Dear fellow stage liberals:
As the person who started this topic, and as one who believes whole heartedly in getting rid of the bias we have towards many banned stages, I have a favor to ask. I understand if many of you won't agree, and that's fine, if you have a point I want you to discuss it, but I truly believe this:
We should stop defending this topic, at least for now.
Not that I have stopped believing in the scientific process, but that I think we are giving our cause a bad name by going for what is identified by the public as a radical agenda.
Let's say we host a tournament. What do you think will happen? Either it'll be a liberal circle jerk fest no one takes seriously (unlikely), or a few people walk off camp, have some success with it, and with a small sample size of 1 and no time to develop counter strategies, people will through the data we have long asked for in our face, despite the data being relatively meaningless on its own, and use it as justification to ignore liberal ideals and write them off as ridiculous (likely).
The issue is not one of data, but of the toxic biases that are within the Sm4sh community.
The only way to weed out these biases is to show positive results from liberal projects that are more likely to be seen in the near future: FLSS, expanded stage lists, the expansion of customs-on meta. Then something like this might seem less ridiculous.
I truly believe that many liberal ideals are the key to forging a unique identity of smash 4, separate from past installments, and I feel they are important to the future of this game that we all love. But now is not the time for this discussion. It is one we will need to have one day, but today is not that day, which I now realize. I apologize for starting this discussion before we needed to, and I ask we let this thread die.
I won't ask for it to be locked (not sure I can even do that in the first place), because I understand this thread has gone well beyond my OP, but I beg we all let it die, if only to bring the topic back on a more opportune time.
Edit: I understand some people have pointed out that I've used the words "toxic bias". Sorry for the misunderstanding. There is toxic bias, and I believe it is a problem, but I never believed all against an opinion I have are due to toxic bias. Many of you on the other side of the fence are very respectable and intelligent. Please forgive my accidental insult.