order to properly portray Wario you need to reference three things:

1) His original rivalry to Mario and being his doppleganger
2) His platformers
3) His micro-games

What Sakurai and the developers did for the first point is that they made Wario's smash attacks and aerials a more bizarre and ridiculous version of Mario's, properly referencing his origin as Mario's doppleganger. Just look at their down smash for example. Mario does a break dance in his down smash, so what does Wario do? He decides to spin fast using his whole body. If that's too hard to see then there's also the up smash, it's a better example that shows the difference between the two. Mario does a simple headbutt. Wario, however, enlarges his entire head and swings it around. There's also one move that gets a ton of flack for some reason, and that is Wario's waft. Believe it or not but Wario was always portrayed as crude and gross in Japan. Toilet humor is something that is actually part of Wario since his inception.

Now on to the second point, the platformers. The only direct thing from these is the shoulder tackle, which is without a doubt Wario's most iconic move. I'm happy to see this move come back and it fits well with being a dash attack in Smash. There's also the ground pound which is referenced in the down throw. The back throw resembles Wario's spin throw from World(and it also resembles Mario's back throw). And the bite sort of resembles the bite from World, they just didn't give it a vacuum effect and instead made it a command grab. In retrospect this part doesn't seem to be referenced that much. But when you think about it the developers did two things for Wario that in my opinion reference him being the strong man that he is in the games, they made his survivability good, and they made him look and feel powerful. Wario is heavy in this game and he can recover easily from high percentages. He also has tons of moves with good kill power, his dash attack, forward tilt, back air, and up air come to mind. With these two points combined it's hard to say Wario's personality and power from the platformers isn't portrayed in Smash at all.

The third part is interesting, because the bike is the only direct thing referenced from the Ware series. However, the true reference to the Ware series comes in the way that Wario moves. The Ware games are supposed to be quick and snappy. This is referenced in Wario's animations, Wario has arguably the best aerial momentum in the entire game since he moves so quick in the air and he can bust out a move super quick. The way that the developers went with this part is that they made Wario quick and snappy with his moves, never stopping his momentum and always on the move. This is a clever way to reference the Ware series since the whole point of micro-games is to have good reflexes and react fast, so to portray this in Smash the developers had Wario be fast and choppy with his move animations.

With all of that said, it's hard to find a proper balance that respects all of these points without making one overshadow the other. But I believe Sakurai and the development team did an excellent job with Wario's moveset that takes these three factors into account. Sure it may not be the most 1-1 moveset, but I can still FEEL like playing as Wario in Smash. And in the end isn't that what really matters?
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2019
Switch FC
Characters with the best series representation:

:ultrobinf: Plays just like a tactician from Fire Emblem: Awakening should. She even has breakable items!

:ultpacman: The way Pac-Man plays is just so perfect. It is not just great representation of Pac-Man, but of Namco as a whole.

:ultsimon::ultrichter: When I played as Simon, I immediately felt like I was playing Castlevania. That is about as good as it gets as far as representing a series. Playing as him makes me want to play Castlevania and I may get that anniversary collection coming soon.

:ultkingdedede: Big heavy hammer? Check. Kirby’s enemies as projectiles? Check. That amazing up special that Dedede uses to try to crush Kirby? Check. Masked Dedede for final smash? Check. His crouching pose to show how much of a troll he is? Check. In my opinion, he is the villain that has the best representation.

:ultryu::ultken: They literally play exactly like they do in Street Fighter. Like the Belmonts, this is about as good as representing your series gets.

And now for the characters that don’t represent their series well:

:ultganondorf: Do I even need to explain? At least he has a sword in Ultimate. That is a step up from the last 3 games.

:ultsheik: To be fair, there was no way this character was going to have a move set that really represents her series well. To be equally fair, it just seems her inclusion is just odd and she plays more like a generic ninja than a Zelda character. I love Sheik, but she definitely does not represent her series the best.

:ultlink::ulttoonlink::ultyounglink: Yep. All three of them. They could have all had unique move sets based on their games. Link could have had more Breath of the Wild tools, Young Link could have had some of his masks from Majora’s Mask or his Ocarina from OoT, and Toon Link could have had more tools such as his Wind Waker. Instead, all three have the same moves but with different visuals and only Link has a unique bomb. They all feel way too similar to me and they only represent the basics of Zelda, when they could have done so much more with them. I don’t care what anyone says; the Links are a disappointment as far as representation of a series goes.

:ultfalcon: If I were to never see an F-Zero stage and you told me that Falcon originated from a racing game, I would have laughed. That being said, if we ever get another F-Zero, Nintendo should incorporate the falcon punch in it somehow, someway.

:ultfox: Eh... this example is not quite as bad as the ones above, but Fox’s fighting style in Smash has never screamed Star Fox. To be fair, there wasn’t much to go off of from the Star Fox franchise because it wasn’t until Assault that we even saw Fox doing ground missions.
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Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Best: :ultkingdedede:. Part of the reason I love playing as Dedede is because he literally mirrors everything that Kirby bosses are meant to do. All of his attacks are easily telegraphed but punish you severely if you are hit by them. He tires to fill the stage with obstacles to push you into a corner before finishing you off. And having a big hurtbox makes him easy to hit, but being heavy means he survives for a long time. Even the sound effects that play when you hit someone add to the flavor. Landing f-smash or b-air have a meaty sound effect that sounds like you're flattening them to a pancake or crushing their bones. Jet hammer and his final smash are both ferocious and fearsome attacks that deserve to be respected. Imagine being able to play as the final boss of a video game--that's like playing as King Dedede.

Worst: :ultlink:. Don't crucify me please, but I feel like the newest version of Link is rather disappointing. He acts more as an amalgamation of random attacks from the Zelda series than an actual fighter. And why on earth does he still kick in some of his attacks!? Since when was that a major thing in Zelda games much less even Breath of the Wild!? He only utilizes two things from the latest Zelda game: The remote bomb and the double arrows, the latter of which is almost useless. Everything else is copy-pasted from Twilight princess Link. In Breath of the Wild, you have everything at your disposal. There are dozens of different ways that you can tackle a problem. This is not mirrored in Link's design anymore. You have the same linear fighting style with slow movements and laggy hits. There simply isn't a way to get creative with Link anymore, especially after the removal of the gale Boomerang.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
A lot of what I'm going to say is echoed by most of the thread, but I figured I'll give my two cents:
The Best:
:ultmegaman:: An obvious one, everything from his weight to his movement speed makes him feel like he jumped straight off the NES Mega Man games and into Smash. Bonus points for having basically every attack in his arsenal reference some weapon from Mega Man.
:ultsimon:: Similar to Mega Man, the general stats of Simon make him feel very similar to the way Belmonts play in Classicvania. Likwise, the amount of attention his moveset received to pick as many references as it did makes him feel like a no-brainer.
:ultpokemontrainer:: Pokemon Trainer is a pretty ingenious way to translate the gameplay of Pokemon to Smash. By having three characters who are designed to specialize in certain situations and the ability to freely change between the three, it really does reflect the importance of type matchups in achieving success in his home games.
:ultrobin:: A moveset and stats based around slow, tactical gameplay where resource management and trapping your foes is emphasized above all else? Sounds like Fire Emblem to me! Bonus points for including so many iconic weapons in his moveset.

The Worst:
:ultsheik:: She's been beat pretty hard in this thread and I can't disagree with much of anything that's been said so far. There's not much about her that really screams "Zelda", being almost entirely original concepts. It's tricky to make an accurate moveset for a character who plays a harp and teleports a bunch. Her new Final Smash is a step in the right direction though.
:ultsamus:: Much like Sheik, Samus still feels pretty darn generic. Outside of her specials and a few other exceptions, there's not much here that really showcases what she's capable of in Metroid. Which is a shame, because she's got so much moveset potential. Her stats kinda make her feel like she does in Super Metroid but it's pretty far from perfect. Generally, a lot of Smash 64 vets feel disconnected from the way they play in their home series but I think Samus has it the worst.
:ultrob:: Probably a good example of being inaccurate not necessarily being bad. An aerial-based fighter with a strong keep away game sure beats the hell out of a clunky toy from the 80s. The duality of R.O.B's moveset does kind of represent the gameplay of Gyromite (where you were constantly flipping switches to open and close doors) but his moveset shines more as an original piece than a tribute to Gyromite.
:ultincineroar:: I may get some flack for this, but there's just not much about him that really builds off his identity as Pokemon. He feels a lot more like a human wrestler than a wrestling Pokemon, trending more realistic moves than animalistic attacks. Even Greninja, who builds off another fighting game archetypes (ninjas), was able to keep his identity as Pokemon through his frog-like movement and water swords. I know being "the wrestler" was always supposed to be Incineroar's shtick, but I think some scratches and bites could've gone a long way in making him feel more like a magic, fire-breathing animal.
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Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Wario at least has references to all of his series, but I guess World and Land fans won't be satisfied until he gets redesigned to be inspired only by them.
No. People would prefer them to find a good balance and actually do a good job referencing things besides WarioWare.

He only has two moves that are properly represented outside of the Wario Ware style. (Giant swing throw and Shoulder Bash) The rest is just grabbing a thing he did and throwing it in there without actual thought on how it could be properly used and changing it’s original function for something he has never done.

He represents Ware. That’s it. He was designed mostly based on that. As WunderWaft has said with how they described Wario’s movement and how Sakurai described his more comedic design back on the Brawl dojo. He was only designed with Wario Ware in mind and not with anything else.

Which does make sense due to Ware being far more popular then any other Wario series. But then it doesn’t feel like Wario for some people in the end. It feels like they sacrificed representing him properly just to show off how weird WarioWare is.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
I personally think that while moveset wise Captain Falcon and Ganondorf are kind of made-up.

Game-style and game-plan wise they're actually more similar to their original games than expected.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2018
Best: Yoshi :ultyoshi:

Yoshi represents his franchise well in Ultimate, with his egg lay (putting an opponent in his mouth, swallowing them, and then pooping them out as an egg); his egg toss, his throw using his mouth, his ground pound, etc.

Second-best: Pikachu / Pokémon Trainer :ultpikachu: :ultpokemontrainer:

Pikachu represents the Pokémon franchise well (as he is the most well-known Pokemon); and the Pokémon Trainer also represents the Pokémon franchise well by showcasing 3 Pokémon. (Though, technically the Pokémon Trainer himself / herself never fights).

Third-best: Mario / Sonic :ultmario: :ultsonic: Mario represents his franchise well (since he's an iconic Nintendo character), and Sonic represents his franchise well with spin dashes, etc.

Worst: Pichu :ultpichu: -- Pichu (as a fighter) is kind of redundant considering the fact that Pikachu (evolved form) is already a fighter, and thus Pichu is not the best representative of the Pokémon franchise (i.e. not showcasing the Pokémon franchise's diversity in terms of Pokémon types, abilities, etc.) A different Pokémon such as Meowth or Dragonite could have been chosen instead of Pichu.

Greninja :ultgreninja: may also be a contender for not representing the Pokémon franchise well (since Sakurai chose him somewhat at random, as was pointed out in an earlier post).

2nd-worst: Dr. Mario :ultdoc: -- Dr. Mario should've just been an alternate of Mario (similar to the way the Koopalings are alternates of Bowser Jr.) Unlike Mario, he only represents a small portion of the Mario franchise (i.e. the Dr. Mario part of it).

I also think there are too many Fire Emblem fighters and that there should be fewer Fire Emblem fighters representing that franchise.

:ultyoshi: - Not many mention my homeboy Yosh, but he doesn't a great job at representing what Yoshis do.
Did you mean to say "he does a great job"? (I think you made a typo)
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Smash Rookie
Jul 7, 2017
Far Rockaway, New York
Switch FC
:ultryu::ultken:: Used to be a prominent Street Fighter player, can confirm these Ryu and Ken are great reps for Street Fighter.
:ultmegaman:: This one's been said to death already. I don't have to add anymore.
:ultsimon::ultrichter:: All his moves are pulled straight from Castlevania, very trippy to play sometimes.
:ultbayonetta:: Every move from Bayonetta is pulled straight from her games (I'm pretty sure) and playing as her feels like the 2-D version of the actual Bayo games, it's great and she deserves more mention.

Taken into consideration:
: Just had to mention him, feels like playing the newer Sonic games... maybe that's why some people hate him after all...
:ultsnake:: I can't use box taunt online so he doesn't get to be with the best.

:ultsheik:: Doesn't use moves from Smash in her main games.
:ultdoc:: Throws pills... that's all he has to do with Doctor. Mario...
:ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:: Has almost nothing to do with Star Fox.
:ultfalcon:: Has almost nothing to do with F-Zero.
:ultmiifighters:: This one almost doesn't count, but technically has nothing at all to do with Mii aside from appearance.

Taken into consideration:
:ultluigi:: Didn't make it mostly because of the new grab.
:ultrob:: Weird to think about but has gyros.
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Deleted member

My pick for the best represented character is Incineroar, matter of fact Smash represents him better than the Pokemon games. The Smash team nailed the flashy wrestler with the perfection.

The worst represented character in smash is Wario. "Wario"ware turned a badass treasure hunter and rival to Mario into a gross, farting biker. It replaced Wario's amazing platformers for an app tier series of quicktime minigames involving ****posts and toilet humor. Wario was tacked onto this series because the devs wanted to use a popular character to promote their new franchise despite the fact that Wario sticks out like a sore thumb, he looks more like a cameo/crossover character rather than the main character of his own franchise. The Ware characters fit the Rhythm Heaven franchise better and looks incredibly out of place in the Mario franchise. The Ware series can stand on their own feet just fine without Wario being shoehorned in. Wario doesnt supplement the Ware cast and vice versa and the "Wario"ware series is a detriment to Wario's character and games.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
My pick for the best represented character is Incineroar, matter of fact Smash represents him better than the Pokemon games. The Smash team nailed the flashy wrestler with the perfection.

The worst represented character in smash is Wario. "Wario"ware turned a badass treasure hunter and rival to Mario into a gross, farting biker. It replaced Wario's amazing platformers for an app tier series of quicktime minigames involving ****posts and toilet humor. Wario was tacked onto this series because the devs wanted to use a popular character to promote their new franchise despite the fact that Wario sticks out like a sore thumb, he looks more like a cameo/crossover character rather than the main character of his own franchise. The Ware characters fit the Rhythm Heaven franchise better and looks incredibly out of place in the Mario franchise. The Ware series can stand on their own feet just fine without Wario being shoehorned in. Wario doesnt supplement the Ware cast and vice versa and the "Wario"ware series is a detriment to Wario's character and games.
Well; Wario was always a character kind of use as a joke as far as Super Mario Land 2. Wario being kind of dirty and weird isn't new to him.

Deleted member

Well; Wario was always a character kind of use as a joke as far as Super Mario Land 2. Wario being kind of dirty and weird isn't new to him.
Theres a huge difference between picking your nose every now and then and farting 24/7. Wario being a bit gross was a small trait, "Wario"ware took that small trait and stretched it out to ridiculous proportions.

Deleted member

Worst: :ultlucas:
At least Ness has PK Flash, which he has in the game. Lucas represents the overall game, but portraying himself? nah, he's [BAD WORD THAT BEGINS WITH S] at that.

Best: :ultinklingboy:
Now don't get me wrong, Sakurai is amazing at portraying smash characters, it was a hard choice. But the ink mechanic made me feel like I was actually playing Splatoon. Inklings do such a good job representing their game.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2019
Best: :ultmegaman:

MegaMan is crazy faithful to the source materiel. When I play VS him or AS literally, I literally feel like I've been transported into his series, and it's really cool!

Worst: :ultsheik:

Sheik's been mentionned many times in this thread, but I really do think she's just a generic ninja type character. She has nothing that calls back to OoT (except the deku nut up b), and she just feels bland to me.
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
:ultmegaman: - I don’t think any Mega Man fan will argue that they did an amazing job with him. He’s an absolute pain in the ass to fight, but no one can deny the love and detail that went into his moveset and even his basic animations. My only gripe is that he doesn’t really use any weapons from any game past Mega Man 3.

:ultryu:/:ultken: - Whether or not you think they’re good, it’s clear that a lot of time and effort was sunk into making these characters. The old inputs, the sound effects, the unique quirks, they even got both characters’ respective voice actors. Definitely a job well done.

:ultsimon: - I don’t think they really could have done better job with Simon. He plays exactly how you would expect him to and all the obvious references are there. They even tried to give him a personality, something he didn’t really have before.

:ultrichter: - On the flipside, we have Richter. Don’t get me wrong, I’m positively ecstatic to have him in the game; he was one of my most wanted characters and he’s among my most played, but Richter Belmont has been in too many games to just be an echo of Simon. He could have represented the Metroidvania era of Castlevania just as Simon represented the 2D era, but alas.

:ultsonic: - I’m sure Sonic’s just happy to actually be in a good game, but he could have been so much more. In his games he’s capable of creating whirlwinds and sweeping breakdance kicks and breaking the sound barrier. In Smash? Spin Dash and kicks. Nothing more.

:ultmario: - While he may be my lifelong main and favorite video game character, I haven’t deluded myself into thinking that he accurately represents the franchise he comes from. His moveset pretty much consists of Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and... that’s it. It’s not like Mario doesn’t have a plethora of massively successful titles to pull inspiration from.

:ultsamus: - Samus doesn’t feel like the walking arsenal that she is in her games. In fact, she barely even feels like a good zoner, more like an awkward midrange fighter. I get they don’t have much to work with in terms of normals because Samus never fights up close, but even her specials are pretty inaccurate to how they work in Metroid.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
:ultrichter: - On the flipside, we have Richter. Don’t get me wrong, I’m positively ecstatic to have him in the game; he was one of my most wanted characters and he’s among my most played, but Richter Belmont has been in too many games to just be an echo of Simon. He could have represented the Metroidvania era of Castlevania just as Simon represented the 2D era, but alas.
Well, technically he can of does, many of the Simon's movements are actually Simon's, many of them are movement options created for games with more complex controls than the original games (where the Belmont's overall iconic moves come from).
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2018
Yeehaw, Texas
We've covered a lot of best and worst, I'd like to present a category of 'Close, But No Cigar'.

:ultkrool:- So, we've got the crown throw from DKC1, the Blunderbuss and Pirate Hat from DKC2, and the Propeller Pack from DKC3...but what else? Now, I love how he plays, but there are so many missed opportunities with King K. No alt costumes, no clever taunts, even his gimmick is completely made up for Smash (which, I like his gimmick, but it does not represent him in his series).

:ultisabelle:- While she's a semi-clone of Villager, she is introduced with a few tools that aren't even present in the Animal Crossing games but could easilly be replaced with tools that arE. Namely the broom for up tilt and pompoms for Nair. I love the fishing rod idea, I love that gyro's are buried now like in AC, but these two bother me enough to make her imperfect. And frankly I wish she would have gotten a different Fair and Bair. They still technically represent AC, but Villager has got that covered. (I could be wrong about the broom and pompoms, but of the games I've poured hundreds of hours into, I have yet to see them)

:ultbayonetta1:- I've covered this before, but the way Bayo plays is similar to her games, but not a very good representation of them. Firstly, she only uses the guns (Ren. Fair / Love is Blue), but has probably over a dozen other weapons in her games combined. Next, as an avid fan of the series, rarely ever will you use ABK, HS, or WTwist. In the source games, in almost all situations, Wicked Weaves only appear after a combo. They did take plenty from her source game moveset, which I greatly respect, but I just think there's so much more that could have been added. Overall, very close, but no cigar.

:ultlink:- Represents LoZ as a whole very well, but not BoTW, which is unfortunate since there are now three Links. The remote bombs were a great addition...but that's it. That's the extent of it barring the costume changes. No glider, no alt weapons / shields / bows. No champions' gifts. Nothing.
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Wanted to do one more:
Best::ultkingdedede: (Klobbering time! And reflecting the Gordos back are epic)

Worst::ultmarth: (You have 4 clones and your roster has no weapon variety, except Corrin and Robin)


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2014
Always facing their opponents in 1v1 with actual inputs such as quarter circles.

Their entire movesets are improvised like so many other people have repeated in fact in :ultfalcon:'s case he's arguably more developed in smash than he ever was in F-zero.
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