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WaveDashing In SSBB

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Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
Huh, well I'm not going to reply to you because you seem to have failed to ready my post AGAIN. Please re-read it. You just kind of made fun of yourself in your own post there, might wanna fix it.

@Doctor X,
I don't see samus being low tier without WD, sure her roll is crap but her abilities more than make up for that, Ice climbers too, aren't terrible, they'd easily manage middle tier without WD and I did say MOST not all, thinking of Bowser, DK, pikachu, mewtoo, WD just hurts them. I have come to agree that it isn't a glitch because that isn't the correct term for it (it isn't a programming bug). I didn't actually say it was, I was just talking about the way in which you were describing its use, sorry if you got the wrong idea.
The point that kind of dropped your arguement for me is the 3 reasons, I fit into none of them, I can WD, I can win and don't argue against WD because I can't, that would be stupid. I also DO undertand WD, its uses and don't believe it's impossible to win without it, in fact that's more of a pro WD view.

Your last statement is also slightly wrong. You say people like those who are anti are being selfish wanting the game to be catered just for them. The thing is, this forum doesn't consist of the majority of people who play the game, many (not all) of the pro WD people thing the game should be catered to THEM, either because they are pro, or because the majority of people here agree (that being due to as I said above, this isn't a high percentage of the total smash players and the people who are here all know of WD and most use it). So really it's a lot of the pro AND the anti who want it their way, you have to realise though that nintendo are aiming for a wider market than pro people, they base it for the casual gamer.

To the last poster, I didn't know the tiers from before WD, I was basically running on guesswork but seriously, mario and doc mario were in low tier?

Also your last statement replying, I was saying what a lot of the people seem the think, Ken wins because he has incredible skill which is what I'm saying, your skill at the game seperates noobs from pros, not the use of some techniques liek WD.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Inferno_blaze said:
To the last poster, I didn't know the tiers from before WD, I was basically running on guesswork but seriously, mario and doc mario were in low tier?
I believe I said lower tiered, as in below upper tier.

Also your last statement replying, I was saying what a lot of the people seem the think, Ken wins because he has incredible skill which is what I'm saying, your skill at the game seperates noobs from pros, not the use of some techniques liek WD.
But you said its difficult to win without it, I gave Ken as an example on how it isn't impossible. theres plenty of other smashers who don't use it and are still winners.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
I said more difficult, not impossible, yeah I get what you mean where I was wrong :) Also, doesn't it go Top, upper, middle, lower, bottom? Ugh I'm confused. It's late and I'm going to bed, I'll argue some more tommorow.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
Skylink said:
Ok, you two are going to arguing to why WD isn't needed to just major spamming and flaming. You are even Directly saying that WAVEDASHING DOES NOT HURT THE GAME. You are not making any point now other than I do not read well and should do research on every statement I make. Now SHUT UP or TELL ME WHY WAVEDASHING IS BAD.
Ok... just wow, first of all I don't even know what that first sentance is saying so I can't reply to that. First I am saying that WD is not going to hurt SSBB. SSBB = SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL I am saying is that we shouldn't be making sucha big fuss over if WD'ing is going to be included in the next game or not. Like I said before WD'ing is simply an exploit we abuse to bring out the total ability of the characters we use. Im saying even if they do take out WD'ing in the next game new advance techniques will emerge due to the changes to the game mechanics and we will find new ways to bring out the characters total potential. In no way did I say WD'ing is bad so like I said before stop trying to put words in my mouth. I am stressing you do not read well because just like you did in this message you failed to grasp any of my idea's and you just started to type about random things you thought I said. I don't understand why your mad about the "do some research part' Im simply telling you to get alittle educated on the subject before you start trying to prove your point. Its like your trying to prove a theory is correct when you don't even know what the theory is in the first place. If your gonna answer back calm down and actually carefully read what I'm saying. If you start to rant on about things I never said in the first place again I won't even care to reply back.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2005
Chicagoland, IL
The following is not really directed at anyone in particular as much as it is observations of a lot of people in general, so while it may seem directed at (just) you there is a possibility that it is not...

I feel like I hear a lot of inconsistancies concerning views on wavedashing, on the one hand some people say "wavedashing is an essential part of pro play and seperates the dedicated from the noobish" (and consequently that wavedashing should not be removed because it would limit the overall depth of skill in the game). At the same time I hear people saying that "Wavedashing is easy, a mere infant could master it in the time it takes him to poop his pants" (and consequently that wavedashing should not be removed because of its simplicity in implimentation).

If the above were true it seems that pros would be born in a couple hours, in that case is it really a testament to dedication/skill. Similarly, if it is a testament to dedication/skill it seems unreasonable to think that asking a "novice" to take 10 minutes out of their busy schedule to try to learn wavedashing will dispel their disapproval of the tactic (I have an idea of how this might be argued against but I ask to think critically about how the argument changes this last point).

Lol, everyone thinks they are in the minority, I hear a lot of "why is everyone opposed to wavedashing?" similarly I hear "why is everyone opposed to smash without wavedashing". I would be interested to see a poll of this community (which I do not believe to be representative of the population of those who purchased SSBM and those who will likely purchase SSBB) something like.

1. I like wavedashing and want it in SSBB.
2. I like wavedashing but want it out of SSBB. (I find this an unlikely but you never know)
3. I like wavedashing but do not care if its in SSBB.
4. I dislike wavedashing but do not care if its in SSBB..
5. I dislike Wavedashing but want it in SSBB. (again unlikely but whatever)
6. I dislike wavedashing and want it out of SSBB.
7. What's wavedashing.

At the end of the day I belive that Nintendo is a company. Its a company about having fun and stuff, but like all companies if it is not profitable it will cease to exist. Nintendo should cater to (the majority of) its market and (while this is largely speculatory, so correct me if im wrong but) I think that the majority of people who purchased SSBM and will likely purchase SSBB do not wavedash. However, I guess that the majority of the above population is largely oblivious to wavedashing. Similarly those who care about wavedashing are in an even greater minority than those who know about it.

So Nintendo may be able please most of the market whether or not wavedashing is in (though it would suck to not be able to play competitively--though I do not suggest that wavedashing is necessary for competitive play--but if thats what nintendo has to do to please the crowd thats the way the world works, ill get over it). The people who care if its in or out are those nintendo would have trouble pleasing, I'd be curious to see how this community feels about it or speculation about how people feel about wavedashing even outside of this community.

P.S. Please dont now spam this thread with, "I like wavedashing but dont care if its in SSBB", that will not really be helpful. No one wants to read through a hund 100 posts and tally results, the information has to be represented in a clear way. I don't know if Jfox can or cares to add a poll to this thread...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2004
Raleigh, NC
the fact of the matter is, even if you can say that SSB is as competative as melee, you cant say its as in depth.

There are way more options and stratagies avaliable in melee, that arent in SSB. less options = less things to do.

so those good things? the easy things programers put in that ARENT advanced and are just good. (say.. marths fsmash, or falcons fair, or semi spikes) you have even less options against those.

your saying WD makes some characters good and dosent help others. well characters in general are just better than others. its not for anyone to judge and say what "should" and shouldent be in.

but ASKING them to limit your game is more rediculos than it being limited because other people use a good tatic.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2006
Southington, CT
Ok people, let's be realistic here... If people can use all these fancy tricks like wavedashing, and they all have different timings and such, wouldn't you think that means the creators noticed it and fixed it before release? If the characters didn't have different wavedash timings, I highly doubt the creators would get rid of it this time.

If you have people who know how to, that's their priority. People who can do game runthoughs know the game top to bottom, because they know how to expliot hidden tactics. If wavedashing is a hidden tactic, leave it be.

Keep Wavedash.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2005
The Village Hidden in The Wind: Chicago
Wavedashing is fine and dandy, but in Brawl, I'm pretty sure physccs will change so much that wave dashing won't be as amazing as some people view it in Melee.

The people that support wave dashing in Brawl, are the people that cannot play otherwise without it in melee. The people that don't suport Wave Dashing are people that can do it(Like me), but don't really see the great usefulness of it and/or, their character is a waste of time even trying to do it(I.E., Bowser, Kirby, Water, etc)

I'd much rather have Wave Dashing gone or toned down in Brawl, so that Luigi can't freakin slide across the stage faster than most characters can run. I don't care who loves the strategy in it, it's not natural. Just like someone said earlier, there's an exploit to make Master Chief jump super high, ya it'll improve your game, and make "newbs" easier to beat, but it's not natural. Now the Wave Dashing thing is no where near as advantageous as the Super Jump, but it's the same ideology.

Seeing Master Chief fly higher than everyone , is the same as Luigi and Metwo gliding across the ground which looks/sounds like a bug, and if Luigi was meant to be slow, let him be slow


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2005
The Village Hidden in The Wind: Chicago
Ya know what's weird. Have Smash bros Melee, players probably don't even know what the hell Wave Dashing is.... I'm willing to bet 80% of the people that wave dash now learned about it from a internet video or a smash forum.

So if there actually was a poll for every smasher in the world(Mainly the ones that don't go researching techniques and guides on the internet), most of them won't have a clue to what you're talkin about


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2006
Where that boomerang came from
OK... So... Nintendo's a company that will do what they can for the most money.

... Do most people that will buy SSBB know what the hell WDing is? Probably not.
... Will WDing give the game longevity? Yes. It did for SSBM.
... Will SSBM lovers not buy SSBB if it doesn't have WDing? No. 'Course not.
... Will SSBM players who don't like WDing not buy it if it persists in SSBB? Nope.

In the end, this is just Nintendo's decision. WDing will have no effect on the cash they rake in for SSBB. It's a minor enough, although vital, game element that it's absence or presence won't be the deciding factor in whether or not someone buys the game.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2006
I agree with Hyper-Link. Most SSBM players are probably casual players who only play the game for fun, rather than being uber-competitive about it. That's why items are in the game, and that's why stages have "effects" on them. They are to add to the diversity and overall casual gameplay style intended (IMHO) for SSBM.

Another good example of the Wavedashing arguement in another game is Mario Kart DS. In MKDS, there's a technique called "snaking", where one continuously power-slides on a straightaway, giving them a constant speed boost throughout the entire race, and therefore, the advantage. This is clearly not how the developers intended the game (in fact, the staff of Nintendo Power despises it), but people still do it, and there is an arguement over it that is probably bigger than the WDing arguement is. Two sides: Whatever it takes to win, or how the game was intended to be?

Now keep in mind that the Wii will most likely attract more buyers in the opening days than the Gamecube did. I base this theory off the fact that the Wii will have more third party support than that of the Gamecube in the beginning, it will launch with a ZELDA game, and Nintendo's new approach to gaming (Touch Generation or something like that, games like Brain Age and Nintendogs) will attract more casual gamers. These new gamers will have no familiarity with the Smash world that we know and love, and will therefore see Wavedashing as an unfair advantage.

EDIT: I also agree with Paranoid Android. Nintendo will probably make good money from the franchise either way, so it's just a choice the developers will have to make. It will probably come down to the arguement above: Whatever it takes to win, or how the game was intended.

Also, to someone (sorry, I forget who) who asked why the developers didn't remove it, it's because it was too late in the testing cycle when it was found.
-Lord Sturm


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2005
The Village Hidden in The Wind: Chicago
WDing is basically a less evil version of snaking, sure it's not really cheating as it can still be stopped unlike other games were the cheating automatically makes you win for the most part, but it's still an exploit. And I wouldn't mind if the exploit was removed

That's the main reason wding isn't hated by true gamers, because of all the exploits in the universe, Wding is probably the most legitimate, and hardest working tactic to use, unlike other exploits which lean more to the easy to do, cheap to win style, while Wding is more, hard to master, doesn't cause big advantage style.

But either way, I still prefer itremoved, just so Brawl would be a fresh game

Doctor X

Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Inferno_blaze said:
I don't see samus being low tier without WD, sure her roll is crap but her abilities more than make up for that, Ice climbers too, aren't terrible, they'd easily manage middle tier without WD and I did say MOST not all, thinking of Bowser, DK, pikachu, mewtoo, WD just hurts them.
Without the WD Samus does not really have a viable method of dodging and spacing attacks. Her jump is too slow both upwards and downwards, and her roll is, as you've noted, one of the easiest to punish in the game. The Ice Climbers suffer from a similar problem, not to mention that their wavedash is among the best in the game. Without it it's far more difficult to get in those critical grabs to make use of your nasty desynching abilities.

I have come to agree that it isn't a glitch because that isn't the correct term for it (it isn't a programming bug). I didn't actually say it was, I was just talking about the way in which you were describing its use, sorry if you got the wrong idea.
How is this different from the way I read it? You stated that it should not be considered a tool, and that it is comparable to oversights in FPS level design and hacking. I explained why it wasn't, and listed many similar non-glitch maneuvers that people use as tools. You haven't stated any objectives to those, either, so I'm really wondering what makes the wavedash so different that it shouldn't be classified as a "tool."

The point that kind of dropped your arguement for me is the 3 reasons, I fit into none of them, I can WD, I can win and don't argue against WD because I can't, that would be stupid. I also DO undertand WD, its uses and don't believe it's impossible to win without it, in fact that's more of a pro WD view.
Keep in mind that I said "most," not "all." You might have other reasons, but you really have yet to explain why it should be removed if it's not a glitch, it's not gamebreaking, and it doesn't really do anything overall to character balance (this is assuming the cons at even equal the pros, which is debatable). Developer intent isn't a good reason, either, because as we saw with the z-cancel as well as many other great features in other game series, both good and bad things can come about by accident. Provided the developers like the unexpected features (and we haven't heard anything of either side from the Brawl developers), they can and will return in following games.

Your last statement is also slightly wrong. You say people like those who are anti are being selfish wanting the game to be catered just for them. The thing is, this forum doesn't consist of the majority of people who play the game, many (not all) of the pro WD people thing the game should be catered to THEM, either because they are pro, or because the majority of people here agree (that being due to as I said above, this isn't a high percentage of the total smash players and the people who are here all know of WD and most use it). So really it's a lot of the pro AND the anti who want it their way, you have to realise though that nintendo are aiming for a wider market than pro people, they base it for the casual gamer.
Read it again. I denounced both sides. Smashboards' overall opinion does not apply, and most casual players will not care either way, just like they didn't with Melee. The majority of smash players don't even know what the WD is, let alone would they understand its benefits. Online mode would, of course, make the technique a bit more widespread, but even if they leave it exactly how it is in Melee it isn't so useful as to absolutely trump everything else. The only people that will care are those bad sports that will erroneously use it as an excuse for why they lost. If Nintendo's going to cater to every whiny demand of such people they might as well remove sheilds, edges, throws, and techs, because whiners have called all these things cheap, as well.

Revolver Roosevelt

Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2005
Wavedashing is not like Snaking. There is practicly no way to overcome snaking. Wavedashing? Not too hard to overcome: only a few characters need it for ultra high level play, and its only vital to luigi. Newcomers won't know wavedashing? So what? They didn't know triangle jumping in ssbm(which is why zomg everyone had trouble with Young Link's BTT at first.) Most didn't know teching, and teching is far more vital than wavedashing(Fox's dthrow and a whole bunch of other stuff hurt badly if you can't tech). Even in easy to pick up fighting games like street fighter, the advanced techniques(token example, ryu possesses a combo from airial hard kick/punch into crouching hard punch into hadouken, and, in some games, into shinku hadouken) are generaly kept alive between games.

Oh, and I love wavedashing because it makes me feel like a ninja X_X. It has a certain magical fealing to it x_X


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2006
Most people would care, as losing isn't usually fun. Just ask the Chicago Cubs :chuckle: .

And how could you say that WDing is a small advantage when you also stated that it makes Samus and the Ice Climbers much more playable? Besides, I've played the Ice Climbers since the beginning of SSBM, and I've had no complaints without WDing.

And I don't believe anyone on these forums doesn't want WDing because they're whining that the game isn't catered to them. Most of the people that argue against WDing in Brawl are perfectly capable of WDing, just don't like the idea of it. It's almost a question of ethics: Would you go as far as exploiting the physics engine of the game itself for wins?

Whenever you lose at something, you want to get better. I'm pretty sure everyone on this site has felt the need to improve. But how far would one go to improve?
-Lord Sturm


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2005
The Village Hidden in The Wind: Chicago
They don't know teching because SmashCommunity invented that word, they have instructions that explain things like pressing R when you bounce on a wall, along with air dodging and what not, L Canceling and waveDashing are really the only ones that aren't really explained. And Triangle Jumping was the easiest thing ever for me, it's not useful for fights though, so that's besides the point

But I know what you mean, when I started wave dashing a couple months ago, it does give you this magical smooth feeling


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Not to be rude or anything but I don't think anyone cares if you don't like it or not, I don't like the fact bush is in office. =x

what really gets under my skin is people who say "oh use that cheap expliot wavedash to win your matches" wth is that? you don't win matches with wavedashes its just another way of moving without removing your options. When you're walking or dashing your options are very limited Wavedash helps keep this in check. Whether its in the game or not I could really careless atm I'd be sad to see it go, but I would easily get over it.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
what makes that funny is a LONG time back someone said that WD is exactly what makes people win matches.
To um, sorry forgotten their name again, the one who had the fox avatar. Nice counter points, but I have explained my views many times. One of my main things isn't to do with whether it's in or not, it's just that I don't understand why some people were making such a fuss saying that it would ruin the game if it was removed. What I said, about whether it's in or not, is that I would prefer it removed but if they kept it, it would be OK as long as they balanced it to be fair for each character.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2006
In Castle Caelin with Lady Lyndis
I don't use wavedashing very often but if I go online and someone is WD spamming, That would really annoy me. WD is a very complicated thing. Even if it is taken out, someone will find another little 'thing' that would cause arguments and so on and so on....


Smash Apprentice
Mar 31, 2005
Any software engineer will tell you the same thing: "it's not a bug, it's a feature!"
Of course, we say this jokingly to things that are obviously bugs.. but I for one believe that wavedashing was just a side effect. One group of devs wrote the physics engine; another group of devs wrote the part that reads the controller's input. When they brought the modules together, wavedashing was an unexpected consequence. Whether it is a "bug" is arguable; what's more apparent is that it's some emergent behavior.

We can only call it a bug if the SSBM developer's spec did not include it. Since (apparently) nobody here works for Nintendo and can access the spec, we will never know... but who cares?

DaBearX said:
At the end of the day I belive that Nintendo is a company. Its a company about having fun and stuff, but like all companies if it is not profitable it will cease to exist. Nintendo should cater to (the majority of) its market and (while this is largely speculatory, so correct me if im wrong but) I think that the majority of people who purchased SSBM and will likely purchase SSBB do not wavedash.
I think the reason Nintendo is so successful is that they can cater to all audiences at the same time. Whether you know nothing about the game, or if you've spent years perfecting your techniques, you can still have a great time playing the game. They've perfectly balanced the ease with which you can learn the game (button mashing in SSBM for first-timers is common and often fun) with the depth that more serious players like. This is a quality that Nintendo will DEFINITELY keep in SSBB (and all of their Wii games).

So will SSBB contain wavedashing? If it were up to me, I'd keep it in: the new players who don't like it don't have to know about or use it, and the SSBM fanatics will also have a feature to enjoy.

If Nintendo were to get rid of wavedashing, then you can be absolutely sure that they've inserted something else subtle.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2005
Chicagoland, IL
jjl said:
Any software engineer will tell you the same thing: "it's not a bug, it's a feature!"

Lol, nothings wrong until its taken out, like software evolution and natural selection, or does one not even admit it was wrong even if it was removed and just say a(n unnecessary) "feature" was removed. Btw is bug = glitch?

Yeah Nintendo seems to maintain the image that its protucs are accessible to a wide variety of people and as I said before I don't think that a decision for or against wavedashing will inhibit Nintendos ability to cater to the majority of the people who will likely purchase smash (because I think most of them won't care or don't know).

Whether its in or out, I do hope that SSBB is not just SSBM2, (I mean its even using the same controllers). Whether its in or out I would like to see a new advanced technique introduced.

"black mamba"

Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2004
outrunrazgriz said:
I don't use wavedashing very often but if I go online and someone is WD spamming, That would really annoy me. WD is a very complicated thing. Even if it is taken out, someone will find another little 'thing' that would cause arguments and so on and so on....
So if someone does something complicated that you don't have mastery of, somehow it'd be annoying.


Inferno_blaze said:
what makes that funny is a LONG time back someone said that WD is exactly what makes people win matches.
To um, sorry forgotten their name again, the one who had the fox avatar. Nice counter points, but I have explained my views many times. One of my main things isn't to do with whether it's in or not, it's just that I don't understand why some people were making such a fuss saying that it would ruin the game if it was removed. What I said, about whether it's in or not, is that I would prefer it removed but if they kept it, it would be OK as long as they balanced it to be fair for each character.
People feel it would ruin the game because it's something that has added greatly to the enjoyment of the game as a whole. It creates more options, more ideas, more combos, more things you can toy with. It drastically changes the way that people can move around on a lot of levels, and adds a whole new dimension to the game. To say that it's trivial to remove something that has so much potential, especially since they can change its properties and allow players to move in even more new and interesting ways is a travesty.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
One of the troubles I have that I hope they fix if it's kept is making it so that WD isn't the ONLY way some cahrs move, people who can WD well as chars like doc mario or luigi don't even bother running really that much, to move they'll only WD because it confers no disadvantage, hoefully they'll make it so that characters won't just us WD for movement and make actually running worth wile (IE make it a lot faster than WD so the WD can just be used as an evasive manuvear like to dodge an attack by sliding backwards)


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2005
The Village Hidden in The Wind: Chicago
Hmmm, well either way, I won't really care, while WDing increases options like the guy above said, and allows different things to do, it also limits a few things. What those exactly are, i haven't mastered yet, but either way. me and my friends don't wavedash at all(Well at least they don't since, they don't go online seearching for these super uber technqiues), and they can still **** any wavedash *****

WDing doesn't automatically equal a win. In fact, if they spm it, you can predict that most of the time they'll WD instead of running, and can use your own mind games to figure a way to win


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2007
hmm this topic is old.. but i wanna start talking about it again.. soooooo

i just wanna say taht wavedashing isnt that important
it can be overcome with timing x]
and the fact that all characters have wavedash is enogh to make wavedash a fair thing
whether some have a longer or shorter wavedash depends on their weight and size and so forth
its just a deformed physics glitch

and as stated before.. it wasnt intended so it may actually be a good thing if its taken out.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
boogie down bronx
all im saying there can be a wavedash but if the game is online sum ppl are gonna be cheap cause they cant do it or sumthing and be like no wave dashing if they are ppl like that and i mean alot of them then online will suck and i hope the wavedash does get taken out but if they dont really care then its all good and wavedash can stay in my book


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
I *KNOW* this has been discussed before, in the first trailer at the end when Mario is shot by Link's arrow, a few people think that Mario wavelands. Well, I took the liberty of slowing down this part of the trailer and looking at it frame-by-frame, and honestly, I don't see how this isn't a waveland.

Take a look for yourself: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7636842374201692098


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2007
It's a glitch, and should be taken out, things like teching and other advanced techniques don't make your character look like he's on tweak. I hope they remove it.


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2006
lunytunes if they see wavedashes online they will 1) learn it 2)play only againts ppl that dont use it.

Im sooo tired of reading post like yours pwnyouboomerangstyle U_u , dont like it ? dont use it. losing matches cause people use the "zOmg instant victory move" ? , improve.

I hope all adv techs are still there , but looks like wd is already there :)


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
Actually I never used wave dashing, yesterday I tired it with Luigi and did it the first time I tired.

My question is How do you do L canceling.


Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2007
Houston Texas
I've mastered wavedashing... while fighting a standing comp in training. :p I really want to try out the practical applications. I've gotten pretty good at edgehogging with wavedash, but thats still just against a standing comp. But from what I've seen in some pro videos on youtube, it's really not all that present except to chainthrow and the such.


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
Nashville, TN
You edgehog a standing computer? lol
that made me laugh, thanks.

As most, I was adverse to WD until I learned it myself and realized what it adds to the game. If it was added in this time by the devs, there could essential be two versions of the game. One for the causal, and on for the hardcore which changes the balance of characters and use of moves. If they are aware of it however, then perhaps things will be more balanced this time around with WD (poor Bowser). If it's still in this time around though, there is no way anyone should complain about it as those who have played "10,000 matches and worn there controllers down" must have gotten this and all other advance techs down enough to make logical choices regarding their presence in Brawl and the effect said presence will have on gameplay.

I say tweak it and keep it.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2007
Miami, FL
I learned to wavedash fairly well but I rarely use it against other people (unless I'm using the Ice Climbers). I'll probably every once in a while wavedash back when they think I'm coming in for an attack.

But aside from that, I don't think wavedashing unbalances the game significantly considering the game was unbalanced to begin with. The creators knew wavedashing existed even though it wasn't intended and left it in the game just like they knew Fox was leagues and leagues better than Pichu but left both in the game. Wavedashing will probably be in Brawl. In fact, I saw a trailer for Brawl and I could swear Solid Snake wavedashed in one of the scenes.


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
LOL, My friend says that Wave-dashing breaks the balance of the game. The thing is, as fun as Smash is, it is already broken as hell. I hope that Wavedashing remains and I hope that is stays just as hard or even harder to perform.
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