Man, that's a wicked question. This kicked in waaay back before when I was a kid. I played 64 first, but melee was already out for a good long time. This is a long story since I'm in a writing mood, lol, TL;DR down below.
Coming from a first generation family to America, I didn't have much exposure to money or any fan things, just cheap toys to waste time in an old apartment with an older sister. I'm an arbitrary case; Chinese, Dominican, and Peruvian. Wickedness, all in a bag of tricks. I used to not be an athletic kid, so I couldn't completely connect with others when it came to sports. But it wasn't all bad, I was learning how to talk to people. 3-year-olds have to start somewhere.
First electronic I ever got was a Gameboy, and the very first game I ever got was, obviously? Finding Nemo
... But then they also managed to get my sister a Gameboy, bundled up with Super Mario Bros. Advanced 3. It was the first I've ever heard of the plumbers, and it was simply magical. There was absolutely no other possible hero that was like that! He goes down green pipes... he jumps on these weird mushroom guys, real life obstacles like my sister screaming at me to give the game back? It was a dream come true! There was nothing like it.
I was later introduced to a cousin from my Dominican side, and he, unfortunately, was stuck in a wheelchair. But that's all I knew, but he was someone I could look up to. Low and behold, he found out I was a huge Super Mario fan...
Smash 64 -

My cousin introduced me and my sister to this game. What got me hooked were the sound effects, so banging and satisfying, my Spanish heart could barely contain that excitement. Along with my quiet, yet interest in electronics sparked flares into my eyes, shot with blaring punching, slicing and kicking. Mario was punching these random people! My sister spammed Kirby's up special all day! My cousin knew we were just idiots, so he just kept falcon punching us all day! It was amazing. I never connected with him more than ever. It was astoundingly amazing. I later talked with his mom and she treated me like his little brother and my sister as his little sister. Not to say we didn't like our parents but it was someone else we could reach out to. Smash 64, while I wasn't a pro, it was a way I could connect with him. It was no contest to who was the winner those days.
Melee -

See, Melee had already come out when I was already playing 64. My cousin told me that there were two Marios, and one of them punches with lightning. I was already sold. He never unlocked Luigi, so I was so confused when he told me about him. But the things he told me made me so excited. "A THIRD MARIO?! WHAT DOESN'T THIS GAME- BOWSER?? EEEEE" and what not. Of course, he tried convincing me that Luigi was totally not Mario, but he had his hat and I couldn't believe it. Ironically enough, I met some other cousins, went to their little apartment where barely one person could fit in it, and they happened to have melee and I only saw "GREEN MARIO" on the character select. But then I did

forward smash and ZAP BANG went his hands. Fire was totally lame. This was where it was at. I only played this like twice, but I would totally go back to the Doc.
I wanted to bring him, but his wheelchair would have never fit. It made me sad, honestly. But I would tell him about my adventures of getting smashed because I kept walking into Roy's fully charged Flare Blade, even though I knew he would never listen since we were playing DBZ BT3 and he was busy wrecking me with Gohan.
Meanwhile, I learned more about him. He wasn't always in a wheelchair, I saw him on the fridge! He had a baseball bat and everything, he was with a team and stuff. His mom smiled and laughed, told me that he was a regular kid, like me, my sister, or maybe even whoever is reading this. But since I was so young, that's all I really found out.
Brawl -



Fast forward and it's 2010, Brawl already came out. I had a Wii, my parents managed to buy me and my sister, and only had Wii Sports. Another cousin buys me Brawl for Christmas, and it was the hottest game out there. All my friends wouldn't shut up about this game, and I was so desperate to get my hands on it, like finally! I have the game! Subspace Emissary, here I come! (Well, my sister too, but that's not the point.) It was the first smash game I owned myself, and I was determined to beat him down in this game. Captain Falcon may have been strong, but Mario is still totally way better in my book. He can drive, but I can jump

! I did grow older anyway, so no more running into Falcon Punches.
I only had a Wiimote since we couldn't afford much, and I wasn't comfortable with the nunchuck. I held it in a really, really odd fashion; my right palm covered the entire back of the remote, index finger on the b button and thumb on the 1 and 2 button, and my left hand just mashing that D-Pad. I mean, how else was I suppose to shield or grab?
The Doc wasn't present, and Mario was wicked. But then, a Radiant Hero stepped in with a huge sword, taking chunks off of his opponents. That forward smash, that yelling "RAAH" while he helicoptered into the air! I was in love with the careful details of him. These small, artistic details hooked me away from the simple plumber to the blazing hero, Ike.
He couldn't possibly come to my apartment, so since I had the game, I would bring it to him! And I did. Oh I did. I brought the pain train! I brought the fire of the hero and I showed him what a golden blade looks like!
... But he showed me what a Falcon Knee looked like. And how fast you can bring the "GAME!" screen out. Needless to say, I took a little too long trying to bring out a swing. I grabbed him once, and that's all that mattered. I did something smart! We weren't pros but we had so much fun.
I later somehow turned to Falco, his lasers were cool and his voice was super fresh and spunky. Not to mention I destroyed friends and even him with Falco because dash attack is the best. "Don't try me", and "Personally, I prefer the air" really got me, maybe it was the accent. Also? The competitive Smash scene showed me how good Falco was. He was the ma- I mean bird. Ike was just played less because I was determined to get good with Falco, to the point where my Ike wanned.
This was during the time that Nairo was still attended Passaic High School, so my dumb head thought I could whoop him with a Wiimote since there was gonna be a small tourney in that school.
While I learned that Falcon Punch wasn't the only move I had to avoid, I learned much, much more about him. He was diagnosed with something I never want to remember or learn, but it hit him unexpectedly, and needless to say, landed him in that wheelchair. I noticed his room was groomed with massive amounts of goodies and electronics. He had way, way more than I could ever imagine. His birthday was near Christmas and he got like quadruple amounts of gifts compared to the rest of us, but none of us ever cared. I had a Wii? He had a PS3. I had a small iPod? He had a laptop. I had legs, and he had an expensive and electronic wheelchair. That specific detail is something I couldn't ever shake off. He also had a different bed from me, a medical one. It hadn't hit me, but I was learning more... details about him. His condition was getting worse, and when no one was around, it was just silent and sad. He had a nurse, but she wasn't really prevalent there in my eyes. She was much more apparent than ever.
I brought more and more of my grown self to him while he seemed to age in that wheelchair, and I didn't mind a single bit of it. He did, however. He loved that I came over and just talked and had fun with him. Smash was something we could turn to. It was a connection that, the only thing that blocked us were buttons, and we smashed the day away. The day whittled him away day by day he was getting worse and worse. It was destined, and I knew what was coming up. The future was upcoming; there was no stopping it.
Feburary, 2013. Smash 4 was already announced, and I'm excited for it but school was ending and I had to worry about next year. I'm doing laundry with my mom. She gets a call, and drops the clothes that need to dry. She looks at me, and tells me that he was in the hospital for a good while. That wasn't a surprise. What was, in fact instead was that it was over. He was gone, died in his sleep, peaceful but not the people in that room. Loud cries were heard, and the doctor could only deliver the news in silence. I'm at the funeral, and I cried when I placed my warm palm on his cold, cold forehead. His peaceful eyes made no sense to me from the blazing falcon fury.
See, something I left out of all this is that he wasn't my cousin. He was a family friend. I purposely omitted that, because I only learned that about a year before the news. But he would always be a part of my family, no matter who he was or where he came from. He was someone I could look up to when I only had a family full of girls near my age. It was lonely, and he was there for me. It was a rival, and that's something I could cherish.
I got a 3DS later, and had no one to share it with. However, I got New Leaf and Awakening. I became the mayor of the village Dreams, and... Gave birth to a daughter named Lucina. I was playing with a friend and she told me to make a female avatar. Jokingly, I agreed and never regretted it. I'm a guy but you know sometimes jokes are worth more than anything. (My tag on Wii U and 3DS is BuutttS for crying out loud)
Sm4sh -

, now

The demo comes out and I get it early. Friends and I are playing and I get tons of claims that I'm amazing. Villager was so much fun, and I waited so long for New Leaf. HE WAS THE ONE!!!!111 or whatever. Regardless, he's a main that I'm not gonna drop for a long, long time.
In comes the full game. I hated Marth from brawl because of his design, and his redesign made me reconsider this time. It looked so good... But while playing as him in classic, Lucina comes out of nowhere. Awakening AND New Leaf? Alright, Sm4sh, you've got me. Two mains! Two!
But Lucina's quote is what struck me. "The Future Is Not Written!" rung in my ears. Not only was she the character I related to the most in Awakening (Long story short I'm an official leader in like 7000 programs but that's another story) for a couple of reasons;
First, she was my daughter. It was a nice, fake little connection I could hold onto. (Plus her trailer looked the best AND introduced two other characters. One, including Robin and two, low and behold, Captain Falcon.)
Second, if you're keeping up with how I held a Wiimote, was the exact same way she held the sword in her promotion art for Awakening and Smash portrait. It was a dream come true.
Third, that quote. That quote really, really reinspired me to keep on going. If anything, this is for him. It's something to push for. I'm considered in my small group of friends and the many, many different people I met in tourneys to be an absolutely devastating Lucina player. This was before her buffs, but I'm only speaking out of my big ol' mayor top hat. Lucina is my favorite Smash character of All Time.
To Smash!
Smash 64 -

Melee -

Brawl -

, Then

, now

Sm4sh -


, I play a million other characters too but whatever